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Everything posted by Madgee

  1. Try scrolling down for the Account Opening Requirements: Foreigner must have a valid visa........
  2. Take the old capacitor out and take it to a local hardware shop. Pay about 200 baht for a new one and re-fit ..... Hey presto! Worth trying first ... It's the most common part that goes faulty!
  3. 1. Not really. But I was grouting small areas on different days so it was worth it for the convenience. 2. Yes, I've used various small bags of coloured powdered grout with ok results. 3. I found the quality of weber ready mix superb.
  4. The Op is asking about tile grout ...... Not tile adhesive. Back to YouTube petal! Lol
  5. As you're asking about grout: This one I have used to repair a bathroom floor and also to grout a small newly tiled worktop. TILE GROUT WEBERCOLOR EVOLUTION 1KG WHITE (homepro.co.th)
  6. Don't worry folks ........ I've sent it to Bletchley Park, they're working flat out on it now!
  7. Yes you can! It's called DTAC Net Immortal 365 days. Unlimited data ........ Various speeds at various prices. I prefer to use just one sim for all my needs. If there was a huge price difference between keeping the same number (over 10 years now) and using a separate sim just for internet usage I might consider it. I use the unlimited 10mbps deal which has been superb for all my needs. JMHO.
  8. The Yaris Ativ. (The Ativ is replacing the Vios in the Toyota model line-up)
  9. I bought a 1 year old Swift in 2014 for 395k (GA model with a nice body kit and wide wheels!) from a family member. I recently sold it for 220k with 125000km on the clock, never missed a heartbeat in 10 years. Apart from regular dealership maintenance, new front shocks fitted. The dealership was excellent in all aspects, including price of servicing. I highly recommend the Suzuki Swift and the recent new model looks even better, I'm tempted to replace it with a limited edition Swift model but ................. Having a test-drive in the New 2023 Toyota Yaris Ativ Premium Luxury with a Presto body kit fitted is tempting me away. A far superior car for the money, even though it's a little sluggish but a good looker. My days of pedal to the metal passed many moons ago and I rarely do any trips above 50 km so it will suit my needs, just that little bit bigger wheelbase than the Yaris . The new Swift is a stunner with a body kit fitted!
  10. Oh for the good old days when there was none of this social media nonsense!
  11. As others have said, Talleys Peas are the best you're going to to get in Thailand. Available in Makro. There ya go petal!
  12. About us - Disclosure and Barring Service - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) There ya go petal.
  13. What is an Enhanced DBS Check? An Enhanced DBS check is the highest level of criminal record check carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). This level of DBS Check is only available to organisations that need to make 'recruitment or suitability decisions'.
  14. Recently went to a bar where cigarette smokers had tables set outside with ashtrays, a few metres away from the main bar. Vapors were allowed to chimney within the main area, impossible to see clearly from one side from the other! I detest the smell of cigarettes and think they should be banned from anywhere public, even outside, if people have to smoke then do it in private. I also believe that vaping should have similar rules, maybe allowed in open areas but certainly not in places where they'll be crowds of people or inside. I'm not totally against vaping or any type of smoking, it's an individuals choice but not in my face thank you.
  15. PEA - Provincial Electricity Authority > Electricity Tariffs There ya go petal!
  16. I recently bought my missus the Xiaomi redmi note 11 pro 5g from Banana IT in a local mall. A young sales assistant asked the missus if she needed any help uninstalling unwanted apps and transferring data from her old iPhone 6. She then asked me (in extremely good English) if it was ok for her to go ahead and sort it all out. There's not too many apps pre-installed, some can only be de-activated while many can be uninstalled. It took the young girl about 15 mins to complete and the missus was well happy! I could've done it with the language changed but it was easier for the girl to do it then I wouldn't get the blame if something went amiss! A very competent young lady, well impressed. Oh, the phone is superb for the price. In fact, I'm seriously looking at it to replace my Huawei Y9 that's getting a little old now.
  17. My front yard is Malay grass. It's in full sun and thrives, providing it get a water every few days. The only dead patches are where there is full shade (under the mango tree) and where my female dog decides to have a pee! (not the missus) Malay grass is easy to maintain as it 'creeps' so the runners soon cover dead patches or destroyed ant nests. A light trim in the wet season once a fortnight and rarely touched during the dry season.
  18. If you really must use a pc instead of a mobile device then download Bluestacks 5. It's an android emulator for a pc. Download your apps from Google Play that you want and view / use them exactly the same as you would using a mobile. I mainly use it for Lazada as the mobile app has advantages over the pc app so I can view it on a larger screen! Also many messages on the Lazada chat can only be read using the mobile app. By using Bluestacks 5 I can read them on my pc.
  19. I use VLC. VLC Media Player review | TechRadar
  20. Maybe this will give you more understanding: Why Does the New Year Start on January 1? | Britannica Worth a read.
  21. Home Country Forum - Thailand News, Travel & Forum - ASEAN NOW There you go!
  22. And the dumbest idiots are still not wearing them!! That said, it's a personal choice and we're all idiots anyway depending on what side of the fence mask you're on! Oh well, life goes on ... or does it?
  23. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this: You must have a UK bank account to open a Skipton International a/c. They will only deal with U.K. banks ...payments in/out if you are in Thailand.
  24. I agree it's worthwhile if needed. Add the cost of £1.20 for every letter received + £1.20 per page if scanned across to you.
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