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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I wouldn't fight for any bunch of rich people wanting to run any country either.
  2. Kid should move to Thailand, ice cream only 10bht in KFC.
  3. Don't see where the danger is as long as you're sensible. Don't buy a house and car in her name upfront and where's the risk. After 3 years marriage (and 1 son)I bought mine a house, 300kbht down and 10kbht/month for 23 years. Been living in the house 10+ years now, so hardly a major loss if it all goes wrong.
  4. I'd also not have got married to my Brit wife. Thai wife is no problems at all.
  5. Got one for the bedroom 2 years back. Does very little, waste of money.
  6. Not so sure on that, the guest house I stay at in Siem Reap has a smoking sala beside the swimming pool and everyone is smoking pot, bags of cannabis on every table. I was told the police don't care what you do on private grounds. I also had a girl sitting on my lap or rubbing against me within 5 minutes of entering any of the bars.
  7. I came here to avoid women .......... Massive fail!
  8. I don't think many foreigners realise how hard life is for single moms in Thailand. If they have no degree they'll be lucky to earn 9kbht a month (chain shop workers wage). But even if they are fortunate enough to earn more, many seem to have no money management skills. My misses friend was unhappy this afternoon (hairdresser) she can make 2kbht/day but no customers today, so no money for food (her and her teen son) until at least tomorrow afternoon. I gave her 400bht, can't have them going hungry.
  9. I've done this myself, bag of dried beans from Makro (very cheap), hit the 'tua' button on the rice cooker/pressure cooker (cover with water), then after finished drain into a saucepan and add a bottle of your chosen tomato sauce and simmer until thick enough. Result is pretty good, though you'll probably want to add sugar to get the same sweet taste as Heinz baked beans.
  10. I'd start at ........... Baloy Long Beach, Barretto, Olongapo ......... Lovely beach with nice clean sand and crystal clear water, no sand flies or deckchairs. Plenty of bars and restaurants selling English/Australian/German/Mexican food. Two bar rafts floating around, filled with drinks girls. Naughty night clubs for those who want that sort of activity, really cheap booze. Very friendly ladies even those not in the P4P, and generally friendly guys as well, nearly all speaking good English. Been there many times, always fun, not sure if it would still be fun long term as the cheap booze tempts one to lose control.
  11. By whom? As far as I can see Keir Starmer reduced the number of potential seats won and any other Labour leader would have done better. This was never a Labour victory but a Conservative defeat, and the British voter would have voted for anyone that wasn't Conservative.
  12. It was 189bht at my Big C, I bought a bag but it looks a bit light on the fruit and nut. Looked in Tops, no get one free on the Daily Me, but they did have this Nissin granola mix at 2 bags (1Kg) for 285bht so I got a couple of bags.
  13. You'll be happy to hear Thailand offers American women married to Thai husbands the same rights as America offers Thai women married to American men. Actually it only takes 2 years of marriage for an American wife to get Thai citizenship.
  14. Always Nestle, the don't go soggy like the Kellogg's when you put the milk on. Oddly enough I also switched to granola earlier this year.
  15. I don't feel like a prisoner here, in fact I have enough money to live in many 3rd world countries (I've always fancied Mauritius, pension of $1500 a month gets you there). But I do feel banished from my home country and the rest of the western world by impossible accomodation costs. Something is gonna snap in the west as homeless numbers rise and rents soar. Glad I'm not there to see it happening.
  16. Thought Buffalo was covered in ice and snow for 2 months a year? Can't see that as a safe refuge, one winter power cut would kill loads.
  17. Yes, I agree, best Granola I've found. More dried fruit and nuts than any of the others.
  18. 2000bht fine as far as I know. Hardly the end of the world, even if they did catch you.
  19. Less than 80bht for 250gm Inc delivery.
  20. What's wrong with Typhoo Tea? 350bht for 300 bags Inc delivery https://s.lazada.co.th/s.oul20 And I'm very happy with Mainland Vintage Cheddar 279bht for 500gm in Makro. Just bought some this morning.
  21. Muesli and granola is best purchased from Lazada, too expensive in the shops.
  22. Isn't that the definition of pensioner?
  23. I believe his main vote winning policy is ...... I am not and have never been a member of the Conservative party. And IMHO that's enough!
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