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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Acknowledged already below .... but how often are you more than 125-150 kms away from home ?
  2. No alcohol part is easy, as cut that out almost entirely the past 10 yrs, though didn't drink much anyway. Demon Pastries & Ice Cream, or more exercise. With that, out the door with the dog to the park. Have a good one.
  3. It's more about what 7-11s offer in there home countries, and pricing of the not 'get you in' items; milk, deli meats or whatever. Most items priced much higher than larger chains, supermarkets. 7-11s here/TH offer a good range of everything, fresh or frozen meals, packaged and fresh baked pastries, and at competitive pricing, especially compared to chain stores here. Not too much to worry about expiration dates either, compared to ma/pa shops' old stock. Convenience, as I think we have about 8 within 4 kms, and parking never a problem. Definitely a Godsend when O&A, as we enjoy rural holidays or the beaten path.
  4. That does agree with iqair site @ 64. You really should be turning your purifiers on at 10, at least. Golf ... I can't hit little A$$ ball, even still on a stick. Throw a baseball at me at 50-75 mph, and no problem. Still a youngin' @ 69, so don't worry about too many things either, never a smoker, but too easy just to turn the purifiers on when in the house, where we are most of the day, anyway. 25 years on, and sugar is my demon, as told yesterday, same as the last 20 ish yearly check ups, I'm always in the high blood sugar range, and if I win a few more points, they get to call me diabetic. Need to work on burning it off, or cutting back on my pastries and weekly Swensen's scoops
  5. Obviously timing is everything when it comes to traffic. Rush hour and weekends, especially the latter. If you can avoid those times, and we do when driving to or through the area, the traffic isn't so bad, and tolerable. Parking or lack of, is huge problem at Hua Hin, but once there, most things are walkable, if not lazy, and their are the baht buses, which are quite convenient.
  6. I hope you mean AQI hits 100, as PM2.5 should be single digits. So you are saying, you don't venture outside much during smog season ? I turn mine on when AQI is above 50, or PM2.5 is in double digit territory.
  7. PM2.5 monitoring sites would definitely disagree with you. Do you think this just started today, or will clear up tomorrow ...
  8. Reasons I've never considered HH as a beach holiday location. Good pitstop on the way to more southward beaches when I lived in Udon Thani, but that's about all. 20+ years and the water was never considered clean enough to swim in, and not a fan of horses on the beach. Southern part was OK, but had to deal with the monkeys, and some, more anti social than myself:
  9. That's what serving spoons are for, especially rice dishes. Though agree, hard not to transmit with the communal sharing style of eating in TH.
  10. Not just Thai venues, as the grossest kitchen I've ever been in was at a very popular farang managed bar at Udon Thani. Afterwards I never ordered food again there. People that have never 'serviced' restaurant would be applauded at some of them, especially the higher end ones. My experience anyway, when providing linen service and flowers to restaurants back in the Philly area, USA. Quite eye & nose opening.
  11. I guess the need to Q is location and grade of petrol to use. When using 91, occasionally had to Q, but usually not. Using E85, never Q'd, I don't think, actually harder to find, than a CS station now, as only the newest, larger PTTs offered E85. No matter what grade, it still took 5-10 minutes to get topped up & pay, unlike the less than 1 minute, to top up at home. So, 5-10X to top up vs the 1/10 in the OP, when local, which people are during most of the year.
  12. Lucky the kid didn't turn the car off ... W T F
  13. This part of OP is spot on ... "Respondents cited expensive accommodation, the nation’s sluggish economic recovery, and notably, congestion on Rama II Road as prime factors." Though not sure price increases are any different the any other popular town, and Rama II isn't HH's fault.
  14. You forgot to add, in Thailand, it would cost 4X as much to operate, if you didn't have solar. And no, they are about the same price now, not half price, unless buying a way underspec'd 3cyl Celerio. Only faster to refuel if on the road, as takes longer to top up than EVs pugging in at home vs Q'ing up every week at petrol station. Range gap is getting much shorter, even the same if spending extra money. Just another silly (false) what if and a very poor one at that.
  15. https://www.iqair.com/air-quality-community#become-contributor
  16. Wasn't me, but reading the comment, does show that many people post on threads, about subjects they don't know about. Maybe that was their thinking. Although you did actually enlighten yourself after that post 👍 right after I posted the differences, which you read or simply googled yourself.
  17. Sit corrected ... as didn't read the not so fine print of his father after 1st divorce, and he remarried way up the silver spoon ladder. Although Tucker himself and wife didn't have great paying jobs, freelance journalist & artist in the beginning, guessing daddy's (or his wife's) wallet was always there, if & when needed. Not really a fan of any of them, though have enjoyed a few of the ones I've seen by Carlson. I don't follow any of them, and usually just notice while scanning YT, when bored, too often. Rather watch the dog & animal clips. Prefer to dedicate my time to humor, than the sad state of humanity. Just a Som Nam Na world, and they can have. Left that hamster wheel, or caring about what I can't change decades ago. If a topic or speaker does interest me, I Google what they are presenting, fact check just to see how bias or BS it is. Some are decent and spot on, but TBH, most is just clickbait, and rarely do I learn something new.
  18. Reads a bit like a tourist adventure, though a good start. A month at each city is a good time period, enough to see what's there, during the week, day & night, and weekends, day & nightly activities. Before buying in, if your intent, you do really need to live there, renting, at least 1 full year To experience the high heat & humidity, low overnight temps, if any, along with horrendous months long of air pollution and rainy season. Happy Travels Personally myself, wouldn't consider any location North of Hua Hin, or even Chumphon. Seems you want to be in a metro area, which doesn't leave many options on the Southern half of Thailand: Surat Thani Nakhon Si Thammasat Hat Yai Yala That 4-6 months of nasty air pollution would get very old, very fast, and not exactly healthy for you.
  19. And to break that 1,000 baht note for smaller banknotes.
  20. Insured as a total write of. And if in TH, (the topic) probably insured for the price of a new one, as ours is, if it got totaled. So your point is what ?
  21. Say what .... say it ain't so. Jiffy better up their game, as not much of a fan. The new Bangchaks are much larger than before, and hopefully be some good competition for PTT.
  22. I'm happy to be a major supporter of the local franchises, when O&A (out & about). PTT Parks being the best shopping malls in TH Especially handy when we're way off the beaten track, and have to hit the last one to stock up, before going any further. Thankfully they're almost everywhere, and usually a vendor or 3 nearby.
  23. Sticking with quick & easy, hot weather, use up leftovers in frig. Last of the meatballs, so made a quick sauce, using this can of tomatoes. Like this brand, as can use the whole can, without need to add paste. Thick enough by itself. The cheaper 'whole tomatoes' in a can, I tended to just drink the juice, as too thin, but enough juice in the tomatoes themselves, since whole, with paste added to make a sauce. Usually just make my own, with leftover tomatoes and add paste to it. Though doctoring up a can of is too easy when out of tomatoes. Wife makes decent meatballs, too many, as used for Swedish meatballs with spinach cream sauce last week. Guess I'll be making a pizza later this week, with leftover tomato sauce & meatballs. Having some Mozzarella & Parmesan to use up also. Still more leftovers to go, as some Japanese Curry still in frig, and more tater salad, the latter I've been eating past couple days May even go to a restaurant if we clear out the frig after this week. Lite dinner, and may hit the tater tots & shrimp donuts later while watching TV. Got a feeling I'll need a snack later on. Lazy week, hot & sunny outside, draining my energy. Too many months till rainy raisons.
  24. Really, then those must be some imaginary windfall profits of the US oil producers. Surely nothing to do with Russian sanctions on oil sales.
  25. Didn't bother reading the rest, as you first statement is wrong, so didn't see the point of wasting more time. His parents/family were quite normal during his childhood, possibly even considered poor. Since becoming a millionaire himself, from the vid, he's obviously out of touch now, and hasn't needed to shop for himself in over a decade.
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