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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That's annoying. MG, if disable, stays disabled, as I did with lane assist. Along with a few others ... as I don't need the weather report every day.
  2. BYD Dolphin Specs; https://www.car250.com/์2-th-byd-dolphin-2023-new.html Body size Length 4070 mm. Width 1770 mm. Height 1570 mm. Wheel base 2700 mm. BYD Dolphin (44.9 kWh battery, 70 kW motor) The electric motor provides 93 horsepower and 180 Newton-meters of bit force. Up to 410 km/NEDC charge LFP battery 44.9 kWh 0-50 km/h (in 3.9 seconds) Maximum speed 150 km/h front wheel drive AC Charging 7 kW DC Fast Charge : 30 – 80% SOC 40kW in 30 min. Total weight 1,780 kg. More @ link above
  3. Use ACC a lot, which I guess uses TJA, but I don't want the car steering for me (self driving) though don't think it would work to well here/TH.
  4. I don't think it's de-dollar, more just progress in the global market, and the ability to pay with any currency you like now. RU sanctions is proof of that, as they simply flow their money through CH. Online shopping, you pick what currency you want to pay in, home or other country. Can change any currency into any currency now when traveling, usually. Almost a free floating market, almost ???? If they ever introduced a world currency, you know it would only benefit the banks and printers of, or plastic/app they plan to institute. Although at that point, it will probably be stored in your bio-chip ????
  5. Yes, same when I was bartending. If someone was on his way to stupid drunk, and wanted to keep on drinking, he/she gave up their car keys. No keys or designated driver, they didn't get served.
  6. 7 degrees is almost a half a century (~500 yrs)away, at the 1.5C rate per 100 yrs, that may or may not happen. Humans will be lucky if they make it 100 more years before self destruction. The weather that they apparently have no desire in trying to control, even if possible, it's not, is the least of their concerns...IMHO
  7. Don't you find it hypocritical, that they complain about the mining of lithium & cobalt for EVs, but not all the other applications it's used for, including .... ... wait for it .... including .... petrol production ???? At least the cobalt in EV batteries is recyclable ... not so when used in petroleum refining. Most EVs are moving away from cobalt & nickel in batteries anyway. CH's MGs for TH, for example use the LFP chemistry batteries, without both. Goes with most solar system batteries now also, use LFP batteries.
  8. Nothing personal, but people complain about man made global warming/climate change, but don't do anything (go solar/drive ev) about it, but complaining. Apparently complaining isn't working. If concerned, you should probably DO something about it. I don't believe it is a problem, so don't need any evidence, but NOAA's data does show temps leveled off since 2015. One spike ups since, then leveling, actually when down a bit, but so little, not worth mentioning. Some people talk, some people do ... UP2U That 1.5C isn't going to make a whole lot of difference, IF it even happens the next 100 yrs. Some may even welcome it. Instead of wasting time talking about ice melting, that they can't stop, maybe the should concentrate on water management. Been screaming about the ice melting for over 2 decades that I can remember, but still haven't directed much attention to water management. Oh wait ... they're making money selling water, so why solve that problem. Silly me ????
  9. At present, the ice melting is an inevitability, next 1-2-300 yrs. Again, concentrate on water management, something you can control, not the uncontrollable weather. Temps have leveled off, an average the past few years, but still nothings but floods & droughts in the news, the past 100 years ... hmm. When you all go solar and drive an EV, let me know, but until then, don't talk to me about global warming or climate change. Just another hypocrite, and part of the problem, not the solution.
  10. OK, but why should adults, 'working' for him, consenting to have sex with his 'friends & business associates' be compensated while working for him for years. They are not victims, and could have left at anytime over those years of enjoying the spoils of their 'past tIme' w/clients. It's a money grab .... nothing else IMHO
  11. I think they are silly options to even have, and just marketing. Since needed for 'self driving' (would prove you're idiot to use), guess they add it to the marketing. For me, it's just another option that could fail, and need replacing, as most complaints about vehicles today, are the options, and why I want as few as possible.
  12. Agree ... might work good, but in TH, it's annoying. Probably would be elsewhere also, as the lightest drift from center of your lane, and it nudges you back. That's annoying. NO THANKS ... I disabled that. The slowing down on curves with cruise control, isn't necessarily the sensor picking up the guardrail, but the sway of the body, from centrifugal force, as it does it also on back roads, when it's set @ 60 kph, and no guardrail or anything visible. Just shows how improperly roads are made, for the posted speed limits.
  13. Good, we need more rain water in some places. Not doing humans any good as ice ???? Better water management should be the top priority, as something they can actually do & control. Stop worrying about the climate/weather.
  14. Depends what kind of phanaeng, if beef, it better be slow cooked, a stew. Same with pork. If having potato and or carrots in it, then it's also slow cooked.
  15. Epstein was a sleazy guy, no doubt, and got convicted for being such. Apologist ???? Epstein is the distraction, the issue is banking laws and compensation to consenting adults having sex, and now want to cash in via lawsuits. Try discussing, arguing the issue, not shoot the messenger ... ... almost forgot what site I was on.
  16. Where did I state that ? Although public record, who would know that. Are banks suppose to run background checks on their customers. Is it against banking laws to accept customers with criminal records ? You're getting silly.
  17. Don't know about best, but makes my top 5 ish Thai dishes, as do the other curries/massaman dishes. With few exceptions, the only Thai food I eat. Partial to Yum Kung w/glass noodles, and somtam Thai also But that's about it, and rarely order much else, unless one of those aren't available. May get a sweet & sour, or Ginger chicken ... or western fare. Rest of Thai food doesn't do much for me. Kha moo or Pad Thai are last options if nothing else available. Almost forgot Khao Soi, good for once or twice a month.
  18. Knowingly laundering money for criminal activity (prostitution/blackmail/inside trading) is a crime ... yes. But compensation for the 'willing' prostitutes is a bit much. Naturally they don't want to admit to being prostitute, as couldn't cry 'victim' or possibly be charged themselves for prostitution and or tax evasion. Consenting adults, having sex for years, with freedom to come & go as they please, are not victims. Ask my ex-wives ... got to come up with a better reason ????
  19. Victims ... ???? Were they chained to a bed, could they not leave anytime they wanted ? "According to claims in the lawsuit filed against JP Morgan Chase, one woman, described as a former ballet dancer, was abused by Epstein and his associates between 2006 and 2013." "In a separate lawsuit against Deutsche Bank, another woman claims she was trafficked for sex by Epstein for 15 years, starting in 2003 when she first moved to New York." https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63750504
  20. That's just silly. What next, sue DIY chain stores for selling duct tape or rope to people convicted of kidnapping. Sue car dealers for selling cars to people with poor driving records if they hurt someone in an accident. Just another silly money grab. Soon you'll need a criminal record report to open an account. Wonder how many years they worked for Epstein, enjoying the good life before they decided it was abuse.
  21. Definitely a bargain for specs & ride. Same or wee bit more than most popular ICEs sold here. ICE version of ZS is really nice, little petrol thirsty, but again, same price as top end entry models, popular cars in TH, but much nicer all the way around. A joy to drive. Really hated selling it, but the added performance and operating cost of EV, was hard to pass up.
  22. Ah .. but we sit a bit higher & get 20 kms more range, and it only cost ฿180k more ... ????????????????
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