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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depends what & how you state the review, as I've placed a few very negative reviews, even with 'don't buy' or 'buy elsewhere' if you are going to buy. Never an issue ... yet ????
  2. During review of product, and that rating shows up under their 'store name' on their home page / upper left, or bottom right of their listings. Home Page: Listing: Rate store, upper right of review page:
  3. CDC, FDA, WHO, WTO and pretty much all the acronyms agencies have lost all credibility with me. Along with so many info sources. There's just too much corrupt money floating around. Just my opinion of course, and many will & should disagree. If the last few years, or decades of political & MSM BS, hasn't pointed that out to most folk, then just keep cowering & complying. The world is in a pretty sad state, in that aspect of things, IMHO, and Buddha forbid if you are a free thinker. When you ARE correct, it may take a few years or decades when people realize, 'damn that idiot was spot on' ... before your thoughts are vindicated.
  4. Unless a customer, received product, don't think you can review vendor or product. Only use 'Flagship' & 'LazMall / Global' sellers. Read the reviews, how many sold, vendor rating, on time & chat rating. Don't go by the name of the store, anyone for instance can call themselves 'XiaomiOnline' or 'XiaomiMall'... not the Flagship store. You got 3 vendors sell the exact same thing for same-ish price, and 1 sold 200 pce, 1 sold 5, 1 sold 0. Don't care if the one sold 200 pcs with 4* reviews is 10 or 20% more, it's the one to go with for security. Shop and know prices from brick & mortar stores, if same, buy there. If 10% more, buy there. If more expensive, at least you got hands on the product you are thinking of. Always try to get hands on before buying online. Manufacturer sites will have links to their authorized resellers ... buy from them. Usually have resellers on LAZ & Shopee, and at different pricing. Make sure model #s are exactly the same as the one you researched. If it sounds to good to be true ...... I only do COD, avoids cancelled order then being refunded.
  5. Well, you are on a forum, so take everything with a grain of salt. If you need to ask these questions, best you use a reputable RE lawyer.
  6. That explains his limited screen time and lines afforded him. That sucks and not exactly old (67), as just a few months younger than myself. Provided some good entertainment the past few decades ... ????
  7. OP ... Since some of the topics you started are about money, beer & nightlife, I'd give UT & NE a pass. If interested in some nature & history, well worth a peek IF you self drive. Although I prefer S of Bangkok, over the N of, and prefer N vs NE.
  8. She apparently didn't spend much for her lawyers, and they better hope they got paid up front ????
  9. Only if you're an idiot, or guilty.
  10. Yes, Amoxy & Cipro, as mentioned, are readily available, and other stronger ones if needed. Do try to let your immune system do its job for a few days, as the antibiotics will also kill the good bacteria in your digestive system. Which you can restore with probiotics supplements or diet, if eating the right things, though takes a bit longer. Also if it's viral, no antibiotic will help. May want to simply treat the symptoms the first few days. Thai generics are much cheaper than any name brand. Both amoxy & cipro should be <฿100 for 10 tab bubble pack. Even in the ฿30-40-50 range, depending where purchased from. Larger Lotus's have a small pharmacy in them. Also Boots & Watson's will have pharmacies in them. May be a little more expensive than 'Thai' neighborhood ma/pa pharmacy, but way better than getting Farang priced at expat / tourist catering rip off places.
  11. Even if the relationship is bliss, in the USA, the combined incomes at tax time, puts you in a higher tax bracket. No reason to get married in the western world. Women do it to legally have access to your finances. My 2 live ins, I purposely kept one of my rental units open, and no joint paperwork of any kind, so any claim of a 'civil partnership' would be denied, as at the time of those relationships, I was starting to acquire a bit of equity & stock holdings. Mine mine mine, don't even think about it.
  12. Check with your home country, what rules, but USA, have to declare 10k cash or more leaving. I'd bring cash if going the carry out route, as a check may take time to clear, cashiers check or not, and possibly a silly fee added on. Bring cash in, you simply have to declare it with Thailand also, depending on amount (20+k USD (?)equivalent): https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/FAQs
  13. You can transfer in or carry in whatever amount you want (from USA), although you my have to declare it (cash), or supply a reason (transfer). I've transferred 6 mill baht once, what ever that would be now in USD, with no issues or questions, leaving or arriving. Did have a doc if they asked, but nobody cared, although that was about 12 yrs ago. As far as using for direct purchase of condo, can't help, as always contract builder for single family home on a lot. But nobody ever questioned transfers or payment to / from or in between. This 10 yrs, 5 yrs, and last year. Not exactly large or small amount. Some spending more on vehicles. No issues at all from Thai or USA folks.
  14. Check your PEA bill for units / kW used, and down the bottom, it will have you past immediate history. 4 or 6 months out, which is good, as May, April, March are probably your hottest months, with AC use, so should show your highest usage. We're pretty abusive with the AC, and the rental is poorly constructed, so we actually broke 700 units/kW & ฿3200 recently. Usual average is ฿2300-2800, and we're in Prachuap Khiri Khan, so pretty hot year round. When up in Udon Thani, had some ฿1200 months. Was at the house build yesterday, after walking 3.5 kms to it, damn hot, and shirt soaking wet with sweat. Stood in the entrance, doors open front and back, and cool breeze was quite refreshing with no AC on, since not installed. Construction makes a huge difference. Build feels a few degrees lower than ambient temps, where rental radiates higher than outside temp. Walk out of the rental's AC'd bedroom and it's a heat wave. Take the dog out at night, for pre-sleep wizz, and it's like walking into AC ... ????
  15. So true. I was lucky, and only was with 1 schizo bi-atch. Actually pretty good considering 3 ex wives + 2 live ins. One of those ex wives here, and again, ended unscaved. Many were not as lucky as myself back in the USA, and know more than a few, that ended their marriages, getting the royal shaft both financially and visitation to their kids. Most telling, when kids old enough to decide for themselves, left mother to live with father .... so nuff said. Some really horrible, opportunistic women out their, tar the rest, and surely more than enough men, not being the nicest to live within. But a fine line between being an A-hole, and abusive, and of course, the mentality of 'always believe the women' has worked against men forever in the courtroom.
  16. Apparently you didn't watch, till the end, or understand, or ignored the end, and simply trolling. The police are sometimes geared up so much, they are criticized for being overly militarized. But hey, keep trying to spin it anyway you like. https://www.marketplace.org/2020/06/12/police-departments-1033-military-equipment-weapons/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/07/20/where-do-police-departments-get-their-military-style-gear-heres-what-we-dont-know/ You really don't need full autos, as a decent semi auto is just fine, something most didn't have in their cruisers, 20-30 yrs ago. Now most do have, even smalls-ville suburban force, as my hometown. To think other wise is just ignorance showing. https://www.cga.ct.gov/asaferconnecticut/tmy/0128/Michael Faucher - Putnam CT 2.pdf Have a nice day.
  17. I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind, that taking firearms away from all the legal owners will save some kids. But at the expense of how many other people, who will die, if they don't have firearms. Stat above, an estimate of over 60k crimes prevented. How many of those would be deaths or serious injuries. Saw a site, stating private gun owners, kill more criminals than police, but couldn't find anything to verify, and don't feel like wasting any more time on this silly thread. Have a nice day .... Peace Out Note to self: weaned myself off covid, vaccine, mask threads, now concentrate on not replying to firearms thread.
  18. Here's my issue, less than 50 kids a year, and it's a headliner, EVERY DAY. What if 13,698 kids under the age of 5 died everyday, would that be a headliner ? 50 a year vs 13,698 every day. I think a few people have their priorities A$$ backwards. 50 a year / guns / 2nd amendment / rep / dem / division & distraction ... just my opinion. Because just a guess, those 13,690 kids under 5 yrs old, IMHO, probably most, some, a few, everyday, could be prevented or saved. Even half or 1/4, oh hell, 1/10 would be nice, but still over 1000 A DAY. Maybe if they got as many headliner & attention as 50 a year get. "The total number of under-5 deaths worldwide has declined from 12.6 million in 1990 to 5.0 million in 2020." https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/topic-details/GHO/child-mortality-and-causes-of-death
  19. Deer killed more drivers on the road than kids killed in school shootings ... ... starting to get a little silly aren't. Nobody is stating school shootings aren't bad. 1 death is too many. Obviously taking firearms from law abiding citizens while the southern border in not secure isn't an answer to anything. You may save <50 lives a year, of the 350 ish million population, but I guessing those millions of guns in homes may .... may ... may save a lot more lives than 50. But we'll never know, as not reported and would ruin any 'ban firearms' spin. Old stats, but may interest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_gun_use#National_Crime_Victimization_Survey "A study published in 2013 by the Violence Policy Center, using five years of nationwide statistics (2007-2011) compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated that defensive gun uses occur an average of 67,740 times per year"
  20. "1 MHz means millions of cycles per second. The 2450 MHz wave length is about 5 inches and the 915 MHz wave length is about 12½ inches. The 2450 MHz wave length is faster for thawing, heating, and cooking of thin-flat shapes of food than the 915 MHz wave length. Because of its deeper penetration, the 915 MHz wave length is more suitable for cooking chunky shapes of food. It is available only in combination microwave conventional ranges operating on 208 and 220 volts." When using for more than 30 seconds, wear your tin foil. Exceeding 30 seconds without, and it allows the NSA to triangulate your position, and they can read your thoughts.
  21. Unless a documentary, which I never watch, as always bias anyway, just assume everything and anything you view as 'fiction' and having nothing to do with any version of past, present or future. Whether based on or inspired by true events. Wokeness, simply accept it's here now, and never going to change, and can be annoying at times, especially 'time' pieces, so I'll either tolerate it, or 'change the channel' / delete if it gets too annoying. And have done plenty of that. Watch the trailer, download or not, as always .... UP2U...Unless of course ....
  22. Don't know about that ... and can't find anything that states that.
  23. Seems a few AN members think about others' penises, and all things that they think represent them, quite a bit Hmm ... .
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