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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No point, just an observation. All my Christians friend that I grew up with and know, we all did some not so good Christian things. Along with my Jewish cousin, who I wouldn't trust with my wife. Only know 1 Muslim, I think, and she's a bit of a scammer .... nuff said And Buddhist ... vegans, doubtful. But ... "Buddhism, it is against the first precept to harm, kill or eat sentient beings" He is the only one I know that is a 'good' Buddhist. Damn nice guy also.
  2. well that explain it, my brother, one of the most honest people I know, must have lied to me. it's only approved for 'emergency use' .. and yet, everyone's getting vaccinated, with mandates from fed & states for so many. Let that sink in. And why I'll stay off the covid, mask, vaccine thread.
  3. I only know 1 good Buddhist, who won't even kill an animal to eat, his wife has to. Don't know any good Christians (Catholic or Protestant) , Muslims or Jews. All hypocrites. I don't know any Hindus, I don't think.
  4. And this why, I'll stop replying to these threads: "California Becomes First State in Nation to Announce COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements for Schools Published: Oct 01, 2021 After implementing first-in-the-nation school masking and staff vaccination measures, California becomes the first state to announce plans to require student vaccinations – adding the COVID-19 vaccine to list of vaccinations required for school, such as the vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella Students will be required to be vaccinated for in person learning starting the term following FDA full approval of the vaccine for their grade span (7-12 and K-6)." https://www.gov.ca.gov/2021/10/01/california-becomes-first-state-in-nation-to-announce-covid-19-vaccine-requirements-for-schools/
  5. I went the property route, and let the renters build my equity for about 15 yrs, then sold the properties, rolled over to trading stocks (self taught), then 5 yrs later retired. Actually did quite well. Made more money after retirement, than all my salaried years ... ???? Being a LPOS, never really made much in those 25 ish yrs of being salaried. Preferred self employment better, as paid better. Plus got to work 2 days a week on average. Could have retired a lot earlier, but was simply having too much fun.
  6. At that silly price, I'd just make my own relish. VM locations: http://tiny.cc/bv7luz
  7. So true. I could have retired before 30 yrs old, if not such a LPOS, but I was having too much fun at the time, to think that forward. When I did actually think about it, took less then 5 yrs to retire. Sort of, as I was building equity while having fun.
  8. OK, I feel you. I'm done with this thread & covid / mask / vaccination threads. Adding a few more to my 'ignore' list so I'm not tempted / baited into replying.
  9. Don't know or care if that death was in the news. Just repeating what my brother told me. May have been or not been a news-blip about it. I do know of 1000's of deaths, suspected from the vaccine, that have been reported to VAES, which of course will be called fake, as all my sources are... Oh yea, this is just the USA. Do you know the USA has a special 'vaccine court' to compensate victims of vaccinations. Keeps the civil courts docket clear, also allowing for quicker settlements, and of course, the drug companies don't have to accept any responsibility for the damage done by the vaccines. It's actually funded by the vaccine sales, ironic, as $1 of the cost of vaccines goes toward the settlement fund, and they've paid out millions if not billions to claimants. But hey, what do I know.
  10. apples & oranges comparison. From the 2 articles apples / crash victims - "Of late, many migrant workers from Myanmar have escaped their strife-torn homeland into Thailand, to seek jobs in the cities" oranges / your op ed - Myanmar military offensive against armed ethnic minority groups, some of which are providing training to the so-called People’s Defence Force to fight the junta.
  11. "He said they were packed into a pickup truck" Haven't a clue what accident that is a photo of.
  12. I'm not saying the #s you or anyone quote are inaccurate, as I just don't know or care TBH. But most say any #s I quote, seem to be suspect. With that, I will simple base my opinion on things I personally know as fact. Feel free to call me a liar, I have thick skin. Fact ... still after 18 months of covid19, I don't know 1 person personally, that has had a confirmed case of C19. My daughter, probably, untested / unconfirmed, but about 10 of her friends tested positive, in the same time frame she was having a bout of something 'flu-like'. So there's that. Aside from her, my daughter, I don't know one person personally, who knows of 1 person, tested positive, or more importantly, that has died from C19. No surprise, since I'm anti-social, and the small % of the population that has actually died from. What's Thailand, 281 per million, and I don't personally know 100 people here. Fact ... and the saddest thing I can imagine, I do know someone (brother) who's friend's son died (7yrs old), not from covid, but after receiving a mandated vaccination, so he could attend school. Worst, father is an anti-vaxxer and caved to pressure, to the vaccination. Not only does he have to live with loss of his son, but the knowledge, he went against his better judgement.
  13. I practice EXTREME SOCIAL DISTANCING. I wear a mask, when I go to 7-11, Makro & HomePro and they are the ONLY times and location that any one is within 10 meters of me.
  14. Pretty much the same. But for those required to have health ins, or if mandatory in the future for -O- visa extenders, and for the funds to be 'there' when needed, they would have to be frozen. Just not going happen, or would I even allow it. Then I guess I'd have to get some kind of coverage, if even available when I pass 70 yrs old in a couple years. Not concerned, until IF & when it happens.
  15. < 100 pages, but not much, and yes, it's an amazing amount of paperwork / copies required for my -O- marriage visa extension. Just the 2 copies of Bank info account for about 50 pages, 2 per month, 24 X 2. About 6 pages of photos, 2 of marriage verification, 2 of certification, 2 house map to Imm, 2 app forms w/photos, 2 copies of 3 pages of lease (6), 2 copies of home owners blue book & ID (6 ttl), 2 copies of 10ish pages of my passport (20). 2 copies of witness statement & his / her ID (6). Silly part, they have copies of the same, minus bank info, from previous 4 year of extending (x4) at same Imm office, as all those, other than bank info, is exactly the same. It is mind boggling. Still an easy process, but so redundant.
  16. That would require you give access to your bank account to Thai IMM, and them putting a freeze on your account, so it's still there if you have an oops. That's just not going to happen. Since just so many reports of Thai sites being hacked, I wouldn't give that info / power to anyone in Thailand.
  17. Then we agree, just different opinions on info ???? Only problem, I agree to disagree, others don't. I know I'm not any more a threat to anyone...
  18. Not if they obey at least 1 law, and stay out of the back of a P/U. There's that 'laws are to protect' thingy again, IF, you obey. They chose not to ... at that point, my sympathies start to wain.
  19. OK, times by 10 and still have a 90+% chance of surviving Covid in Thailand. How's that ? I'm liking those odds vs say, getting cancer.
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