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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Still here ... nuff said I can be happy just about anywhere.
  2. Test one out, 7-11, 55 baht 490ml Was a Beer Lao Dark fan before the switch. Price kept going up. When lived in Udon Thani, mere 25 baht in Laos. Here now, I think 65 ish, so a bit silly.
  3. Driven that road so many times. You'd have to be stupid drunk to end up on the beach.
  4. Agree, and still have hard time spending frivolously. Makes me wonder how all those lottery millionaires end up broke 5 yrs down the line. Those who never had and worked, seem to value what they have. When I do spend on toys, they're well researched and try to buy the best bang for my buck / baht. Spend more now, since on borrowed time, and interest on savings can't keep up with inflation, so what's the point, if you don't need it.
  5. I've been practical most of my life also, though dined out a lot. No the 'show' kind of shopper though. Now have oops fund and wife / kid have not future worries, so I don't save anything. Bought an E-scooter this week, surely don't need, but simply wanted. Collection of RC toys, drones, all fun by frivolous spending to me. Puts a smile on my face, so all that matter. Daughter at present gets most of my extra, while she starts her business. Once self sufficient, my liquid will double, should be fun.
  6. https://xn--m3cbjb3aaodh0nxab5rucxb.com/ https://www.facebook.com/IMioevcarthailand/ http://tiny.cc/sx9kuz
  7. Privacy ... I'm on my 3rd house, in the boonies, though 2 within 20kms of larger metro, new on, only 40k people in the whole amphur. why besides privacy, land is a lot cheaper, and only negative, is when selling, Buyer needs to be retired or have ties to the immediate area.
  8. 2009, so the land has 12 yrs of appreciation. Sorry, but I would expect a tidy profit, unless paid way too much when purchased. The amphur / land office will tell you it's value. The house, should recoup the cost, only due to inflation. You should never lose money on RE, especially land here. My experience anyway.
  9. I'm too lazy even to do an oil change ... ???? Pretty sad really, as use to be too skint for anything I couldn't do. A good thing, as force me to DIY, as over the years, I've swapped motors, trans, rears, could do most things. Except maybe track down a short or shim a drive draft. That was before all the emissions and added cr ap were added. Now have to take 10 things off to get to one.
  10. '54' and so happy I grew up in that time period. High school teachers were excellent, before unionized and did it for the love of it, not the salary. Taught 'free thinking'
  11. Daughter went to St Mary's, then Don Bosco, last 4 yrs. I'd avoid St Mary's, and Don Bosco was quite good. Prepped her well for Uni, as she had her pick of top Uni s in Thailand.
  12. My post above should have read '10 wheel' truck.
  13. Agree, people are the same world wide, in just about all things. I would have less faith in buying a used vehicle from a foreigner, as I haven't met many I'd trust. Too many here because they're a bit skint, so do people think they'll maintain anything any better.
  14. Why would I bother w/ aspirin: "Daily aspirin therapy: Understand the benefits and risks https://www.mayoclinic.org › in-depth › art-20046797 The benefits of daily aspirin therapy don't outweigh the risk of bleeding in people with a low risk of heart attacks" Almost as silly as a healthy person wearing a mask or getting a vaccine that doesn't protect you from getting or passing covid.????????????
  15. If it fits in a pick up, just rent one and do it yourself. If not, I'd consider selling or donating to the family. If more than a DIY, and you really want the stuff, we hired a 6 wheel and couple movers, and moved most of our house from UT to PKK. What would fit anyway, as it was packed out. Forget the price, and the trucks used to sit outside St Mary's school (4+ yrs ago), with 'hire' signs w/ph#s on them. If not there and you see them around town, they are there to be hired out, truck/driver/loaders.
  16. Only got 23k kms on it, but no issues, 2 oil changes, the only 'service' done. Dash cam cra pped out, they gave us a new one. Besides that, really liking it. Don't care for the app, iSmart, useless, and just marketing, don't need or use it. I think it's the smallest & cheapest out there, but we don't use the few extras that it offers, so really didn't need anything else, especially for what others were priced at. They offer 3 versions (entry/mid/top) + an EV model and we got the mid level, Less electronics, I don't need to worry about failing, and no sunroof, that I sure don't need or would use in the tropics. Not worth paying 100k more for. If passes the test of time, I'd buy another, if nothing else caught my eye. ????
  17. Not sure about that. I'm still the LPOS I was in my 20's, just a bit slower and don't bounce as good. Like having a lot more money though.
  18. Depends what used for, myself, with entry level budget: Petrol ... due to ignorance of diesel engine Auto ... convenience (lazy), and usually dog on my lap in vehicle 2 wh drive ... don't need 4X4, and sucks up petrol Long bed ... as I'd put a decent cap on it, and convert for camping, as most hotels aren't pet friendly. Inflatable mattress, inverter, coffee machine and I'm set ???? Look on FB Marketplace, plenty of offerings. Brand doesn't matter, as they are all pretty good now of days. With the economy the way it is, should be a 'buyer's' market
  19. My advice is stupid ???? And you really don't think the house, or especially the land, won't be worth anything 20 yrs from now ... who's stupid. Land appreciates silly here. Obviously someone has never invested in either here....nuff said But keep giving advice.
  20. Avoid the 'gift tax', as it's only a gift if you say it is. In my world, it would be a loan, 0% interest, no monthly payments, balloon payment in 20 yrs. Yea, you can write that up anyway you want. Contract can be cancelled by either party at any time. I've actually written one similar to that, as needing a reason to move a large sum once. No limitation what you can or can't put in any contract between 2 people. As far as buying for a 4 yr old ... you're asking the wrong people at the wrong place. LAWYER, and not just one, ask a couple. Many options to secure her future, housing, livelihood. I'm assuming the 3 of you are living in the same house now. I can understand not wanting to be married, again. I've been 4 times ???? and escaped 3 times, unscathed, though I seem to be the exception, or no kids made it easy. Aside from married, common law relationships exist here, and if paperwork drawn up properly (LAWYER), then no issues, though if contested, the usual legal hassle of court intervention. Before anyone chimes in .... "Thais always win" ... that's nothing but BS. Good Luck
  21. I'm hoping ... ???? Planning on buzzin' around the country a couple more times before the hordes of tourist return. The way things are going, don't think we have much to worry about. Maybe high season 2023, they may start to trickle, barring any oops and new silly pandemics. Although ... I suspect the 'war of viruses' will be here for many decades. They'll be milking this like the 'war on drugs' & ' war on terror'. Fear has already proved to be a multi billion dollar market. It will continue ... endlessly.
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