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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. 114 near Phimai 23 In Oregon where I will be next month
  2. I'm not really a fighter, but would do what I could to distract him. Not here, but back in my home country this year, there was a man pulling a woman down the middle of the road with a rope (turned out to be his mother). I got him to stop and only came at me once when he saw I was calling the police.
  3. Does drinking Ice coffee, or tea do the same? Maybe it is hot drinks. A year or so back I read that drinking hot coffee caused throat cancer, but was later it was noted that hot drinks of any kind could do the same. Maybe you are more sensitive to hot drinks.
  4. I always leave a little tip. They are not going to get rich on it. But I feel that when I buy an un-necessary thing like an iced coffee that cost 20% of the person's daily wage that brought it out to me, it is a good thing to do. I have had two places run by the owner ask me not to tip since they did not have employees. As for tipping workers that come to the house. It really is a Thai custom that at first was giving food and drink, now it is lunch money.
  5. I had to fly on China airlines twice. The flights are not too bad, I think the seats are smaller. But the worst part is going though China airports.
  6. I just wanted to add, if you are flying as a couple (at least on United/ANA) they will separate you and you need to pay more to sit together. The last flight I was on, we had confirmed seats next to each other but when we got our boarding pass they separated us. I noticed that my original sit was empty, and the flight attendant allowed me to move there if no one came assigned to that seat.
  7. Google flights is the way to go to search round trip flights. But pay close attention to the return flights on the cheaper tickets. Getting to Canada may not be so bad, but the return flight might be h3ll.
  8. I was there a couple of months ago, Those steps are a lot more slippery than they look. They run only about 100 ft from the road in a popular Thai tourist area. Most the locals hate the steps and wish they had never been put in. There was an article about them in one of the papers.
  9. Almost everyday, I give the powers that be a thanks. I have been lucky, I have had high blood pressure and high cholesterol since my 40's. I have never taken any medication other than a pain killer from time to time. I'm 76 now, still do construction and climb on roofs 6 months out of the year. I enjoy the work. The other 6 months, I am here, puttering in my garden, riding my bike. Its enough for me. I hope to go out with a bang, or better yet to die in my sleep. Until then, enjoy the yellows and the reds.
  10. I think it is just to fill the line on the form meant for Thai national. Father Tarsan, Mother Jane. They have no idea who your parents are.
  11. It may not be his fault. I had a friend get hired to work in a foreign country. He worked there for over a year before he was hauled in. The company forgot to get him a work permit. The company did bail him out though.
  12. They seem to be getting known the world around https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/young-male-british-tourists-amsterdam-intl-scli/index.html
  13. Interesting, Singha is the only one my wife doesn't like either. I don't notice much difference in the others, so I guess when I buy, I buy the cheapest, unsually 7/11. The best tasting I have found, very expensive here in Thailand, Fuji
  14. Stored rain water
  15. I forgot I went there. Same year I was at Little America with its 55 gas pumps and Emperor the Penguin. https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/8448
  16. Reminds me of an old Doonsbury comic. A guy makes a pass at a younger girl at a bus stop, she turns to him and says " You must be over 50! Why don't you hit on someone your own age". He thinks on it a bit and sees this older woman. He walks over to hit on her, she turns and says "You must make under 50!"
  17. One local has been separated, but still legally married, from his wife for years. She is even village married to another man. Once a year he comes and get photos of himself at her house and she goes to immigration with him to get his extension. He dreads they ever do a house visit because neither the village head, nor any of the neighbors would lie and say he lives there.
  18. The only other one I can see, though rarely used, is you can get a work permit.
  19. They have never asked for money, but wife will give them about a 100 each when they are leaving. The same we do will anyone that comes to work at the house. I'm sure they don't need it, and they sure as hell are not getting rich from it. Its a 3 hour drive out here and back.
  20. Funny, They printed out a Google map and told me to make copies of it to use next time????
  21. They really want to be able to read the numbers. No need for bed sitting photos anymore. I believe last time at Korat, only four, two to a page, one outside with house number, 3 inside. I didn't even have one inside the bedroom. Kitchen, living room, and my wife's sewing corner. They let me by but was told to leave more room under the photos for sigature next time.
  22. I was told once by a AC guy that if anything it is better to be a little undersized. He said that being over sized, the room will get cooler to quick for the dehumidifier to do its job and the air will feel clammy.
  23. There is also the chance she won't want it after the crash.
  24. I won't say that I don't find it annoying to get behind a slow driver in the right lane, but I don't blow a gasket every time it happens. In a 100 mile trip, how many would that be? Maybe 20. This is Thailand. I'm not going to a fire, my wife is not giving birth, and I emptied my bladder at the last service station. I can wait for a chance to get around them. I have had one road rage against me. Coming out of Gobel House with a load in an older pickup. I pulled out into the slow lane, and turned on my signal to change lanes to get to the raised U-turn. A car, back about a 100 meters or more in that lane, driving fast, started flashing his lights. My choice, stay in my lane and miss the U-turn, or move over. I moved over. He came right up on my tail and started revving up his engine. When we got to the curve at the top of the ramp, he must have popped the clutch at the height of his rev, He spun out, did a 180. As I watched in the rear view, he straighten himself out and came roaring down the ramp. I thought to myself "here we go!". But when he got to the bottom, he pulled over to the side and stopped.
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