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More trouble at Surin bar where British owner was attacked by biker gang


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I find it rather disturbing that some members defend the illegal and intimidating action that is being discussed.... shame on you (if it applies)... "outlaw" says it all... even claiming to be an outlaw ( patch wearing does that) speaks to an attitude


speaking up for these thugs is ok, if you similarly speak up for other criminals (or accused) committing thefts rapes and murders... or be known as a hypocrite. (But then, to speak up on their behalf is contemptible anyway) 


yes I did hang with bikers in my early 20's (coffin cheaters WA) which I'm not proud of nowadays


yes I have been unfortunate enough to having been attacked in a bar by bikers, years after hanging with some ( nomads QLD)


yes it is stupid to thump ones chest and proclaim that you would retailiate


yes it is pathetic that the police do nothing and accept a wai to resolve the issue... probably because they are cowards ( this is probably the saddest part of the story, but not a surprise)


so come on guys, don't assume others know nothing... and don't defend people who intimidate a guy ( or guys/ gals whatever) who is running a legal business... and don't blame the victim who has the right... (nay, responsibility to his clientele) to refuse service to those he deems undesirable.


normally I can find something funny or contentious to post about... but some of the responses here today have given me a reality slap in the face... so very disappointing guys.

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8 hours ago, car720 said:

The guys an ex copper.  He should know full well how to go after them.:cowboy:

The guy was a policeman for less than 3 years, in another country in the 1970's. Not what I would call seasoned.


Really don't know why this was even mentioned in the other thread.


"Lee was a policeman between 1976 and 1979"


With the above said, I do have respect for the owner for banning the guy in the first place (if that was the root of the problem) if he was being a danger to his locals, it does take balls to do that. But perhaps he should have taken it a step further and explained the reason why to the chapter leader. If indeed it is actually a chapter..................:wink:


A lot of people are making light of the gluing of the locks. This is another form of psychological intimidation and small things like this can become the straw that breaks the back. Not to be ignored or indeed made fun off.

Edited by chrisinth
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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

So are you a member of this Surin club,see your from Issan, maybe their PR guy,

so you say all  MC members are all good,and only in it for a laugh,so how do you

explain,the criminal activities of of the Nomad/Outlaws ,in Surin, or is it all the

Monkey bar owners fault for banning one because he was an @rsehole.

regards worgeordie

1. No.

2. Have very little to do with the back patch MC scene over here. But when I go back home, I visit long standing friends who are. In fact I can count on one hand back patch MC members I know in this country, one of which we go back 30 years.

3. I did not say ALL MC members are good. Nor did I say they are only in it for a laugh. When quoting me, please quote correctly.

4. I would not class a bar fight as criminal activities.


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5 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

1. No.

2. Have very little to do with the back patch MC scene over here. But when I go back home, I visit long standing friends who are. In fact I can count on one hand back patch MC members I know in this country, one of which we go back 30 years.

3. I did not say ALL MC members are good. Nor did I say they are only in it for a laugh. When quoting me, please quote correctly.

4. I would not class a bar fight as criminal activities.


Well, to go into a bar and damage property is a criminal activity, i think.

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1 hour ago, sawadeeken said:


Talk about stereotypes, here's a sweetie for you:





10 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Well, to go into a bar and damage property is a criminal activity, i think.


Well, if you're gonna do it, do it properly; here, let sweetie show you how it's done:




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1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

The guy was a policeman for less than 3 years, in another country in the 1970's. Not what I would call seasoned.


Really don't know why this was even mentioned in the other thread.


"Lee was a policeman between 1976 and 1979"


With the above said, I do have respect for the owner for banning the guy in the first place (if that was the root of the problem) if he was being a danger to his locals, it does take balls to do that. But perhaps he should have taken it a step further and explained the reason why to the chapter leader. If indeed it is actually a chapter..................:wink:


A lot of people are making light of the gluing of the locks. This is another form of psychological intimidation and small things like this can become the straw that breaks the back. Not to be ignored or indeed made fun off.

The bar owner is a refugee. The poor man comes from Hull, a city that ran in at, I think, 97 out of 100 crap cities in the UK. Recently there have been attempts to name it a city of culture but everyone knows that in this age of moral relativism, culture just means you are different.

In the case of Hull, it means locals are unable to use the definite and indefinite articles- last night down at pub I saw lass with .....

But they are the salt of the earth and love the East Riding of Yorkshire so much that over 80% of the folks born there, remain there, which  either demonstrates loyalty or stupidity.

So hats off to Lee Buil for building a new life here,  he should get some good CCTV cameras fixed up like, and employ a couple of lasses from East Hull, down Hessle road way, to act as both barmaids and bouncers. He will never be troubled again.


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13 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

My take? The bar owner has/had banned one of the bikie guys, probably publicly. Loss of face! So bikie and mates open new bar and intimidate original guy out of business. 


Should not have banned the guy in the first place?

 Some people have Balls and  have principles. why back down to cowards, Maybe a few thousand baht given to the right people may make a few of the cowards disappear.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought the `nomads` are a part of MC not belonging to any chapter, but have "voting" rights as a member whichever chapters' doorstep they land. Whichever club, the one's seen on video, are affiliated with - should  IMO pay some restitution here, and act like men, and "own" their actions. 

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The cops said they were had to let a gang of foreigners go because they got wais but they forgot to mention how much they received in bribes.  


This country is amoral and corrupt beyond any redemption.  Better burn down the whole place, kill everyone with a neutron bomb and start again with a new population and a new system.  

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It make me wonder why the police allow them to do what they please??? perhaps money under the table as usual, and too bad the owner has no powerful friends with fire power.

I would thought local knowledge combined with why the Police are not following up on this incident?

Also, was the biker gang chapter local or passing through?

More questions than answers.

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I don't know if anyone has brought this up, but where are these guys from?

Surly there would have been a huge gang fight if they had tried those tactics to intimidate a Thai bar owner and the police would have thrown the lot in jail, and depending on a trial result deported them after a long stay behind the other sort of bars...

The guy that assaulted the owner should have been charged with Grievous Bodily Harm (Thai equivalent) and jailed pending trial if nothing else.

A Wai and off you go??? RTP on the take as normal.

As an old GF of mine used to say, "go to the "Big Police" (The Army) to get it sorted out."





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14 minutes ago, citybiker said:

I would thought local knowledge combined with why the Police are not following up on this incident?

Also, was the biker gang chapter local or passing through?

More questions than answers.

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Not passing through read the report.

Some Thai must have influence to help them, maybe the owner of the "Crossed Pistons" bar?

Or it is large brown envelopes.



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Not passing through read the report.
Some Thai must have influence to help them, maybe the owner of the "Crossed Pistons" bar?
Or it is large brown envelopes.

I only briefly peruse the report.
So clear objective, to have the monopoly for the area.

Genuine question, other towns manage with more than one Bar, biker type or otherwise.

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30 minutes ago, citybiker said:

I only briefly peruse the report.
So clear objective, to have the monopoly for the area.

Genuine question, other towns manage with more than one Bar, biker type or otherwise.

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Or more likely to be the biggest bar (most profitable) as I would be surprised if there are only two...

Not been To Surin for 20+ years.

I would bet there is history behind this too, not just the guy that was barred.



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16 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

My take? The bar owner has/had banned one of the bikie guys, probably publicly. Loss of face! So bikie and mates open new bar and intimidate original guy out of business. 


Should not have banned the guy in the first place?


Based on what facts? Above is a work of fiction ... I hope you don't partake in jury duty?

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Or more likely to be the biggest bar (most profitable) as I would be surprised if there are only two...
Not been To Surin for 20+ years.
I would bet there is history behind this too, not just the guy that was barred.

Agreed, on both accounts.

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The police were "satisfied" with the wais offered by the gangsters and set them free!!!?.....


On this basis, one could start to wonder who are the real criminals here?!!:sorry:


Nevertheless, in this case can I  overstay say for a few years on a visa exempt entry and then be let off free of charges, with a good bundle of wais?!!!!!!:welcomeani:

Edited by observer90210
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15 hours ago, ovi1kanobi said:

Bikers do a lot of good charity work. like helping to rebuild the school, That burned down in mae suai, chiang rai. They are good people. Just regular blokes.

No doubt some of them are good blokes, but just as undeniably some of them are total ratbags who only a mother could love.

Edited by mstevens
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16 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

Jesus wept. Out of all the ignorant and un-informed comments I've read wasting my time reading this thread, this one is one of the dumbest.

99% of replies show that nobody really knows what they are talking about regarding the subject of MC's. All their misinformation gleaned from the shock horror media and tv and the laughable Wiki and laughable Feds. And where does Wiki get it's info? I rest my case.

Nobody on this forum knows first hand and close up any 1%er members of an MC, hence the idiotic comments. Been invited for a night out down the clubhouse? No, thought so. So refrain if you only surmise.

And before you ask, yeah I do know. Plenty.

As for the "plug and castrate the scum" comments - the phrase keyboard warriors has never been more apt.

I wouldn't say nobody brother...

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8 hours ago, chrisinth said:

The guy was a policeman for less than 3 years, in another country in the 1970's. Not what I would call seasoned.


Really don't know why this was even mentioned in the other thread.


"Lee was a policeman between 1976 and 1979"

He's 57, so if the dates are correct, it means he joined up on leaving school at age 16 and quit at 19 - hardly a career copper. Agree, it's irrelevant and misleading information. 

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20 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

My take? The bar owner has/had banned one of the bikie guys, probably publicly. Loss of face! So bikie and mates open new bar and intimidate original guy out of business. 


Should not have banned the guy in the first place?

Pure speculation!

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She claimed to have been told by local cops that they were satisfied that the bikers had all offered "wais" at the police station and had been allowed free.

There you go then, a wai is all that is required whatever the crime. I suppose when Interpol locate the 'boss;, extradite him at expense, and esxcort him on a flight to Thailand, he will go and make a wai to the bereaved family and police, and then back into a Ferrari to skedaddle back to his life of luxury.

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22 hours ago, rkidlad said:

And it's really that simple.


I love when my nephew comes to visit my home. He might spill a drink, etc. He will quickly wai me, and then tries to run off. He's called back and told to clean up his mess. "But it was an accident!". He's quickly told that I couldn't care less and he's made to clean up after himself. All good until he's in his own home and does it. Quick wai and his mum is cleaning up after him. 


Does this mean that the local cops are satisfied with a Wai for brutal assaults , serious criminal offences committed here, and do Nothing??? some thing brown and square shaped is intervening here.


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