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Overstay: Flight booked but not enough money to pay fine.

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5 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

Immigration would likely lose money having to deal with the situation vs cutting a deal which allows OP to leave with a ban.

The minds of officials do not work that way. Finding the money for someone's incarceration is not their problem. It does not come out of their pockets. Going against the clear instructions they have been given over fines and blacklisting potentially leaves them open to penalties. What possible reason would an official have for doing that?

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12 hours ago, Aditi Sharma said:

What are the chances that they will waive off the part of the fine she wont be able to pay on the strength of the ETD and the ticket to Kenya?

Wishful thinking, I should imagine.  While much is negotiable in the land of smiles, Thai government departments aren't known for offering discounts!

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16 hours ago, Aditi Sharma said:

The Girl, I think do your time in the classroom earn your fine ( as it happens) and leave respectfully. If you think there isnt enough time on the ticket you've got, see if it can be cancelled and get a refund now. We are sure now they wont reduce the fine without a judge but you dont want to go through that experience. 


Everyone seems to be confused by my story, and rightly so. Basically, I allowed myself to overstay with the hopes  that upon my passport arrival I will exit via land boarder, pay a small fine and then return. When I applied for a new passport, I had 1 month valid visa. When the embassy extended the passport arrival date to 4-6 months (which is the height of my issue) - I still decided to wait hoping it might be sooner than 6 months (most regrettable mistake ever). Right there and then, I should have just left Thailand immediately as I was already aware of the ETD - but they need a confirmed flight ticket to issue an ETD.  Now low on cash, I started fundraising from family and friend. This is why it took long for me to leave. I couldn't obtain an ETD without a flight ticket.  Now that I have a flight ticket and an ETD - I can't leave without 20k fine. 


I booked the flight some weeks ago. Yes, it was the cheapest flight and I did read the Ts&Cs - oh boy are they strict:  Low cash refund and low tolerence for changing flight date or no show. If I don't make this flight - suicide might be an option. Joking. At least my ETD expires in December. 


Also, my embassy is NOT to be blamed for this, I am. Rules are subject to change without notice. My fault was waiting for the passport AFTER I was notified that it will no longer take 2 months but 6 months. I still waited because of flight bookings an ETD. Now I am in mess that could have been avoided much earlier. I hope others learn to leave asap because "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" 

Edited by The Girl
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6 minutes ago, The Girl said:

Hi. In as much as it is very risky to do so, I have resorted to spending at least 7-8 hours at the language center per day (incl. weekends). I have raised an additional of 2k after pawning some stuff. So I need 8k  by next week. Remember that I had 10k already.


Everyone seems to be confused by my story, and rightly so. Basically, I allowed myself to overstay with the hopes  that upon my passport arrival I will exit via land boarder, pay a small fine and then return. When I applied for a new passport, I had 1 month valid visa. When the embassy extended the passport arrival date to 4-6 months (which is the height of my issue) - I still decided to wait hoping it might be sooner than 6 months (most regrettable mistake ever). Right there and then, I should have just left Thailand immediately as I was already aware of the ETD - but they need a confirmed flight ticket to issue an ETD.  Now low on cash, I started fundraising from family and friend. This is why it took long for me to leave. I couldn't obtain an ETD without a flight ticket.  Now that I have a flight ticket and an ETD - I can't leave without 20k fine. 


Also, my embassy is NOT to be blamed for this, I am. Rules are subject to change without notice. My fault was waiting for the passport AFTER I was notified that it will no longer take 2 months but 6 months. I still waited because of flight bookings an ETD. Now I am in mess that could have been avoided much earlier. I hope others learn to leave asap because "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" 

Many thanks for clarifying your situation and admitting that it was your own fault.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, you've openly informed the world (including any Thai immigration officials who may be monitoring this forum) that you have overstayed by 7 months and will be travelling out of BKK on Kenyan Airways in the next week or so.  So given that information, and the fact that there is only one Kenyan Airways flight per day,  it is not going to be very difficult to identify you as you attempt to clear immigration at BKK.  I previously advised that you not make further comments regarding work.


Given the fact that you have also now admitted to the world that you are working (assumable without a work permit) to raise the funds for your fine, it is possible that the IO's at BKK may start asking questions regarding your finances during that past 7 months and they may well hit you with additional problems, namely illegal working and additional fines.


All I can say is that I wish you the very best and hope that you do get back to SA without further problems.

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3 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

Many thanks for clarifying your situation and admitting that it was your own fault.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, you've openly informed the world (including any Thai immigration officials who may be monitoring this forum) that you have overstayed by 7 months and will be travelling out of BKK on Kenyan Airways in the next week or so.  So given that information, and the fact that there is only one Kenyan Airways flight per day,  it is not going to be very difficult to identify you as you attempt to clear immigration at BKK.  I previously advised that you not make further comments regarding work.


Given the fact that you have also now admitted to the world that you are working (assumable without a work permit) to raise the funds for your fine, it is possible that the IO's at BKK may start asking questions regarding your finances during that past 7 months and they may well hit you with additional problems, namely illegal working and additional fines.


All I can say is that I wish you the very best and hope that you do get back to SA without further problems.

I know immigration does sometimes browse this board. Also, I agree that further discussion of illegal working should best be avoided. Better just to say"getting the extra funds I need is now under control". That said, I cannot see immigration going to any great lengths to identify the OP and give her the third degree when she leaves through the airport.

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6 minutes ago, BritTim said:

I know immigration does sometimes browse this board. Also, I agree that further discussion of illegal working should best be avoided. Better just to say"getting the extra funds I need is now under control". That said, I cannot see immigration going to any great lengths to identify the OP and give her the third degree when she leaves through the airport.

It only takes one IO to even casually look at this forum and pick up on this discussion to start the 'ball rolling' and tip of BKK IO.  It won't be that difficult to identify her during departure.  How many people on a Kenyan Airways flight are going to have 7 month's overstay?   3rd degree = additional fine.

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10 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

It only takes one IO to even casually look at this forum and pick up on this discussion to start the 'ball rolling' and tip of BKK IO.  It won't be that difficult to identify her during departure.  How many people on a Kenyan Airways flight are going to have 7 month's overstay?   3rd degree = additional fine.

I think you are a bit over the top with your assumption that immigration would even bother trying to identify the OP on departure. Do you really think immigration has that much spare time or interest to do that.

The max fine is 20,000 baht for overstay so how would the 3rd degree raise the fine.

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11 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

It only takes one IO to even casually look at this forum and pick up on this discussion to start the 'ball rolling' and tip of BKK IO.  It won't be that difficult to identify her during departure.  How many people on a Kenyan Airways flight are going to have 7 month's overstay?   3rd degree = additional fine.

What if I have Western Union receipts proving that I have received money from SA? Could they examine and question me further than the point of complying with their departure rules? Documents: check. Fine: check. Flight: check. Remorse: check.


I just have to hope for the best since I haven't been the best tourist.   

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7 minutes ago, The Girl said:

What if I have Western Union receipts proving that I have received money from SA? Could they examine and question me further than the point of complying with their departure rules? Documents: check. Fine: check. Flight: check. Remorse: check.


The will not ask for anything other than having the 20k baht in cash in your hand at the airport. They don't care where the money came from.

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49 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

Many thanks for clarifying your situation and admitting that it was your own fault.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, you've openly informed the world (including any Thai immigration officials who may be monitoring this forum) that you have overstayed by 7 months and will be travelling out of BKK on Kenyan Airways in the next week or so.  So given that information, and the fact that there is only one Kenyan Airways flight per day,  it is not going to be very difficult to identify you as you attempt to clear immigration at BKK.  I previously advised that you not make further comments regarding work.


Given the fact that you have also now admitted to the world that you are working (assumable without a work permit) to raise the funds for your fine, it is possible that the IO's at BKK may start asking questions regarding your finances during that past 7 months and they may well hit you with additional problems, namely illegal working and additional fines.


All I can say is that I wish you the very best and hope that you do get back to SA without further problems.

"Given the fact that you have also now admitted to the world that you are working (assumable without a work permit) to raise the funds for your fine, it is possible that the IO's at BKK may start asking questions regarding your finances during that past 7 months and they may well hit you with additional problems, namely illegal working and additional fines."


Very, very unlikely and not something to worry about.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:



Very, very unlikely and not something to worry about.

Just be be on the safe side , she should post :

"I wasnt really working, I was just saying that and Im really going to Australia as well and not to South Africa" .

  Just incase they are watching

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21 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I think you are a bit over the top with your assumption that immigration would even bother trying to identify the OP on departure. Do you really think immigration has that much spare time or interest to do that.

The max fine is 20,000 baht for overstay so how would the 3rd degree raise the fine.

Do you really think immigration has that much spare time or interest to do that?.  ..... Yes - How many IOs are there?  It only takes one to pick this discussion up and notify the senior IO at BKK, who then just need to put a notice up on the 'fine counter' to look out for a 7 month overstay travelling on KQ861and question them about illegal working.


The max fine is 20,000 baht for overstay so how would the 3rd degree raise the fine.  Agreed the maximum fine for overstay is 20K, but what is the fine for working illegally which could be imposed additionally?

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1 minute ago, 007 RED said:

Do you really think immigration has that much spare time or interest to do that?.  ..... Yes - How many IOs are there?  It only takes one to pick this discussion up and notify the senior IO at BKK, who then just need to put a notice up on the 'fine counter' to look out for a 7 month overstay travelling on KQ861and question them about illegal working.


The max fine is 20,000 baht for overstay so how would the 3rd degree raise the fine.  Agreed the maximum fine for overstay is 20K, but what is the fine for working illegally which could be imposed additionally?

Nonsense, they have other things to do.

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15 minutes ago, The Girl said:

What if I have Western Union receipts proving that I have received money from SA? Could they examine and question me further than the point of complying with their departure rules? Documents: check. Fine: check. Flight: check. Remorse: check.


I just have to hope for the best since I haven't been the best tourist.   

If you produce a Western Union receipt make sure that it is for a plausible amount and very recently dated.... whatever you do don't dig the hole any deeper.


Good luck.

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11 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

Do you really think immigration has that much spare time or interest to do that?.  ..... Yes - How many IOs are there?  It only takes one to pick this discussion up and notify the senior IO at BKK, who then just need to put a notice up on the 'fine counter' to look out for a 7 month overstay travelling on KQ861and question them about illegal working.


The max fine is 20,000 baht for overstay so how would the 3rd degree raise the fine.  Agreed the maximum fine for overstay is 20K, but what is the fine for working illegally which could be imposed additionally?

Actually, Red, I did not say I am currently working. I said I may take the suggestion of working at a Language Center to raise money. Seeing that it is illegal, I will not do it. There is no case of investigation without illegal commission (except financing my overstay - which WU receipts should do the talking). Instead, I will channel that "working" towards fundraising from family and friends from SA. That's the only hard "work" I will be doing. 

Edited by The Girl
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It is great to see your attitude change as this Thread progressed.

If you had gone to any IO with the attitude originally displayed you would be banged up , regardless of having the fine money.

If you have to pawn your stuff (which is better than renting your body!) leave the ticket with your GF who can reclaim them as you send the money (plus 3% per month interest).


Good luck, shut up and let us know the outcome when back home.

You have hopefully learnt some very valuable lessons for life.

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19 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

Do you really think immigration has that much spare time or interest to do that?.  ..... Yes - How many IOs are there?  It only takes one to pick this discussion up and notify the senior IO at BKK, who then just need to put a notice up on the 'fine counter' to look out for a 7 month overstay travelling on KQ861and question them about illegal working.


The max fine is 20,000 baht for overstay so how would the 3rd degree raise the fine.  Agreed the maximum fine for overstay is 20K, but what is the fine for working illegally which could be imposed additionally?

There are lots of immigration officers that work at different locations and responsibilities scattered all over the country,

Some are at local offices, airports, border crossings, division offices and etc. They also have a chain of command. If a low ranking officer noticed a post on here they would have to go through several levels of bureaucracy before it got to the airport officer. 

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why would immo waste time trying to track down one person on the back of a forum where many are using VPN's etc. a thread discussing she might work will have no bearing once she gets to the airport even if they thought they could identify her as a female on a flight with a long overstay. there's just no proof it's her, there could be another passenger on the same flight a few days later with a long overstay. hardy going to use a thread of anonymous forum chat to prove she worked even if she chose to. 

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50 minutes ago, The Girl said:

Actually, Red, I did not say I am currently working. I said I may take the suggestion of working at a Language Center to raise money. Seeing that it is illegal, I will not do it. There is no case of investigation without illegal commission (except financing my overstay - which WU receipts should do the talking). Instead, I will channel that "working" towards fundraising from family and friends from SA. That's the only hard "work" I will be doing. 

How short are you with the money at the moment as you are reading this? And what do your friends and family have to say about your predicament? I hate to say this but please dont forget this: 20,000 is non-negotiable. And your language skills - unless you speak excellent Thai---and WU receipts wont help much in letting you through. 

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Just now, Aditi Sharma said:

How short are you with the money at the moment as you are reading this? And what do your friends and family have to say about your predicament? I hate to say this but please dont forget this: 20,000 is non-negotiable. And your language skills - unless you speak excellent Thai---and WU receipts wont help much in letting you through. 

In SA, the payday is normally the last day of the month. The week preceding payday has most people living out of their last, say, 2000 bahts. I have to wait until most friends and family receive their salary to punch the numbers. At the moment, I am using the 2k I pawned to buy meals. I still live with my friend who has sponsored my transportation back forth the embassy and int. phone calls. So each day I don't get money, I lose money. On the 1st Oct. I will know for sure how much money has been raised. 


p.s I am an only child, so I don't have any sisters or brother's who can help me.

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3 minutes ago, The Girl said:

In SA, the payday is normally the last day of the month. The week preceding payday has most people living out of their last, say, 2000 bahts. I have to wait until most friends and family receive their salary to punch the numbers. At the moment, I am using the 2k I pawned to buy meals. I still live with my friend who has sponsored my transportation back forth the embassy and int. phone calls. So each day I don't get money, I lose money. On the 1st Oct. I will know for sure how much money has been raised. 


p.s I am an only child, so I don't have any sisters or brother's who can help me.

I am very sorry for you. I wish I could help you. 

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5 minutes ago, The Girl said:

In SA, the payday is normally the last day of the month. The week preceding payday has most people living out of their last, say, 2000 bahts. I have to wait until most friends and family receive their salary to punch the numbers. At the moment, I am using the 2k I pawned to buy meals. I still live with my friend who has sponsored my transportation back forth the embassy and int. phone calls. So each day I don't get money, I lose money. On the 1st Oct. I will know for sure how much money has been raised. 


p.s I am an only child, so I don't have any sisters or brother's who can help me.

I read about a Nepali who has been held at the immigration detention centre for 5 years because he had no money and he was not quite able to contact his folks in Nepal or India from the IDC. So please kindly stay clear of the place? The world can cave in on you, if you see what I mean.

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1 hour ago, The Girl said:

Actually, Red, I did not say I am currently working. I said I may take the suggestion of working at a Language Center to raise money. Seeing that it is illegal, I will not do it. There is no case of investigation without illegal commission (except financing my overstay - which WU receipts should do the talking). Instead, I will channel that "working" towards fundraising from family and friends from SA. That's the only hard "work" I will be doing. 

Lets look at this way: you owe the Kingdom 20,000 baht because you miscalculated. No big deal. Shit happens. So will work to pay the fine. There is nothing wrong with it. Other than doing immoral and patently illegal stuff like transporting drugs or killing somebody for money or kidnapping someone for a ransom I will do everything I can for a limited time. The funds from SA are coming, let them come. Seeing the WU receipts, anybody will think you can raise money in SA for your release even when you are no longer able to. So again 20k baht will be non-negotiable. Dont say no to any opportunity to making some money. This will not be illegal in your circumstances. 

Edited by Aditi Sharma
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11 minutes ago, Aditi Sharma said:

Lets look at this way: you owe the Kingdom 20,000 baht because you miscalculated. No big deal. Shit happens. So will work to pay the fine. There is nothing wrong with it. Other than doing immoral and patently illegal stuff like transporting drugs or killing somebody for money or kidnapping someone for a ransom I will do everything I can for a limited time. The funds from SA are coming, let them come. Seeing the WU receipts, anybody will think you can raise money in SA for your release even when you are no longer able to. So again 20k baht will be non-negotiable. Dont say no to any opportunity to making some money. This will not be illegal in your circumstances. 

It will be illegal but sometimes people have to take a chance.

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I'm just astounded that people think it's fine to travel and live halfway around the world from home and only have 10,000 baht to their name. No back up funds for an emergency situation like this, not even a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing. 


Maybe their is a clause in you're travel insurance and they can help? Assuming you have some that is. 

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4 minutes ago, Bung said:

I'm just astounded that people think it's fine to travel and live halfway around the world from home and only have 10,000 baht to their name. No back up funds for an emergency situation like this, not even a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing. 


Maybe their is a clause in you're travel insurance and they can help? Assuming you have some that is. 

She is staying with a friend. Has a return ticket and ETD and 10,000 baht. I dont think she has got any travel insurance. She would not have started this thread if she wasnt so effed up. 

Edited by Aditi Sharma
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