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Thailand’s tourism numbers continue to soar


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Thailand’s tourism numbers continue to soar

By Tanutam Thawan




The tourists keep arriving, the numbers keep soaring. Assuming the numbers have to plateau at some stage, when will that be?


For the past 20 years, through floods, bombings, coups, political upheavals and a few unsolved, mystery murders, Thailand’s tourist arrival numbers just keep rising and rising, heading into unfamiliar territory. So many people have predicted doom and gloom – “the good days are over” – but still the tourists continue to flock to the Land of Smiles.


Once known to the world as the Land of a Thousand Smiles Thailand’s probably more accurately known these days as the Land of a Thousand 7/11s. If you were going to start a successful business in Phuket in 2017 you’d either open a convenience store or a rubber shop and do a deal with the tour buses. A story in ttrweekly.com has all the numbers….


Full Story: https://www.phuketgazette.net/news/thailands-tourism-numbers-continue-soar

-- © Copyright Phuket Gazette 2017-9-25
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That photo doesn't exactly entice tourists to visit Thailand's beautiful beaches.


The British might as well go to Southend , Brighton or Spain. At least they can lie on the beach,

Imagine expecting to sunbathe and ending up on a beach with standing room only.

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10 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Where the hell did he dig that photo out from and not a Farang in site

I remember this photo. Used before. Quality Chinese horde. Just imagine the rubbish/trash they left behind. Bottom left in front of the old Chinese perv look like falang.

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11 hours ago, petedk said:

That photo doesn't exactly entice tourists to visit Thailand's beautiful beaches.


The British might as well go to Southend , Brighton or Spain. At least they can lie on the beach,

Imagine expecting to sunbathe and ending up on a beach with standing room only.

Or a Beach where there is no seats available nor can a beer be bought, which seems to be a direction the authorities wish to head.

I think the figures are BS.

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More tourists are OK as long as there is the infrastructure to accommodate them, but alas this situation was surpassed 25 years ago. Thailand is rapidly becoming a dump, with beaches covered in trash and the water filthy. The concept of proper sewage treatment is yet to occur, but keep dragging in more tourists !

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

If you were going to start a successful business in Phuket in 2017 you’d either open a convenience store or a rubber shop and do a deal with the tour buses.

Call me dumb but what is a rubber store? A condom shop?

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31 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Where are the farang naysayers ..   ???    no where to be seen hahaha.

but where are all the TV keyboard warriors who keep telling us everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places .... :coffee1:


just goes to show .... believe nothing from farang here ... lol

I've got a used car I think you might be interested in. Low mileage, one lady owner who only drove it to the temple on Sundays.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Where are the farang naysayers ..   ???    no where to be seen hahaha.

but where are all the TV keyboard warriors who keep telling us everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places .... :coffee1:


just goes to show .... believe nothing from farang here ... lol

On subject - I hardly believe these figures although I'd like to see a decent level of tourist activity backed and promoted by a government and people that can show true appreciation for the tourist dollar.  

I don't understand why you have to try to derail the topic for yet another anti-farang jibe.

I used to find you annoying as the only posts you ever make are to bash farangs.  Now, with two posts, only 6 posts apart, sharing the same inane trolling drivel, it seems clear that you're more of an attention seeker, or have a screw loose!

It seems a little sad and bitter to me.:saai:

I love your repeated use of the term "keyboard warrior" when you are actually the one deliberately baiting and trolling others from the safety of your PC!


Edited by saminoz
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9 minutes ago, saminoz said:

I hardly believe these figures

There you go ...  it gets a bit tiring to hear the negativity day after day. Why bother living in Thailand if everything is wrong with the place.

Like I said .... we keep hearing that all the farang are leaving ....  BS.

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Actually, in comparison to who were here 10,20, 30 years ago many have left for other Asian countries or returned to their country of birth. There are many reasons for this to include currencies depreciation; poor economy and the fact that Thailand is not as attractive a spot as it once was.  The beaches are dirty; some of the locals  suffer from tourist fatigue and are surly; and the prices are much higher than neighboring countries.


The numbers incoming may show an increase due to more Malaysians; chinese and Indians as well as some Middle Easterners but certainly less Westerners. I doubt the increase in numbers has made up for the decrease in amounts spent. Take a look at the big hotels and they always have vacancies. The condominium projects never sell out and local businesses such as bars  continue to go out of business. 


Thailand is doing nothing to improve its infrastructure. Spending huge amounts of money on a useless tunnel in Pattaya and burying electric cables won't get it. It is the beaches that need cleaning and the resolution of the lack of a sewage system and yearly flooding that need huge amounts of money.

Edited by Thaidream
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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Where are the farang naysayers ..   ???    no where to be seen hahaha.

but where are all the TV keyboard warriors who keep telling us everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places .... :coffee1:


just goes to show .... believe nothing from farang here ... lol


Do you not understand that when posters talk about "everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places" they are referring to farang expats, not the Chinese tourist hordes.

I've never claimed such, but there does appear to be a loss of farangs in Pattaya compared to previous years that I've visited. Who knows how many farangs are living in married bliss in Nakhon Nowhere though?

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Amazing the spin they give these tourism folks.


In actuality “we panicked here in Thailand and made up more stupid rules to work here and soooooo every Burmese, Khmer & Laos labourer in the Thailand made a run for the border, when we took our foot out of our mouth they came back” 


We Hub of (insert)


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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Where are the farang naysayers ..   ???    no where to be seen hahaha.

but where are all the TV keyboard warriors who keep telling us everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places .... :coffee1:


just goes to show .... believe nothing from farang here ... lol

No sign of many tourists in Pattaya yesterday. There haven't been queues at supermarket checkouts for months, and that's with a very reduced number of checkouts actually open.

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Where are the farang naysayers ..   ???    no where to be seen hahaha.

but where are all the TV keyboard warriors who keep telling us everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places .... :coffee1:


just goes to show .... believe nothing from farang here ... lol

I would go to Cambodia if I liked beaches and that is what they are going to look like in the future - not enough room to swing my pussy in there 

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The world is round hence everything goes in a circle. As Thailand changes it's policies so we see the changing faces of tourists. As bars and restaurants shut the Thais will just adapt to having more 7/11s and cheap grocery stores like Big C to feed the new type of tourists. The new tourists don't worry about floating turds or rubbish on the beach, to them anything is better than the life they have at home. Your time is up, you old bar warriors, the thai government will price you out, debar you and remove any remaining priviliges you may think you have. The thai rulers are Chinese and you are not, not even 1 generation removed. As you gasp your last breathes like a goldfish out of water, you can at least have some comfort that you will be able to moan that if only you had moved to Cambodia or Vietnam earlier you would have got a better condo...

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