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Buying a house at the end of the year with girlfriend, when buying a home with her what should I look out for yes I trust a woman to a point, what to look for about thai law some of you guys have plenty of experience just want some advise. Thanks Fellows. 

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Is it in Her Area.?


If you do happen to part ways --at a latter date....would you want to live there?


As you can not have it in your name you should look for some protection, maybe consider a 30 lease with subletting clause. 

Also both make Wills... If anything should happen to the lady-then Thai laws deem that the property be divided amongst her family.

3 minutes ago, maxpower said:

Oh my, just reading the title is scary.


indeed, it's not as if there isn't enough information and advice already available one this topic here and in other places on the web.


anyway, everyone to their own, can't say he wasn't warned...


What do you mean,buying house with Thai girlfriend ?

Do you mean you are paying for it,and in her name,?

Please think very carefully about what you are doing,

and only do it if you can afford the loss,and walk away

from it,without regrets,can you do that ?,if answer is no

dont do it.

regards worgeordie

2 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Is it in Her Area.?


If you do happen to part ways --at a latter date....would you want to live there?


As you can not have it in your name you should look for some protection, maybe consider a 30 lease with subletting clause. 

Also both make Wills... If anything should happen to the lady-then Thai laws deem that the property be divided amongst her family.

Not totally true....the husband has rights too


 Don't do it. Please. If you both want a place to live together, she can pay for it, and you can pay the monthly mortgage (in her name). In this case, you can walk away in a moment and not be liable.

7 hours ago, musiclover said:

Not totally true....the husband has rights too

He is not married--if he had the intention of marrying then he should do so before the purchase of property. Other wise he would be treated in accordance  of section CCC-1629.


Married without a Will --Lose half your house

Not married without a will --Lose all your house.


If there is no Thai will, the intestate's assets must be distributed in accordance with the classes of relations as stipulated in the CCC Section 1629 which are, in order of priority:



    brothers and sisters of full blood;

    brothers and sisters of half blood;

    grandfathers and grandmothers;

    uncles and aunts.


Before any distribution of the estate to the relatives, half of the estate, known as Sin Somros, will belong to the spouse, if any.



Many will advise against any financial involvement with a Thai lady for a very good reason, many cannot be trusted. On the other hand if you have done your due diligence (on your Thai lady) then it can be a rewarding experience, however as many contributors warn, buyer beware.


I have been married for the past 12 years in a house and on land bought by me and in my wife's name. Am I lucky, in a way yes, but I did do due diligence for a long time before committing myself or any money. And I ONLY invested what I could/can afford to lose.


My personal advice is similar to others -


  1. invest ONLY what you can afford to lose, should it go pear shaped 
  2. ensure you get a 30 year lease
  3. both of you have a WILL so that the family cannot evict you should something happen to her
  4. most importantly…chose the lady wisely…

I did it a few years ago. But only after we had been together for 7 years and I was sure of who she is. I also did it with the idea that it is her house, whatever may come. I actually was looking for a place to rent at the time with no luck in my provincial town. This house was a good buy in a great location. I have no argument for the advise you are getting. Maybe we only ever hear of the bad stories. In my own case I was ripped off by her daughter in another manner and my woman defended her and claimed it never happened. So now she has the house and I'm a rolling stone.

4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Do it. What could possibly go wrong?


Ahh good old crocs always seen on the best people. Abandon all hope ye who wear crocs.


Rent!!! to you married and have all paper at least,

But if I was you I RENT full time, you will lose it someday,

you never know when you need to move for some reason,  


I rent for 13 years now and never have any problem.


Only buy a house with your Thai girlfriend if it is A) absolutely what you want and it was YOUR IDEA and B) you are already engaged and have firm plans to marry.  Even then, there's a good argument against buying....  If buying a house was her idea and you are not 100% certain you are going to marry her, then drop the idea!


As much as I trust the Mrs and her family (never have been asked for money, gave us 2 cars to use daily which the father pays off and their pickup when need it, send lunch and dinner to the house everyday, got me an easy job, give the Mrs money to improve the house), I would never buy a house that I am not legally entitled to. It works for many people I am sure, and that is fantastic. But for me, if I was going to buy a house then the Mrs would move to my country, find a job and we would both pay off the house as we are both entitled to it. Seeing as the Mrs could get a loan to buy her own home that I am not entitled to, my money goes into the kids, dogs, luxuries etc to make life happier/easier. 


I don't mean that in a negative way like all girls are out to take everything from you, it is just who knows what can happen around the corner. It is a risk many are happy to take and good for them, just something I would not do. 


Now op when you have finished reading all the Negative posts from the posters (and theres many more to come belive me) who may or may not have been ripped off or who may or may not have been in a bad relationship. There will be lots of anecdotal rethoric. Some may be fact based most will be hear say a mate of a mate said ect.

This forum is great for Visa matters and how to shop in tesco or where do you buy shoe laces ect. For the question you ask you may as well have just jumped of a balcony already. There will of course be the few posters who will give you a truer picture of life and buying here unfortunately they will be drowned out by the negative we dislike thailands laws and women moaners.

My advise when you read all the doomsters do it with a smile on your face dont let it sink in as most do. As then You then become one of them.

Me! Had some land given to us built a house and businesses there. Happy as larrry. 


I built a house in my wife's village - it makes a really nice gift for someone I care about... I have been living in the house for 15 years now, so, that has been a nice bonus. 


I knew when I built it that it would never be sold... 


And all the stories about different ways to protect yourself, I doubt they work... but a gift is always nice. 


Buying home with Thai girlfriend advice


Just to be clear, you are not buying a house WITH your Thai girlfriend.


You are buying a house FOR your Thai girlfriend.



If you are comfortable buying her a house, and that you can/could walk away from it without any financial or emotional feelings, go for it.


If not, don't. 

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