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Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump


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And this is why imo brexit won: they played dirtier.

Read Dominic Cummings article in the New Statesmen.


While it probably leaves out some things it's pretty illuminating.


Their key successes were based around the NHS 350 million euro meme.


He admitted it wasn't realistic in the slightest (lie!?) but they knew that this meme would cut across all classes especially as the NHS is a hot topic.


They did their best to keep Farage out of the picture during the campaign as he was largely a liability as many can't stand him.


They did run an army of bots and he skipped over that part , probably because of some very dodgy stuff there.


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On 10/25/2017 at 8:44 PM, taipeir said:

What rot.Too many permitations?


Do you want to leave all EU institutions ?

Do you want to stay in the single market?

Do you want to stay in the customs bloc?

Do you want to stay in the single market and customs bloc?


These are the kinds of questions that needed to be asked.


The brexiteers were saying different things, saying the UK would get a special deal with the EU that would be as good as Switzerland etc without having to make any payments or compromise on freedom of movement.


Complete fantasy stuff.


Of course there was the NHS trucks as well preddling outright lies .


People weren't presented the real facts and were not given voting options that would be superior democratically speaking to a simple in and out vote.


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If people were not presented real facts?


The facts were there for you to vote remain (If you are a UK citizen) So you must assume the facts were there to leave too.


People looked at the facts (amongst the lies) and decided what THEY thought best.


Get over it.

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33 minutes ago, stevenl said:

And this is why imo brexit won: they played dirtier.



18 months on still some TV posters here can't accept the democratic will of the people and move on. I understand why the likes of Bloomberg and the other Rothschild stooges would say what he did. It is in his interest to keep the UK in the EU. Branson, Geldof and the other clowns don't care about people just themselves. I actually watched sky news this morning and the left wing, liberal Sonia Sodha from the guardian actually believes more immigrants than the 4 million expected in the next few years should be let in and the UK countryside should be covered with more housing. Another London luvvy. Still hearing the constant bombardment of the same I have put 10 things that I still keep on hearing after 18 months. Maybe people should move on, support the country and stop waiting for Brexit to fall so you can say "I told you so it was a stupid idea'".


Still we are getting the following.


1. People didn't know what they voted for. Once again utter tosh. If you didn't know what you voted for then maybe you don't deserve a vote. I wouldn't degrade remainers for what they voted for. They voted for a more federalised UK within the EU, as that's what the EU is about. Leavers voted out of the EU. It is that simple. Breaking it down into small chunks is worthless. It was leave or remain on my voting slip. Couldn't be any clearer.


2. The remianers lied on the campaign. Another tedious argument. Both sides lied but if you believe everything a politician says then you are really gullible.  I wish David Cameron had spent 9 million pound on leaflets explaining why the UK should leave the EU. that would have been balanced.


3. Here should be another referendum on the matter. Why? Lets have the best out of 5. It was clearly explained to everyone and if you didn't know then you do not follow politics.


4. The talks are too difficult we should just stop. Of course the talks are difficult as the EU want it that way and as they have said numerous times they want to punish the UK and stop other countries leaving. the talks could be really easy. TM could tell them we are leaving and joining the WTO. There simple.


5. The whole brexit has caused divisions across the community and business sectors. Yes I agree with this. But what do you expect when you have people running brexit who don't believe in it and are staunch remainers. It is like being agnostic and trying to promote the belief in god.  Impossible to do wholeheartedly when you disagree with the core foundations.The sooner that people accept the UK is leaving, be more positive and support your country, the better it would be.


6. More educated people voted for remain. This for me doesn't hold total truth. My circle of friends aged 45 to 55 all have at least a university degree (when they meant something) and they voted leave. Obviously now more than half the population go to university when 10, 20 and  30 years ago this was significantly lower. I still don't equate having a university degree makes you educated and more intelligent.


7. Older people voted for leave and younger for remain. Yes I agree and isn't it great that we have wise people who have experience and remember that the UK can look after itself. The youth haven't known anything better or other than being apart of the EU and with the constant left wing liberal rhetoric in schools, colleges and university, they are EU brainwashed. (I know this from experience)


8. There are not many people here and who I speak with who believe the EU is perfect and many have stated so. I agree it isn't perfect. It is corrupt, stagnant and the only direction it is going is into a United States of Europe, eroding cultures, heritage and identity. We tried for many years for the EU to change it refused. Many posters here seem to forget that very important point.


9. MP's should have a vote on the brexit deal.  MP's do not vote for their constituents they vote for themselves or some their party. Just another way of thwarting the peoples voice.


10. Remainers are still using the same words over and over again. Could be, maybe. possibly with the end of the world and project fear that has been spread since the referendum. I would suggest this type of wording should stop, as it embarrasses yourself and anyone else who uses this, as a means to an argument.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
So the grammar police dont get me.
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On 10/26/2017 at 5:38 AM, taipeir said:


It obviously wasn't the only way to get a clear decision. 

First, it wasn't clear. That much is patently obvious.


It's not even clear if the result is binding or not.


Second, having multiple questions allows the government to really probe what are the important factors without commuting to a rash course of action. The percentage voting for this or that parameter would help to justify the government direction but also allow them flexibility in negotiation and practical arrangements. There would never be just one route in or out.


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The result is binding.

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On 10/26/2017 at 9:21 AM, taipeir said:

The arrogance of the EU doesn't make sense.It's not a monolithic entity.


Its a club of 27 nations, if you are going to blame the other members with being broadly satisfied with existing rules then its you that could be considered to be arrogant.


It's not arrogance to keep abiding by the same rules that have already been agreed upon!!!


I noticed the hard brexit folks increasingly trying to play the blame game on the EU as their fantasies meet reality head on.



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It's not a monolithic entity.


I am sure you understood my meaning. 

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I still don't equate having a university degree makes you educated and more intelligent.

If 3 years at university doesn't improve one's education, there doesn't seem much point in going now does there? ?


Nobody said anything about intelligence


Out of academic interest, what universities did you and your friends attend and what did you study?

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13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

If 3 years at university doesn't improve one's education, there doesn't seem much point in going now does there? ?


Nobody said anything about intelligence


Out of academic interest, what universities did you and your friends attend and what did you study?



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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

But it's undeniable that Brexit is the stupidest thing this country has done and that says all you need to know about the majority.

Notwithstanding giving out British passports to citizens of former commonwealth countries.

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19 minutes ago, Grouse said:

If 3 years at university doesn't improve one's education, there doesn't seem much point in going now does there? ?


Nobody said anything about intelligence


Out of academic interest, what universities did you and your friends attend and what did you study?

Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. I disagree. Again I have mentioned before my academic qualifications. I spent 7 years at university over 12 years. I also worked at 2 universities, so I feel I can comment on the change especially from 1990 through to 2002. I did Science and Management at postgraduate level. Not that it really matters in the context of Brexit IMHO. Three of my best friends did pharmacology and work for big national companies. Others did a variety of degrees. The universities varied across the North and South of England.


If 3 years is a benchmark for ones education today then I would look at the graduates coming out of university today. I have to regularly and many just do not inspire me. I could go on but I think it is well documented that getting a degree now and over the last 15 years is not a great achievement, hence the media and other worthless degrees offered.


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11124612/Todays-university-students-are-being-sold-a-lie.html )worth a read)


A degree was once  a standard of ones education, now I would say the same.

I would say the opposite of intelligence is stupid. When you have the pro EU papers and organisations like these saying what what they do and the luvvies who are saying the same even this week, then Grouse I am afraid you are wrong people are saying it is about intellect which is totally wrong.



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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I would say the opposite of intelligence is stupid. When you have the pro EU papers and organisations like these saying what what they do and the luvvies who are saying the same even this week, then Grouse I am afraid you are wrong people are saying it is about intellect which is totally wrong.


If the word 'satire' in the link doesn't give it away, surely the photo of Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber which illustrates the article, or the following paragraphs from within the article itself would give you a clue???


"The study shows that those with low academic attainment, Daily Mail and Sun newspaper readers, Northerners, Monster Energy Drink consumers, and Britain First supporters are most likely to support Brexit.

Conversely, highly intellectual Guardian readers, people living in the South, those with high academic attainment, rugby fans, and people who own a pasta maker are more likely to support Remain."


But let's not turn this into another 'understnad' drama. The last one was very distracting...

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36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. I disagree. Again I have mentioned before my academic qualifications. I spent 7 years at university over 12 years. I also worked at 2 universities, so I feel I can comment on the change especially from 1990 through to 2002. I did Science and Management at postgraduate level. Not that it really matters in the context of Brexit IMHO. Three of my best friends did pharmacology and work for big national companies. Others did a variety of degrees. The universities varied across the North and South of England.


If 3 years is a benchmark for ones education today then I would look at the graduates coming out of university today. I have to regularly and many just do not inspire me. I could go on but I think it is well documented that getting a degree now and over the last 15 years is not a great achievement, hence the media and other worthless degrees offered.


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11124612/Todays-university-students-are-being-sold-a-lie.html )worth a read)


A degree was once  a standard of ones education, now I would say the same.

I would say the opposite of intelligence is stupid. When you have the pro EU papers and organisations like these saying what what they do and the luvvies who are saying the same even this week, then Grouse I am afraid you are wrong people are saying it is about intellect which is totally wrong.



"Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. "

I didn't read that anywhere. What I did read is that the education level of people voting brexit was on average lower than that of people voting remain.


"I disagree."

The facts are there, no matter if you disagree or not.

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48 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. I disagree. Again I have mentioned before my academic qualifications. I spent 7 years at university over 12 years. I also worked at 2 universities, so I feel I can comment on the change especially from 1990 through to 2002. I did Science and Management at postgraduate level. Not that it really matters in the context of Brexit IMHO. Three of my best friends did pharmacology and work for big national companies. Others did a variety of degrees. The universities varied across the North and South of England.


If 3 years is a benchmark for ones education today then I would look at the graduates coming out of university today. I have to regularly and many just do not inspire me. I could go on but I think it is well documented that getting a degree now and over the last 15 years is not a great achievement, hence the media and other worthless degrees offered.


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11124612/Todays-university-students-are-being-sold-a-lie.html )worth a read)


A degree was once  a standard of ones education, now I would say the same.

I would say the opposite of intelligence is stupid. When you have the pro EU papers and organisations like these saying what what they do and the luvvies who are saying the same even this week, then Grouse I am afraid you are wrong people are saying it is about intellect which is totally wrong.



Yes, there is some truth in what you say. Since the 90s, bachelor degrees have become devalued just as USA undergraduate degrees always were.


However, Russel Group university degrees are still recognisably worthwhile degrees.


Nobody is correlating intelligence with anything; I don't know why you keep confusing the two 


Why won't you reveal which universities you and your friends attended


Does Dunelm mean anything to you? It's not Cantab!


Incidentally, the recent efforts to increase the number of underprivileged, black or northern students attending top universities will just make the situation worse 

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. I disagree. Again I have mentioned before my academic qualifications. I spent 7 years at university over 12 years. I also worked at 2 universities, so I feel I can comment on the change especially from 1990 through to 2002. I did Science and Management at postgraduate level. Not that it really matters in the context of Brexit IMHO. Three of my best friends did pharmacology and work for big national companies. Others did a variety of degrees. The universities varied across the North and South of England.


If 3 years is a benchmark for ones education today then I would look at the graduates coming out of university today. I have to regularly and many just do not inspire me. I could go on but I think it is well documented that getting a degree now and over the last 15 years is not a great achievement, hence the media and other worthless degrees offered.


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11124612/Todays-university-students-are-being-sold-a-lie.html )worth a read)


A degree was once  a standard of ones education, now I would say the same.

I would say the opposite of intelligence is stupid. When you have the pro EU papers and organisations like these saying what what they do and the luvvies who are saying the same even this week, then Grouse I am afraid you are wrong people are saying it is about intellect which is totally wrong.



One can't tell professor Gravy anything!


He is the most highly educated AND most intelligent Brexiter on here! By far!

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One can't tell professor Gravy anything!
He is the most highly educated AND most intelligent Brexiter on here! By far!

Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man. Just chill the hell out have a drink smoke a doobie or something. I voted to stay in and I’m as thick as Fcuck

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One can't tell professor Gravy anything!
He is the most highly educated AND most intelligent Brexiter on here! By far!

Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man. Just chill the hell out have a drink smoke a doobie or something. I voted to stay in and I’m as thick as Fcuck

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

"Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. "

I didn't read that anywhere. What I did read is that the education level of people voting brexit was on average lower than that of people voting remain.


"I disagree."

The facts are there, no matter if you disagree or not.

Which presumably can be more accurately interpreted as 'areas with a high percentage of poor Brits.' voted to leave?


i.e. income level was more likely to be the differentiator than education level?


A factor well beyond Bloomberg's experience, as I've no doubt he lives in an entirely different world from the poor/average.

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1 hour ago, chezy86 said:

Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man. Just chill the hell out have a drink smoke a doobie or something. I voted to stay in and I’m as thick as Fcuck

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I'm sure you are just as intelligent as the other remainers, the difference is you're just not as arrogant.

Edited by vogie
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8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Which presumably can be more accurately interpreted as 'areas with a high percentage of poor Brits.' voted to leave?


i.e. income level was more likely to be the differentiator than education level?


A factor well beyond Bloomberg's experience, as I've no doubt he lives in an entirely different world from the poor/average.

No, not more accurately, but also income level was a diffentiator. Now as it happens income level and education level coincide.

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

If 3 years at university doesn't improve one's education, there doesn't seem much point in going now does there? ?


Nobody said anything about intelligence


Out of academic interest, what universities did you and your friends attend and what did you study?

University courses are designed to increase knowledge in certain subjects - not to increase knowledge in ALL subjects.  And, as far as I know, there isn't (yet...)  a degree course on 'crystal ball gazing'.  Although it's possible that this is partially covered in politics and business management degrees?


By frequently referring to largely the uneducated/stupid etc. voting to 'leave' - it's difficult to now pretend that "Nobody said anything about intelligence"....


It's quite possible that bloomberg has a v high IQ, but he clearly has no knowledge or understanding of the lives of those in far lower income brackets.

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1 hour ago, chezy86 said:

Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man. Just chill the hell out have a drink smoke a doobie or something. I voted to stay in and I’m as thick as Fcuck

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

"Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man."


Couldn't agree more (but would add 'better educated' to the sentence) and IMO it shows nothing more than an unjustified arrogance.


Why on earth would one keep 'harping on' about superior intelligence/education as part of this type of discussion?


I can understand it when it's a math/scientific/or any other topic that relies entirely on genuine knowledge - but this is not one of those topics and consequently, it has the opposite effect (to me anyway) to that 'supposed'. 


i.e. I can only assume they're nowhere near as intelligent as they think. :laugh:

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man."


Couldn't agree more (but would add 'better educated' to the sentence) and IMO it shows nothing more than an unjustified arrogance.


Why on earth would one keep 'harping on' about superior intelligence/education as part of this type of discussion?


I can understand it when it's a math/scientific/or any other topic that relies entirely on genuine knowledge - but this is not one of those topics and consequently, it has the opposite effect (to me anyway) to that 'supposed'. 


i.e. I can only assume they're nowhere near as intelligent as they think. :laugh:


For very many people of my generation (Iwas born in 1944) there was NO option about going to university. It simply wasn't available to everybody and anybody as it is now.


The majority of us went out and got a job, apprenticeship, joined the armed forces etc and those that did go to university came out with genuine degrees there WERE useful. Unlike nowadays when any oik can go and get a degree in knitting or PPE, geography and find that there are no jobs for them as they have no skills other than passing exams.


There is little relationship between intelligence and having a degree. One is not a requirement of the other. If you have intelligence then you can make a go anywhere you want to turn your hand.


If you have a degree, the supermarkets always need shelf stackers.

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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

And this is why imo brexit won: they played dirtier.


No, it's the reason why the globalists, fronted by the liberal left, are winning. The modern liberal left fights dirty with it's smear campaigns, street warriors shouting down any opposition, etc, and it's plain dishonesty.



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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Everyone trying to prove they are more intelligent than the next man."


Couldn't agree more (but would add 'better educated' to the sentence) and IMO it shows nothing more than an unjustified arrogance.


Why on earth would one keep 'harping on' about superior intelligence/education as part of this type of discussion?


I can understand it when it's a math/scientific/or any other topic that relies entirely on genuine knowledge - but this is not one of those topics and consequently, it has the opposite effect (to me anyway) to that 'supposed'. 


i.e. I can only assume they're nowhere near as intelligent as they think. :laugh:



"Why on earth would one keep 'harping on' about superior intelligence/education as part of this type of discussion?"


Because the rest of their arguments are just a mixture of wild speculation and plain crap?

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13 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


No, it's the reason why the globalists, fronted by the liberal left, are winning. The modern liberal left fights dirty with it's smear campaigns, street warriors shouting down any opposition, etc, and it's plain dishonesty.




What a tosser he is.

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Many have said that only intelligent people voted to remain. I disagree. Again I have mentioned before my academic qualifications. I spent 7 years at university over 12 years. I also worked at 2 universities, so I feel I can comment on the change especially from 1990 through to 2002. I did Science and Management at postgraduate level. Not that it really matters in the context of Brexit IMHO. Three of my best friends did pharmacology and work for big national companies. Others did a variety of degrees. The universities varied across the North and South of England.


If 3 years is a benchmark for ones education today then I would look at the graduates coming out of university today. I have to regularly and many just do not inspire me. I could go on but I think it is well documented that getting a degree now and over the last 15 years is not a great achievement, hence the media and other worthless degrees offered.


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11124612/Todays-university-students-are-being-sold-a-lie.html )worth a read)


A degree was once  a standard of ones education, now I would say the same.

I would say the opposite of intelligence is stupid. When you have the pro EU papers and organisations like these saying what what they do and the luvvies who are saying the same even this week, then Grouse I am afraid you are wrong people are saying it is about intellect which is totally wrong.




Your friends in pharmacology will be well aware of the effects of free movement on their industry, with pharmacists coming over from the poorer member states to work for about half the going salary rate particularly in the retail trade. Remember, folks, I'm not talking about Polish site labourers/fruit pickers doing jobs that no-one else wants to do.

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14 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


No, it's the reason why the globalists, fronted by the liberal left, are winning. The modern liberal left fights dirty with it's smear campaigns, street warriors shouting down any opposition, etc, and it's plain dishonesty.




Your painting of the debate as a fight between some noble, freedom loving good guys and the evil establishment suggests that you have either fallen for the crap of the tax-avoiding multi-millionaire non-dom parasites who bank-rolled the Brexit campaign, or you are simply unaware of how they have hoodwinked you.




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