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Thai exgf demanding money from me in china

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As per the advice above: change your phone nr, and block her on social media.


Soon she'll move on and repeat her gold-digging histrionics with another boyfriend.


She could take revenge by telling a bunch of lies to the police and immigration, but you can deal with it when the time comes.

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6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

A inflammatory post and the resulting replies to it have been removed.


Just move on and forget about her. Immigration would pay not attention if she went to them.


yes i was thinking the same thing. 

the only thing I did was break it up and in truth she got more money than was suggested by me for being here only a couple weeks instead of a whole month.. 

i do appreciate everyone's replies. i needed other opinions. 

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37 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

If by "together" - you include while she was living with you in Thailand, that would be the root of the problem.  She was already getting free-rent and food while living with you in Thailand, yes?  That is enough.  She is Thai, and can legally work here to support her family - especially when aided by your free room-and-board.  If she doesn't expect to have to work, at all, that is a red-flag, generally.


OTOH, if a long-term relationship, I could see paying rent and a food-stipend, if temporarily working-abroad for a few months, so she could continue with the same lifestyle as when you were living in Thailand with her.  In theory (hopefully), she would be waiting for you, upon your return.  Maybe this was your 15K?  About 8K would have been plenty for this (depending on residence-area).  But, in any case, it is not something she has "a right" to demand of you.  You haven't broken any laws.

you misunderstood. she came to me here in china.. lived in my home for a couple weeks until i couldn't take it anymore and sent her home. 

We never live together in thailand. 

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Immigration are far too busy for her nonsense nor would they be interested in a silly domestic, besides, you have done nothing illegal, she would be a laughing stock.


I would change my phone number, Too many don't. If you are having this now, imagine a little further down the line. Walk away!

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2 hours ago, buick said:


i'm sure i'm in the minority here but keep this in mind as a data point.  i met my GF of 10 yrs in a restaurant.  after two years, i told her to quit and i'd pay for her to live.  the reason being, i don't work and i wanted to spend more than a couple hours a day with her. plus be able to travel, etc.. not be bound by a working schedule. also, the wages here are so low that it doesn't make sense to work if you've already got the money. 

I am sometimes a cynic, but have an open mind over Thai-farang relationships. There are plenty that are based on solid mutual affection.


Indeed, the fact that the OP agreed to provide 15,000 baht a month while the girl was out of Thailand and therefore not working, can be perfectly reasonable if the girl has family responsibilities to deal with (though 15,000 might be high). It was her other behavior that made me pretty sure the girl is not one I would try to maintain contact with..

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2 hours ago, buick said:


i'm sure i'm in the minority here but keep this in mind as a data point.  i met my GF of 10 yrs in a restaurant.  after two years, i told her to quit and i'd pay for her to live.  the reason being, i don't work and i wanted to spend more than a couple hours a day with her. plus be able to travel, etc.. not be bound by a working schedule. also, the wages here are so low that it doesn't make sense to work if you've already got the money. 

But them not having a job does give them time to plot all sorts of trouble

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24 minutes ago, BritTim said:

I am sometimes a cynic, but have an open mind over Thai-farang relationships. There are plenty that are based on solid mutual affection.


I'm sure there are, but I've never had one, nor seen any other foreigner have one.

(And I've been married to a Thai lady for 8 years)

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3 hours ago, tonray said:

That would have been the way to deal with it but it would seem he feels some guilt for something not detailed in the story and the payoff was meant to clear his guilt at least in his own mind.  Years ago had a girlfriend who refused to leave my property, warned her that if she did not go the police would be called... 15 minutes later they dragged her out in cuffs because she hit one of them as he calmly asked her to stand up and leave. Some girls just need a dose of reality. 

if i feel any guilt it is because she drove me to the point to send her home and i i did not accompany her back. i am not accustomed to dumping a girl and taking her to the airport then her refusing to leave unless i give her more... 

i know i had no responsibilities for her after i dumped other than flying her home.. but there is a moral responsibility many here don't think about.. 

my only concern was can she make a problem for me when i return to Thailand again.. 

she doesn't have my thai phone number..  we always use internet calling via an app.. 

so I am not concerned with that.   

she does possess an scan of my passport though.  


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