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Tourists warned to respect Thai culture - two who showed their butts at Wat Arun arrested


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I don't know what law was broken, but these two are simply rude idiots.
Show them the door...

Sounds harsh but they ought to blacklist some just to give media exposure that there are some places deserve respect...When I was working in Tourism in Greece..no one improperly dressed was allowed in churches and Monasteries....only fair..not asking a lot ....to cover arms...neck...dress below the knees!

Sent from my HUAWEI LUA-L21 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Well, I guess it's time for me to break ties with Thaivisa.  Reading through some but not all of the pages here, I can see how homophobic and hate-filled this place has become. 


Used to be much more tolerant of a place.  I just don't think I can support a site that openly allows and seems to encourage its users to joke about rape, torture, even what seems to be hints at mass incarceration and extermination of gay people.  And meanwhile saying that 'oh we are just kidding', it doesn't help, because you are not joking, those of you who made those comments.  And they are not funny.


And so I know that it doesn't really matter to any of you that I leave Thaivisa after being a reader for over a decade.  That's ok, you will probably even say snarky things about me as I depart but I won't be around to read it so it doesn't really matter. 


I will however make sure to tell anyone I meet looking for resources on Thailand to avoid Thaivisa, because it tolerates and even seems to support homophobia and racism as well.  At least that way I can help you guys to avoid anyone who has an open mind or is progressive not to bother in your fun little group.


Take care, I had some great times, but this is the last post I read here that makes me feel sad over what this place has become.  It's just not part of my game plan anymore to have to face the hate many of you bring. 





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Hardly a hanging offence. Slap them on the bum and send them on their way. Some points:

  • It's a necessary message to a certain generation; they'd be tagging temples and parkouring through the grounds next.
  • These guys are 38'ish? They're a little out of their generational depth.
  • This isn't about gays at all, since when was mooning an exclusively gay thing.
  • Mooning isn't just about exhibitionism or shock value,  it has other connotations, we (in the English speaking world) also use mooning to show scorn and disrespect.


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2 minutes ago, hashmodha said:

Sounds harsh but they ought to blacklist some just to give media exposure that there are some places deserve respect...When I was working in Tourism in Greece..no one improperly dressed was allowed in churches and Monasteries....only fair..not asking a lot ....to cover arms...neck...dress below the knees!

Sent from my HUAWEI LUA-L21 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Which of course is hilarious considering all those churches were built on the site of old temples which were originally used as places of orgies and sacrifices, like wat Arun would have been the site of many a bare ass and breast in its day. This modern-day Thai modesty is an import post world war 2, ask my granny over here she is 92 and almost never wears a top.

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90 days in jail, 25,000B fine WITH apology, Black List and deported ....or....

1year in jail with no apology, 120,000B fine, Black List and deported.


Disrespect to / in a religious site, disrespect to the public, computer crime ?????, disorderly conduct, etc, etc, etc


My question is as always, why do people go to a foreign country and act the fool especially when sober?


They should be happy NOT in Singapore, the cane would add add color and welts.


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The two mooners meant no harm. But they did break Thai law.

And they are unbelievably stupid for doing what they did.


I think they should get a large fine and maybe 1 week or max 1 month in prison. 

Putting them for years in prison makes no sense imho. Prison is for people that are dangerous to society. These people pose no more danger.

The large fine will work as deterrent for future would be offenders.


On a side-note, the buddha preached non revenge, i think the buddha said about insults that if someone givea you something and you simply refuse to take it, then who does it belong to? 

He also said something like "what you resist persists". If thai society was buddhist they would simply ignore these insulting pics and they would not have spread far as they did and no damage done... The true buddhist way.

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13 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

The answer, or shall I say the non arrival of the answer you seek, is what is bothering you

I thought my Post made that quite clear

Pity you had to quote me twice to get that vital message across, really...


I do like the way you quote yourself in post #243 though.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I am really, really scared. The 5'2" general is going to come after us, if we misbehave. Oh my. What are we going to do? I think I will find someplace to hide, within middle earth. He does not want to go back there.


No doubt these clowns were behaving like idiots. And perhaps they deserve some reprimand. But, it sometimes feels like the authorities are trying to institute something like a Saudi style moral police here. And they have enough to work on, within their own nation already. Give it a rest. Both sides here are behaving like fools.

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8 hours ago, chrisinth said:

IMO they should arrest the photographer as well in that case.


That said, is it anything to do with disrespecting culture? They are using landmarks to document their little gay global photo-journal that's all.

They took their own photos, aka taking a "buttie".

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8 hours ago, Get Real said:

Showing the door is to soft for these two butts.


They could be deported via a Saudi Airways flight landing in Jeddah, where they would have to pull the same stunt before being able to make the second of their trip...or not...


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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

Pity you had to quote me twice to get that vital message across, really...

Well thats because I hang on your every word

Also I wanted to make sure you understood what I had said, as you completely misunderstood my first post  AS in bother

Anyway as you have rejected my help and advice, I will now withdraw to a safe distance


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7 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Well thats because I hang on your every word

Also I wanted to make sure you understood what I had said, as you completely misunderstood my first post  AS in bother

Anyway as you have rejected my help and advice, I will now withdraw to a safe distance


Help and advise...yeah right, that's what you were doing...

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8 hours ago, kingkenny said:

Hypocrisy of the highest order.


As stupid as these queers are for doing this arresting them is ludicrous, it will be interesting to see the charge. This is more of a knee jerk reaction from the authorities.

Arresting these homosexuals is not ludicrous, they should be jailed and then deported. No one

should disrespect the country like that.

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7 hours ago, kingkenny said:

but you can see bare butts on many sois in Bangkok without censure, their own art (including on one of the ministry websites in the past) shows topless women, I could go on. 

I'm sure you could, but none of that make Thais hypocritical.

7 hours ago, kingkenny said:

In relation other countries there was the litter issue, also some writing on a sacred wall recently. I am sure there are many other instances that I can't really be bothered to find but of it bothers you so much them being called hypocrites feel free to look yourself.

Yeah, that's not how it works. It's clear you have no evidence that makes Thai's hypocritical in this situation. Kind of makes me wonder why you said it if you don't even have any examples in your mind that justifies it. Do you just say whatever you would like to be true and hope there is some evidence out there to back it up? (Even going as far as to suggest the person you calls you out should look for evidence to prove themselves wrong.)


An interesting technique.

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8 hours ago, varun said:

Will probably get away with a fine and a slap on the wrist.

The police should handle this Singapore style - fine, a few weeks in jail and 3-4 strokes of the cane on their bare asses!



"and 3-4 strokes of the cane on their bare asses!"

They could take this as a reward :biggrin:

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