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Daughter disowns father for having younger Thai GF


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The daughter of my Aussie mate has disowned him because he has a Thai GF more than 5 years younger than himself. His daughter wants him to have no further involvement with her, her husband and her infant childrens’ lives...ever again.


My mate is obviously devastated because he loves his daughter. He has ALWAYS been a good father and has always given her nothing but the best eg 2 x nice cars, a University education resulting multiple degrees, a huge “no expense spared” spectacular wedding, numerous overseas holidays etc.


Her criteria for an “acceptable GF” is that the GF must not be Asian and she must not be more than 5 years younger than him.


Just wondering if any other Dads have ever had this happen to them and if so, how they handled it?


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It has never happened to me but if I were in his position I would try to explain to my daughter that she has her own life to live as I have mine.


In his case he has supported his daughter all her life so far and now it is his turn to make his own life for himself.


I choose what is acceptable to me.


You don't mention if his wife had died or they had divorced as the reason why he has a Thai GF but IMHO if he is happy with his Thai GF then stick with her.


It is your friends grandchildren who will suffer the most from loss of contact and the problem is completely in his daughters court.


Again IMHO she has no right to interfere in her fathers life especially as it involved the children and their grandfather. She sounds a bit spoilt and always wants HER own way.

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It has never happened to me but if I were in his position I would try to explain to my daughter that she has her own life to live as I have mine.
In his case he has supported his daughter all her life so far and now it is his turn to make his own life for himself.
I choose what is acceptable to me.
You don't mention if his wife had died or they had divorced as the reason why he has a Thai GF but IMHO if he is happy with his Thai GF then stick with her.
It is your friends grandchildren who will suffer the most from loss of contact and the problem is completely in his daughters court.
Again IMHO she has no right to interfere in her fathers life especially as it involved the children and their grandfather. She sounds a bit spoilt and always wants HER own way.

Many thanks. Will pass on.

He divorced his (Western) wife after he caught her cheating. Hence his aversion now towards Western women.

His daughter is fully aware her mother cheated and she is also aware her Dad wants a GF from a different culture.

It made no difference, the daughter is not backing down on her position.
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2 minutes ago, Gregster said:



Many thanks. Will pass on.

He divorced his (Western) wife after he caught her cheating. Hence his aversion now towards Western women.

His daughter is fully aware her mother cheated and she is also aware her Dad wants a GF from a different culture.

It made no difference, the daughter is not backing down on her position.

Typical youth selfishness, it will probably go away, eventually.

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and has always given her nothing but the best eg 2 x nice cars, a University education resulting multiple degrees, a huge “no expense spared” spectacular wedding, numerous overseas holidays etc.


and therein may lie the problem... there's more to being a parent than opening your wallet



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Sounds like the daughter has grown up to be an entitled ungrateful <deleted>.

Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, after all.


Tell your friend to duly note his daughter's disapproval and carry on with his life. 


It would be wise to cease all contact with this kind of person.


If there is a chance that he can recoup any of the 'investment' made in his daughter - property and/or assets,

he should do so now.

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I completely agree with [mention=5614]billd766[/mention]. I would add that his ex wife is undoubtedly stirring the pot behind the scenes.

No....The ex and him have remained friendly. The ex was horrified after she read what the daughter wrote to him. The ex demanded the daughter apologise to him for some of her inappropriate content, which she (the daughter) did the following day.
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6 hours ago, Gregster said:

He and his daughter were always “good mates”. They shared many interests and had a lot of quality time together, especially after separating from her mother.

He was anything but a “parent who just opened his wallet for her”.

His daughter is being an incredibly selfish <deleted>.  You can tell her I said that.  A good daughter would be more concerned about her father's happiness, not what she finds acceptable in her own little warped view of the world.  He doesn't need her approval.  He should stand his ground...she'll come to her senses.  If she has any sense. 

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7 hours ago, JLCrab said:

An 'acceptable' girlfriend is no more than 5 years younger than himself or herself -- in many cases herein the new Thai GF would be 5 years younger than the daughter.


But acceptable to who is the real question.


The guy or his daughter?


It is his life that he is living, and not hers.

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could be jealousy, I have seen it happen before, daughter wants dad to herself and tries to tell him who he can and cant date/go out with, could also be because she doesnt want competition when he dies. He needs to set his daughter straight, let her know that if she tries to force his hand he will wipe her from his will, if she is prepared to stop him from being happy with his life then he needs to return the favour and let her know that the money stops when she stops him

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2 hours ago, Been there done that said:

Personally i think the daughter is trying to prevent her father from making another mistake with a woman again. She seems to me like a well raised and caring daughter.

That`s my guess too.


We don`t know where her father met this woman or the woman`s social status. Could be a bargirl or a gold-digger. Maybe the daughter is trying to make pops see the writing on the wall that he`s being taken for a mug. There are always two sides to every story.

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That`s my guess too.  

We don`t know where her father met this woman or the woman`s social status. Could be a bargirl or a gold-digger. Maybe the daughter is trying to make pops see the writing on the wall that he`s being taken for a mug. There are always two sides to every story.



The daughter has absolutely NO interest in GF’s “social status” or how wealthy she is or where they met.


All that matters (to the daughter) is whether or not GF is “ASIAN” and “more than 5 years younger” than him. As mentioned in post #1.


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could be jealousy, I have seen it happen before, daughter wants dad to herself and tries to tell him who he can and cant date/go out with, could also be because she doesnt want competition when he dies. He needs to set his daughter straight, let her know that if she tries to force his hand he will wipe her from his will, if she is prepared to stop him from being happy with his life then he needs to return the favour and let her know that the money stops when she stops him

Thanks. But the daughter is fine for her Dad to live overseas and be with who he wants. She wants her Dad to live his life as he sees fit and for him to be happy. However should a GF be Asian/5 yrs younger than him, he is not to have any contact with the daughter and her family.
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I have a somewhat similar situation in USA with my brother's wife #3 who is a Southern 'cracker' and for whom my existence in Thailand with much younger women is anathema. When I visit USA, I spend a few hours with my brother with whom I get along just fine before his wife returns from work and then, a few tense hours later, I leave.

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So if its all cleared why this topic ?


The trauma my mate is experiencing has not “cleared”. I was hoping to obtain advice/suggestions from Forum Dads with much younger Asian partners who have had this happen to them. As mentioned in post #1.

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It appears to me that the daughter has been spoiled by her fathers well meant over reach into her life.....With the divorce in place between her parents she feels herself entitled to reap the rewards once daddy passes on - the princess position....

Now, dad is an ocean away with a younger woman....Daughter is both jealous & threatened - her control over her father is diminishing by distance, outlook, and a culture she doesn't know or understand - and she doesn't like it.....

She wants the pot of gold & the choice of the old folks home to slam him into the instant he starts declining - with all documents signed = in her direction.....

The last thing the daughter wants is for dad to be attended to by a youngish, capable woman - an Asian woman....


Dad should live his life & seek his happy moments.....He's done enough to please an already grown (spoiled) daughter.....There's no reason for him to remain under her thumb.....Blackmailed for perpetuity.....

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Given the 2 scenarios above, I would tend to agree more with the Canuck than with PGrahmm. To some people a relationship as described is evil and unholy  -- whether married or not -- and they do not want to subject themselves and/or their families to it.

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10 hours ago, Been there done that said:

Personally i think the daughter is trying to prevent her father from making another mistake with a woman again. She seems to me like a well raised and caring daughter.

More likely daughter is trying to keep her cash cow.

Never underestimate the greed and selfishness of a white woman.

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4 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

More likely daughter is trying to keep her cash cow.

Never underestimate the greed and selfishness of a white woman.

If the daughter says hook-up with whomever you want just stay away from me and my family if you go the young Thai GF route, then the father can re-marry or just write the daughter out of his will so I don't see the above scenario as the most likely.

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OP no matter what advice you receive from TV someone is going to be unhappy.

Either daddy will be alone again and resentful of daughters interference,

Or daughter is unhappy because her access to daddy ATM is blocked by his asian lady.

And 5 years is nothing, actually I'm struggling to see any issue with 5 years age difference.



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