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Video: Thai restaurant customers order wheelchair bound foreign tourist to "get out" in foul mouthed rant


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41 minutes ago, wvavin said:

"This is Thailand" Big deal? 

It is if someone from another country comes to your country and tries to tell you what to do or how to do it or how to dress or what to eat/drink, etc, etc.

I think that is where the "This is Thailand" bit came from. I've seen it before (in Thailand and other countries, including Canada, the USA and Germany to name a few) where a foreigner has said something to a local and the local has given the foreigner a piece of their mind. It seems to be somewhat of a universal reaction actually. A Thai friend of mine (who is Muslim actually) gets really, really upset when a foreigner tries to tell him how he should (or shouldn't) act and he basically goes off on the same kind of rant. (This is my country. You not come here and tell me ****. You go back to your **** country. Etc, etc.)

In this case though I think the Thai man was upset over something the woman in the wheelchair said (or did)
Listening to the video a few times I picked up on one line the woman says, something about she was "just (doing something ?) with her feet". (Hard to decipher what she says.) Maybe she kicked someone as she was going through the restaurant.

There is another video, shot by someone else at a different angle, where the Thai man tells her to go back to her f*** country and she tells him he'll be sorry. When she sees that she is being filmed she starts yelling to have someone stop it. The other (Muslim) woman starts towards the person who is recording the scene and it stops.
(Can't seem to embed it so I'll just link it.)




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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO a very erroneous headline.

I came on expecting to read about Thais abusing a wheelchair bound person simply because they were in a wheelchair ie an anti para tirade, but it's actually about a wheelchair user being somewhere they shouldn't be and being rude to staff because they are "wealthy" and apparently think they are special.

Or at least that's what you think it is without really knowing. Like everyone else in this thread.

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Xenophobic, racist tirade from Thais, whether she had the right to be there or not, a member of staff could have just wheeled her away and dealt with the situation calmly rather than let so-called customers insult her .

This is Thailand is a phrase I have often used especially when Thais are clearly wrong but would NEVER admit it.

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Bear in mind... it’s a hotel restaurant, so the woman is likely a patron of the hotel, with the right to use all its amenities.


i for one, will happily admit that I have taken shortcuts through many areas of many hotels for many reasons over many years.


and... no I’m not a Muslim. I just three that in because given existing posts, religion seems to be factoring itself in somehow.

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13 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

Xenophobic, racist tirade from Thais, whether she had the right to be there or not, a member of staff could have just wheeled her away and dealt with the situation calmly rather than let so-called customers insult her .

This is Thailand is a phrase I have often used especially when Thais are clearly wrong but would NEVER admit it.

Staff can't just wheeled her away without her consent, the staff were trying to be polite and reason with her.

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It was not clear what was the significance of the second man's comment, "This Thailand."  Did he suspect the woman in the wheelchair had lost her way and wasn't sure what country she was in or did he mean that it is culturally acceptable in Thailand for non-Muslims to behave in a demeaning way towards Muslims. 


I am not sure why the staff would not just escort the woman through the restaurant to get her out of the restaurant as quickly as possible and minimise the disruption, even if she was being annoying. It seemed like she wanted to get out of the restaurant of the restaurant as quickly as possible too, since she only wanted to traverse it. 


I can't understand why the two male customers joined in and started haranging the woman and thereby showing off their pitiful knowledge of English for two rather prosperous looking men. How sad.    

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1 hour ago, davidcc said:

I do not know the circumstances and I could be wrong of course;  but for a Thai customer to get that upset, she must have been rude and abrasive.  I have a friend in a wheel chair and he has lived in Thailand for over 16 years and never had an issue at all. In fact he is treated incredibly well, wherever he goes. He gets taxis, goes to bars, restaurants and movies. But he is polite, mild mannered and respectful of Thai culture. The Thai people have treated him so well, over the years. It is why he lives in Thailand.


From my experience I have to say (not all), the people from the Middle East and India really do need to learn some manners and respect for other people’s culture. In 20 years I have seen how they shout, put their feet up on seats, argue over a few baht, demand discounts, cause problems at stations and generally are totally ignorant of the fact this is not their country. They have no respect for the Thai culture, their religion and their etiquette.  So I will defend the Thai’s on this, as I bet she was rude, ignorant and arrogant. I see it almost on a daily basis and quite frankly they need to be told. I for one, am tired of their rude arrogance and unpleasant attitude to other cultures. Sorry but seen too much of it over the years. If I am wrong in this particular instance, I am sorry. And the same goes for any other nationality too, that can't be civilised and polite. I am not prejudiced in any way. I am not being prejudiced but just stating what I have seen and heard many times over the years. Not just in Thailand but anywhere I have been. If you expect people to respect you, show them respect.



By the way...the guy is right !....It is Thailand and if you don't like it, leave. 



I agree with your post nearly in its entirety until the final paragraph!  I dislike this term of phrase. I do not think anybody, with the exception of those in authority, should be allowed to say that. Even those in Thailand given the authority to do so are vastly undereducated and qualified as a rule.


It is laughable that the hi so's that promote this type of intolerance by mainstream Thais are exactly the same ones choosing to educate their children in the UK, USA, Australia and the rest.


I would never in a Thai restaurant in the UK say to service staff to go back to their own country or if you don't like it leave,  for a minor misdemeanour. The fact that a customer is saying it, shows me how embedded xenophobia is in Thai society, now always visible but always there underneath the surface. 


I would say it when I hear these Imans on TV in the UK and the Muslim marches demanding we change our way of life to accommodate theirs, but that is not the topic here.


For all the faults of the Thais, I find them extremely accommodating, willing and they find it easier to ' go with the flow ' than seek confrontation ( unless they are driving a vehicle!! ).


None of us has the benefit of all what happened in this incident, but on the balance of probabilities and the behaviour I have witnessed from those from the Middle East in Bumrungrad hospital and similar establishments where wealthy Middle Easterners congregate, I would tend to side with the Thai staff on this occasion.........but not the customers!

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most of these comments are hilarious...


I can't tell what the hell actually happened or whats going on.. and everyone is just assuming one thing or other and making snap judgments! without clearly understanding what is actually happened or what has actually occured...


Assumptions and opinions are like <deleted> everyone has one.

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6 minutes ago, speckio said:

most of these comments are hilarious...


I can't tell what the hell actually happened or whats going on.. and everyone is just assuming one thing or other and making snap judgments! without clearly understanding what is actually happened or what has actually occured...


Assumptions and opinions are like <deleted> everyone has one.

Clips showing only partly what has gone on or is going on are excellent click baits as everyone joins in with their totally unfounded opinion of what has just happened before.

It reminds me of playing Cluedo as a kid, except instead of saying I suspect Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick we now say I suspect/accuse the Muslim lady of demanding to use the restaurant as a walk-through or conversely  I suspect/accuse the Thai customers of being racist because all Thais are, etc, etc.

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Marvelous. A tirade full of abuse, followed by "This is Thailand." Yes, we gathered that, as this wouldn't happen pretty much anywhere else.

Looks to me that most of the Thai people were trying to calm the situation —not escalate it. Two loud Thai men do not represent the nation of Thailand nor does one loud Muslim person represent all Muslims. 

In my experience the Thais I know are very well mannered especially compared to others. 


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3 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Thais don't react like that unless you provoke them.  At least not Thais having a meal in a cafe in the middle of the day.


She probably took offence to staff telling her to go another way, said something bad, and then all hell broke loose.


Ultimately if that is the case she is at fault because she instigated the problem by being so lazy, then furthered it by arguing.

Thats about it I suspect. Theres one in every crowd and they never learn.

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1 hour ago, bannork said:

I very much doubt anyone really gives a flying flock. Just another clip of people having an argument, and only the end of it at that.



It will be totally forgotten by tomorrow ; and, within a day or two, we will have another incident's video talked about in social media, which will also be forgotten very quickly; and so on :)

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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

what difference does it make if he was a muslim or not??


Agreed....it really angers me when I see the media report how "Muslim kills rubber tapper" etc but you rarely, if ever, see any reports of "Buddhists" or "Christians" killing anybody.

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No matter she is muslim , no matter if she is in wheel chair.

What matters is attitude, as she should be wealthy tourist?

MAny wealthy think they are better and can do what they want, in attitude they are no humans.

If you cant behave some people might say something.

I once saw a movie of a chinese wealthy slapping the shopservant as she wasnt pleased her ways.

Who the hell do they think they are. 

Yeah they think they are IT, and its kept up in airplanes, trains and so on and if just little thing isnt in their way then they start bringing people down. Arrogant shit, get a coarse in human behavior. Rich people arent humans anymore. 

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