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Trump says arming teachers could prevent school massacres

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Yes, and he needs to have a far right wing gun message to present at the CPAC convention he will be speaking at soon. Arming teachers as a "solution" to school gun massacres is perfect. Not as a solution but as politics.

9 hours ago, Silurian said:

A man that can't even fake empathy without crib notes...so sad.




Maybe the NRA wrote the crib sheet for him to make sure he didn't inadvertently mention that the best idea would be to introduce any gun controls (:shock1:) and also make sure he mentioned arming the teachers.

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10 hours ago, alanrchase said:

Why not just build big beautiful walls arround the schools?

Have you ever been to America? They already have them. When I went to the US, I mistook the first 3 schools I saw for prisons. No wonder the kids are all so <deleted> up over there, when they are virtually incarcerated in penal institutions for much of their childhood. And then they wonder why a few of them turn into shooters and decide the best solution is to just arm the teachers......it all makes perfect sense:



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8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Arming teachers only makes sense. Banks, airports, sporting events all have armed protection, what's wrong with school teachers being able to defend themselves? 

Another one with N on sensical R ifle A ddiction.


So what happens when the teachers start shooting the kids???


Give the kids guns???


So class rooms will end up like the OK Corral...:sad: 

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One thing for certain this buffoon ain't going to like is what the history books will have to say about him when he is history, yet he could change that by doing something that no other POTUS in history has done and that is impose gun control.

9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

What a stupid idea.


What's next? Issuing a handgun to kindergartners for self-protection?


Sadly, it is because US politicians don't have the balls to do anything.


When a country sees 17 of its finest young people killed for no reason and does nothing, it has truly lost its way.


 For schools,hospitals, It's part of a solution to many other deterrents(metal detectors one entrance,ID cards,,police officer,if no staff volunteers,  its not  a fix all.


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1 hour ago, JTXR said:

When it became clear that slavery was no longer acceptable, the U.S. Constitution was changed by  amendment.  When it became clear that denying or abridging women's right to vote was wrong, the Constitution was again amended.  When it became clear that prohibition was not viable, a earlier Constitutional amendment was repealed.


It is high time the 2nd Amendment was repealed.


Or look to the north?




Canada has lots of guns but a lot less shooting crimes.

6 minutes ago, Basil B said:

One thing for certain this buffoon ain't going to like is what the history books will have to say about him when he is history, yet he could change that by doing something that no other POTUS in history has done and that is impose gun control.

5555555555....right.  Trump is dumb, but he's not that dumb.  The pro-gun dudes are his strongest supporters.  And besides, the spineless Congress would never go for it.  They're more afraid of the NRA than the American people. 

3 minutes ago, Basil B said:



looks like she wants to slap his face...


...and if history has told us one thing...we all know, what he is thinking...



6 minutes ago, natway09 said:

He really just does not get it,,,,,,,, or is he just playing dumb ?

50% of Americans have guns or are for guns. This guy is dangerous, not dumb.


how brainless next you will have a stressed out teacher which are many shoot a bad abusive pupil 

but he thinks everyone brainless like him 

keep the nra happy to keep there donations

we can sell another 500000 guns to all schools

has anyone have compassion for the kids in USA 

11 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Would that be a single shot musket or the modern interpretation of the 2nd.

As you apparently expect the 1st to be applied to modern interpretation of communication rather than publishing your speech with quill written or handset printing presses delivered by horseback could you extend the same courtesy? 

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2 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

have the balls to take on the gun association trump and ban automatic guns

Absolutely right H'man58, but he is funded by the NRA and is a mental derelict, so what can you expect.

The reason I'm writing this now is I have just watched a news item on my TV and he seems to be taking pride in the fact that he has suggested that teachers should be armed, but then again he doesn't know any better because he is dumb.

As a reality check, I ask you and all of the posters here to think back to their days in school and think of the teachers they had and to ask themselves, "who of all of these teachers do I think would be capable of not only carrying a gun, but handling it and actually using it?".

I would be very surprised if folks came up with any, but then again perhaps one might spring to mind?

In addition, imagine you as a father saying to your son, "well son, what you want to be when you grow up?"

"A teacher, Dad".

"Why do you want to be a teacher son?"

"So that I can take great satisfaction in teaching children, seeing them develop and improve and help them on their way to a great future".


"You do realise that you are going to have to go for firearm training, then carry a gun and be able to use it in the classroom if necessary".

"Perhaps a librarian then Dad".


So stupid as to be unbelievable, but then again this is Trump and typical of the party and organisations which support him.


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2 hours ago, malibukid said:

i knew some gym teachers back in the day who i would not trust with a gun, not even a starting pistol

Even more scary is I saw a myth buster style YouTube video where they checked the "shoot the bad guy with a flare (signal) gun".


Actually imbeds and burns...looks horrible. Don't need any background check or anything to buy those.

2 hours ago, observer90210 said:

7ff06a8ca4110efb394851c7715ef165--swat-police-soldier-costume.jpg.d5e2e3c639d09cf0c02db20846ae53ad.jpg Sit down class...I am your new Maths teacher !


Perhaps it's something Trump's Education Secretary, who knows virtually nothing about public education and doesn't really like it anyway, could work on in her spare time....

  • Haha 1

Criminals sometimes rob banks, but do we arm all bank tellers with guns? No, banks hire security guards.


Criminals sometimes rob convenience stores, but do we arm all store clerks with guns? No, stores hire guards and/or rely on the police.


Postal workers in the U.S. sometimes go "postal" and shoot up the place, but do we arm every mailman/woman with a gun? Most certainly not.


So why does Trump think it's a good idea to start handing out guns to teachers when we don't do that with virtually any other service or profession in the U.S.?


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