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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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20 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Should've gone to Oldham. Do you speak Romanian?

Being a beggar in Oldham must be pretty desperate. We need foreigners to take jobs like that, which no British person would do.


Mind you, it's Oldham might have changed in the thirty years since I was last there.

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3 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Being a beggar in Oldham must be pretty desperate. We need foreigners to take jobs like that, which no British person would do.


Mind you, it's Oldham might have changed in the thirty years since I was last there.

Its probably changed alright but not for the better but moves are afoot to sort that out

It will soon be Hunky dory again

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7 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Being a beggar in Oldham must be pretty desperate. We need foreigners to take jobs like that, which no British person would do.


Mind you, it's Oldham might have changed in the thirty years since I was last there.


They tend to just shoplift and pull the street scams. Oldham has probably some of the largest ethnic Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities outside London. If you want some really un-PC views on the recent influx of eastern Europeans, that's where you'll find plenty. Same as with most working class people in working class towns in the area. If you want to hear that it's all a myth (and the Grauniad confirms it), talk to people in Hale, Bowdon, Bramhall and all such areas which haven't had first-hand pleasure of this issue.

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You should get over it. many people can see what the EU is like, don't like it and want out. If the EU was so democratic it would allow all countries in a vote but frighten the politicians to avoid it. or when they do have another referendum with project fear (Ireland).


The EU is bureaucratic, undemocratic and is planning for the federalization of Europe. One army, one currency, one ruling body, the EU. Old Drunckard has said it himself. If that's what you want then by all means go an live in a country that bends over and takes it. The UK have voted leave. respect the decision (which you clearly haven't) or move.

What you say is true and if you add the EU's economic performance to the mix it makes the leave case even stronger.

The EU's share of world trade has been in steep decline over the past 30 years and our trade with it has followed a similar trend. In economic terms its leaders are yesterdays men. The area of future growth clearly lies in the rest of the world. 




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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:
3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

You raised the issue of bendy bananas as an example of an out of control EU - YET you knew it was a lie? How many more lies have you encouraged because they do your 'cause' good?


It is telling, though, that after so much debate and argument, the only example you gave of an out of control EU was one that you, yourself, admitted was a lie.

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Apologies, but you did mention cows and boarders.

A friend in our small village has a farm, on which live a number of cows. Her fathers owns another farm in the village, also with cows.Now to show how stupid some E.U rules are, there are occasions when they will move a cow from her fathers field to an adjacent field, that belongs to his daughter. Simple you may think, NO, they have to enter the move in the cows passport, yes, I kid you not, cows must abide with E.U. rules, by having an up to date E.U cow passport. They then have to send the cows passport to the Bureaucrats, await it’s return,and then sometimes repeat the exercise, if they return the beast to it’s original pasture. So now you may understand, why I think the mad cows reside in Brussels.

Do you not think that may have something to do with the lack of controls in place that led to BSE/CJD, causing how many deaths etc. and a 20 year ban on UK beef being allowed to be sold in the US?

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

Not Germany, but Germany will soon be taking care of the UK baggage.....


Hip Hip....

I doubt that but even if,unlike the UK they could probably afford it. I have my doubts if brexit will even happen or if then in a really diluted form, still,give it another 15 years and the UK will be back in minus the pound.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Apologies, but you did mention cows and boarders.

A friend in our small village has a farm, on which live a number of cows. Her fathers owns another farm in the village, also with cows.Now to show how stupid some E.U rules are, there are occasions when they will move a cow from her fathers field to an adjacent field, that belongs to his daughter. Simple you may think, NO, they have to enter the move in the cows passport, yes, I kid you not, cows must abide with E.U. rules, by having an up to date E.U cow passport. They then have to send the cows passport to the Bureaucrats, await it’s return,and then sometimes repeat the exercise, if they return the beast to it’s original pasture. So now you may understand, why I think the mad cows reside in Brussels.

My sister has a large cattle farm in Australia, she also complains about the strict measures imposed on movement of cattle, it's obviously done with good reason and Australia isn't in the EU.

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

As Churchill eloquently put it.


"There are a lot of lies going around... and half of them are true."

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

"Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is."

Cheap way out for telling lies. Apologies would have been better.

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

But are they as ridicules, as those imposed by the E.U.

If so please provide an example, rather than providing such a vague answer.


I’m still awaiting a reply to my question, that as your such a great fan of Germany,

why do you not live there. And will you be surrendering your British passport for the E.U. Passport, in 2019.

Well I did live there for nigh on 45 years and retired to Thailand because my Thai wife was homesick otherwise I wouldn't have left but now that I have been here for 13 years and have a Thai/British son I quite enjoy it. If it was possible to surrender my passport for a EU passport I would do even though I have no intention of going to Europe,I would do so out of solidarity with the European idea.

Not being a cattle farmer I can't provide you with a lot of detail but it entailed her buying another large tract of land that they had to clear but couldn't just move some cattle on it without a big bureaucratic procedure and having the ear tags registered for that piece of land.

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I think we need to go back to this occasionally quoted, 'fact :laugh:'....


As another poster pointed out, there is NO WAY votes can be determined according to education, although they can be correalated according to wealthy districts.


And another poster was entirely right in pointing out that degrees have been 'dumbed down'...so that even the least intelligent can obtain a degree in media studies or whatever...


Apparently the 'intelligent', 'educated' young :laugh: couldn't be bothered to vote (according to the media and vociferous remainers) - so it's far more than 'a bit of a stretch' to imagine that 3% more graduates with stupid degrees would have changed things...


Having said this, it's possible that 3% more, entirely stupid graduates could possibly have changed the result....


And let's not forget that many, IQ challenged, have obtained 'degrees'...



The chips are out again!


Please don't be unkind to other posters; some of them have more than one degree ?

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

OK, time for me to 'fess up'....


I left school with 3 o levels - despite attending a 'top notch' grammar school - and in the 'A stream'.


  The 'chip on my shoulder' (and general rebellious nature) resulted in bugger all academic qualifications - but back in the '70s, employers were impressed by my school background, and so - I 'enjoyed' a career as a result of my intelligence.  To the extent that two long-term employers were very shocked (when writing job descriptions) that I didn't have a degree.


Let's be honest here, most graduates are very stupid - but they have a degree certificate..... 

What UTTER codswallop. You carry on believing that if it makes you feel happy ?

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58 minutes ago, nontabury said:

This applies to All cattle, throughout the E.U. Nothing to do with BSE.

 It’s all about the opportunity to create little empires, controlled by the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. There are other examples I could give you, including unnecessary regulations from the E.U relating to non licensed semi medicines relating to pet animals.

As a matter of interest, the colour of the passport is Green.

please try and keep up.

The Australians have NLIS

and Canada RFID is mandatory

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Here is a scholarly article on Brexit correlations.


Please read it so that we can move on




If you don't understand some of the statistical methods, ask. Yes it is dry but worth the read.

We are moving on with or without you 

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Apologies, but you did mention cows and boarders.
A friend in our small village has a farm, on which live a number of cows. Her fathers owns another farm in the village, also with cows.Now to show how stupid some E.U rules are, there are occasions when they will move a cow from her fathers field to an adjacent field, that belongs to his daughter. Simple you may think, NO, they have to enter the move in the cows passport, yes, I kid you not, cows must abide with E.U. rules, by having an up to date E.U cow passport. They then have to send the cows passport to the Bureaucrats, await it’s return,and then sometimes repeat the exercise, if they return the beast to it’s original pasture. So now you may understand, why I think the mad cows reside in Brussels.

Absolutely shocking the length these bureaucrats will go to - who could possibly think of a reason why they would want to keep a centralised database that monitors every movement of a cow so that others it had come into contact with could be located quickly.


Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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33 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Do the Australian cows have to have a passport, the same as E.U.cows. And if so what colour is the cows passport? Do they have to submit that passport in order to move a beast from one field to an adjacent one. The answer to both questions is NO. Why because they’re not E.U cows.?

My sister says they have yellow books, don't know if that's a passport, she exports to Indonesia. When they moved the cows finally the government wanted to know about any weed killers that had been used on the new land and came down to inspect it first. Really ! why all this interest in cows? It isn't a bad idea to know where your animals are grazing and being kept and what quality of animal you are exporting. For everything there are rules.

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40 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Do the Australian cows have to have a passport, the same as E.U.cows. And if so what colour is the cows passport? Do they have to submit that passport in order to move a beast from one field to an adjacent one. The answer to both questions is NO. Why because they’re not E.U cows.?

This is not truly accurate.

There is no requirement to update the passport for moving the cattle from one field to an adjacent field unless it is listed as a separate livestock holding.

A single livestock holding can cover the land and buildings within 10 miles of its main livestock handling area.

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44 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

This is not truly accurate.

There is no requirement to update the passport for moving the cattle from one field to an adjacent field unless it is listed as a separate livestock holding.

A single livestock holding can cover the land and buildings within 10 miles of its main livestock handling area.

Off course it’s accurate. She has a farm ( one holding ) her father is the owner of  another holding, that is the farm next to hers. Consequently when she moves a beast from her field into the Next field of her father, she must comply with the E.U. Rules.

 I first became aware of this stupid E.U rule, while  visiting her house, when the postman came. I was absolutely amazed at the amount of E.U. Forms ( think Brazilian rain forrest) she has to deal with.She exclaimed how the E.U system works. To what benefit she’s no idea. 


Edited by nontabury
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17 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Off course it’s accurate. She has a farm ( one holding ) her father is the owner of  another holding, that is the farm next to hers. Consequently when she moves a beast from her field into the Next field of her father, she must comply with the E.U. Rules.

 I first became aware of this stupid E.U rule, while  visiting her house, when the postman came. I was absolutely amazed at the amount of E.U. Forms ( think Brazilian rain forrest) she has to deal with.She exclaimed how the E.U system works. To what benefit she’s no idea. 


The cattle is being moved from one farm to another. The amount of paperwork is minimal. The passport is issued at birth, or importation and remains with the beast for life. The update of the passport can be done online.

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