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Educated Western Guy Settling With Minimally Educated Thai Girl: Can It Ever Work?


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4 minutes ago, faraday said:

Ok Somtamlao, my opinion.


You're not sure what love is anymore, & it looks like you're seeing your current relationship as some kind of business venture.


If you don't have that 'spark' with her, that love which binds people together, and you're concerned about the "intellectual difference', then, if it was me, I would not consider the relationship to be long term.




Thanks for expressing your honesty in a fair way. 

Edited by somtamlao
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1 minute ago, somtamlao said:

Right, you are continuing to insult after a perfectly reasonable post. My guess is you are another virtue signaller who hates showing empathy or understanding for a situation and loves to merely insult randomers on the internet.


A suggestion for future posts: if you're not going to bother your lazy arse reading it properly without making assumptions, don't bother commenting. Anyway, have a good day. 


First of all, thank you for teaching me a new expression.


Well, I am showing empathy towards the girl, not you, sorry.


Yes, the relationship is not going to work, but it is because of you. Thai women are simply not into deep discussions regarding Farang issues and this typically includes women from all social classes in Thailand. There are some Thai Visa posters that claim otherwise and I have no reason not to believe them, but they are in extreme minority. If your opening post was about your gf being lazy and poor I would say bro get the hell out. But she is apparently not. This is simply about you and your feelings. I am sorry, but nobody in Thailand cares about your feelings especially not some girl who grew up in poverty. If this bothers you, I strongly suggest you go back where you came from and find a woman from your own country. 







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1 minute ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


First of all, thank you for teaching me a new expression.


Well, I am showing empathy towards the girl, not you, sorry.


Yes, the relationship is not going to work, but it is because of you. Thai women are simply not into deep discussions regarding Farang issues and this typically includes women from all social classes in Thailand. There are some Thai Visa posters that claim otherwise and I have no reason not to believe them, but they are in extreme minority. If your opening post was about your gf being lazy and poor I would say bro get the hell out. But she is apparently not. This is simply about you and your feelings. I am sorry, but nobody in Thailand cares about your feelings especially not some girl who grew up in poverty. If this bothers you, I strongly suggest you go back where you came from and find a woman from your own country. 




1 minute ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

That was a fairer post. Thanks for your input anyway. And you are right: this is all about me and my feelings, I fully agree. 








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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I think it depends on what you feel you'll need in the future, and what things are more/most important to you.


I think most guys are are unlikely to end up with any Thai woman who's particularly intellectual in the western kind of way. Interest in politics, world affairs, philosophical debates, etc etc?  I think, generally not. Interest in cooking, food, clothes-fashion, Thai TV and soap operas, most likely YES! 


Now, that might sound bad... But, what if that same person also was kind, good-hearted, honest, pleasant demeanor, family oriented, affectionate, maybe not book smart but Thailand life smart?  That might help even out the equation some. Of course, not all Thai women have those qualities. But if you can find one that does, can you get by with that and let the other things go?


BTW, I wouldn't be overly concerned about the massage parlor stint. Depending on what city she worked in in that trade, a lot of the business might be hand or mouth oriented, as opposed to the full-on kind of stuff. So, there's at least that to consider. Plus, she may well have honed her skills during that employment.


:biggrin:      :sorry:



You make some good points, but men and women are different (despite what the liberal western media would have you believe). Seriously, how many western women prefer talking about politics and world affairs as opposed to what happened on the Bold and the Beautiful, posting baby pics on Facebook and talking about cooking and general gossip with their girlfriends?


If you want to talk about politics as a male westerner, you're likely to find a good conversation partner in other westerners and sometimes Thai men. But not women, irrespective of nationality.

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19 minutes ago, jimster said:

 Seriously, how many western women prefer talking about politics and world affairs as opposed to what happened on the Bold and the Beautiful, posting baby pics on Facebook and talking about cooking and general gossip with their girlfriends?


Regarding women in the West, I think it depends on what circles you operate in. I existed in political and public affairs circles, and the professional women I knew socially during that period were all about their work and political, public affairs issues -- and none were following the Bold and the Beautiful. YMMV.


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5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Regarding women in the West, I think it depends on what circles you operate in. I existed in political and public affairs circles, and the professional women I knew socially during that period were all about their work and political, public affairs issues -- and none were following the Bold and the Beautiful. YMMV.


I'm not that big into political affairs, but I'd still rather talk about that all day instead of that other stuff.  (Except maybe cooking, depending on what the discussion is.  Good food is for everybody.)  I'm sure that in my former job, at some work parties some people would be annoyed that I would be hanging around the "shop" discussions with my male coworkers rather than discussing babies with their wives.

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18 hours ago, Tacuisse said:

The intellectual compatibility issue is only an issue if you make it one. Bear in mind your GF may be street-smart in Thai ways at a level you cannot hope to achieve.

If she is good in bed, a good cook and not lazy that is a lot better than can be achieved with many Western women. The hell with conversation.


Yeah if you want to talk about things you may as well buy a cat.

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It's simply a matter of balance. Some things for her, some things for a western girl, some things for a girl with more education.


I was in more or less the same situation as you, as have quite a few others, and married the girl. Some regrets, but in general I'm happy with the decision I made. And I'm sure others regret their decision.


If the balance for you swings in her favour, go for it, if it doesn't, don't do it.

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Well - she's been doing just fine for over 3 years and your family gets on/likes her....

I'd say she's passed the test(s)....Including time.....


Now, it's up to you .....her age difference & maturity might be just right for both of you....

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If you feel a ploblem because you think you are better than the lass because you can add up better than her then you really should find a bird in LOS on your same level, or a bird in your own country where explaining stuff maybe easier.....

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Focus on common interests that you share.  Build and add as a team or partners.  If intellectual and simulating communication is a priority, a fluent english speaking, well educated partner is your target.  If cultural stimulation, new languages and experiencing a world in a different light is intriguing, you've found it. 


Interpreting what one sees in the mirror,  with all that life has to offer ahead of them, can sometimes be clarified by your lover by your side, smiling, reaching and wiping  away the steam.

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20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Regarding women in the West, I think it depends on what circles you operate in. I existed in political and public affairs circles, and the professional women I knew socially during that period were all about their work and political, public affairs issues -- and none were following the Bold and the Beautiful. YMMV. 


Well the same can be said for Thai women. Thai women who associate with the upper classes (usually upper class themselves) and have lived abroad and happen to be the wives of ambassadors and politicians will be much the same.


Western women are in general not all that different from Thai women or women anywhere else in terms of their interests. Overall, unless they operate in political and public affairs, they will prefer gossip and soap operas over politics. Show me a young 20 something year old western woman who prefers posting about politics rather than partying and getting drunk or if they are a bit more sane about food, celebrity gossip, babies and healthy living. Slightly older western women (30s and 40s) will be posting more about the latter than the former (partying etc.) of course.

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3 hours ago, jimster said:

Well the same can be said for Thai women. Thai women who associate with the upper classes (usually upper class themselves) and have lived abroad and happen to be the wives of ambassadors and politicians will be much the same.


Western women are in general not all that different from Thai women or women anywhere else in terms of their interests. Overall, unless they operate in political and public affairs, they will prefer gossip and soap operas over politics. Show me a young 20 something year old western woman who prefers posting about politics rather than partying and getting drunk or if they are a bit more sane about food, celebrity gossip, babies and healthy living. Slightly older western women (30s and 40s) will be posting more about the latter than the former (partying etc.) of course.

Show me a Western man who prefers posting about politics rather than work, football, drinking, working in the yard, what their kids did yesterday, that chick at the bar, Game of Thrones, gossiping about friends and coworkers (OH YES men do it plenty), etc.??  I've seen precious little of that. 

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Strange post.


3 years in and having doubts about future compatibility. 


If you are having these doubts only now, maybe your looking for an out but having trouble justifying the reason.


After 3 years with my little lady I have seen her 10% verbal English skills increase to over 60% but I asked for a lot of changes and her crappy 12k a year job was one of them. Moving to a neutral spot was also another. Crappy TV soaps went in year 1. Was super easy. Showed her the rubbish equivalent in uk and explained the target audiences of this dumbed down rubbish. 











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The advice I received 20+ yrs ago within days of arriving from an old hand.


"If you want you can spend 3 years of your life trying to work through the issues but at the end of those three years she will be exactly the same and you will have wasted 3 years of your life."





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I would absolutely be thrilled not be challenged in my home environment, not to have these lengthy conversations that will never conclude because one of the partners feels the need to be told he or she is right.

I see trying to explain my partner something complicated while overcoming the language barrier a challenge which I fully accept as I do love to see her overcome the same issues when trying to explain me something I need to know. We both learn from this... we are both for the better of it and we both enjoy it when the other finally gets the point. Learning never stops.....being taught often does...acceptance that we are from a different world and respecting that is a part of the relationship..

Its her country, the countries habits and culture, who am I to think the people of the country should change more towards me or be 'more intelligent'



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Son (may i call you son? cause i'm a real troll), education is not the number of years you studied or 

the degrees you hold. education is something else.

look at donald trump. he never read books and his wife was a nude model and they

get alone just fine.

I know some well educated foreigners who married not so educated thai woman and  are

still happy after all those years, but what's common to all the success stories is that

they were focused around their work and business, and not

each other.

To put It in other words, the more time you will spend with your thai partner, the less chance

you have to survive together. and the more time you / she will spend in work, and work you like - the better

your relationships will be.


ohh and one more thing - make sure your woman is a real woman, or in other words, not a ladyboy.

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To the OP, I'd say about 99% of the time, these "communication problems" between farang/Thai have NOTHING to do with education, shared interest, or even culture.  It's simply the language problem.  If you're not fluent in her language and/or she's not fluent in yours, you will have communication problems. 


I will say that back in the USA, we have many, many couples who speak the same language, are roughly the same ages, same level of education, shared culture/values/beliefs, etc., etc., and still end up divorcing.  So what does that tell you? 

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11 hours ago, Berkshire said:

To the OP, I'd say about 99% of the time, these "communication problems" between farang/Thai have NOTHING to do with education, shared interest, or even culture.  It's simply the language problem.  If you're not fluent in her language and/or she's not fluent in yours, you will have communication problems. 


I will say that back in the USA, we have many, many couples who speak the same language, are roughly the same ages, same level of education, shared culture/values/beliefs, etc., etc., and still end up divorcing.  So what does that tell you? 

i respectfully disaggree. i think that in thailand there is a serious communication problems which origin from 

different ways of thinking. foreigners, especially americans, don't even start to realise where they at when

dealing with a thai girlfriend, and when they do, it is too late.


for example, i went one day to visit a friend of mine who won a restaurant . he showed me a couple, thai young woman and american man, who were sitting and talking for hours, and asked me what do i think of them.

i told him they look fine together, and seem to have great conversation. the girl was smiling and noding in all the right places, and the man was taklking and loughting and talking.

my frientold me yes, they look like that, only problem is, that the thai woman , who is working for me as a waitress, can't speak english !! you see, some of those thai young woman can sit in front of you for years, listening

to all you have to say, without understanding even one single word, and you will not notice cause you are so busy with...what you have to say !!!

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2 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i respectfully disaggree. i think that in thailand there is a serious communication problems which origin from 

different ways of thinking. foreigners, especially americans, don't even start to realise where they at when

dealing with a thai girlfriend, and when they do, it is too late.


for example, i went one day to visit a friend of mine who won a restaurant . he showed me a couple, thai young woman and american man, who were sitting and talking for hours, and asked me what do i think of them.

i told him they look fine together, and seem to have great conversation. the girl was smiling and noding in all the right places, and the man was taklking and loughting and talking.

my frientold me yes, they look like that, only problem is, that the thai woman , who is working for me as a waitress, can't speak english !! you see, some of those thai young woman can sit in front of you for years, listening

to all you have to say, without understanding even one single word, and you will not notice cause you are so busy with...what you have to say !!!

Hmmm, if I understand you correctly, you first disagreed and then went on to confirm exactly my point.  Yes, there are some cultural differences, but if you can't even get beyond the basics (i.e., can't understand each other's language), then nothing else really matters.

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1 hour ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

Son (may i call you son? cause i'm a real troll), education is not the number of years you studied or 

the degrees you hold. education is something else.

look at donald trump. he never read books and his wife was a nude model and they

get alone just fine.

I know some well educated foreigners who married not so educated thai woman and  are

still happy after all those years, but what's common to all the success stories is that

they were focused around their work and business, and not

each other.

To put It in other words, the more time you will spend with your thai partner, the less chance

you have to survive together. and the more time you / she will spend in work, and work you like - the better

your relationships will be.


ohh and one more thing - make sure your woman is a real woman, or in other words, not a ladyboy.

Donald Trump is successful because he is one of the best liars in the world. He needs constant adulation. Whether that success will continue, or it will all come crashing down, is another question.

I think the words you are looking for are wisdom and experience. Education is only the starting point for those attributes.

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You don't have to talk intellectually with each other as long as you have other people you can talk to about rocket science or whatever you want to talk about. And at the same time she needs other people to talk with (daily) i.e. about soap operas, lottery numbers, ghosts, the newest celebrity gossip, etc. In Thailand she will probably get that conversation (even with the hair dresser, when she buys food, etc.) If she would be without Thais in "your" country that would probably be a long term problem. Because she won't be happy without talk like that.


If you want to live with her and maybe have kids ask yourself if she will be able to speak with officials, teachers, insurance company, things like that. Many not so educated people have problems if they communicate with officials. That might be difficult in your home country. But is also might be difficult in Thailand if "want to be hiso" officials treat her like the uneducated buffalo from up country (it happens often).


How will you as a pair make money in the future? It seems like she will contribute little or nothing to the family income. Can you handle that for the rest of your lives? How about health insurance for her, etc.?


Who takes care of your and her aging parents?


I hope at least some of above will help you a little.

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