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UK's new Brexit envoy optimistic, as EU warns of Brexit crash


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16 minutes ago, nauseus said:

A poet! Marvellous!

Yes I'm working on another one at the moment called remainers, but all I can come up with that rhymes with remainers is bed stainers, think it needs more work, although..........mnnn

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19 minutes ago, nauseus said:

A poet! Marvellous!


Brexit is what we should embrace

Corbyn et al is a disgrace

On the following day

Theresa May would call it a day

and offer the towel

to Labour who will put in the bowel

without any further ado

Barnier! what should we do?



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12 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


Brexit is what we should embrace

Corbyn et al is a disgrace

On the following day

Theresa May would call it a day

and offer the towel

to Labour who will put in the bowel

without any further ado

Barnier! what should we do?



Another one. Brilliant. Day even rhymes with.....er? Towel and bowel..are they solicitors??

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2 hours ago, Jip99 said:




I will be satisfied with No Deal, in the absence of a negotiated deal.

No Deal = No Transition = No EASA = Big problem.


the European Commission (EC) notified UK aerospace agencies that any EASA aviation licenses, approvals, and certificates would not be valid after the March 30 deadline unless both sides agree to implement a transition period through to 2020.


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8 minutes ago, sandyf said:

No Deal = No Transition = No EASA = Big problem.


the European Commission (EC) notified UK aerospace agencies that any EASA aviation licenses, approvals, and certificates would not be valid after the March 30 deadline unless both sides agree to implement a transition period through to 2020.




I think the EU are better at playing poker than we are....................it is not in the EU's interests to see major problems either.



I sincerely believe, one way or another, things will be resolved because too many people (on both sides - and we shouldn't have to use that divisive phrase) have too much at stake.

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55 minutes ago, sandyf said:

No Deal = No Transition = No EASA = Big problem.


the European Commission (EC) notified UK aerospace agencies that any EASA aviation licenses, approvals, and certificates would not be valid after the March 30 deadline unless both sides agree to implement a transition period through to 2020.



says greek travel pages,


anything a wee bit more solid to confirm this?


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24 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

anything a wee bit more solid to confirm this?


Come on, I’m sure you’ve purchased software before, so you know that the right place to look is the license (agreement) itself. 


The license (agreement) pretty clearly governs who the license owner is and under what terms he can use the license. Often you will even find a change of control clause restricting the license when ownership or management changes. That’s why companies spend so much time understanding (amongst other things) the license situation before they decide to buy another company. They simply don’t wanna end up with operations shutting down on Day-1 because they don’t have the proper licenses for the IT they bought (yes, those things happen). 


Not sure if those licenses are publicly available. Since the EU is generally making a lot of Information and documents available, maybe have a look at the EU websites. 

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1 hour ago, Jip99 said:



I think the EU are better at playing poker than we are....................it is not in the EU's interests to see major problems either.



I sincerely believe, one way or another, things will be resolved because too many people (on both sides - and we shouldn't have to use that divisive phrase) have too much at stake.

Well, actually not so. Brexit is certainly not in the EU's interest. And to those of us who aren't zero sum thinkers it's even more damaging to the UK. But it is certainly not in the long term interest of the EU to give the UK a special deal. You're either in, part of the way in like Norway or Switzerland or Turkey, or out. The EU offers a few set menus, nothing a la carte.

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13 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



I have no problem being out. It is what I voted for.



My point is that our European neighbours still need us after 29th March.




More importantly, all the scaremonering from snowflakes like you and your fellow remoaners has caused me to think.......................



I normally visit the UK/Europe around the end of March/early April; do you think I should hold fire making any bookings - just in case all the airports are closed and my British passport is voided ?

The use of "snowflakes' and "remoaners"  just shows that you believe your arguments to be so weak that you resort to trolling instead. I believe that the chief troll was recently dispatched to Mordor for some R&R. Are you his replacement? 

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21 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The use of "snowflakes' and "remoaners"  just shows that you believe your arguments to be so weak that you resort to trolling instead. I believe that the chief troll was recently dispatched to Mordor for some R&R. Are you his replacement? 

I thought it was somewhat quiet, more civilised, today...

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On 7/20/2018 at 3:39 PM, dunroaming said:

Well if they are they are hiding it very well.  Can't see any reason why they would be as they hold all the cards.  Of course Britain could play the no deal card but are they that stupid or suicidal?

Well, yes.

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1 hour ago, Jip99 said:



So you didn’t answer my question...


If you are over sensitive the report button is there. After that you can check the definition of trolling. 

Some people say a foolish question deserves a foolish answer. I did you a kindness by giving you none at all.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:

Look we know you’ve got a beef, regarding Russia, because you are Finnish.

But try and understand that not everyone who is opposed to the E.U.

is pro Russian.

You think it would tell Brexiteers something significant that one major supporter of Brexit is that arch pro-Russian himself, V. Putin.

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11 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I didn’t know it’s citizenship that enables people to participate in a discussion. (Wondering if that’s still your opinion next time a Thai politician complains about Westerners meddling in Thai affairs because “you Farang, you not know Thai”). 


Poor attempt to discredit people that you can’t fight with arguments. 

 During my 30yrs living n Thailand, I always understood, that it was up to the Thais to comment on their governments, certainly not me. The only exception to this rule, was when I discussed Thai political events with fellow ex-pats.

 Yet for some strange reason££££, there does seem to be a number of non- Brits on these thread, urging us to remain in the hated E.U.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:

 During my 30yrs living n Thailand, I always understood, that it was up to the Thais to comment on their governments, certainly not me. The only exception to this rule, was when I discussed Thai political events with fellow ex-pats.

 Yet for some strange reason££££, there does seem to be a number of non- Brits on these thread, urging us to remain in the hated E.U.

Yet you don't seem to have a problem with the non-Brits who support Brexit. Doublethink much?

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6 hours ago, sandyf said:

No Deal = No Transition = No EASA = Big problem.


the European Commission (EC) notified UK aerospace agencies that any EASA aviation licenses, approvals, and certificates would not be valid after the March 30 deadline unless both sides agree to implement a transition period through to 2020.



And I also wonder,

does the EC speak directly to UK state bodies/agencies or does the EC address their comments to the UK government?


smth doesn't sound quite sound here




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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Yet you don't seem to have a problem with the non-Brits who support Brexit. Doublethink much?

Good point. However I don’t recall any E.U. citizens on these threads supporting our withdrawal from the E.U. Again I cannot understand why ££££. 

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2 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


And I also wonder,

does the EC speak directly UK state bodies/agencies or does the EC address their comments to the UK government?


smth doesn't sound quite sound here




they do "notice to stakeholders "




Aviation ones








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46 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

You think it would tell Brexiteers something significant that one major supporter of Brexit is that arch pro-Russian himself, V. Putin.

Indeed, Russia has been a major supporter for dismantling the western societies and unity. They have done a stellar job supporting the brexit and the another destructive phenomena west of Atlantic. 


I don't think we should close our eyes and ears from the role Russia has been playing. 




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1 minute ago, oilinki said:

Indeed, Russia has been a major supporter for dismantling the western societies and unity. They have done a stellar job supporting the brexit and the another destructive phenomena west of Atlantic. 


I don't think we should close our eyes and ears from the role Russia has been playing. 




Washington Post picking up on this and in particular where Banks got his money from. 


The wide-ranging report also highlights concerns over the funding of one of the campaigns that pushed for Britain to leave the European Union. “Arron Banks is believed to have donated £8.4m to the leave campaign, the largest political donation in British politics, but it is unclear from where he obtained that amount of money,” the report says. “He failed to satisfy us that his own donations had, in fact, come from sources within the UK.”



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