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Here come the Thai moral sex crusaders: Students forbidden from doing anything naughty anywhere anytime!


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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

All said and done.....they are about the same set of codes...moral and otherwise...that my own Father laid down for me and my brother from an early age.

  My brother (2 yrs. older than me) lived by them....Me?...I was the "black sheep" and rebelled at every chance.....How did we fair out?  My brother had a very stable life, is still with the same wife he married almost 50 yrs.   ago...He is loved by his children. Has been in the same job for 45 yrs and is drawing a pension.

Me, I became a roaring alcoholic, had many different partners, my children and I are estranged. I had as many different jobs as I had dinners...the list goes on.

  The moral of the story....don't be so quick knock well meaning advice.....

You had a choice, though and a parent's guidance is a bit different from the law of the land.

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2 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Jesus Christ, with these puritanical attitudes prevailing among the arch-conservative establishment it sometimes really borders on a sheer miracle that this country ever developed a population of well over 65 million people. Perhaps they all grew on trees...? 

Storks deliver babies and put them under cabbage leaves in Thai gardens. 
Sex?  "Shhhhhhhhh"

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15 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yes, of course.  There are schools where a student only has to occasionally show up to get a diploma, and there are schools where students have to bust their butts to graduate.  You are more likely to meet students from the first kind of school in the bars, students from the second kind are too busy.

The poor students busting a gut to get a degree are those who can't afford to buy one.  Can't see your logic about them ending up in bars when they clearly have parents with plenty of money to buy their education.  I doubt many bar girls have a degree whether bought or not otherwise what is the point in having one?


Not taking anything away from the ones (boys or girls) who really earn their spurs.  Unfortunately in Thailand hard work isn't always rewarded but self satisfaction is worth a lot they should be proud of that.

Edited by dunroaming
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2 hours ago, scorecard said:




Ed. ministry should be focused on education and they have a lot of work to do!


Perhaps they should conduct meaningful non-judgemental sex education?


They should have a policy that sex is forbidden on school premises.


End of story.





Banning sex in schools? And then what are the teachers going to do in biology? What will the male teachers do with their "playthings"?

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Serious question... I wonder how much influence the Quran and the Muslims have to do with this ? Next thing maybe a girl can not be alone with any boy or man unless a relative? They have already cracked down on the dancers costumes or lack there of....and no doubt some would say fine.. Wonder if they will televise the stoning of some poor girl in the future; pay per view ?

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This government has nothing else to do to control daily life of everbody in Thailand, Thais and foreigners!

If they are failing the laws by themselves they have hundred of thousand of excuses!

AND they keep the young people away from a modern and forwardgoing education system that forces the young people to as and discuss and critisize and find their own ways: away from the old minded and closed minded OLDIES in thai government and in all their life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sad Sad Sad

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Good luck with trying to repress teenage hormones in ferment.

The government would do better to provide meaningful education on condom use and the reasons for doing so, e.g. unwanted pregnancy, STD's and HIV.

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18 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

The poor students busting a gut to get a degree are those who can't afford to buy one.  Can't see your logic about them ending up in bars when they clearly have parents with plenty of money to buy their education.  I doubt many bar girls have a degree whether bought or not otherwise what is the point in having one?


Not taking anything away from the ones (boys or girls) who really earn their spurs.  Unfortunately in Thailand hard work isn't always rewarded but self satisfaction is worth a lot they should be proud of that.

You asked " Any meaningful schools in this country? "  I gave an honest answer. 


I know lots of former students, including one who is now an economics professor, one who is moving up the management ranks in a western jewelry company, and one who is still a student studying for her PhD in South Korea.  None of them "bought" a degree, they all worked for theirs.  How many actual Thai university students have you known?  Did you meet them in an academic setting?


My comment on bars had to do with the fact that students going to the easy schools (and some going to good schools but pursing easy majors) have time for bars, those going to "meaningful" schools don't.  What did you think it meant?


I don't know any bar girls so I don't know about their education status.  You are probably correct, I'm sure degrees are rare.

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My step-son didn't go to school yesterday. 


At breakfast I Asked why.


"Got chucked out. Caught having sex with a girl behind the toilet block."


"Dear me; what's that; three times already this year?"


He nodded.


"Carry on like this and no Thai school will have you as a teacher!"

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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

All said and done.....they are about the same set of codes...moral and otherwise...that my own Father laid down for me and my brother from an early age.

  My brother (2 yrs. older than me) lived by them....Me?...I was the "black sheep" and rebelled at every chance.....How did we fair out?  My brother had a very stable life, is still with the same wife he married almost 50 yrs.   ago...He is loved by his children. Has been in the same job for 45 yrs and is drawing a pension.

Me, I became a roaring alcoholic, had many different partners, my children and I are estranged. I had as many different jobs as I had dinners...the list goes on.

  The moral of the story....don't be so quick knock well meaning advice.....

I bet you look forward to a good dinner now 555

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You asked " Any meaningful schools in this country? "  I gave an honest answer. 


I know lots of former students, including one who is now an economics professor, one who is moving up the management ranks in a western jewelry company, and one who is still a student studying for her PhD in South Korea.  None of them "bought" a degree, they all worked for theirs.  How many actual Thai university students have you known?  Did you meet them in an academic setting?


My comment on bars had to do with the fact that students going to the easy schools (and some going to good schools but pursing easy majors) have time for bars, those going to "meaningful" schools don't.  What did you think it meant?


I don't know any bar girls so I don't know about their education status.  You are probably correct, I'm sure degrees are rare.

All fair comments.  Through my wife's relatives I know half a dozen Uni students who are family, plus I owned and rented out student apartments in Chiang Mai for about six years.  Apart from that I employed a few part time as nannies and also the odd one in my office.  As a policy my Wife's family didn't buy their off-springs diplomas, they all earned them.  They are now all employed, one works in a local government office (her mother is the manager), one opened a beauty salon with her girlfriend, one is training to be a doctor and one is doing a Masters  at Bangkok University.  The other two are still at Uni in Chiang Mai.  They enjoy a good and full social life as did the others.


As for the bar comments, nice little diversion ?


But I have seen quite a few students buy their qualifications and in fact in my wife's relatives case I am not sure they wouldn't have bought a diploma had the kids failed to earn one.


I am still in touch with quite a few of the girls and boys who rented their accommodation from me and most are doing well (I think).  A couple moved to Australia to continue their education but the rest are in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.  Most are in long term relationships.

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4 minutes ago, musicscene said:

Okay if the plan is to morally educate students why not start by insisting that they obey the laws of the land. Starting with only  a maximum of two on a motorcycle and both wearing  helmets 

That would do far more good for the well-being of people in Thailand than:


"...banning students from having sexual contact anywhere."




"And where before students were just banned from wandering about together after dark this has now been extended to all day long, all the time every day."


That last part is especially ridiculous.

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14 minutes ago, musicscene said:

Okay if the plan is to morally educate students why not start by insisting that they obey the laws of the land. Starting with only  a maximum of two on a motorcycle and both wearing  helmets 

I think they should be allowed to wear what they like on there heads.

Maybe do away with this helmet law but keep it there for the silly Falangs  who can't ride.

I would suggest this for the locals, maybe in Blue or Red

Maybe with a matching coloured Amulet :jap:


Paper hat.jpg

Edited by stanleycoin
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14 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

All fair comments.  Through my wife's relatives I know half a dozen Uni students who are family, plus I owned and rented out student apartments in Chiang Mai for about six years.  Apart from that I employed a few part time as nannies and also the odd one in my office.  As a policy my Wife's family didn't buy their off-springs diplomas, they all earned them.  They are now all employed, one works in a local government office (her mother is the manager), one opened a beauty salon with her girlfriend, one is training to be a doctor and one is doing a Masters  at Bangkok University.  The other two are still at Uni in Chiang Mai.  They enjoy a good and full social life as did the others.


As for the bar comments, nice little diversion ?


But I have seen quite a few students buy their qualifications and in fact in my wife's relatives case I am not sure they wouldn't have bought a diploma had the kids failed to earn one.


I am still in touch with quite a few of the girls and boys who rented their accommodation from me and most are doing well (I think).  A couple moved to Australia to continue their education but the rest are in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.  Most are in long term relationships.

That supports my point; there are good schools and bad schools, good students and bad students.  I suppose if you major in something like Physical Education you might be able to coast to a degree even in CMU, but CMU students studying for serious degrees with the intent to get a good job all have to work.  At least that's been my observation.


However there are without question schools where a lazy student can get a degree with no more effort than paying for the tuition.  Even in those universities the students who want to learn can.  It's unfortunate their efforts and degrees will be tainted by their universities reputation.


Yes, even the serious students I've know made time for a social life, but their studies came first, and only allowed time for one or two nights a week or less, usually ending early.


Edit:  Back on topic, even the serious students I've known would sometimes get into relationships, often more than one during their years in school.  It didn't hold them back.

Edited by heybruce
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Interesting to see if ever how they are going to ensure these rules as the Boys in brown are possibly some of the worst offenders when it comes to Morality. Pot calling the kettle black springs to mind, and as for politicians or senior Civil servants, lately some of these have failed the morality tests. Let alone the Monks and their activities, drugs, fraud and sexual indiscretions . Surely getting the proverbial house in order first would be a start, but as this is Thailand being led by a man who fails to understand individual thought amongst the masses, I doubt if that will ever happen. 


Do as I say not as I do springs to mind , which means that I think most of the students will ignore them if they want to and the officials will be like a crowd of women wringing their hands bemoaning the fate of the youth today, which further reminds me of the women sitting around the French guillotine, shouting out when another head drops into the basket, while knitting  . Watching while the life blood of the French Aristocracy die, here it will be the death knell to freedom and individual thought. 

Another OWN Goal by illogical thoughtless Ministry Officials 

Edited by Khun Paul
Spelling and a minor addition.
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A very good reason to stop being a student.  No loans you can't pay back, no indoctrination, avoid the (non) moral government codes, enjoy your life and learn hands on instead of at the end of a stick.

Sad day for students.  They can be of age and still not allowed to live their life the way they want to.




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