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The week that was in Thailand news: Be careful who you get into bed with in Thailand!


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"The real problem is 15 year olds and helmet-less drunks with no training whatsoever riding like they are immortal on up-country roads". 

...........and on sois in Pattaya and Jomtien, and who are now joined by hoards of similar aged, un-helmeted youths from the Middle East and the sub-Continent - skillfully avoiding the tag of 'racist' or 'religious bigot' - who now congregate in large numbers in the back sois of Pattaya Tai behind Tuk Com. Not a place for the faint-hearted.

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19 hours ago, rooster59 said:

We read on this forum about Thai bashing (and it does happen) now we have 'farang' bashing. Hope it even things out a bit? ?


"... our darling Maj-Gen Big Joke - was becoming an assistant spokesman to none other than Deputy PM Prawit "Mr Watch" Wongsuwan."  Maybe he was getting too close to some powerful people with his investigations? Easy way to deal with a possible problem - promote him sideways and up thus removing the 'threat'!


"...drivers without licenses would soon be fined 50K or sent to jail or both." I wonder if they courts will punish offenders or will the old ways prevail? I agree - smoke and mirrors. Where there is no will (to address the terrible road trauma) there is no way (it is going to be fixed anytime soon). The 'elite' are not being killed so why would they care?  :sad:


Again a good read - thanks.





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I felt I had to pass on my thoughts (for what they are worth). Well written, entertaining and with some good insights this week. It's always a risk sharing some insights because...well, you know better than most what many TV posters are like!

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7 hours ago, Colabamumbai said:

No mention of the woman in C. Mai drugging 2 foreigners, with one dead, for getting in bed.  Thanks wordsmith, always look forward to your post.

The connection between the story of the death of the Indian and the robbery of the US  man came too late for the column. It is clearly very serious. And as you say a reminder of the perils inherent in taking strangers to bed. 

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It's all a gamble wherever you are. Thai women are a roll of the dice like any other anywhere. Good luck keeping your house in the UK is you are male and divorce. You should only expose yourself to losses that you can walk away from...if not, then you are foolish and it doesn't matter what country you are in. Let the big head do the thinking.

Edited by Sir Dude
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9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Never paid more than 2,000 baht and of course that would have to be for a really pretty one who would earn every baht working it.


Married a poor village girl 11 years ago, so I guess I am "silly" as you suggest, although she cooks like a chef, cleans like a professional cleaner, is a fantastic mother to our kids, roots like there is no tomorrow and at least 3 times a week unless I am tired, has a beautiful home that I built her, a modern car and a motor scooter, a little money in the bank and spoils me rotten every single day of the week, to top it all off because I know you don't believe what your hearing, she is not spoilt, no nose in the air, or Princess in anyway to other Thai's or myself, jut a village girl, and I also play the field and she is ok with it.


I have invested about 1/10th of what I am worth and if she is going to slowly poisoning me off for "her assets" as everything is in her name, after all she is the mother of our kids and they will need a roof over the heads and a car to get them to school, shopping etc etc, then she misses out on the other 90%.


Smartest thing I ever did was marry this bar girl, which kills your theory of remaining single and playing the field, because if you have balls and find the right woman who can handle the truth before you marry and accepts you for who you are and what you want in life, then your miles ahead ay, we won't talk about the 23 year old that was most enjoyable the other night because you being a single bloke understand, but being married to the right woman and sharing your life has more meaning and far greater benefits than being single and playing the field from where I'm at.


I found this interesting. If you don't mind me asking, do you feel your wife has cheated on you? I ask because, and I might be ignorant in assuming this, she was a former bar girl so it seems to me she is much more likely to cheat than a non-working girl. That type of thought keeps me from ever considering getting serious with a bar/massage girl. If you felt the same way as I do, when you first considered getting serious with her, how did you move forward while feeling she was more likely to cheat?

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18 hours ago, lanista said:

Only bothered reading the first few lines.  Read all this stuff hundreds of times over the years.

Nothing changes except the individual stories  & experiences.


The oldest saying in Thailand is also the most accurate.....

'farangs who pay the most for sex are those who are silly enough to marry a poor village girl and most do.

the smartest farangs are those who remain single and play the field, if and when he chooses.

Alot of farangs are killed for their assets by slow poisoning not guns or knives.  Hundreds of wealthy Thai men die that way.


Two possible solutions: Never let anyone in Thailand know where and how much your assets are, or be one of those who come to Thailand to live frugally and still have a nice life. I would be #2, and I make no secret to Thai women that their are no resources available from my other than dinner and drinks and maybe a day trip or modest vacation once in a while. I have a number of dear Thai lady friends who cleared that hurdle long ago, and if I want to philander I know where to go, I know what to do and what not to do, including not ever getting drunk, nor getting the girl drunk. Lady drinks all around is fine as long as we have fun, but I pay each round as they come, never run up a tab. And when the wait staff leans on me for "tips" I tell them no after my reasonable limits are reached. If it's then time to leave, sabai sabai 

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7 hours ago, Santogold said:


I found this interesting. If you don't mind me asking, do you feel your wife has cheated on you? I ask because, and I might be ignorant in assuming this, she was a former bar girl so it seems to me she is much more likely to cheat than a non-working girl. That type of thought keeps me from ever considering getting serious with a bar/massage girl. If you felt the same way as I do, when you first considered getting serious with her, how did you move forward while feeling she was more likely to cheat?

Interesting request and I am more than ok in replying to quench your thirst, so to speak.


I consider myself to be a pretty streetwise kind of guy, and accept the females species for who they are, and with my understanding of how their make up works, how I as a male can survive with them without being venomously bitten so to speak.


Bars girls as far as I am concerned are non threatening to me, actually they are the opposite as I have stepped outside of the usual BKK, Phuket & Pattaya red light districts to see how Thai's live and function as a society, that said it's the female species as a whole that the male must be vary of, call me crazy if you like.


As I said previously in my post, been married to my wife, an x bar girl of 7 months (as advised by her) has worked out really well for me, that said, she has 3 sisters who have also worked at bars out of necessity, one would rip you blindly in front of you, and had made a lot of money fleecing farangs over time with only a house to show for it, and now works selling fruit from a motorbike with side car, she barely survives and is an alcoholic, had a child previously to a Thai guy, she is no in uni, and has a 5 year old with a Musso who lives abroad and doesn't support the kid, the other has settled and married a farang and seems ok working here land with hubby, the youngest is just a scatter brain with no hope who was into the drug scene when in Phuket until she got caught, did jail time, returned to the village and did the Thai guy seen, now having a young baby however finishing the Thai guy because of his abuse and alcoholic tendencies and laziness to work, she is off the drugs and alcohol and tends to the bub that has given her some meaning in life.


I am telling you the above just to give you an insight of some x bar girls that I have spent most of my time with who are part of her family, their futures are pretty much non existent, all of these girls are from Isaan, where some 23 million Thai's live with very few opportunities to move forward, corruption is ripe amongst other things, suffice to say her daughter who goes to uni who score a perfect 100% at school, couldn't get into a university as they only held so many positions in the field she wanted to study, however at one university she was told if she could come up with 30,000 baht, there might be an opening, naturally she got in, so as you can see, it's dog eat dog in Thai society.


I thoroughly enjoy the company of bar girls and the sex I have with them from time to time, I don't just go and play the field, I might have a dry spell for 6 months or more, it's just the fact that one needs something else every now and again to realise, the sex at home is better, but the younger creature your having is also enjoyable and different, each with their own stories, if you can get them to open up, the most recent a 23 year old, was studying electrical engineering who fell pregnant to a Thai guy who couldn't hold a job, left him and now works on and off in the bar scene to raise her 2 year old with mum and dad looking after the kid as they do all over Isaan while the daughter go and source the income to keep their families afloat.


Won't bore you with this anymore and I do have other stuff to do, no doubt a few are chair warriors will have a dig as they know the bar scene and the girls because they have been ripped off by the girls.


The above said, it all comes down to the nature of the beast you are hooking up with, bar girl or not, with everyone, you mustn't be blinded by their beauty, you must bait them every now and agaTin, sleep with one eye open so to speak, and if you feel you are being lied to or being taken advantage of, then time to move on because you know what's coming, others who "trust" come undone, sure I trust my wife, but not with my life savings, leave yourself open to anyone, family, wife, friends with you money and you will come a cropper in my opinion, so best you deal with your finances and you don't have a trust issue there.


I don't fear my wife will cheat on me, as she has my complete support too have a good bonk if she so desires, as I do, but she has no desire to bonk a Thai guy, maybe a half Thai soapy as she says, I am not insecure, if she fell in love with a guy, she gets the kids, the house, and whatever else her new life will bring her, happiness I would hope, and I would pay for the kids educations etc etc


If you like a bar girl and feel you want to go forward, but are confused, then bait her with a few little traps here and there and if she takes the bait, then you know, I still do it with my wife, i.e. I gave her 5,000 baht to go shopping while I had a couple of light ones at a mates bar close by, she went to give me tha change after telling me how much it was and I said just give me x to square her up as I owed her a couple of baht and she said she was confused and I said I owe you 2,100 baht, so just give me x and she said it cannot be because I will have 1,000 baht to much, with my reply being, glad your maths is better than mine honey, then she said, she should have kept my mouth shut, I said, yep, you could have been rich honey.


Anyways I hope my bragging helps you either put one foot forwards, or one foot backwards running.



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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Interesting request and I am more than ok in replying to quench your thirst, so to speak.


I consider myself to be a pretty streetwise kind of guy, and accept the females species for who they are, and with my understanding of how their make up works, how I as a male can survive with them without being venomously bitten so to speak.


Bars girls as far as I am concerned are non threatening to me, actually they are the opposite as I have stepped outside of the usual BKK, Phuket & Pattaya red light districts to see how Thai's live and function as a society, that said it's the female species as a whole that the male must be vary of, call me crazy if you like.


As I said previously in my post, been married to my wife, an x bar girl of 7 months (as advised by her) has worked out really well for me, that said, she has 3 sisters who have also worked at bars out of necessity, one would rip you blindly in front of you, and had made a lot of money fleecing farangs over time with only a house to show for it, and now works selling fruit from a motorbike with side car, she barely survives and is an alcoholic, had a child previously to a Thai guy, she is no in uni, and has a 5 year old with a Musso who lives abroad and doesn't support the kid, the other has settled and married a farang and seems ok working here land with hubby, the youngest is just a scatter brain with no hope who was into the drug scene when in Phuket until she got caught, did jail time, returned to the village and did the Thai guy seen, now having a young baby however finishing the Thai guy because of his abuse and alcoholic tendencies and laziness to work, she is off the drugs and alcohol and tends to the bub that has given her some meaning in life.


I am telling you the above just to give you an insight of some x bar girls that I have spent most of my time with who are part of her family, their futures are pretty much non existent, all of these girls are from Isaan, where some 23 million Thai's live with very few opportunities to move forward, corruption is ripe amongst other things, suffice to say her daughter who goes to uni who score a perfect 100% at school, couldn't get into a university as they only held so many positions in the field she wanted to study, however at one university she was told if she could come up with 30,000 baht, there might be an opening, naturally she got in, so as you can see, it's dog eat dog in Thai society.


I thoroughly enjoy the company of bar girls and the sex I have with them from time to time, I don't just go and play the field, I might have a dry spell for 6 months or more, it's just the fact that one needs something else every now and again to realise, the sex at home is better, but the younger creature your having is also enjoyable and different, each with their own stories, if you can get them to open up, the most recent a 23 year old, was studying electrical engineering who fell pregnant to a Thai guy who couldn't hold a job, left him and now works on and off in the bar scene to raise her 2 year old with mum and dad looking after the kid as they do all over Isaan while the daughter go and source the income to keep their families afloat.


Won't bore you with this anymore and I do have other stuff to do, no doubt a few are chair warriors will have a dig as they know the bar scene and the girls because they have been ripped off by the girls.


The above said, it all comes down to the nature of the beast you are hooking up with, bar girl or not, with everyone, you mustn't be blinded by their beauty, you must bait them every now and agaTin, sleep with one eye open so to speak, and if you feel you are being lied to or being taken advantage of, then time to move on because you know what's coming, others who "trust" come undone, sure I trust my wife, but not with my life savings, leave yourself open to anyone, family, wife, friends with you money and you will come a cropper in my opinion, so best you deal with your finances and you don't have a trust issue there.


I don't fear my wife will cheat on me, as she has my complete support too have a good bonk if she so desires, as I do, but she has no desire to bonk a Thai guy, maybe a half Thai soapy as she says, I am not insecure, if she fell in love with a guy, she gets the kids, the house, and whatever else her new life will bring her, happiness I would hope, and I would pay for the kids educations etc etc


If you like a bar girl and feel you want to go forward, but are confused, then bait her with a few little traps here and there and if she takes the bait, then you know, I still do it with my wife, i.e. I gave her 5,000 baht to go shopping while I had a couple of light ones at a mates bar close by, she went to give me tha change after telling me how much it was and I said just give me x to square her up as I owed her a couple of baht and she said she was confused and I said I owe you 2,100 baht, so just give me x and she said it cannot be because I will have 1,000 baht to much, with my reply being, glad your maths is better than mine honey, then she said, she should have kept my mouth shut, I said, yep, you could have been rich honey.


Anyways I hope my bragging helps you either put one foot forwards, or one foot backwards running.




That was great, exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you for your in-depth reply, I appreciate it.

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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 5:10 PM, Vacuum said:

Correct. Always check their ID card (age).

that's not the only thing that should be checked, unless of course you don't mind batting for either side.

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20 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

Always choose a lady that is an Orphan. will save you money if you want to keep her 


unless of course she runs a large herd of buffalo's being looked after by her adopted brother ..

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47 minutes ago, Max66 said:

If shes so great why do you "play the field" ?? Shes all that allegedly and you $#@/ around on her ..what a catch you are...?????

Since you asked:


I will put it mildly for you, and yes, she is everything a bloke would want in life and more, she scores above 100% in my books and I can appreciate your jealousy.


I don't follow mainstream rules or adapt to them, because I choose to think outside the square, i.e. I am not religious, and I do not allow religion to dictate how to live my life, or anyone else for that matter, although I do obey the law, and religion is not law, although in some countries it is, fortunately it is not in Thailand.


Now if I choose to marry someone who is willing to accept me for who I am, i.e. having spelt it out to her before our relationship went any further and providing her the opportunity to either accept me for who I am, i.e. being a person who wants his cake and to eat it too, or decline me and not allow our relationship to go further, this is a contract, exactly what a relationship is, all relationships have boundaries, our boundaries are different to most as we set them.


 I can understand that most people cannot accept the fact that I have my cake and eat it too, they lie in their relationships, they have affairs, they hide what they do from their partners, I do not, she knows up front that I might take a young pretty fillie and enjoy myself from time to time, nothing wrong with it, it's just sex, however betrayal some might call it, although I do not see it as that as we do not allow betrayal to enter into our relationship, so if everyone removed betrayal from their relationships, do you think marriages would be in the high divorce percentage rates that they are, who created this, don't sleep with anyone else thing anyway, total set up if you ask me, think of all the parties making money out of this, churches, wedding receptions, jewellers, courts, lawyers etc etc, but that's another story.


Now you might be the kind of bloke who would be shattered if your wife said I would like to go with another male, or visa a versa, and that's fine, you have, in my opinion been programmed to be like that, as I have been programmed to think it is strange to have more than one wife, doesn't suit me, as I couldn't see myself being married to more than one woman, or the need for it, although I do like to feel something else every now and again, with the wife knowing this, and knowing it's just sex, nothing more, no emotions, just a good feeling with someone else, and when much younger than me, makes me feel alive, like a young lad again, and naturally the taker is also enjoying themselves and being paid for their service whether its to provide for them, their family or whatever. 


I feel sorry for most blokes that I know, because they play the field, they cannot handle telling the wife the truth, even from the beginning, which from where I am standing is betrayal because I am sure it would hurt, sort of like having the rug pulled from under your feet.


I am not a dog with his leg between his tail, who needs his Mrs (mummy) to tell him what he can and cannot do, i.e. permission to go for a drink and then maybe play the field behind her back. I consider myself man enough to say, hey, I really like you, but you have to know something about me....now it might seem strange to you, but the response from my wife was, I can understand what you are saying, and thank you for being a man, others might have headed for the mountains, but I don't throw it in her face, and she doesn't ask, although in our mutual agreement she has asked for boundaries which I have accepted, one of those is, if I ask you, will you tell me, she has asked twice and she has been told on both occasions, her reply to that was, you dirty dog with a smile on her face, believe it or not, sure she may be cut inside, but she accepted it, accepts it now, and moves on, life is too short honey as she says to me, enjoy your life, you deserve it.


I don't need to convince anyone that I have got it good or that she has got it good as well, it is what it is, and the world will continue to be what it is, with betrayals and divorces to feed all those that feed of off it, no betrayals here mate, just good old fashion sex on tape at home and when I feel like it when I am out and about, and yes, it can't get better than that, be jealous, I don't give a rat$ a$$, my life, do what you will with yours, no one getting hurt here.


Edit: Yes your right, I am also a good catch for her, someone she can feel secure with, someone who is a good father to her kids, someone who will also provide for her and the kids when I am long gone, and to top it off, I'm a handsome man, and I don't mind the attention, confidence gets you everywhere with people, and the fact that she's great in bed doesn't keep me exclusively to her as eating meat every night isn't something I want to eat every night, man has to eat something different every now and again, its part of his makeup, if you accept your fantasies, and bring them to reality.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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