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Alleged Koh Tao rape victim in her first interview accuses police of suppressing truth 

Jonathan Fairfield

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6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

For the same reason that she didn't trust the RTP on KT, she may have been aware that the 'UK embassy' or their representatives could only refer her to the KT police.


I agree that not lodging any formal complaint with any UK authorities while in Thailand has done her absolutely no favors and leaves her with extremely little recourse at this juncture. This will become zero recourse on 25th of this month when the 3-month window for reporting as allowed by Thai law, expires.


It is a moot point anyway as the Bangkopk RTP have already done their investigation and have charged and/or arrested all the case-related miscreants that they need.

I am sorry but too many holes in her story from witnesses. Why go full moon party then report it? The fight at the full moon party between boyfriend and another Forang. Then it seems but I am not sure but it was his girls mother that went ballistic at her story then reported it not the alleged victim. 


Koh Tao has suffered allot due to fake news plus how can the guardian publish a story based on 1 sided view 


shows me that the media shall publish anything  that makes a good story, true or not


now I know that the UK media are proper BS merchants look at how the bbc portrayed tommy Robinson 

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Are you our resident Full Moon Party expert ... pontificating on the drug habits of young people from your bar stool? Young people can be foolish but they are not blind to the drug rules in Thailand ... the majority go to drink and party ... some don't drink, just party ... and a very small minority stupidly take drugs. Bear in mind it is well documented that people get set up by Police informants, who sell them something and then tip off the Police. Some fools get caught, most are aware and don't get involved.
I say a lot more take drugs than you may think.

People used to read up on places like thailand in the lonely planet books etc, now a lot would just go from what they see on fb posts, none mentioning any dangers..just party photos.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, natway09 said:

I think she is way out of her league. 

Where are the 5 GUYS she was sharing a room with ???

It was 3 guys. One is the ‘new boyfriend’ and the police said they wanted to interview the other two but they’ve long since left Thailand. 

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Try to put yourself in the place of someone who had just been raped.

I thought it happened 2 months ago, 'just been' is last night, maybe the night before.

Anyway, I'm glad it wasn't significant enough for her to interrupt her next night out at the full moon party.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 9/10/2018 at 5:14 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

"...She accused them of suppressing the truth about the brutal attack, during a gap year holiday over the summer, because it would have a negative impact on tourism..."


It is hard to argue with the above.


Two questions to my fellow TVF members;


  1. Do you believe that the police are more interested in investigating her story or protecting the tourism industry?
  2. Would you allow your wife/daughter/sister/female friend visit there alone?


I know what my answers would be...



My sister, definitely yes. If anything similar would happen to her, she would go on the black market, buy biggest baddest guns she could lay her hands on and go back and clean up the island. She is like that, my sister is.

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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

The woman has no reason to lie. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose from the  state sanctioned attack on her. What would she want with the public  humiliation and embarrassment that this matter brings.

I see some ignorant  fools have accused the woman of coat tailing onto the #metoo movement, but she has not accused any specific person, nor sought financial gain. She has only pointed out that she was assaulted and was unable to obtain a response from the local police. Why does this surprise anyone? Women are  raped daily in Thailand, and they  often have no one to go to for help. What do some of the idiots accusing the  woman of fabricating this event  believe happens to women in the rural or out island locales who are sexually assaulted? Do they honestly believe that the children and adults who are raped and brutalized can just pick up a phone and get help like that?   


The island cops demand that the woman return and at the same time threaten to imprison her if she can't support her claim. Just on that basis alone it is obvious that the cops are trying to intimidate and bully her. The UK has a moral and legal duty to stand up for this woman.

"She has not accused any specific person".


Good point and that`s because there is no specific person or people to accuse. They simply don`t exist. The woman cried wolf rape and it`s gone much further than she had anticipated.


So who is the mystery guy that was lying next to her or standing over her smiling on the beach? No description or details given. Another point, after raping, why would a rapist hang around on the scene after the deed so he could be identified or even apprehended? No evidence, no names, no possible suspects, no nothing. And that`s exactly what the police have to work on; NOTHING.




For the time being lets call him Phantom X

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36 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

My sister, definitely yes. If anything similar would happen to her, she would go on the black market, buy biggest baddest guns she could lay her hands on and go back and clean up the island. She is like that, my sister is.

Any relation?



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"She has not accused any specific person".
Good point and that`s because there is no specific person or people to accuse. They simply don`t exist. The woman cried wolf rape and it`s gone much further than she had anticipated.
So who is the mystery guy that was lying next to her or standing over her smiling on the beach? No description or details given. Another point, after raping, why would a rapist hang around on the scene after the deed so he could be identified or even apprehended? No evidence, no names, no possible suspects, no nothing. And that`s exactly what the police have to work on; NOTHING.
For the time being lets call him Phantom X
Indeed, the st 'broke' they basically accused sunnie the 'smiling' barman.. as though he hung around after raping her?
Then days later it comes out she was anally raped conveniently tying it to the D&H case, surely such a big connection as that would have had the st chomping at the bit to print...then the story as to what she did after changed....
The fact that the st were involved at all i'd say it call bs, never mind the changing story.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

If you're interviewed by the police in the UK, they record it and give you a copy of the tape at the end of the interview.

Roadside stops in Thailand, I'm always recording.


4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Trust No-one.

Are you also recording when you bang girls ? (Just in case of being accused of rape)

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On 9/10/2018 at 11:08 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

And face getting arrested and prosecuted by the Thai authorities for defaming their and the island's "good" name????


Just posting accounts of the episode on Facebook has gotten uninvolved Thai people arrested. What do you think the authorities would do if they got their hands on the source of the allegations that they consider false?


So are you suggesting that because the Thai police are maybe a bit crooked and might not give the complaint the due dilligence it deserves, she may as well not bother?


Some of us believe she is lying and some of us believe the cops are sweeping it under the carpet. Whatever the truth is, Happy Enough is correct in what he/she says. The process can only begin if she comes back to Thailand with the clothing evidence and files the complaint there. 


My own personal opinion, and has been from the start, is she is lying. I guess if she decides not to go back to Thailand, we will never know

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On 9/10/2018 at 11:20 AM, AlexRich said:


Yes, you are completely wrong. All the Thai authorities have done is spent time trying to make the complaint go away and blame the victim. The island is run by criminals and the Thai authorities have no interest in seeking the truth ... as you might find out one day.

Have you been in the police offices all this time throughout ? No you havent. So to PRESUME that "all the Thai authorities have done is spent time trying to make the complaint go away and blame the victim" is laughable because you are only stating your opinion. To call her a victim is complete guess work as there is no proof she is a victim, of rape anyway. 


Happy Enough's opinion is better informed than yours due to the fact he suggests she simply comes back to Thailand with the evidence she says she has and makes the complaint IN THAILAND. Why did she not do this when she was IN THAILAND and claims she was raped IN THAILAND


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12 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Have you been in the police offices all this time throughout ? No you havent. So to PRESUME that "all the Thai authorities have done is spent time trying to make the complaint go away and blame the victim" is laughable because you are only stating your opinion. To call her a victim is complete guess work as there is no proof she is a victim, of rape anyway. 


Happy Enough's opinion is better informed than yours due to the fact he suggests she simply comes back to Thailand with the evidence she says she has and makes the complaint IN THAILAND. Why did she not do this when she was IN THAILAND and claims she was raped IN THAILAND



Happily Enough is unfortunately ill-informed but you are absolutely clueless ... the girl reported the rape and theft to Thai Police but they refused to register her rape complaint. This happened in Thailand, you'll be pleased to know. 


The Thai authorities have already portrayed her as a liar, despite not registering her complaint and receiving no statement from her directly. Indeed, they appear to want to ban her from the country for besmirching the reputation of Koh Tao island ... now that is what's really laughable. 


Another apologist for rape and criminality. Let's hope you can dance as well as your brother John, Walter, I'd hate to think of you as just an angry bar dweller with little to offer the world but bile and misogyny.


Edited by AlexRich
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4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Happily Enough is unfortunately ill-informed but you are absolutely clueless ... the girl reported the rape and theft to Thai Police but they refused to register her rape complaint. This happened in Thailand, you'll be pleased to know. 


The Thai authorities have already portrayed her as a liar, despite not registering her complaint and receiving no statement from her directly. Indeed, they appear to want to ban her from the country for besmirching the reputation of Koh Tao island ... now that is what's really laughable. 


Another apologist for rape and criminality. Let's hope you can dance as well as your brother John, Walter, I'd hate to think of you as just an angry bar dweller with little to offer the world but bile and misogyny.


My apologies, I forgot about the girl reporting it, the reason I forgot is because she didnt report it in the place it happened and she was told to report it in Koh Tao instead of where she did.

So yes I accept my error there


However, the facts still remain that there is no proof of anything like rape has taken place, yet you accuse me of being an apologist of rape haha. Your 'matter of fact' way of writing doesnt mean you are correct. And the little paragraph at the end says more about you than it does me. 


At the moment there is only 2 people know if she was raped, she is one of them, you are NOT the other. As much as you call me the names you did, I could say the same about you being a #metoo nutcase!


It will come out one day that she is lying, and you will not be so cocky with your ill informed presumptions and guesses she was in fact raped. Maybe you are in for 50% of her cut

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I would assume her 4 male room-mates would be first in line as possible suspects, especially the one at the beach with her.

But all the posters here seem to be looking for a Thai attacker.

I can't believe the number of posters hating on Thais.

Its a fair point that when Koh Tao is involved in such accusations that mud will obviously stick, but that doesnt mean that just because it is KT that a rape actually happened


Although going by some of the members comments on here, there is no need to investigate, they all have it sewn up already, bless them


Im certainly looking forward to the conclusion to this and the backtracking sleuths with no evidence whatsoever

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4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I would assume her 4 male room-mates would be first in line as possible suspects, especially the one at the beach with her.

But all the posters here seem to be looking for a Thai attacker.

I can't believe the number of posters hating on Thais.


Hate Thai police, hate Thai government, hate Thai bar owners.

Guys, move somewhere else if you don't like the locals.

excuse me pal..but i have yet to read anyone say it was  Thai who raped her..i have not read any Thai hating..put your big wooden spoon away.

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4 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Its a fair point that when Koh Tao is involved in such accusations that mud will obviously stick, but that doesnt mean that just because it is KT that a rape actually happened


Although going by some of the members comments on here, there is no need to investigate, they all have it sewn up already, bless them


Im certainly looking forward to the conclusion to this and the backtracking sleuths with no evidence whatsoever

The posters claiming the girl is lying are asking for the evidence.

The posters who think her story might be valid are asking for the evidence.


Both sides would like to see an investigation.


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