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Grim reports on climate change say act now or be ready for catastrophe


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5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

imagine trying to get countries like china and india to sacrifice some of their own interest for all our greater good; good luck with that

yeah like how china pressurized vollswagen into making more electronic cars and actually finances a new nuclear technology research that originated in the u.s.

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7 hours ago, overherebc said:

I have a plan somewhere on how to stop a volcano from releasing CO2.

When I can dig it out I'll post it.

Just found out my wife binned it. Took me 4 years to come up with the theory so not sure now if it's worth the effort to go through it all again, might be too late. Bummer.

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8 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

The end is near.

Best be getting one's final affairs in order. 




I'm having a lovely beer with my fag this morning.


What's his name? Is he cute? Don't heat up the atmosphere boys ,???????

Edited by Nyezhov
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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Bring it on. Only 15 degrees more and Finland becomes livable.

Rock on I have had my fill of snow and cold.


I know we hear the whinging about how heat waves are going to kill people. Well, try standing outside in the middle of winter in Fairbanks Alaska for 6 hours and see what it's like.

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5 hours ago, DM07 said:

TV's finest climate change deniers

Yep, the climate chicken littles are their own little religion fighting the heresy. Deniers 55555.


I prefer the term "open minded".


Hey aren't we supposed to be under water already?

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11 hours ago, VincentRJ said:




For the past thousands of years, during the entire history of mankind and well before, we know that the climate has been continuously changing, sometimes so drastically in a particular region that entire civilizations have been wiped out.


Have we now discovered the secret ingredient that enables us to stabilize the climate? All we have to do is reduce our CO2 emissions, and the climate will become benign? No more extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods and droughts?


Wow! What a magical power we now have! ?


Nope, no one is suggesting any of that, I suggest you try reading books.

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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Nope, no one is suggesting any of that, I suggest you try reading books.

I suggest you try reading the article which is the subject of this discussion. The goal of stabilisation is mentioned at least 3 times.



HUMANITY HAS only about four years left to

stabilise global temperatures.



CAT assessments of NDCs for the European Union and 30 countries elsewhere showed the commitments of wealthy developed countries were “very weak and highly insufficient” to reach the Paris

climate-stabilisation goal.



Climate stabilisation is an important technical and political challenge,” the report said.

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8 minutes ago, RicUSA said:

Condoms - not diapers is the best solution...  yet religions have fought hard to prevent any type of birth conrol for 100's of years (cuts down on the ministers weekly tithings which they need to purchase Gulfstream jets and million dollar mansions tax free of course) 


The largest single threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the planet in the decades to come will be global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. People around the world are beginning to address the problem by reducing their carbon footprint through less consumption and better technology. But unsustainable human population growth can overwhelm those efforts, leading us to conclude that we not only need smaller footprints, but fewer feet...

The Population Bomb predicted in the 70s has fizzled.


The Population of the educated West and Japan is shrinking already...


And Indians and Chinese don't pay attention to Jaysus.


Should we have a cull of the brown folks then?


As Lee Ving of my fav band Fear sang;

There's to many of us.

Let's have a War

So we can all die!

We're like rats in a cage.


Maybe like a Giant worldwide hunger games


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8 hours ago, VincentRJ said:

I suggest you try reading the article which is the subject of this discussion. The goal of stabilisation is mentioned at least 3 times.











Yes,  but you will need some background reading to understand exactly what they are talking about stabilising, which is not the climatic cycles that the earth goes through but the steep rising incline that we have unnaturally pushed our temperatures onto, these are very different things and conflating one with the other will make one seem very dumb indeed.

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10 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Well no one is gonna stop you from jumping in the Chao Phraya.....

You are even too dumb to understand, that "the world being under water" is not the same as "one person being under water"!

But keep trying- maybe you get there one day! 

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1 minute ago, DM07 said:

You are even too dumb to understand, that "the world being under water" is not the same as "one person being under water"!

But keep trying- maybe you get there one day! 

I find that people who toss at hominems have already lost the argument. Carry On, The World is eternal until the sun runs out of gas. Whether we are here or not, in the same form or different.

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11 hours ago, RicUSA said:

Condoms - not diapers is the best solution...  yet religions have fought hard to prevent any type of birth conrol for 100's of years (cuts down on the ministers weekly tithings which they need to purchase Gulfstream jets and million dollar mansions tax free of course) 


The largest single threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the planet in the decades to come will be global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. People around the world are beginning to address the problem by reducing their carbon footprint through less consumption and better technology. But unsustainable human population growth can overwhelm those efforts, leading us to conclude that we not only need smaller footprints, but fewer feet...

Amen. Nobody seems to take the #1 problem in the world, overpopulation, seriously. Last good effort was from China with their one child policy. The 80's, the absolute pinnacle of human existence save for the trauma inducing white Ferraris, saw a population of ~4-5B on the planet. Today we're approaching 8B, nearly half too many: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_growth


Usually it's pestilence or war that thins the herd, medicine has reduced the effect of diseases and wars just aren't what they used to be. I'm putting my hopes on feminism which seems to be the most effective way to reduce birth rates, as evidenced by the west having fertility rates under 2. Helped by sex robots from Japan.

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21 hours ago, zzidenn said:

yeah like how china pressurized vollswagen into making more electronic cars and actually finances a new nuclear technology research that originated in the u.s.

Thorium MSR is really great. They are just some years from fire up the first of 2 reactors. 

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12 hours ago, RicUSA said:

The largest single threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the planet in the decades to come will be global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

What a load of croc! Climate changes has been going on long time before homo sapiens entered this world.

This "greenhouse gases" talk is just about the so important money!

Edited by Vacuum
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5 minutes ago, Hupaponics said:

Thorium MSR is really great. They are just some years from fire up the first of 2 reactors. 

Had to check since it's been a few years from the last time I did so. Some small progress it looks like: http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-First-HTR-PM-vessel-head-in-place-0401185.html


But it's nuclear so expect heap loads of irrational fearmongering from the same subjects yapping about climate change.

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16 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Had to check since it's been a few years from the last time I did so. Some small progress it looks like: http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-First-HTR-PM-vessel-head-in-place-0401185.html


But it's nuclear so expect heap loads of irrational fearmongering from the same subjects yapping about climate change.

Thanks for the link. 

As you said, it’s a US technology from around the 50’s and the possible reasons it was turned down was that using uranium in a “traditional plant” was more suitable for making nuclear weapons. 

Thorium deepburns and is not good enough to make nukes. 


When China have their reactors up and running it will be just a question of time before people realise how dangerous those old school pressure cockers are. 


And the CO2 hysteria is a cover up for not talking about re real issues like polluting and mass consumption to make global economy to thrive. 

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