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Help... I Am Infested With Ticks


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Hi...ya would you believe it... I am infested with ticks...now for the last 6 months! I've tried everything...dog shampoo(cannot get human shampoo with permathryn in Thailand), vacuuming extently, home exterminator and now I am taking Ivermectin pills which kills the tick when they bite! I thought that would do it...logically dead ticks no egg reproductions! However I am way off...they die but the egg production continues and I am at my withes end on what next to do...they interrupt my sleeping...twice I've had to go to PIH to get my ears cleaned... I ve gone to see a dermatologist 3 times... and she's not ending the problem with Ivermectin! They are not biting my girl(don't like her blood) so I really don't know where all the eggs are coming from...in the morning they are in my eye lids, nose and ears! Does anyone have an answer on how TO STOP THE EGG PRODUCTION! I would appreciate any positive comments...!

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I just red ticks dont like solutions with DEET !! Same as  for mosquitos and other insects. So maybe helps and dont get to you then ? 

You cant just poison a tick, they get sick and start to vomit when on your body. This could infect you with Lyme disease. Watch your skin where you are bitten. If you have within 3 days a red lining around the bite, you maybe infected with Lyme disease. Then you have another big problem. As lyme causes many issues in your body, which at first you wouldnt think about the tick bite. If you have them, take them out with a pincet. Be aware you also take out the head when pulling them out. Then you need antibiotics as soon as possible.

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Gerelateerde afbeeldingAfbeeldingsresultaat voor tekenbeet lyme

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Thanks for the info XTR... However Ivermectin is a proven killer of many parasites and so far it's killing the ticks on my body but the eggs still keep on coming...until I can say there's no more egg deposits on my body I am not rid of them! BTW deet isba forbidden substance mostly all over the world now...if I had any deet I would surely spray my room condo everywhere...!

RSKDEV...I got the ticks hand me down from cats I bought in the Chatuchak market...!

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7 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Strip the bed, vacuum the mattress spray mattress (and girl 55)with med alcohol,no long grass around property,spray whole place alcohol. they could be bed bugs also.

My house had ticks and my 8 dogs were constantly bit. Frontline did its job, but there were every-present. By faithfully cleaning all the detritus around my house I got rid of all the ticks. Dead leaves, grasses and such are where they hail from. I no longer need Frontline for my dogs - saves me a small fortune. I check them all the time and have literally only seen a handful in the three years since I started my new regimen.


Best of luck.

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Eyebrows and eyelashes sounds like scabies.  Either way try kerosene.  years ago I camped in a really nice protected area among bushes in sand dunes on a fishing trip.  Unbeknownst to me the kangaroos must have thought it was a comfy place too because once it got dark, my mates and I discovered we were covered in kangaroo ticks.  A stop at a pharmacy on the way home we acquired some kerosene based shampoo which worked wonders.  You need to only wet yourself under the shower then cover yourself completely with the shampoo from head to foot and wait 10-15 minutes before rinsing.  The trick is that kerosene is a light oil and as such it suffocates the ticks who breath through their bodies.  It will also cause them to remove their barbed proboscis? from your skin which they use for sucking your blood.  Do not try to pull them out as you will nearly always find the barbed point will break off and remain in your skin causing an infection.  Ive heard of some bushies using vaseline with success but unless you are covering your entire body, hair etc you need to be sure you detect every tick and treat it.  I believe its a punishable offense in the Australian army to remove them yourself because of the threat of infection.  A particular green tick in Australia can even paralyse its victims....be careful!! 


If you cant get any Kerosene based shampoo anywhere then try straight  kerosene.  You will need to repeat the treatment after a few days to rid yourself of any new hatch-lings. 


see also Monty Python's "After the Great Kerosine Flood".


Oh and make sure you fumigate all your bedding etc where they will hide when full of blood.

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You might be interested in Lufenuron.  It doesn't kill ticks, but it does stop the eggs from developing a hard shell, so that the immune system can break them down.

I've seen it in animal products (called "Program"), but not sure there's a human licensed version.  You could make your own capsules though if you're adventurous.  There may still be some people selling it for human use, but the description would be a bit vague on purpose.

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Dogs can post here?


If you can find Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth use it on your mattress and pillows, for a non toxic solution.  Hard to find in Thailand.  I order it from Vitacost.


You can find some herbal sprays at pet stores here that are supposed to repel ticks.  I don't know how effective they are though.  There was one from Pet8 that had citrus oil in it.  It worked great for killing ants.  But I can't find it anymore.


Alternatively get some Bayticol liquid, or something similar,  and spray your mattress (it stinks a lot).  Get one of those plastic covers for your mattress.  You should also treat around your walls too.


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1 hour ago, Spurr said:

Thanks for the info XTR... However Ivermectin is a proven killer of many parasites and so far it's killing the ticks on my body but the eggs still keep on coming...until I can say there's no more egg deposits on my body I am not rid of them! BTW deet isba forbidden substance mostly all over the world now...if I had any deet I would surely spray my room condo everywhere...!

RSKDEV...I got the ticks hand me down from cats I bought in the Chatuchak market...!

First of all, DEET is a tick repellent. It won't kill them. Just makes it harder for the insects to smell you. Many of the insect repellents sold in most stores here have a small percentage of DEET.  Lazada sells a couple that are 95% DEET.  They also sell an anti lice shampoo which is 0.5% Permethrin. 


Try spraying the outside of your house, especially any high grass with Bayticol. We use it around the house and the dog's kennel area and haven't seen a tick in 4 years. Good luck!

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Okay, got to a Vet or Lazada and buy Bayer Bayticol


Take everything off the floors and if you have curtains as well, take them down and wash them in Bayticol. We used a big spay container(pump action) to spray all the rooms out.




After this, do it again the same one week after and keep doing it until the ticks are gone. You will need to break the egg cycle.


We had a massive tick problem when I first moved into my house as two dogs before lived there and left eggs on the dirt floor and this was the only stuff that stopped it. It was really bad.


I would most likely throw out your mattress and pillows and wash your bed frames down with this. You will most likely have eggs in your mattress.


This stuff is dangerous to use. You will need to wear gloves and a mask and keep out of your Condo even maybe for 24-48 hours after cleaning everything. I would spray it everywhere. It smells very bad. All our Vets use this Bayer Bayticol in our local surgeries to keep their area clean for ticks as well.


I hope this helps. I know it sounds extreme and we tried every other way to get our tick problem under control but this was the only way

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If you say they are over your body, that’s strange, as they Are looking for warm and dark places, like under your arms,or behind your ears...

We had them for 3 months, and the only thing that helped was a product from the pet shop. 

A spray that we used every morning completely everywhere around in the bedroom, every corner, the complete bed, sheets, underneath the mattress, pillow.....don’t forget the curtains...

try to catch the ones crawling and put them in pure dettol.

normally you can get rid of them in 3 months, with eggs included.

if you have animals be sure to treat them also, best product is Bravecto,works for 3 months. You can also treat them afterwards with the spray from the pet shop,  cause it’s biological and harmless.

good luck.


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Just to cheer you up, some species of ticks will lay up to 20 000 eggs in a session. All the eggs of the spider family are difficult to eradicate using chemicals or anything else, and they can remain viable for three years or more.

We had an attack a few years ago, out of nowhere. I sprayed the whole house and dog pound with Bayticol, deticked the dogs by hand every day, treated them with tick shampoo and Bayticol. We also stuck double sided adhesive tape to the walls all around the inside of the house, we caught hundreds like that.

The problem is more or less solved now although the dogs do occasionally pick them up in the grass. Just keep at it. 

We rarely got bitten ourselves and we didn't develop rashes as shown in the foto.

Or move as suggested above.

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Ticks do not lay eggs on you - they usually lay them on the ground. And they usually drop off after feeding. And they also often have different hosts at different stages of their life cycle (dog ticks are an exception). Seems like you are sharing your room with a tick infested dog .....


Clean everything.

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