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All overstayers flushed out by month's end, immigration corruption over - Big Joke


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3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

Bet 6 x A4 sheets of photocopying will still cost 200 baht with no receipt given or a residency letter of 500 baht no receipt given will continue.

Khon Kaen 5b for A4 copy, and resident certificate free of charge. 

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Absolutely hog wash 

There will be plenty overstayers  in Thailand!!!!,  as for tea money really?, how are they going to pay for there new condo there kids University eduction and the Mercedes benz in the drive way if tea money is no longer. 

Another media stunt. 


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30 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

So the land border crossings will no longer mean a "tip" to the officer before returning for your 90 day stamp?? Perhaps he should set up a hotline to report officers who haven't heard the news about corruption at the borders !

Down the Cambo border near Rayong theres a little sign under the window "no tips".  ????

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3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

Bet 6 x A4 sheets of photocopying will still cost 200 baht with no receipt given or a residency letter of 500 baht no receipt given will continue.

... and I was never waiting that long at Mukdahan border immigration as yesterday afternoon.
Could it be that the officer was so slow and moody bcoz of new vegetarian lunch ???

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3 hours ago, 1337markus said:

He said that previously there were 100,000 people on overstay. Of these just 500 are left, reported Komchadluek.


OH my where did they get approx 3,170 aircraft ( allowing 300 empty seats per aircraft) in a hurry to pack them off home????????????????????????????? If you are going to BS do your maths first.

Calculator was solar power but forgot too charge

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Are they expecting a new influx?
We were told they would all be out by end of October a few days ago...
Technically , theres a new batch of overstayers every day , as those whose visa's expire, do not renew, extend or depart on that given day .
Its just a neverending and ongoing process .

Sent from my vivo 1713 using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

So the Joke is going to stop immigration corruption.:cheesy:

From now on anybody wanting a resident cert will get it free, and not pay the 500 baht demanded, absolute BS.

I was also asked to pay 500 baht for a resident cert.  I suggested to the guy that it should be free.  'Yes, it is free, but won't be ready for another week!"  

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2 hours ago, Teee said:

Lets do a survey on here.

If anyone that reads TV and has been caught overstaying and removed from Thailand...then speak up and tell us.

Also anyone that has had problems renewing their Visa's.


This would give a good indication if these Big Joke comments are true.

No nasty Visa issues here, but I am in Ho Chi Minh right now, trying it on for size.   The fit is good, I like it.  I have a 90 day multi entry, to try it a few more times, and bring the wife along to sniff around.   I think of it, as I think of Thai Air, with my fuse for BS on its "nth" half life...a plan B, C or D is a good thing

Edited by CanuckThai
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I finally got fed up with all the corruption and left Thailand last year for Vietnam.  Even though I have to fly back to see the wife and kids, I'm happier that I'm not dealing with corrupt government officers all the time.


In Thailand, it was either extortion or incompetence every time I had to deal with a govt officer, right down to the incompetent "teachers" that I had to work with in order to get a visa to stay there.  In Vietnam, I haven't been extorted once.  (Knock on wood).

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3 hours ago, KevinboyCM said:

Now that all the overstays are gone and all the corruption at Immigration is over with this poor guy will be out of a job soon?  

This guy is heading to eventually be Prime Minister.....his long term plan.

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Well done top work. I fail to see how a moderator here thought it was seriously funny at the start of the thread.  Get em out simple as. Hope these visa agents are all closed down as well

He must know how many are on overstay for obvious reasons.


Always the pixx take from some on thaivisa why not praise the work that Thailand is taking week in week out

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50 minutes ago, gusincebu said:

Technically , theres a new batch of overstayers every day , as those whose visa's expire, do not renew, extend or depart on that given day .
Its just a neverending and ongoing process .

Sent from my vivo 1713 using Tapatalk

Sarcasm emoji, sarcasm emoji, where is that sarcasm emoji...

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4 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

A week ago he said he would arrest 7,000 more by the end of this month. News on it suggests he is still way short of that mark. I also haven't seen reports of 99,500 over-stayers caught so far. Sounds like another story with numbers and facts plucked right out of thin air, and with promises worth zero.

Big Jokes calculator is possibly on the blink

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2 hours ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

All TM6 data goes into a computer. Why can't they press a button each morning and the computer comes up with a list of new over-stayers. Matching arrival with departure cards. Each TM6 has an address. Check them out.

If they can't find that person, they're added to the over-stayers list that when caught, they'll be black-listed.

It really shouldn't be hard in this day and age. 


It really shouldn't be hard in this day and age. ...Not for the average immigration officer, wherever. But TIT!

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7 minutes ago, gusincebu said:


Have no idea what you're on about

Sent from my SM-T535 using Tapatalk


The joke said there would be no over stayers by October 31st.


My comment was aimed at his bombastic pronouncement, based on nothing but his desire to appear be fighting the good fight against the pesky foreigner.

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Ok Big Joke, publish your personal cell phone number and invite anyone who has encountered corruption when dealing with your immigration officials to call you directly when in front of the official concerned.

Lets see how many phone calls you get.If you are right, your phone should be very quiet.

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[This was a clear reference to corrupt practices of demanding tea money and gorging on tourists and expats being a thing of the past.]

...so does this mean of the 100,000 corruptors; only 500 will be left..seems a fair equation.


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"Officers must provide a fast and efficient service to those coming and leaving Thailand".


I`ll believe it when I see this happening at Chiang Mai, the most chaotic immigration department in the whole country, whereas those having to deal with immigration are being pushed to use agents. 


Chiang Mai will be the real test of whether BJ means business or just blowing hot air into the wind.

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5 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

A week ago he said he would arrest 7,000 more by the end of this month. News on it suggests he is still way short of that mark. I also haven't seen reports of 99,500 over-stayers caught so far. Sounds like another story with numbers and facts plucked right out of thin air, and with promises worth zero.

overstayers can voluntarily leave too.  

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I expect Big Joke has received some quiet feedback from superiors that he needs to quickly back-off, greatly scale back his very verbose and aggressive program to reduce over-stayers.  Probably because it's impacting people in their pocketbook, probably impacting tourist arrivals a little combined with other bigger negatives impacting tourist arrivals, etc.

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4 hours ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

There is technically nothing illegal about it.

You can legally borrow money from anyone.

An immigration officer can legally waive the seasoning period. It's at his discretion.

So......where's the illegal act?

I assume there is a reason for an IO legally being able to waive a seasoning period. If thats true. Probably needs a good reason to use this discretion in theory. Expat being sick/injured/hospitalised long term and unable to sort affairs out for a period for example or other compassionate grounds. I can think of a few not likely compassionate scenarios.


I doubt very much the discretion can be used because of bribery.  How can that be allowed legally. So its illegal. Theres the illegal act or is bribery now legal ? 


It seems quite open corruption with no attempt to hide. Adverts from visa companies etc. I spoke to 2 agents once (I was only wanting to ask a question when confused about a minor issue) .. both could sort a visa and ignored my question. One said an IO came to his shop every day at 1230 to sort issues for cash and the visa agent claimed got only 500 baht of the 20,000. 

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Corruption gone?

Funny how Jomtien immigration still extends visa without the applicant go there. Just a handling fee of 2000. 

Funny how I only got 14 days extensions instead of 30 on my tourist visa unless I paid 2000 extra. (I didn't.) Funny how during high season there is a 100 morning/ 100 afternoon limit on extensions. Forcing people to wait 3+ hours. (and its hell for me with a broken back). Just pay xxx and skip the queue. 


I love this country and I follow every single rule since I am a guest in this country. I fly home to get a legal visa. Provide bank with 200K THB. Show housing. Show that I have an income each month. For Thailand, I am netting 1 million THB into their economy each year without any "rights".


So.. please treat us who follow every single rule better? Just last year I was fined 1900THB for TM30. I provided TM30 every 3 months but the information on their computer was from an address I had 2 years+ ago. I have registered 6 times after that with the new address. But I can't argue. I am just a white evil farang. An ATM machine. (Meanwhile, my home country has replaced half the population with immigrants and they have 300K "paperless" people staying. Getting free healthcare, money, schooling and so on. Stuff that I /my parents cant get even after the Swedish government steals 90% in tax each month) 

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