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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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3 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Things are never as bad as they seem. I trust the innate goodness of the British people. Most just want an end to this madness and if that means Revoke A50 so be it. There will be a lot of bluff and bluster from a small minority - but as we have seen on the March to Leave and the Go Slow mob they are hugely irrelevant now.  May is not the issue now she has been driven half-mad by the unwinnable task she has been given. Our national sovereign parliament will steer us to safer waters and very soon. Wise heads and calm hearts of the EU, parliament and the people want to resolve this for the good of all. This nightmare will pass and pass soon.

History will remind you that kind of thinking is exactly how the Troubles started in the sixties and look how that turn out


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17 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The Irish Troubles would kick off again the day after a no-deal Brexit. Hard Brexiteers absolutely clueless and stupid on this issue alone.

The Irish troubles will kick off again, no matter what happens regards Brexit. It’s just a matter of time.

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10 minutes ago, nontabury said:

The Irish troubles will kick off again, no matter what happens regards Brexit. It’s just a matter of time.

Not if we have Irish reunification 

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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

The Irish Troubles would kick off again the day after a no-deal Brexit. Hard Brexiteers absolutely clueless and stupid on this issue alone.


3 hours ago, nontabury said:

The Irish troubles will kick off again, no matter what happens regards Brexit. It’s just a matter of time.

And there we have the proof, right on time!

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11 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

You are right the Country is broken....and the next GE when ever that is will have the lowest votes polled ever.....as no one will be bothered to vote. Why would you???

not sure what you and @tebee mean when you say the country is broken,

the foggy islands are in place as before, here and there en in the Atlantic

hills, cliffs and mountains are also in place


don't understand this broken bit


what you have is a dysfunctional political system

an electoral system that almost guarantees that the composition of HoC is not in accordance with how the plebs vote

a parliament which is far from sovereign

a speaker that pulls out rulez from before cider was invented and prevents PM and HoC to debate what they want to debate  and decide upon

over and over PM stops HoC from debating what HoC wants to debate

PM refuses HoC to vote on what HoC wants


this is broken,

nothing new, been so long time


brexit comes along and it is exposed, it cant' handle modern complicated politics in a meaningful manner


UK, ain't up to Brexit


personally, I doubt  that the UK ever will be able to introduce quality PR and to make the HoC sovereign,

not to mention ditching or redesigning HOG, house of geriatrics


Edited by melvinmelvin
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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

What will you do if vote leave wins again.

Campaign tirelessly to remain.


I would also argue against referendums.

Unless they have a firm authority accompanied by a super majority ....as did the 75 referendum ... then any "decision" they put forward could be argued as unconstitutional.


I would say a characteristic of Brexitism is that it doesn't understand democracy and ignores the UK constitution. Basically they clung to a simplistic view of mob rule to the cost of real democracy.


Brexitism has set a highly questionable precedent with this particular referendum....in the end they may find themselves hoist on their own petard.

Edited by wilcopops
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14 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

You are right the Country is broken....and the next GE when ever that is will have the lowest votes polled ever.....as no one will be bothered to vote. Why would you???

Highlights the mentality that refuses to recognise the difference between electing people to office and an opinion poll.

Opinion polls operate to a margin of error, something that parliament failed to consider in the Referendum Bill. Who in their right mind asks for an opinion on a major issue with a potential outcome of an even split, what sort of answer is that. Had parliament taken steps to avoid a contentious result this would have been over one way or another a long time ago.

The problem is that people have been indoctrinated since schools days that 50% is a pass and hold the misconception that figure represents democracy, the dictionary however uses the phrase "most of the people"

What figure does the legal system use for "most of the jurors"  -  Certainly not 50%.

This argument over the 50% mark would indicate that some are of the opinion that everyone that gets over 50% in there exams should be treated equally, no difference between getting 51% or 90%,the result is the same. The same train of thought that has created the brexit fiasco.

Should the whole population be made to pay for parliaments mistake or should some attempt be made to put things right?

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3 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

not sure what you and @tebee mean when you say the country is broken,

the foggy islands are in place as before, here and there en in the Atlantic

hills, cliffs and mountains are also in place


don't understand this broken bit


what you have is a dysfunctional political system

an electoral system that almost guarantees that the composition of HoC is not in accordance with how the plebs vote

a parliament which is far from sovereign

a speaker that pulls out rulez from before cider was invented and prevents PM and HoC to debate what they want to debate  and decide upon

over and over PM stops HoC from debating what HoC wants to debate

PM refuses HoC to vote on what HoC wants


this is broken,

nothing new, been so long time


brexit comes along and it is exposed, it cant' handle modern complicated politics in a meaningful manner


UK, ain't up to Brexit


personally, I doubt  that the UK ever will be able to introduce quality PR and to make the HoC sovereign,

not to mention ditching or redesigning HOG, house of geriatrics


Brexit isn't designed for compromise- that's really the main problem.  

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12 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Another witty and erudite response; worthy of Wilde or Shaw at their best!

Full marks for alliteration, though - and that applies to both of you! 

Edited by Krataiboy
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30 minutes ago, nontabury said:

There was no mob rule involved to leave this so called union, It was a Democratic decision of the people, that has then been overturned by the establishment and those who cannot see the writing on the wall.


  What many people fail to understand is that allthough Briexit was important. Even more important has been Democracy.And as we have seen over this last two years,that has been steadily eroded. And the wound of this treachery will never go away from the inner thinking of the British people. 

Dry ya eyes

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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

What will you do if vote leave wins again. Yes democracy can change its mind. We haven't left yet and you want to change. democracy has to be implemented first then change its mind but no you, would never see it like that. Like a football match lets keep playing until we win and get the result we want. Definitely EU mentality.


I would be happy to have another referendum in 10 years. More than fair as it took 40 plus to get one to genuinely see if peoples minds have changed from this so called apocalyptic life we will have, supposedly. I would bet that many remainers won't accept that, as they want to overthrow democracy, whilst using the excuse in the name of democracy. Irony at best.


This is not some abstract philosophical construct. No one has ever left the EU, particularly not when they have been members for 42 years. It has become glaringly apparent now to all who have their eyes open that leaving would entail huge economic risks and dislocation of millions of people both EU citizens here and UK citizens abroad. It is no longer a pig in a poke. We are better informed now and then the so-called negotiations of leaving by May et al has been an epic failure of Suez type proportions. Asking for a second referendum under these circumstances is not just wise but the right thing to do. David Davies has a lot to answer for and he resigned rather than take responsibility. Like Boris and Farage and Cameron before them. You should reserve your anger at these folk - Lions led by Donkeys. 



Edited by beautifulthailand99
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14 minutes ago, aright said:

Good point. By definition you can't democratically overturn a democratic decision as much as Remainers would prefer their definition of democracy (their choice) over the  dictionary definition (the peoples choice).

You really are a master of context manipulation.

A democratic event is an event where all can participate as opposed to being restricted, nothing to do with results.

Had there been a majority margin involved the referendum would have still been democratic, irrespective of what you think.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

 What many people fail to understand is that allthough Briexit was important. Even more important has been Democracy.And as we have seen over this last two years,that has been steadily eroded. And the wound of this treachery will never go away from the inner thinking of the British people. 

It is only those with a distorted concept of democracy that would think that. UK democracy is based on elected representatives and nothing has changed.



 UK  /dɪˈmɒk.rə.si/ US  /-ˈmɑː.krə-/

B2 [ U ] the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves:

The government has promised to uphold the principles of democracy.
The early 1990s saw the spread of democracy in Eastern Europe.

B2 [ C ] a country in which power is held by elected representatives:

Few of the Western democracies still have a royal family.
(Definition of “democracy” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
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