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Unoffical Spurs Thread

Jonathan Fairfield

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losing was hardly a surprise,, tbh i was ALMOST  grateful it wasnt by more. interesting backline mori played, dier came to us a s a center back, maybe he'll develop into a decent one, who knows, but bottom line is were SO missing the casualties, wonder who would have predicted wwe would be  crying out for a fit sissoko???,,, but it was refreshing to see that mori is willing to bench those that arnt up to it , verity's been showing signs of wear and tear for?  at least a season plus add that to he just was never that good anyway  and his buddy  toby, unfortunatly has lost a yard and his turning circle has been severely exploited this season,,put him next to a poor DEFENSIVE  right wing baC ,,,,,,, AND , WELL IT AINT ROCKET SCIENCE, english  football clubs amaze me they spend millions and millions on players and  they really havnt addressed these studidly simple things, best these boys head to itssly where to a point it has been

anyways,, upper mid table is about where this current 11 belong anything above that is a blessing .

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Can we buy 3 new defenders in the summer window ?   Mourinho can't be proud of letting in 3 goals against Wolves.  He can blame it on injured players Son and Kane all he wants , but our defense lacks quality. 


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Put in perspective our defence is much better than Liverpool had when Klopp took over.


Wolves have a fine attack and brilliant in form striker.


The whole squad needs strengthening....except for attacking midfielders.....we have gazillions of those!

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2 hours ago, RonniePickering22 said:

Put in perspective our defence is much better than Liverpool had when Klopp took over.

And what does that have to do with the price of fish exactly? Clutching...at...straws...waaaaaaah (sound of Ronnie slipping over the edge)!


Hope you had a lovely weekend.

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14 hours ago, RonniePickering22 said:

Put in perspective our defence is much better than Liverpool had when Klopp took over.


Wolves have a fine attack and brilliant in form striker.


The whole squad needs strengthening....except for attacking midfielders.....we have gazillions of those!

bac a while u said he should put parrot in.. I didnt think he would   he hasn't so far...bearing in mind his cameo at the weekend  so  if  he's going to give him a run, it'll be this week v  Norwich in the cup..  win and no biggie  lose and it'll be 'I told u so' sort of covers HIS <deleted>..

 be good to see lucus down that rhs.. Pity any defender.. and beefy down the left.. with alli tucked in behind...  skippy could do with a run out as well.  but we'll  c...

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wanyama gone to MLS side Montreal impact... same impact group that has thai footie connections ?  anyway..  no start for parrot tonight.. apparently he's an 'attitude' problem.. mori said he had the same with mctonomy at utd.. doesnt like playing with his age group.. anyways Norwich 2 night last time they were the better team and  were v unlucky to lose against us.. they'll  be fancying their chances tonight  for sure.. and honestly.. I wouldnt bet against them..  but let's hope I'm wrong.

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 ^^^^^^ yeah with a decent strike force  they'de be a force.. I've said b4 .. given a choice their manager would be my pic to follow mori...


anyways.. what can u say.. spurs have 2 many STUPID footballers lamela.. someone should tell him when to release the ball and that he ain't very good at dead balls AUrier..is  just a numb skull.. SO many mistakes,  Sanchez  still makes unforced errors.. Dier.. well he may be bi lingual and an England international  however a Lhs cb is something he isn't and NEVER will be  . and . do they not teach players how to take penalties..short run ups make things 2 easy for the keeper... and parrot.. <deleted> was that run up... basic academy stuff.. ~perhaps that's where he should stay..and Fernandos...again... someone should teach the <deleted>  the basics...and as for dier running into the stand...MORON bench the <deleted> and/or transfer list him... the ONLY positives was le celso and ndembele they are quality   and around them we should be lookin to build a team.. poch really did leave this squad in a mess   arguably one of the most unbalanced I've ever seen..


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1 hour ago, Bredbury Blue said:

How many months ban do you reckon Dier is looking at for climbing in to the stands and remonstrating with your fan(s)?

It’s a difficult one when your family is there but it’s these hospitality that pay his wages so he will get a few months probably 6 I would think. Gives Mourinho another reason to fall out with the club. 

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5 hours ago, 3 minus 2 said:



poch really did leave this squad in a mess   arguably one of the most unbalanced I've ever seen..


So Poch is at fault?

What Are You Smoking ?

All down to Chairman Levy

not selling 4 disgruntled players on his books. and replacing those 4 with Poch.s picks

Not to mention engaging Mou (Yesterdays Man) on a 5 year contract

worth approx 45 mil????

Chairman Levy.s sacking of Poch .is slowly coming to  bite  him on his  Tight Ass????

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5 hours ago, 3 minus 2 said:

 ^^^^^^ yeah with a decent strike force  they'de be a force.. I've said b4 .. given a choice their manager would be my pic to follow mori...


anyways.. what can u say.. spurs have 2 many STUPID footballers lamela.. someone should tell him when to release the ball and that he ain't very good at dead balls AUrier..is  just a numb skull.. SO many mistakes,  Sanchez  still makes unforced errors.. Dier.. well he may be bi lingual and an England international  however a Lhs cb is something he isn't and NEVER will be  . and . do they not teach players how to take penalties..short run ups make things 2 easy for the keeper... and parrot.. <deleted> was that run up... basic academy stuff.. ~perhaps that's where he should stay..and Fernandos...again... someone should teach the <deleted>  the basics...and as for dier running into the stand...MORON bench the <deleted> and/or transfer list him... the ONLY positives was le celso and ndembele they are quality   and around them we should be lookin to build a team.. poch really did leave this squad in a mess   arguably one of the most unbalanced I've ever seen..


You lost because for whatever reason you sat back in the second half and Inited them on, which they did and was only a matter of time before the scored. Once they equalised you decided to step back on the gas. Strange. 
Norwich  looked fitter, stronger and had more desire. What’s the latest excuse for Alli? Strolling around looking disinterested, granted Playing out of position. Lo Celso looks a player. Fair play to young Parrot for stepping up for a penalty after being 4th sub choice. 
That team don’t look like they are playing for Mourinho. 

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Parrott should never taken that penalty, but we would have lost anyway. Had a bad feeling when we couldn't win after 90 minutes. We deserved it.
And Mourinho is nothing special, I really hope he just disappears before the summer transfer starts.  

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56 minutes ago, deej said:

So Poch is at fault?

What Are You Smoking ?

All down to Chairman Levy

not selling 4 disgruntled players on his books. and replacing those 4 with Poch.s picks

Not to mention engaging Mou (Yesterdays Man) on a 5 year contract

worth approx 45 mil????

Chairman Levy.s sacking of Poch .is slowly coming to  bite  him on his  Tight Ass????

..everyones singing pochs praises go look at his prem  stats for the last year ish  he was with us... ' they were of A borderline  RELEGATION team   nowhere near the stats of a top 4 team mori inherited a team that were playing playing poorly  barring one extremely fortunate champions lge result against city and an absolutely  amazing 45 mins against ajax we were TERRIBLE    and cant disagree that in levy's hand in it however poch's choise of buys although decent players WEREN'T what the squad needed it left us woefully short in many areas. and  mori's signed a 5 year deal has he . you sure ?  when you actually know what your talking bout come back until the      best stay away.

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Chairman Levy never backed Poch when the grapes were beginning to turn sour.

Sacked him cold stone

As for my Mou.s contract  posts etc etc

from reported sources which IMO would be in the ballpark  figure 

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i will be for ever grateful for poch takin us to the champions lge finl    UNBELIEVABLE but he  was sacked  on on the bac of a years <deleted> poor prem results... and frankly  IMO  was lucky to keep his job as long as he did  .... he made some poor decisions.. letting trippier go for one... sticking with verity.. keeping rose... if I could see it .. he should have been able to,  on the face of it the squad looks good as per mori's comments when he joined.. but the reality   is it ain't,  as he's finding out   as for funding every manager wants more... even the soccer washers with pep  it  could be argued that losing the title is down to not reinvesting in key areas...  no denying levy's hand has been and is somewhat tied financially... however ndombele le celso.. sessignon  by anyone's standards are significant investments, we ain't a vanity project or a trust fund baby it's a business get money in... spend some    we need more investment   sure that's  no surprise.   arguably evey team in the prem barin liverpool atm does.. but as I said b4 come bac when u know what your Talkin about...

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2 hours ago, 3 minus 2 said:

..everyones singing pochs praises go look at his prem  stats for the last year ish  he was with us... ' they were of A borderline  RELEGATION team   nowhere near the stats of a top 4 team mori inherited a team that were playing playing poorly  barring one extremely fortunate champions lge result against city and an absolutely  amazing 45 mins against ajax we were TERRIBLE    and cant disagree that in levy's hand in it however poch's choise of buys although decent players WEREN'T what the squad needed it left us woefully short in many areas. and  mori's signed a 5 year deal has he . you sure ?  when you actually know what your talking bout come back until the      best stay away.

Agree with post. The run to the CL final deflected the attention from the poor PL form from the beginning of 2019 onwards. 

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2 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Agree with post. The run to the CL final deflected the attention from the poor PL form from the beginning of 2019 onwards. 

yeah.. actually blue  it went a little further back,   we were  playing  v poorly,  scraping results, whereas previously we'd be battering them ... credit has to go to poch.. how the *n * he did what he did with the players/squad he had  is baffling.. however.. we all know it's a results led industry and it all caught up with him... and once it starts to go wrong... it can roller ball out of control,   bad decision on bad decision... as we're now seeing its  cumulative effect.

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25 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Agree with post. The run to the CL final deflected the attention from the poor PL form from the beginning of 2019 onwards. 

With 10 games remaining Mou has  to win all.  to  beat Pochs  2018/19  71 epl points(4 th place)

where is the improvement since Poch.s sacking by Levy

Poch deserves a  bravery medal for lasting 5 seasons under Levy.s dictatorship at Totts .   Since Levy arrived around 2000/2001  he has shafted  approx  12 mngrs

(from memory certainly can be corrected) and has won two  league cups????

From a neutral i know who needs to be shafted 


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2 minutes ago, deej said:

With 10 games remaining Mou has  to win all.  to  beat Pochs  2018/19  71 epl points(4 th place)

where is the improvement since Poch.s sacking by Levy

Poch deserves a  bravery medal for lasting 5 seasons under Levy.s dictatorship at Totts .   Since Levy arrived around 2000/2001  he has shafted  approx  12 mngrs

(from memory certainly can be corrected) and has won two  league cups????

From a neutral i know who needs to be shafted 


Just who do these blinkered Spurs fan see as the demon?


Runner up to a lucky Liverpool in Champ's League is not too shabby.


Poochy is a fine manager. I'd have him back at Saints any day. Morreen is yesterday's man. Saves his best work for RT.


Top 6 is OK for most teams. Look how long Liverpool went without the EPL title. Didn't hear their fans whining and grining. Have to wake up and smell the coffee sometimes. If the sleeping giants Everton and Wolves can get anywhere near their potential the natural order will change and top 4 will be tantalizing for some. Some think it's their right to be in there.


When a club moves into a new stadium it often takes a while to adjust. Arsenal and WHU know this only too well.

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19 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

When a club moves into a new stadium it often takes a while to adjust. Arsenal and WHU know this only too well

Seem to remember posting repeatedly along those lines on the Spurs thread that the overrun of the stadium build budget WILL have an effect on the squad but they couldn't/wouldn't accept it. The decent squad of several years back was left to stagnate over a period of years. Got to keep adding quality.


Personally I think the decline started with Walker leaving ????

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At the pinnacle of Spurs history - the double season - Liverpool were a second division club. Leeds and Forest have both been firmly at the top. Villa, Derby, Blackburn, Ipswich and Portsmouth too have had their spells.


Not all clubs can keep at the top for decades. Bayern, R Madrid, Barca and both Celtic and Rangers have topped their leagues consistently, but their leagues not as competitive when compared to the English top flight.


Only a short time ago, there was a sequence of 8 years when Arsenal and Man U shared the top two places. To be honest, I'd rather Spurs be relegated than Bournemouth, who IMO might never get back. Whereas Spurs could bounce straight back with a new team in place.

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7 hours ago, deej said:

With 10 games remaining Mou has  to win all.  to  beat Pochs  2018/19  71 epl points(4 th place)

where is the improvement since Poch.s sacking by Levy

Poch deserves a  bravery medal for lasting 5 seasons under Levy.s dictatorship at Totts .   Since Levy arrived around 2000/2001  he has shafted  approx  12 mngrs

(from memory certainly can be corrected) and has won two  league cups????

From a neutral i know who needs to be shafted 


OR  a less populist  perhaps more realistic  view  is after buying tottenham who were PERSISTENTLY  languishing in mid table from sugar,   what's the only CONSISTENT  contributing  factor in last 13ish years of tottenham's prem record, which by  the way is

5th .5th 11th 8th 4th 5th 4th 5 6.th .. 5th 3rd 2nd 3rd 4 th




bung in arguably atm one of  if not THE best new build  football stadiums in world footie AND supposedly training  facilities to match  NOT such a terrible record ... in  FACT  not  gutter press led mainstream ignorance ..   is there a better md's record in the prem? I'm struggling to find one.. 

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