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Thai ex threatened to go to police and stop me to enter Thailand

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I think you should be careful where you go.

Let's say you met her in a bar somewhere and maybe she was working there or was a regular visitor.

If you show up in a place like that it's likely that she will know that latest 5 minutes later.

And then the question is how crazy or radical she is.

Be prepared for a surprise...

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My ex Thai wife went to the American Immigration in Sacramento, Calif and told them I beat her and our 6 month old son. Good news for me, I went to court in Chico, Ca, won … and they did NOTHING to her. 

praphaporn is now an American Citizen, Al Driscol 111, my lawyer went to prison, DA Adams from Sutter County, Ca. got the boot for a lot of misdeeds etc, hookers, arson … I am so glad I left America … Semper Fi, 0311 … never again my friends

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I would like to thank to you all for answering!! I think its clear that she cant do anything but i need to keep my eyes open for what is coming in my next trip to Thailand. As Onemorefaring is saying we do met in a bar where she was a regular visitor. They all know me and they all know her in that street. In a manner of when im still in the taxi to the city where i always go she will know already even before i arrive. I will triple check my luggage/clothes/everything before i leave my house to the airport! She just made me ''ting tong'' in the head too.



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12 hours ago, maccie90 said:

Yes but she know already she was sitting next to me when i booked my ticket when it was still ''okay'' with her.

wow! just how far in advance did(can) you make the Booking?

or it really went down the pooshute real dam qwik!!


but the schizo's are totally out there and capable of lightning flash



edit... and then saw the latest OP reply above , that happens during my typing ???? but then am used to this... thanx to the Word Association requiring qwik typers

Edited by tifino
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7 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

As a Clinical Psychologist,  Take yourself to a Clinical Psychologist, explain the problem in great detail and get a proper/better evaluation.  Unfortunately, your wife should go with you and undergo complete testing, etc., so the true story of her problems can be found.  No more as this could go on for a long time

Its his "ex-wife" BTW.   Are people allowed advertise their pseudo mind services here on TV?  Next thing you know Christian ministers will get on TV telling us to seek out a church and donate all our money to be saved. LOL

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Up the ante a little; tell her you have compiled a dossier on her misdeeds which you have handed to the local police in your country. They have told you that the seriousness of her transgressions merit them informing the Thai police, but, out of compassion, you have so far restrained them from doing so. Any more nonsense from her, however, and you will give the local police permission to proceed.

Then lean back and enjoy.

Edited by PerkinsCuthbert
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18 hours ago, maccie90 said:

That is my purpose too for my my next visit to get the thai nationality and enjoy the weather. Im born in europe and never got a thai citizen beacause of my parents always been scared that i need to go to the army. Now im at an age that i dont really think they will try to force me.

As a precaution (unlikely to be necessary) ensure you have proof of your mother's nationality, together with proof that you are her son. While that may not yet be enough to formally establish your Thai nationality, in the unlikely event that your ex girlfriend really has friends in high places, it is likely to be enough to override attempted blacklisting.

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I believe the only risk is if you try to visit your old mutual stomping grounds! If she is as crazy malicious as you infer she may be around looking for you and using the phenomenal Thai grapevine.

She will be on her home turf and at an advantage, you really don't want to be looking over your shoulder during your whole trip. 

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Jesus that sounds like my ex. She does have borderline. And similarily poisoned my life. Got all the same big talk and threats. They rarely carry through with anything due to their inherent laziness and unless she had rock solid proof of anything what could she do? I reckon immigration must get 100s of calls a day from jilted psychos like her. Very hard to deal with these people as attention and drama is their thing. The more u ignore them the worse they are. Logic or consequences of their actions wont figure into what she does. Ive been 2 years away from mine and the initial 6 months nightmare after she left has abated but shes still there in the background.

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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23 hours ago, RicUSA said:

Are people allowed advertise their pseudo mind services here on TV?

My final on this.  Obviously you missed the point of my comment, but I should have known somebody would take umbrage and you did probably because you do not truly understand what we do which is a common failing.  Incidentally, where and when did I advertise my services?  All I did was recommend the use of professional help instead of the false/unqualified mind boggling stuff that is displayed on the internet.


'nuf sed

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On 12/7/2018 at 6:20 PM, wotsdermatter said:

My final on this.  Obviously you missed the point of my comment, but I should have known somebody would take umbrage and you did probably because you do not truly understand what we do which is a common failing.  Incidentally, where and when did I advertise my services?  All I did was recommend the use of professional help instead of the false/unqualified mind boggling stuff that is displayed on the internet.


'nuf sed

Understood - you did not directly advertise.  Correct, this forum will give you lots of sarcastic, unreliable, or simply humorous advice.   The trouble (in my opinion) with most psych "professional help" is that it requires people to "want" to change, and take the advice given.  I take "umbrage" to the fact that your profession has no real way of quantifying any level of "help".  Shrinks can claim, "yes this person is better now",(no one is ever cured)  but have no real evidence that it wasnt just the passing time or that the person dealt with their own problems in some way or ways.   

Then there is the "symptoms under control if they stay on their medication" type cure, which likely is necessary for some if not all of us (humor)  


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Ya ive been there too with an ex and she also took my son from me. Partly because we were never legal married as she refused to do so. Then while i was back in america and even after back in asia she kept saying she will gi US embassy send me to jail bla bla bla. I told her back in america to just go and do it. As for 1 they dont care about her she is a no body to them. Then she went on to say she'll go police and her army family to get me black listed and arrested if i try to come back. Again told her go ahead. They don't do anything really bad purely scare tactics that more then likely will never happen. Just cut her off and avoid her. Enjoy your life. 

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On 12/6/2018 at 11:11 AM, wotsdermatter said:

As a Clinical Psychologist, first, let me say that you should never try to diagnose a person because you do not have the qualifications, the knowledge, nor the experience to do so.  Your statement that she "...is a borderliner or narcist." makes absolutely no sense at all.  I know what the second term refers to but which you have incorrectly spelt, and no idea what you mean by a borderliner.   Forget going on to the internet to read something that may be written by somebody who does not have the correct education, qualifications, etc., in an attempt to diagnose what a person may be psychologically or even physically suffering from.  Take yourself to a Clinical Psychologist, explain the problem in great detail and get a proper/better evaluation.  Unfortunately, your wife should go with you and undergo complete testing, etc., so the true story of her problems can be found.  No more as this could go on for a long time.


'nuf sed.

'nuf sed is a patronising, not to mention unconvincing way to close an argument.


As a purported health professional, I'm baffled that you can't work out what a borderliner is - everyone else in the thread seems to understand it means something along the lines of borderline nutjob - the last person you'd want to be tagging along to couples counselling with. And no one else has taken issue with the misspelling of narcissist, given the meaning is clear. You seem to have missed the point this is an ex relationship, and the OPs interest is entirely related to potential visa repercussions.

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