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Trump stops short of emergency declaration in border wall fight


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3 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I take it you aren't American, never lived anywhere near the border, so your opinion is pretty much meaningless.

I take it you don’t live near the border, as the politicians, Democrat and Republican, responsible for border security there, don’t want the wall either. 


US shutdown: Border politicians oppose Trump's wall http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46815569

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10 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Actually the pledge was Mexico would pay for his wall. 

Obama built it originally. Both sides lie all the time. The thing is Trump is so trollish he distracts from what is really actually happening. Schumer is basically equally abrasive. 



Edited by Cryingdick
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5 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

This is jingoism of the worst sort. Those Americans who did fight and die overseas, however bravely and selflessly, did not go fight to protect Americans’ “security” but because they were sent to fight in those places. “Security” had nothing to do with it -- most of America’s war-making is imperial, from the Barbary Coast to the Philippines to Vietnam and Iraq. And, given the few comments he’s made on the topic, I don’t think Trump would disagree with that statement.

Can I ask if you are American, since this distinction seems to be so important in this exchange.

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3 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I take it you aren't American, never lived anywhere near the border, so your opinion is pretty much meaningless.

I am not American but I lived and worked there for about 12 years, paid my taxes and still have property in Houston. Not sure if that qualifies me to post my opinion but I think the following makes any demand for a wall pretty much meaningless. Data courtesy of US Customs and Border Protection.




And from statistics compiled by the Department of Homeland Paranoia Security.




Edited by NanLaew
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34 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Either you are in favor of open borders unlimited immigration or you are not. I am in favor of controlling immigration and tourist into the USA. Hating Trump is a different item. 

US borders are so open that would-be illegal immigrants pay $10,000 for guides to get them past the non-existent barriers. Do you have any use for facts at all?

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1 hour ago, pedro01 said:


Interesting - ignore the Fox (I got this of Facebook) - listen to the FACTS from the border patrol guy.



If this guy was someone whose job and future depended on Trump's good will, I might be sceptical. But since that's not the case...

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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:

I propose future Democratic presidents use these emergency powers to coniscate all guns, because mass shootings is an actual emergency. Or ban all coalxfired power plants and curtail gas guzzeling vehiclas and curtail fossil fuel usage because Climate change is an actual energency. Or impkement medicare for all because millions without healthcare and tens of thousands going bankrupt EVERY YEAR due to medical bills is an actual emergency.

ah yes the same ridiculous vacuous blather from the liberal progressive hive. rinse and repeat

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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

A national emergency would allow Trump to divert money from other projects to pay for the wall, which was a central promise of his 2016 campaign. That, in turn, could prompt him to sign bills that restore funding to agencies that have been affected by the shutdown.

a) so much for the power of Law, and the separation between people's representation, executive and legislative powers, in a stbga democratic country.
b) the 2016 campaign promised that another Nation would pay for this wall.

"a (fire)-wall is only as safe as as the highest Ladder"

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1 hour ago, mcambl61 said:

ah yes the same ridiculous vacuous blather from the liberal progressive hive. rinse and repeat

What's wrong with what he said? Whatever crap Trump pulls now is going to set precedent for future presidents. If he bypasses congress and declares a fake emergency to build his ego wall, what's to stop future presidents from doing the same thing to guns?

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3 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

ah yes the same ridiculous vacuous blather from the liberal progressive hive. rinse and repeat


I would also support future presidents invoking emergency powers to ban the vacuous use of the term “rinse and repeat” as well as the the vacuous use of the word “vacuous”

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2 hours ago, TVGerry said:

What's wrong with what he said? Whatever crap Trump pulls now is going to set precedent for future presidents. If he bypasses congress and declares a fake emergency to build his ego wall, what's to stop future presidents from doing the same thing to guns?


Thank you for explaining my point, so I don’t have to.

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