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SURVEY: Do you regret moving to Thailand?


SURVEY: Do you regret moving to Thailand?  

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The result of the survey (of TVF readers who bothered to respond) shows 80% largely positive about the decision they made, and their state of "being" in Thailand, and 20% who are regretful.  A kind of reflection of the Pareto Principal.  One doesn't know whether this would be a reflection of expat feelings globally in the country, but I think there is a good chance that it would play out that way.


For those people who are considering a move to Thailand, I think the survey result is encouraging.  It should give them hope that a move to Thailand will work out well, or fairly well, for them.


Everywhere changes, over time.  It has to be expected, be it Thailand, or the "home" country, and oftentimes for the worse.  That said, only a measly 7% or so of people who responded actually wish that they hadn't left their previous domicile.

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9 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

<deleted>?!? Are you on drugs...


What are you having for lunch? Where are you going on holiday, what colour shorts would you like to wear, would you like fries with that... ... ... ... You make none of those decisions???


Sucks to be you...




I was on drugs for a number of years, you?


If all I had to look forward to was lunch, my next holiday, what I was going to wear or whether or not to have fries, my life truly would suck.


Sure, I make plans and decisions, but plan my future? I'd have sold myself short.


"Man makes plans, God laughs."

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13 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


I was on drugs for a number of years, you?


If all I had to look forward to was lunch, my next holiday, what I was going to wear or whether or not to have fries, my life truly would suck.


Sure, I make plans and decisions, but plan my future? I'd have sold myself short.


"Man makes plans, God laughs."

We can definitely agree on that ???? 


Obviously I might drop dead tomorrow so do not have full control of my future but at least (we can try to agree that) I can (try to) plan for it.



God I miss the drugs.... funny enough weed the most ????






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18 hours ago, madmen said:

take the bar girls out of the equation and 99 % of farang would not be here except of course the ones that married theirs ????

Although i cannot say that i have never indulged.  I can honestly say that bar girls have no influence whatsoever in my  decision to live here, so i guess that i am surprised to learn that i am part of a 1%.

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27 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

We can definitely agree on that ???? 


Obviously I might drop dead tomorrow so do not have full control of my future but at least (we can try to agree that) I can (try to) plan for it.



God I miss the drugs.... funny enough weed the most ????







I don't want complete control, I'd settle for next weeks numbers...

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4 hours ago, billd766 said:

So you prefer the military government of Thailand over the inept, lying, scheming and scumbag politicians, who at least could be voted out.


No, IMHO the junta are far worse. They stole the country.

And replaced with more of the same ?

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7 hours ago, hansnl said:

Not all Thai women married to foreigners have been in the barscene.

Maybe you speak for yourself?

But they are nearly all sleeping with foreigners that can't get pussy in their own countries.

She may not have worked in the bar, but she ain't that different to the girls in the bar.


I don't care about a woman's past, as long as she doesn't care about my past.

Test them for disease, then move them in.

Edited by BritManToo
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Find it very difficult to chose one of the options as they all suggest that the decision to live here is final and irreversible.  Currently I have had enough of Thailand and plan to return to my home country. I would continue to visit for holidays but the pollution, cost of living and visa issues have started to make living here full time a less attractive option.


Maybe in a few years time, I will come back again (assuming that's even possible from a visa perspective). In the meantime I look forward to hassle free holidays in Thailand.  IMHO the trick is to never box yourself in financially in Thailand.  I have always treated any money I bring into Thailand as dead money that I will never see again. Note I don't subscribe to the 'if you don't have 800k you don't belong here' view but have seen people transfer a large proportion of their nest egg here with the result that staying does become their only option.

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