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Crazy sin sod


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At the Sid Sod stage my GF took charge and told her Mother how much she'd be given.  The amount was not high, and was less than the hotel bill, so was not an issue for me.


I was then asked to get some cash for ceremonial purposes, and all of this 'show' cash was returned to us on the day.


We bought her Mother a nice, but not wildly expensive, gold bracelet, and I bought a gold jewellery set for my partner.  This plus her current gold collection was added to the ceremonial Sin Sod tray on the day.


But for me the key issue was that she managed the costs and kept them low, as she saw our assets as 'our' future, and wanted just enough 'show' for the ceremony.   But we'd already been together 7 years, so I knew how it was going to play out.


One useful facet of Thai family culture is that if the daughter's new partner has some financial stability and assets that rival the head of the household (in this case her land-owning Mother) then this gives the daughter some extra status points.  She's the youngest daughter, but as my partner she"s now number 2 in the family league table after Mum.  If you've found the right girl, this can work for you, as she can (and does) say 'no' to requests for money. 


If it works the other way, and you feel pressured to pay, then you've not got a keeper - so I think the OP did the right thing in staying single.

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On 3/13/2019 at 12:40 PM, Puchaiyank said:

They have no shame at demanding money for the services of the girl they raised from childhood...there is also no gratitude for those foolish enough to fall for this form of scam.


Don't give me that tradition and culture crap...it is a family shakedown and you have been taken...

No shame and no gratitude. Right word. Alas... This habit in ingrained deep in the inconscious. Her gaze was empty when i tried  to e'xplain to her so basic commonsense things , like : "If i am good it's not because i am weak (which she thought), if i don't expect anything in return for everything i give doesn't mean i'm not a believer of the principle of reciprocity. (i put it in more simple words for her of course) 

Edited by Alainpm
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14 minutes ago, Spidey said:

You kinda gave the game away there. All gold in Thailand is 23 carat, particularly if it's being used as sin sot.


No Thai woman would ask for "18 carat". Either your girlfriend's not Thai or you are spinning us a story.

I don't know anything about gold, sorry.  but she asked for quality gold vs low , and months after that,  in order to write this article and illustrate it, i  looked on internet for reference on gold qualities on a french website. as i didn't remember the exact quality measurements categories in thailand,  she wanted good quality gold that's all. 

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1 minute ago, Alainpm said:

I'm no specialist in gold, but she asked for quality gold, i apologise if there is a mistake in the quality of gold index, she wanted good quality gold that's all. 

There are only 2 qualities of gold in Thailand, fake and 23 carat.

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15 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

I think without knowing a full history of the girl it's hard to discus. Has she any children ? If so 1 million baht would seems 1 million too much. As for taking her to live in another country ? Seriously do not advise it - you think a 28 year old woman will stay with a 50 year old man when she sees the young men her friends are with ? Don't risk it. And ask yourself this, are these drunken Thai men going to pay 1 million sin sod ? 

If the parents are not well off and the daughter is supporting them, then a Sin Sod is important, regardless of losing face, the parents need to survive, however most will spend it quickly as they have never received such a lottery in their lives and will want to show the rest of the village tribe how much Sin Sod they received, be it 200 or 1 million baht.


There are many different cultures that have similar, so if one doesn't wish to provide a Sin Sod, well then up to the cheap Charlie, but remember, one has to weigh up what one is getting, i.e. is she going to be taking care of he, or is she going to be working and sending money home to mumma and pappa ?


I took my wife of 12 years back home, she is 21 years my junior, younger men never enter her mind, only in fantasy I would imagine and definitely not Thai men...lol, so it all boils down to the girl one is marrying, a good girl (bar girl) or a bad girl (non bar girl), most men meet their wives in shopping centres or through friends of friends, so I am told ????


The writer of this post did well to get out when he did, because the power of the pu$$y can really send some pi$$ weak guys to the wall.


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3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

My wife is a doctor and she was 1 baht "cheaper" (999.999 baht - lucky number BS).
Plus the family returned the money the same day.


You did well, and be glad you found out "quickly" how the family sees you.

..would Chinese burning money suffice..as it's only symbolic.

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