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3bb pulling my leg?


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Hello, everyone. First post here. I did some quick digging and found that 3bb comes up often here on these forums. Before I become jai ron and bring 3bb out here, I figured I should maybe try and troubleshoot a bit first.

Long story short: Girlfriend and I got Gigabit internet installed at our new house a few days ago. The 1000-down/100-up package to be exact. It's ~$40.00 USD a month so I figured what the heck, more than enough for me but still, it's a good deal. Basically gaming has been my biggest hobby for many years now. And I'm slowly getting myself out there as a streamer, so in some way the gigabit connection seems appropriate.


The problem is I'm not getting anywhere near what I'm paying for. My peak download speed so far on Steam in the last 5 days was 37 MB/s. I average around 15 MB/s. Often times it just stalls at 2.5 MB/s, which is what we were getting with old-ass 3bb DSL until we finally upgraded after we moved out of our old place. This is while I'm plugged into my LAN port with a Cat6a cable, by the way.

My speed tests on the 3bb speed test website reports an average of 500 Mbp/s download speed. Half of what I'm paying for. Downloading games on Steam as I already mentioned is ~10% of what I should be getting.


I've gone through two cables. Neither of them have yielded me better results.


I'm not an IT guy. I can build and fix computers pretty well but administration and networking stuff is way beyond me to be perfectly honest. I'm hoping you guys can give me some stuff I can check.


In my mind, I'm figuring it can be one of several things:


-There's some kind of option/configuration on my router that I am not literate enough to comprehend that is causing me to bottleneck/not get full potential (some kind of port forwarding or something, I don't know.)


-I'm being sold complete shit cables that are packaged and advertised as top of the line Cat6 and are losing tons of bandwidth (I'm getting ripped off in Thailand, again.)


-3bb is throttling me or <deleted> with me in some way and are not providing me what I am paying for (I'm getting ripped off in Thailand, again).


I am completely grateful and appreciative of anyone who takes the time to read this and offer me some feedback.


Thank you in advance.


Furthermore this is the laptop I'm using. It should have no problem handling Gigabit ethernet.



Edited by Jaiyen147
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You are getting 35MB/s, definately gigabit is working. Another way to test is file transfer between 2 pc in the same network. You should get close to 100MB/s. The advertised speed by the providers are best effort and normally applies only to domestic servers.

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Your mention of speed test results is too vague. 


Your connection should approach 1000/100 when tested to 3BB's servers in Bangkok.



If the results are consistently 10% less or worse, then complain.


If and when that gets fixed, try some overseas tests, like http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest.


And, yes, let's remain clear about Mbs vs. MBs.

Edited by mahjongguy
bits and bytes
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OP, are you aware of the difference between Megabytes MB (big B) and megabits mb (little b). A megabit is 1/8 of a Megabyte. Internet connection speeds are usually measured in Megabits. None of the MB speeds you are quoting make any sense. 

The only relatively accurate speeds will be the 3bb test site. Speeds from steam etc dont mean much as they may have a cap/limit, server is busy, peer to peer etc. 

The 500 mbps package costs around $40US, the 1000 mbps is closer to $50US. 

Maybe you have accidently ended up on the 500 plan, most of the time the speed test sites will show close to the package you are on, most of the time over.

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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

OP, are you aware of the difference between Megabytes MB (big B) and megabits mb (little b). A megabit is 1/8 of a Megabyte. Internet connection speeds are usually measured in Megabits. None of the MB speeds you are quoting make any sense. 

The only relatively accurate speeds will be the 3bb test site. Speeds from steam etc dont mean much as they may have a cap/limit, server is busy, peer to peer etc. 

The 500 mbps package costs around $40US, the 1000 mbps is closer to $50US. 

Maybe you have accidently ended up on the 500 plan, most of the time the speed test sites will show close to the package you are on, most of the time over.


I am distintictly aware of the difference between a Megabyte and a megabit. 1 Megabit is equal to .125 Megabyte. Like you said 1/8.


The download speeds I posted are in MB/s. Megabytes per second. Meaning Im getting really stinking slow speeds.

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3 hours ago, mahjongguy said:

Your mention of speed test results is too vague. 


Your connection should approach 1000/100 when tested to 3BB's servers in Bangkok.



If the results are consistently 10% less or worse, then complain.


If and when that gets fixed, try some overseas tests, like http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest.


And, yes, let's remain clear about Mbs vs. MBs.


3 hours ago, shady86 said:

You are getting 35MB/s, definately gigabit is working. Another way to test is file transfer between 2 pc in the same network. You should get close to 100MB/s. The advertised speed by the providers are best effort and normally applies only to domestic servers.

I don't think so. My friend with Gigabit back home in US gets much closer to 100 MB/s download speed. I get nearly twice the speeds I posted and I don't have Gigabit - back in America.

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On 3/22/2019 at 1:57 AM, Jaiyen147 said:

My speed tests on the 3bb speed test website reports an average of 500 Mbp/s download speed. Half of what I'm paying for.


1000/100 is 1,590 plus 7 % VAT


500/500 is 1,200 plus 7% VAT


Sounds like you are provisioned for 500/500 (which matches your $40 figure).


Obviously, check with 3BB to see if you're provisioned properly.


Advertised bandwidth is not a guarantee of throughput. Check the T's & C's of your contract.


Turn off the router, leave it off for ~ 10 minutes. Re-start it.


I've seen Speedtest results for this 3BB package ~ 983/115, so am thinking your line has been provisioned incorrectly.


My 3BB 500/500:







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11 hours ago, Jaiyen147 said:

My peak download speed so far on Steam in the last 5 days was 37 MB/s. I average around 15 MB/s.

Are you aware that "steam" (steampowered.com ?) is a server that is shared by xxxx users?

Do you really think a popular server would provide you with a steady xxx Mbit/s?

Have you ever thought that the server has load balance and throttles individual users to maintain overall service?

You have to differentiate between theoretical line speeds tested to 3BB test servers vs. the real world.

Downloads supply 37 Mbit/s (I assume you mean Mbit not MB(yte). 37 MByte/s would be terrific (almost 300 Mbit/s).

37 Mbit/s: could be faster but not be called slow.

Happy because this "steam" uses Akamai content delivery and data seems to come from Bangkok.


I have an awesome ping of 8 ms to steampowered.com.

For real overseas connection the thing becomes even more complex as you have to share the undersea cables with millions along the line.

And South East Asia particularly Thailand is not on the biggest data pipelines.


This morning I read an article about "Google Stadia"(?) FHD and UHD streaming (ultra high definition video).

Their system requirements are 25 Mbit/s resp. 30 Mbit/s. Higher than other streaming providers like Netflix require.

Now think what 1000 Mbit/s for a private user is: a waste of money and a cash machine for the providers as the single user or small household never comes close.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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1 hour ago, Jaiyen147 said:


I am distintictly aware of the difference between a Megabyte and a megabit. 1 Megabit is equal to .125 Megabyte. Like you said 1/8.


The download speeds I posted are in MB/s. Megabytes per second. Meaning Im getting really stinking slow speeds.

Actually 1 Megabit is closer to 0.100 Megabyte when you are talking about overhead for packets (protocol overhead).


Have not had 3BB for a while, but past experience if you are a heavy user that they will throttle the connection (international) to internet down in the evening.  I believe if you don't use it much during the day they will give you higher priority in the evening.  They also tend to have a limit on a per connection basis -- depending on which route the traffic is sent (depending on network) (i.e. you will need a multi-connection - non-torrent based traffic to use more bandwidth).  Local traffic tends to run at or near maximum though.  If you are having lower speeds connecting to local servers then it is probably an issue with your connection, if it is a speed cap internationally - you either have to learn to live with it or try someone else... or work around it.  During peak hours I tend to route my traffic through Singapore (DigitalOcean configured VPN) - which gives me a higher bandwidth (though after about 500GB a month - it says 1TB but the traffic into the VPN and the traffic out means effectively you get a net of half that - you go metered).

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On 3/22/2019 at 12:55 PM, mtls2005 said:
1000/100 is 1,590 plus 7 % VAT
500/500 is 1,200 plus 7% VAT
Sounds like you are provisioned for 500/500 (which matches your $40 figure).
Obviously, check with 3BB to see if you're provisioned properly.
Advertised bandwidth is not a guarantee of throughput. Check the T's & C's of your contract.
Turn off the router, leave it off for ~ 10 minutes. Re-start it.
I've seen Speedtest results for this 3BB package ~ 983/115, so am thinking your line has been provisioned incorrectly.
My 3BB 500/500:


Now what do you get if you change the server to one in the USA or Europe?


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You're getting approx 300 Mbps and you're paying for 1000Mbps.
I understand that you might not be pleased.

My experience with 3BB has been excellent. I have 100Mbps and often get up to 180. I have seen up to 16MBps.

I don't know where you are but is it possible that you're getting the fastest speed they can give you in your area? 


Forget throttling and other shit. I'm not sure the Thais bother with that as they have fibre and it's fast, and they sell it to you quite cheaply.
I'm not doubting the intelligence or technical expertise of 3BB but I think they just don't mind giving you the full bandwidth all the time because they have so much to play with.

I think you might have to come to terms with this speed (which isn't particularly slow, after all) and I'm sure it will increase as 3BB infrastructure improves.



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6 hours ago, transam said:

If you phone them and chat very nicely (in English) they act on problems, always have done for me. I pay for the cheapest service and last week they connected fibre optic cable with a wifi modem for free.... Phone 1530 then 9 for English when prompted...

I have used 3 BBB service for many years in Chiangmai and love the service. I pay for 5 to 10 and average 15. Plenty to stream. Anytime there is due to outside lines or weather I call there service number in Bangkok. They give me honest answers about the problem, and always call me back to see if everything is working ok. wouldn't use True if they gave it to me. 


I'm sure they will get your problem straightened out for you. Good luck.


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Quick update. I had a field tech come by the house. We live outside of Mae Taeng, so about an hour+ northwest of Chiang Mai. We have new lines here in this small town. The infrastructure is good. He confirmed with the Mae Rim office we subscribed at that I am indeed paying the 1700THB/month for the 1000/100 package. He also confirmed that I am getting sub-par download times. I'm averaging around 500Mbp/s, and peaking at only 790.


Basically at this point I'm to be getting a call from the HQ in Bangkok with an English speaking rep.


And I don't feel that gigabit is overkill as my GF and our kids all use the internet for gaming/streaming/youtube, and I need the most juice but don't want to limit the fam's bandwidth.

Edited by Jaiyen147
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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

The headder talks about an accident...glanced through the OP but didn't see anything about the accident...I was expecting a mention of a motorbike of something?

Sorry I don't see anywhere a mention of a motorbike accident.

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On 3/22/2019 at 4:39 PM, Jaiyen147 said:

I'm averaging around 500Mbp/s, and peaking at only 790.


How are you measuring your speed?


And how are you measuring your speed when "steaming"?


What is your upload speed showing?


What is the make/model number of your router?


Are you encountering any other application performance issues?


How many devices are actively utilizing your connection? Most are on WiFi?


On 3/22/2019 at 4:39 PM, Jaiyen147 said:

We have new lines here in this small town. The infrastructure is good.

Maybe they are just working out the kinks in this new installation? Or maybe there is some short-straw between your town and the uplink?



IME, with multiple customer installations using 3BB, they tend to be very professional, responsive and over-deliver on last-mile advertised bandwidth.


Real-world bandwidth performance is dependent on so many factors, not limited to the application, outside of the ISPs control. 


Heck, I may only get 750 Mbps doing a file transfer from a GBe PC to a GBe NAS, through a router, over an 18" cable.


In windows, you can monitor the GBe port on your PC, Task Manager, Performance, Ethernet.


AIS Fiber 200/100 during DL portion of a speedtest:





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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

The headder talks about an accident...glanced through the OP but didn't see anything about the accident...I was expecting a mention of a motorbike of something?

Yes they seem to have posted the wrong link to the headline.......

Not unusual unfortunately...............

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5 hours ago, trd said:

Now what do you get if you change the server to one in the USA or Europe?

Depending of the traffic out to the World, and all the points between here and there, which got nothing to do with what your ISP promise you. Sometimes Europe and USA are slow, sometimes, and some servers are faster than others. It's only from your connection point to your ISP's proxy that counts.

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The other item of interest is if there is firewall or filtering enabled on the modem...  On many consumer modems, you might have a ethernet port that is of the speed, but if any software in the modem is doing something it will degrade it to less than the stated port speeds.

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2 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

Just noticed my 3BB 200/100 package has been upgraded to 500/500.


Yes, 3BB is in the process of upgrading existing 200/100 (1,200 baht) to 500/500 at the same price.


You can drop down to 300/300 (900 baht) or 200/200 (700 baht) if you want. 


A sort of re-branding as "Infinite Fiber".



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On 3/22/2019 at 9:11 PM, tomazbodner said:

3BB only guarantees speed to their servers in Thailand. I used to have a similar package but was then offered (what is no longer available) international link top-up. It added 50% to the price but gave me basically the same speed to Singapore and US as what I had locally. Asked 3BB how much do they throttle the international link for those who don't buy a top-up and was told "a lot" but refused to tell how much. When I wanted to change package later I was told to keep it as international top-up was no longer available and more expensive package would actually result in lower speed.


Eventually moved to AIS because I was ditching TrueVisions and after a while found no use for 3BB, so I cancelled it.

I have the same top up package, it's called the @inter top up, thb 200 extra per month for priority international bandwidth, I honestly don't even know how much extra bandwidth we are getting though, however never had any issues with 3bb throttling, torrents or anything, been with 3bb for 4 years now, we go through about 700-800gig a month of data, 4 phones, 2 tv, 3 laptops, 

images (7).jpeg

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I don't usually use Speedtest.net, but in checking today, I noticed they finally have an option on their opening test page to choose between single and multi streams, which is long overdue...  Though when I played with that tonight, selecting between the two didn't seem to create any of the difference you'd expect.




Meanwhile, as someone who's supposed to have 3BB's new 500/500 fiber service, it looks like they've still got some work to do on my connection in BKK:


Multi Stream:





Single Stream:





Singapore Single:



Los Angeles Single:






Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/22/2019 at 8:50 AM, transam said:

If you phone them and chat very nicely (in English) they act on problems, always have done for me. I pay for the cheapest service and last week they connected fibre optic cable with a wifi modem for free.... Phone 1530 then 9 for English when prompted...

Yip, they did that for a friend of mine too! But when I PAID for an upgrade and paid for one year, they did not come and did not come and finally after some screaming, they turned up just before it got dark outside. I told them to piss off...

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