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Thai elections: Odds against Pheu Thai


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3 minutes ago, Chivas said:

BBC already in London suggesting all is not well with the results and I'll use the exact word "dodgy"

That’s what it is looking like unfortunately but at least most Thai people seem like they can see through the BS.  Although who knows what this could lead to.  If they can at least just preserve the status quo for now that would be okay.  Although it would be nice to have at least a little bit of the old Thailand back.  

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8 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

BBC too. Lots to hid from the world regarding this sham election. 

Settle petal , BBC just relaying some stuff on Thai social media. Its such a non event they cant even be bothered paying to fly a reporter out to do boots on the ground reporting .

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something happening like the million posts about civil war after the king died? like the uprising against the junta the last 5 years? and you think something will happen now ? [emoji16]
Why should there be a protest after the king's death. Thais of all parties and classes honour and respect the royal family.
People had hope at the beginning that the uncle general would change something. Then they were looking forward to these elections to chase him out in a democratic way.
As we see it didn't work out.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, balo said:

Future Forward is the future for Thailand, it's just a question of when it will happen. New generations will take over and out with the old ideas. 

Agree, and I hope challenges many things and pushes again and again for major / serious changes, because changes are so badly needed and also gives him a change to prove his credibility and his strength.


He recently mentioned he wants to make major changes to everything about education, this could be his litmus test - personally I hope he turns education upside down. 



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I asked you a simple question - he gave control on his media assets to mom, so what? everybody should believe that now he has no control over them?
but you preferred to put labels instead of answering
Has he ever used your proposed power in media during his campaign?

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

Just watching NHK news, when it got to commentary on updating the election result they are censoring and it goes off air. Says a lot about what is going on.

There are several websites streaming the main tv channels on the net. Just type the name of the channel and live streaming on Google.

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As an annual visitor to Thailand I have not experienced any injustice at the hands of the Military Government. However my age and nationality, I am from UK, convinces me that we have nothing to teach Thailand. 

Edited by tgeezer
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7 hours ago, Roadman said:

Agree. But you look at that election result and the same two lots of elites have still garnished the most seats between the two of them which says that Thailand is still not ready to escape the merry go round of the corrupt elected scumbags like the Shinawatra's or the complete incompetence of military rule. Thailand is not going to go ahead unlike it can break the subservient role that many of its uneducated citizens want to be cowered under. 


Pheu Thai is not a party for the elites, it is a party for the people, especially the working class vote, in fact in it's various (forced) guises it has been the only voice for the working class up until now.

Regardless of who pulls the strings in the background.

The other pro Prayut party is indeed the party for the elite and the royalists.

7 hours ago, Roadman said:

Issue for this term is what a party like Future Forward can fulfil to present themselves as an alternative and cut vote away from the two major parties at the next election. Their result for a first party is promising. Key is what they now show in opposing corruption and subservience. 


My wife is as red as Karl Marx and Che Guavara all rolled into one.

She was'nt going to vote this time, saying why bother, it's fixed, everyone she has ever voted for gets thrown out unfairly.

She said whats the point, before its even started, it's 250-0 to the other side, how can we possibly win?

I said at least go and vote for whoever you want, opposite your hated Der Fuhrer.

So she voted for Future Forward....

As did her daughter at university and just about every other university student she knows...

The Future's bright.

The Future's Forward.

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6 hours ago, justin case said:

if one does not like the results, there is always the fresh air of a new coup

When, not if, the coup comes, does all the MPs, or the Thai equivilant, lose their wages? I know, silly question.

I am just imagining a coup in the UK and all the MPs put out of work, losing their overpaid salaries and all their "expenses" and second homes they have claimed for, it would be some loss of their lifestyle and maybe even their pensions.

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2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Apparently you avoided answering my question and insert your own inscrutable diversion and hope to make us believe that the judiciary is in the hands of politicians and not the establishment. That in spite of political parties not aligned to the establishment have been disbanded and executives banned while those aligned were spared. You really don;t have a strong case. 

I answered your question ....I may be naive but can governing party tear up the constitution and re-write the law to disadvantage political parties?  

 As I said, they can, have, and will probably do it again. Just look at how many Constitutions they have had in living memory.

 Also don’t forget Thais voted to accept this constitution !

 If you think the judiciary has not been influenced by various governments you really should do some reading on the subject. Just as an example, start with “ Pastrygate” http://thailandjumpedtheshark.blogspot.com/2008/06/pastrygate-thaksins-lawyers-jailed.html

And no, I am not saying that only one government or party is the only ones guilty, they are all tarred with the same brush. That link is a good example .....when Thaksin was in charge the courts appreciated his “lunch boxes” and did his will, then when he was gone they went the other way.

 Yingluck was tried by the junta, and if Pheu Thai had won a clear majority they would be getting their revenge on Prayut one way or another. The general and his cohorts might have given themselves immunity for the coup but I am sure a PT govt would get them in court for something.

 It’s the way of Thai “democracy”, and some of the posters here should stop getting their knickers in a knot over something they have no say in.

 If the new government doesn’t suit you, relax, it won’t last 4 years until the next scheduled election. There will be another coup, or another civil uprising by red/yellow shirts, or the coalition will collapse and the parties re-align themselves .....or all three, not necessarily in that order.


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