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UK PM Theresa May to be told to quit by top Conservative: Sunday Times


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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So you are quoting the Irish Times poll. I will not embarrass you as you have obviously tried to justify the statistic I shown you. Please come back and tell me how many people were polled. if you do I will truly respect you.


The Irish sad no twice. sadly they caved in. Just wait until they start paying and Sien Fein realise that the dream of a united Ireland is dead. They will revert back to anti EU.

When it is too difficult for you to find some more publications, herewith: or.. in google with :  "Irish poll EU "

EM Ireland carries out an annual survey of Irish attitudes towards the EU. The poll is administered by Red C among a representative sample of 1,007 adults ...
May 8, 2018 - Just one in nine voters say Ireland should quit the EU, down from nearly three times that level five years ago, a new poll for the European ...
Euroscepticism is a minority view in Ireland, with opinion polls between 2016 and 2019 indicating between 70% and 90% support for continued membership of the European Union (EU). IrishEurosceptics say that the EU undermines Irish sovereignty, that it lacks ...
Mar 7, 2019 - Voters in Northern Ireland want the softest possible Brexit and ... and Northern Irelandrather than checks on the Irish border, a poll for the Irish ...
Feb 8, 2019 - Polls shows strong support for a united Ireland and growing dismay with ... poll shows majority strongly support Government stance on Brexit.
For the runup to the 2019 European Parliament election we provide you with even more information and charts on POLITICO's European Election site.
Feb 8, 2019 - Several cabinet ministers tell the BBC that a no-deal Brexit could lead to an Irishunification referendum.
Mar 5, 2019 - European Commission Representation in Ireland news: New opinion poll finds that Ireland has a very positive attitude towards Europe.
No wonder, Bexiteers have such a narrow view of the world outside their constituency…  or reed only Boris the Liar news.
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2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

You are comparing apples with oranges, but whatever, your Brexit won’t happen, it will be a customs union at best, otherwise remaining, either through revoking A50 or a referendum. You will continue to annoy everyone, Nigel will continue to annoy everyone, some super-morons will end up in jail for throwing stones, but in the end everyone will move on and remember Brexit as that big embarrassment that no one wants to talk about again. Get used to it. You thought you won, but you lost. 

Can you already imagine any next vote in the EU after a withdrawal of art 50 = end of Brexit ?

With any the British will have any opposition, for sure one of the others will say: "you want to Brexit again ? ?" 

The British will have to face that for decades.

So, follow the advise of Charles de Gaulle, and ask the Americans or Canadians to be an overseas part of that country. With some luck the Scotish will be an independant member of the EU, and northern Ireland for a bigger part ( = the green part, so much less border problems) unified with the Irish Republic, so you can have the magnitude of Californa ( 2017: US$ 2,746 trillion; Texas: US$ 1,696 tr, New York: $ 1,547 tr.)  Total UK for 2017:  US$ 2,85 trillion.

Green = new parts of the Irish rep 2020.jpg

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You are welcome as you have never been innovators. We Brits are happy to pass on technology to our European friends. We have been doing it for years. I somehow don't see the catch phrase 'The dutch mini' catching on. You said it in your post "The British mini" I suspect like in China and other countries they will only buy British and copies will not be welcomed by the people.

Which innovations ? the steam engine of James Watt ? 

And:  BMW acquired the marque Mini in 1994 when it bought Rover Group (formerly British Leyland), which owned Mini, among other brands.  For already 25 years, the British have nothing to say about Mini...nor the rest.




I never forget my visit to Rowntree Mackintosh in York, in 1980. The entire factory was still working on leather driven belts… as in D, B, NL finished 30 years before. So, I thanked my British hosts for keeping a museum running to show how all was done in the past. "Sorry, it's all we have" was the answer...

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6 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

What poor little lives you live if that’s the most important issue for you since the UK started voting. 


      My take , another  bored expat , who has nought else to do .

            Thanks TVF,  saving expats from a long  boredom  death ., 555



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9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


There is a current large contingent of Tory MP's and party members who have no respect for the British constitution, parliamentary process and rules and even their own party rules. They are quite prepared and happy to make it up as they go along.


And they all support Brexit.

From what I've seen it's the Speaker who makes the rules up as he goes along, and he's 100% a remainer. 

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2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I may be that you missed the thread with a lot of detail about fishing. The facts were that most of our fishing quotas are owned by 5 families, which were named in one post. They sold fishing rights to companies in other EU countries. Yes SOLD nothing to do with the EU  SOLD nothing to do with the EU fishing policy SOLD for personal profit by a bunch of greedy bastards who didn't give a F##k for British workers jobs, and just wanted to line their own pockets. SOLD so we won't get them back by leaving the EU. Beginning to get the picture now, or determined to continue blaming everything on the EU whether it is true or not?


It never ceases to amaze me how many of the English working class enjoy their subservience to the rich and the upper class. Kissing the asses of the people who are ripping them off seems to have got into the Anglo Saxon DNA.

Farage is just one more example of someone doing the same, do they really love being conned ALL the time, it beggars belief. 

Farage - man of the people - complete cods.

it never ceases to amaze me that people who rabbit on about how poorly the British fishing working class are treated by the current EU fishing rights never mention they were given away by a labour government.

This will change after Brexit


"Britain will ‘own’ the sea and the fish in it up to 200 miles from the coast for the first time in decades after the UK leaves the European Union, under plans set out today.

The Government is proposing a new “zonal attachment” way of deciding which country owns the fish and how they should be shared out.

A new fishing white paper sets out ways for "fairer" allocation of fishing opportunities based on the distribution of fish stocks and moving away from a system based on fishing patterns from the 1970s.

The “zonal attachment” scheme will replace the current European Union fishing quotas which gives EU trawlers the rights to fish 60 per cent of the fish in UK waters up to 12 miles from the UK coast.

EU Member States currently land around eight times as much fish in UK waters than the UK does in EU Member States’ waters.

The decision by Mr Gove and Prime Minister Theresa May to publish the white paper before the Brexit talks begin will make it much harder for officials to trade away fishing rights as part of the negotiations."


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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

From what I've seen it's the Speaker who makes the rules up as he goes along, and he's 100% a remainer. 

   Thank God , for common sense .

      Farage , equals salvage . RIP. 



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I normally vote Labour, but this time I will be voting UKIP all the way!  Both of the major parties will do nothing to stop mass uncontrolled immigration; something which has brought third World crimes to a first World country.






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29 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

What negotiations? 

The negotiations according to Mr Gove.

"The UK will continue to abide by the EU-wide Common Fisheries Policy during the transition period, but ministers said that from 2020, the UK will negotiate access to its waters as an independent coastal state."



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6 hours ago, vogie said:

You are correct about the UK importing fish from overseas, but these are the fish that have been caught in British waters by French or Dutch fishing trawlers. Doesn't it make a mockery of the way the EU operates. The last time the British were fishing off the coast of Normandy or Brittany in our allotted area by the EU, we were attacked by French fishing vessels. Doesn't it make sense to fish our own waters?

Propaganda or deliberate ignorance again?


Imports into the UK were highest from Iceland (>70000 tonnes), China (>68000
tonnes) and Thailand (>53000 tonnes).

This fish does not come from UK sea waters. Imports were highest for cod, tuna, shrimps, prawns and salmon.



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2 hours ago, MRDave said:

I normally vote Labour, but this time I will be voting UKIP all the way!  Both of the major parties will do nothing to stop mass uncontrolled immigration; something which has brought third World crimes to a first World country.

EU nationals of working age are more likely to be in work than UK nationals and non-EU citizens. About 83% of working age EU citizens in the UK are in work, compared to around 76% of UK nationals and 66% of people from outside the EU.

see  https://fullfact.org/immigration/eu-migration-and-uk/  

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2 hours ago, aright said:

it never ceases to amaze me that people who rabbit on about how poorly the British fishing working class are treated by the current EU fishing rights never mention they were given away by a labour government.

This will change after Brexit


"Britain will ‘own’ the sea and the fish in it up to 200 miles from the coast for the first time in decades after the UK leaves the European Union, under plans set out today.

The Government is proposing a new “zonal attachment” way of deciding which country owns the fish and how they should be shared out.

A new fishing white paper sets out ways for "fairer" allocation of fishing opportunities based on the distribution of fish stocks and moving away from a system based on fishing patterns from the 1970s.

The “zonal attachment” scheme will replace the current European Union fishing quotas which gives EU trawlers the rights to fish 60 per cent of the fish in UK waters up to 12 miles from the UK coast.

EU Member States currently land around eight times as much fish in UK waters than the UK does in EU Member States’ waters.

The decision by Mr Gove and Prime Minister Theresa May to publish the white paper before the Brexit talks begin will make it much harder for officials to trade away fishing rights as part of the negotiations."


The combined EU fishing fleets land about 6 million tonnes of fish per year,[5] of which about 700,000 tonnes are from UK waters.[6] The UK's share of the overall EU fishing catch in 2014 was 752,000 tonnes, the second largest catch of any country in the EU.[7] This proportion is determined by the London Fisheries Convention of 1964 and by the EU's Common Fisheries Policy. see  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Fisheries_Policy  

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7 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

The combined EU fishing fleets land about 6 million tonnes of fish per year,[5] of which about 700,000 tonnes are from UK waters.[6] The UK's share of the overall EU fishing catch in 2014 was 752,000 tonnes, the second largest catch of any country in the EU.[7] This proportion is determined by the London Fisheries Convention of 1964 and by the EU's Common Fisheries Policy. see  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Fisheries_Policy  

All very interesting but what has it got to do with my post?

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Bye bye May, you were a terrible PM and I hated seeing you on tv.

I don't envy the one that takes over though, as that is a hexed position at the moment. No one can make both sides happy.

Now there’s progress.


You acknowledge there are two sides to this.

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15 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

No Deal is still in the running, make no mistake about that. It's either that or Remain. Anything else is a waste of time and  money.

'It's either that or Remain. Anything else is a waste of time and  money."


Agree entirely, but politicians are desperately trying to come up with a way to remain, without the electorate realising this to be the case....

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Although I am not a fan of May she is showing us what the system is all about.  Put simply it does not belong to the people it belongs to the elite.  They are blocking any Brexit moves and creating disarray to change the outcome.  And Boris is no better mark my words.  He is part of this game. 

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13 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So who are you! the British gentrie! I guess you are not British then or just like to sound like you are.


You can't sell your waters as it is part of the territory. You can let others into them Like the UK did under Heath. Luckily people have realised and we are stopping it.

"and we are stopping it"


Except 'we're' not - as our politicians are doing everything in their power to stop these types of actions.....

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9 hours ago, aright said:

The negotiations according to Mr Gove.

"The UK will continue to abide by the EU-wide Common Fisheries Policy during the transition period, but ministers said that from 2020, the UK will negotiate access to its waters as an independent coastal state."



Yeah, right - but there is no way out of that 'transition period' unless the eu agrees......

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48 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"think one of the big problems is that the lots of Brexit supporting politicians"


Do you genuinely believe that there are "lots of Brexit supporting politicians" ????????!


If there is one thing this whole fiasco has made very clear, it is that there are very few genuinely brexit supporting politicians! 

1. I believe there are some of them, sure.

2. I am also sure that enough politicians pretend to fight for what they think makes them most likely to get elected again - independent of their real opinion.

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26 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

1. I believe there are some of them, sure.

2. I am also sure that enough politicians pretend to fight for what they think makes them most likely to get elected again - independent of their real opinion.

Great, we're getting somewhere?


You agree that very few politicians support leave, they are just desperately trying to find a way to get themselves re-elected despite their opposition to the leave referendum result?

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

Great, we're getting somewhere?


You agree that very few politicians support leave, they are just desperately trying to find a way to get themselves re-elected despite their opposition to leave?

Who really knows?

I guess with some of them it's so mixed up that they don't even think about what they themselves think is good or bad for the country or themselves. Many will just have their position in mind and they make up their mind depending on what they think is best to keep that position or get a better one.


I am EU citizen but not from the UK. I follow Brexit but I don't follow ever detail of every UK politician. With many of them I don't see how what they do makes any sense. But then there are lots of people who vote for them.



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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I follow Brexit but I don't follow ever detail of every UK politician.

Me too and would only wish if a leaver politician would have the guts to take over No.10 and get on and leave one way or the other.

The problem as I have posted many times is a remainer in No.10 will not be taking a hard line with EU which is what's wanted.

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