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EC confident poll results will be announced by May 9


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EC confident poll results will be announced by May 9




Thailand’s Election Commission (EC) is confident that it will be able to announce, in the Royal Gazette, the official results of the March 24th general election by May 9th, the commission’s chairman, Mr. Itthiporn Boonprakong said today.


Announcement of the official results of the election has been delayed mainly by the EC’s indecision on the method of calculating the allocation of the 150 party-list seats as there are three possible formulae for calculation due to different interpretations of the Constitution and the MP election law.


The EC referred the matter to the Constitutional Court last month, but the court declined to rule on the matter, saying that the EC is fully empowered to decide by itself.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/ec-confident-poll-results-will-be-announced-by-may-9/




-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2019-05-02
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three possible formulae for calculation due to different interpretations of the Constitution and the MP election law.


That will be the one for you two for me interpretation Generally speaking????

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"It was earlier reported that the EC favoured the formula which will ensure that the (27 parties which receive fewer votes than the benchmark will get one seat each.)"


Why not just substitute the above bold print with...................................... Junta stay in power. 



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1 hour ago, webfact said:

official results of the March 24th general election by May 9th

46 days to massage the numbers? 


2 hours ago, webfact said:

three possible formulae for calculation due to different interpretations of the Constitution and the MP election law.

Obviously the constitution wasn't clearly written or is it because their math skills are far lower than the international average of 490 points. (2108 ranking is 55/70 countries).  Problem solving skills.........?

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

The EC referred the matter to the Constitutional Court last month, but the court declined to rule on the matter, saying that the EC is fully empowered to decide by itself.

Empowered and incompetent.  Sounds like the judges do not want any part of the mess. 

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2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Empowered and incompetent.  Sounds like the judges do not want any part of the mess. 

Not to forget that the Courts take forever to make rulings and that would automatically allow the junta to remain in control while awaiting the outcome.



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9 minutes ago, petermik said:

Yes but will it be the truth..the whole truth...and nothing but the truth :whistling:

Or as a friend used to say................


 "Yes but will it be the truth..the whole truth...and something like the truth".

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My wife's family are quite content for the junta to remain in power in whatever form.  Probably not democracy in action but they're happy with the status quo.  Can't say I blame them as life in LOS has been peaceful and fairly uneventful for the last few years.  There's definitely been some cleaning up which is a rarity for this country.  Anyway, not my country and it's up to the indigenous population and / or the massaging of the ballot result.

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Back in 2001, the judges had a decision to make. They could take a politically expedient choice that would run roughshod over the law, but please those who were in power, or they could make an unpopular ruling that was legally correct but likely to make them personally very unpopular. We all know what they decided to do, and the result of that poor decision gave us nearly 2 decades of divisive bickering and biased rulings. Just imagine how much better the country (probably) would be today had they decided back then that no, the written law is the law and we are going to enforce it as the primary concern with minimal bias. It likely would have set a precedent that changed the entire landscape of the country. Very sad they didn't have the courage.

Fast forward to today. The CC judges need to make a ruling. There is a politically expedient choice, and there is a choice that says we are going to follow the rule of law. Now, I don't know what exactly was written in the constitution vs. what was written in the organic bill on MP elections. And if they conflict I don't know how difficult it will be to go back and understand the intent of what was actually written, or which calculation truly represents the intent of those who designed the system. But I do know that if we don't stop reinterpreting laws as necessary for political reasons, this conflict is never going to end.

So whatever the judges do, I sure hope they base their decision on this algorithm solely on evidence that was provably written down and recorded before the election, and using principles of law that are respected everywhere. Any opinions voiced after the election should carry absolutely no weight. Whatever way they decide, the law needs to be respected, and they need to meticulously explain their ruling in a way that everyone can agree was right, even if it is unpopular. If they decide to reinvent the rules again to favor a politically expedient outcome I fear this chaos is never going to end.

I just hope they learned their lesson in 2001 and don't repeat the same mistakes again.

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6 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

My wife's family are quite content for the junta to remain in power in whatever form.  Probably not democracy in action but they're happy with the status quo.  Can't say I blame them as life in LOS has been peaceful and fairly uneventful for the last few years.

Well good for them. But uneventful? Do none of you watch what remains of the news or are you so besotted you simply don't care?

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