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46 minutes ago, 4675636b596f75 said:

In the 50's, my Grandfather sent my Aunt, his daughter, to buy 3 Oldsmobiles.  She had cash.  They ignored her because she was a young woman.  She showed them the cash and then went across town to another Oldsmobile Dealership.

If a person sees the opposite he is called a ?  The Olds dealer was trying to sell something to you.  Immigration is trying to rid the country of you because you look shabby.  Quite a difference actually. Eh?

5 minutes ago, connda said:

I agree with the policy of 'encouraging smartness', like picking a different country to sink your hard-earned money into supporting its GDP by inject outside capital into the country - and then being treated like a leper.
I support a Thai family and I'm treated like pond scum, just as the rest of you who support Thai wives or children, or sink capital into purchasing assets in Thailand as well as injecting foreigner capital into the currency markets.  If you're a foreign women supported by a Thai man - it's a different story.  More two-tiered discrimination, but par for the course.  Smarten Up!

Had I know the treatment I'd receive before I arrived, I'd never had married a Thai.  Too late now <but not really as I've a Plan B> but I've an extended family that relies on my and sunk assets - but my patience is only going so far - at some point I simply say, "Enough!".  So, Smarten Up - don't get into that sitituation.

However, for those who have not committed to investing in a family or assets in this xenophobic country - really dwell on the "why" you think this is some sort of paradise?  There are better places.  

So I agree with Thai Immigration.  Farangs!  Smarten Up -- you fools.  Oh, and dress nice for your masters too.

I can understand your problem.  I am treated well by my family, Thai people and Immigration.  If I wasn't I'd leave.  

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On 6/30/2019 at 2:58 PM, RJRS1301 said:

No shorts on men. ?? Is this Thailand?? "long shorts" are worn by men all over Thailand



Not when they visit government offices though! 



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14 minutes ago, sixlegs said:

And foreigners tell immigration go back to kindergarten and play your toys there instead.

I've never been treated with anything but professional courtesy by Immigration.  Why do you think you are treated poorly and I the opposite?  

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I miss the days of going in the backdoor at CM immigration with a basket of goodies... very nervous the first time until I saw the piles of stuff tucked under the desks... then they had the anti-corruption squad start reassigning staff... funny thing though, the brand new BMW convertible was still parked in the bosses's spot


the reality is that there is a very strict government running things now that will only tighten things to make them align with what they want. free wheeling happy farangs do not fit into that equation... embrace the dogma, or face the harsh consequences. take the time to put your papers in order, dress nice, smile, wai, and say kop at the end of every utterance


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18 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Yes, and it is not that they look down on. Unfortunately their are a few that visit immigration in 99 baht beach shorts, and then everybody else have to suffer the consequences. Same like with to many foreigners trying to live in Thailand on tourist visas, then the rules get harder and the ones that goes by the rules feel the squeeze.

The rules will always get harder, never easier no matter how tidy we are. This is Thailand, and we are just not wanted here, we are only tolerated for our money.

If we all started buying Elite Visas, it would be an entirely different story.

25 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I thought you were going to tell us that they went across the street and bought Pontiacs!

My Grandfather wouldn't be caught dead driving a Pontiac.

24 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

but what are they complaining about. The bad service , the staff who change the rules to suit themselves, and yet you say we should respect them ? I was taught respect was earned, and while i treat them with politeness, i think they have a long way to go before they earn my respect, especially when the cannot answer my questions on the rules, and when i ask why, they say they don't understand them themselves


I understand your point regarding respect - has to be earned and not expected. 


But people should care about their personal hygiene and appearance to. Some foreigners I've seen at immigration have been dirty, smelly, unkempt, and dressed like they've just crawled out the jungle following a three week binge.


Appearances are important - look like a slob, expect to be treated like one.

9 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I can understand your problem.  I am treated well by my family, Thai people and Immigration.  If I wasn't I'd leave.  

So am i

They don't care about my clothes, only how well i treat them , and my money too, lol

1 hour ago, Quack said:

Don't be ridiculous the immigration officers couldn't care less as long as u are clean and polite. This edict is just from bored idiot who's higher up 


You reckon?


Do some research on the importance of appearance, perceptions and initial impressions.


As an example, go in a UK police station in jeans and t-shirt and they'll call you "mate" or some such. Go in a nice suit, formal shirt and tie and it's "sir". 

  • Like 1
23 hours ago, Vacuum said:

But normally not in Immi offices.


Edit:  just noticed that this was concerning Pattaya Immi.

so it makes a difference being Pattaya as opposed to another immigration office? Is that what you mean?

12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

The rules will always get harder, never easier no matter how tidy we are. This is Thailand, and we are just not wanted here, we are only tolerated for our money.

If we all started buying Elite Visas, it would be an entirely different story.

The past 4 years my time getting my retirement extension has gone down each year to 12 minutes this year for a new record.  I don't do 90 day reports anymore so that has gone down 100%.  

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23 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Everyone laughs at me but I have been saying this for years.


I ALWAYS dress like I am going to a very important business meeting when I go to immigration or the bank or any Thai government location.


And it does make a very big difference. Dressing like a slob sends a message that you are disrespecting the Thai people. 


Incredible that I still see farangs wearing shorts and tee shirts to immigration and especially to the bank to open accounts.   

Sorry but why is wearing shorts and T shirt dressing like a slob? It is the most practical and sensible dress for the climate and worn by many many Thai men. The stores are full of smart, fashionable shorts and T shirts for Thais so how can it be disrespectful to them to wear them? If u specifed (old) swimming shorts and a 'running' vest type T shirt exposing tattoos and sweaty hairy armpits then I would agree with u. Of course looking smart when u want to obtain something like a bank account or a visa or annual extension makes sense and the dumbarses who dont will be the ones who suffer. But I would say that smart shorts and collared shirt is also adequate for that. I always wear a collar and tie for my passport photo to impress officials when abroad and to perhaps counteract my more 'casual' appearance, but the last passport photo requirements demanded a close up which cuts this out so there is no need to bother with that in future.

23 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I always wear Calvin Klein. And they are not fake. Thais know the difference.

Sorry, but this is BS! I always have original Versace or Armani T- shirts or Polo shirts, but Thais do not know shit about this. For Thais you look important and rich only if you have big gold!

  • Haha 1
17 hours ago, poohy said:

My last visit from memory was dressed in dress shorts polo shirt and dock shoes as it was stupidly hot

Normally i would wear my levis jeans 5 years old and normal long sleeved shirt (all clean and fresh)


I would happily wear both to meet clients and probably both sets of clothes cost more than an IM offices monthly wages 

At the end of the day remember they are there to serve US!

Your last sentence, that's the way it should be, but this being Thailand, I'm not so sure.

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I always wear Calvin Klein. And they are not fake. Thais know the difference.



I have to question what are you doing with the IO for him know what brand you are wearing, and if you being entertain to him, he would not be bored enough to feel the fabric

37 minutes ago, connda said:

I agree with the policy of 'encouraging smartness', like picking a different country to sink your hard-earned money into supporting its GDP by inject outside capital into the country - and then being treated like a leper.
I support a Thai family and I'm treated like pond scum, just as the rest of you who support Thai wives or children, or sink capital into purchasing assets in Thailand as well as injecting foreigner capital into the currency markets.  If you're a foreign women supported by a Thai man - it's a different story.  More two-tiered discrimination, but par for the course.  Smarten Up!

Had I know the treatment I'd receive before I arrived, I'd never had married a Thai.  Too late now <but not really as I've a Plan B> but I've an extended family that relies on my and sunk assets - but my patience is only going so far - at some point I simply say, "Enough!".  So, Smarten Up - don't get into that sitituation.

However, for those who have not committed to investing in a family or assets in this xenophobic country - really dwell on the "why" you think this is some sort of paradise?  There are better places.  

So I agree with Thai Immigration.  Farangs!  Smarten Up -- you fools.  Oh, and dress nice for your masters too.

Great post, and what you stated is 100% true.  

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16 hours ago, champers said:


Gees, and here's me thinking Peltin Elton was bad and now I hear this from my own country.????

  • Haha 1
38 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I can understand your problem.  I am treated well by my family, Thai people and Immigration.  If I wasn't I'd leave.  

It wasn't that long ago you were asking people for cities to move to in the states.  My guess is you have a Thai relative working in immigration that is taking care of you or one of your family members found one for you.  


Anyone with half a brain can see what immigration is doing to get rid of western retirees.  By the end of the year, immigration will impose more restrictions on westerners.  There are still westerners in denial but they should be waking up soon.  Enjoy you time in La La Land.

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3 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Saluting and coming to attention and piping the admiral aboard are signs of respect.  No way to know if the person is an idiot or not.  

Always respected the cap badge, not necessarily the person wearing it.

38 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You reckon?


Do some research on the importance of appearance, perceptions and initial impressions.


As an example, go in a UK police station in jeans and t-shirt and they'll call you "mate" or some such. Go in a nice suit, formal shirt and tie and it's "sir". 

So you think you need to be called "Sir" . I just want them to do the job i need doing, quickly, while being polite as any public servant should be. Sir or Mate has no bearing on how good they are at their jobs, and would still treat them with the respect, or lack off, that they deserve

Spent too many years listening to smart suited bullshitters looking the part, but unable to do anything else

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Just been to Jomtien Immi this afternoon to get my 1 year extension and a single re-entry permit. Took less than an hour, plus the 30 minutes in there on Friday, but I digress.

I had a good look round while waiting for my passport and I would say that 80% of males wore shorts, 20% trousers. Shorts for me too.

Some Immi staff wore jeans, including those with the rips in them (as fashion). Some of the ladies wore the full uniform (fantasy overload, well maybe if they were 20 years younger).

  • Thanks 1
17 minutes ago, connda said:

You have lower standards than I.  

Being since 2000 permanently here, till now nothing has changed for me :

I still can obtain a Letter of Income. 

So no money in a Thai bank, no 65000 transfer at least, monthly. 

My yearly visit to Immigration (in long pants and shirt with long sleeves) for my extension take 5 minutes to the officer to been approved (Waiting time not included). 

I do my 90 days report on line. 

When travel I stay in places where they are familiar with the TM30. 

My only problem is that I now receive 25% less for my Euro. 

But at 70+ now my desiderata are no more what they were. 

Of course being in Thailand I know everything can change tomorrow. 

Therefore I have a plan B and even C. 

But I hope I will not be obligated to use them. 




There has been a similar sign at my local Immigration Office for years, but nobody seems to take any notice. There is even a sign on the door asking people NOT to remove their shoes!


The staff are always dressed "casually but smart", and personally I always wear a short sleeved shirt and a pair of long trousers - my personal choice as I believe that the way things are going, a tetchy I.O. could turn you away and send you home like a naughty schoolchild to get changed before dealing with your application for whatever it is that you require!

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