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Expat group launches online petition calling for TM.30 to be scrapped

Jonathan Fairfield

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If you want to start another petition. How about one that all Immigration Offices provide the same service the same way in a uniform standard method, instead of each office doing their own thing. That would be a very helpful beginning.

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13 hours ago, z42 said:

Good luck and all power to them. The requirements are cumbersome at best and completely unnecessary at worst.

I spoke to my provincial office on behalf of a number of foreign workers in mg province, and in all fairness the officers weren't thrilled with the arrangement but were duty bound to enforce and show results.


Again it'll be Thais complaining about excessive enforcement that'll have it reined in. But i can't envisage that happening for a while yet.


So the shit show will continue unabated

Well, first the text of the letter should be corrected.  Long stay foreigners do not apply every year for a 'visa extension'.  The one year requirement is to apply for an 'extension of stay'.  The visa has already expired.

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4 minutes ago, MJKT2014 said:

Nothing on the terms says you cannot use a fake email address. Seems to work - so the count cannot be exact if everyone does this? I don't want my ID revealed as it seems too risky with IO watching! I have a wife an kids here and peed off at threats of TM30 fines to me when it is a landlords responsibility.

Use an alias that forwards to your real email.   You must verify your email to submit your petition. 

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24 minutes ago, CaptainJack said:

What in my opinion,  everyone needs to understand, is that that over the last seven months, the very viability and value of the western expatriate community has been diminished and attacked.  The reasons why and the details are irrelevant.   What matters is this is an existential threat to the future of western expatriates in Thailand.   


If left unchecked and allowed to continue,  the western expatriate community as well as tourism and business will fade away.  We have a few brave individuals who have stepped forward to herald this issue and ask for a resolution.   Let's get on board.  The details may not be exactly correct,  but the essence is real and undeniable.   


Stand together now, or be divided and eventually made to leave.

The rules do not just apply to western expatriates but all expatriates, Chinese,Korean etc etc. So perhaps the petition should be in multiple languages.

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4 hours ago, lkv said:

I think that, people that wrote this petition, should have watched the Thai language TM30 video first, understand the key rhetoric that is being used as justification for the enforcement of TM30, and work on that angle (if possible), instead of working on "inconveniencing the foreigner" angle.



Seems to imply foreigners are terrorists and will go around blowing things up. Scare mongering at best. 

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13 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

the new rules applied at

immigration are causing huge problems for the foreigner community and some of whom who have lived here and have caused no problems at all with the Thai authorities.

Not a great example of the English language...a "sentence" is a string of words when put together make sense....unfortunately this is not the case here.

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13 hours ago, jackdd said:

Foreigners who entered Thailand under section 34, this is probably everybody here, are exempt from this 24 hours reporting when going to another province under section 37

So what is article 34 ?

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12 hours ago, evadgib said:

It could do with being a lot shorter IMO & I'd like to have seen realistic references to the problems caused by the exchange rate & perhaps a suggestion to grant PR to married/retired/working foreigners after say 3 years of trouble-free living in the Kingdom.

Just my 2p 


Has anyone ever considered that this may in actual fact start dialog with falangs, I am all for it, have signed and will be waiting to see what comes of it.


Personally, I don't think the Thai's are as hard in the head, thick maybe, as most negative comments suggest.


If in fact it does start a dialog, this could open up a hell of a lot more flexibility with forms to do with immigration, I mean do you think the top brass know exactly what's going on, on our side, and perhaps how unhappy a lot of Xpats are, (Yes leave if your not happy, bla bla one responder suggested), do they actually know about the 90 days reporting and what an inconvenience and waste of time it is for us, have they asked themselves is it really necessary, they know where we live, do away with it, replace it with the Alien must report to immigration within 7 days of changing address or they will be fined 30,000 baht or could have their right to stay in Thailand cancelled, problem solved, and how many farangs do you think would forget, it's sorts the problem, immigration can ask upon application of extension, do you still at the same address, ah, yes, ah, no, NO !!!!, this is your 1st warning, do it again and your up sheet creek, 30,000 baht fine or deporting you.

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1 hour ago, CaptainJack said:

Don't be afraid!

Agreed. Has anyone ever read the T&C for Facebook, Twitter, Line etc. You own nothing and your data can be used for targeted adds etc. So what. 

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12 minutes ago, Mel52 said:

So you’re supposed to report to immigration if you’re spending a few nights somewhere in another province I’ve literally never done that and I’ve never had any problems for not doing it. Lol in fact I’ve never heard of that rule before. But anyway yeah good luck.



same here

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If we have a way to get one or more ambassadors on board - it could help get more attention.  Also, hopefully the various / larger Chambers of Commerce?


Even if they dont make a total change in the law, ease of compliance would help a lot.

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13 hours ago, jackdd said:

Section 37 = form TM28 not TM30

Foreigners who entered Thailand under section 34, this is probably everybody here, are exempt from this 24 hours reporting when going to another province under section 37.


The author should understand the laws before making a petition about them.

Also, someone should re-write the petition before sumission as the English is pretty bad!

Not playing grammar police but, given that the Thai's (mis) use of English is often the source of ridicule on this very prominent forum, I think that any such petition should be asolutely correct.

Good luck with it!

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5 minutes ago, tpkhk said:

If we have a way to get one or more ambassadors on board - it could help get more attention.  Also, hopefully the various / larger Chambers of Commerce?


Even if they dont make a total change in the law, ease of compliance would help a lot.

I sent the link to the President of one of the Chamber of Commerce's. No reply yet.

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2 hours ago, inThailand said:

As with many things here there is short lived enforcement push. Most likley the TM30 enforcement will return to it was before, an unenforced law. No need to stir the pot. 



Not now they have done this it wont. I cant see what everyone's problem is with TM30, its easily done on the app. 2 minute job every time you enter the country, once you get your username and password from immigration after registering first time.

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12 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

They better clean up the comment section where a comment posted  IO's are called clowns and a female officer is called a bitch.


That won't go over well lol 

and clean up your comment


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13 hours ago, simon43 said:

Even if immigration ignore this petition, they may not be able to ignore the media reports about this petition.


I've signed it.... but am leaving Thailand on 8th August ????


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2 minutes ago, stillhereandlovinit said:

Not now they have done this it wont. I cant see what everyone's problem is with TM30, its easily done on the app. 2 minute job every time you enter the country, once you get your username and password from immigration after registering first time.

Been waiting a week for my password so far.  Some say takes 6 weeks and some say never got one. In the mean time you will get fined and/or visa extension denied until someone pays the fine. 

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14 hours ago, jackdd said:

Section 37 = form TM28 not TM30

Foreigners who entered Thailand under section 34, this is probably everybody here, are exempt from this 24 hours reporting when going to another province under section 37.


The author should understand the laws before making a petition about them.

good point, but nice to  see someone/some people are going to try to make things easier.(if possible here), if I go to my lady friends flat in Bkk, which she rents from a guy then HE should tell Imm who I am and why I am there (well I think that is what should happen)

same if I go stay with friends in C M....at a house....they should tell Imm who I am and why visiting them....

It really is ridiculous state of affairs

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