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Study shows fewer than half of Thailand’s motorcycle users wear helmets


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Study shows fewer than half of Thailand’s motorcycle users wear helmets




Despite non-stop campaigning by the government and road safety advocacy organizations since 2011 to get motorcyclists and pillion riders to wear crash helmets, only 45% of motorcycle users wear them. According to findings, by the Thai Roads Foundation and Road Safety Watch network, under the sponsorship of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health), Thai motorcyclist are among the worst in ASEAN for disregarding both the law and their own safety.


Dr. Werapan Supanchaimart, vice chairman of Thai Health, said at a seminar today that the Thai Roads Foundation and Road Safety Watch network had been studying the helmet wearing behavior of both motorcyclists and pillion riders for nine years by gauging the opinions of more than 1.5 million of them across the country in urban and rural areas.


The findings show that the number of people wearing crash helmets does not vary much from year to year. 52% of motorcyclists and 22% of pillion riders wear crash helmets, or an average of 45% of all bike riders, said Mr. Natthapong Boontob, director of the Thai Roads Foundation. Survey results for the past three years show Chiang Mai has the highest rate of crash helmet users in the northern region, at 53%. 59% in Nonthaburi for the central and eastern regions and 61% Phuket for the southern region.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/study-shows-fewer-than-half-of-thailands-motorcycle-users-wear-helmets/




-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2019-07-31
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A true reflection of their contempt for the rule of law and also the dysfunctionality of the constabulary! Make your bed, lie in it!



Edited by PatOngo
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9 minutes ago, mikebell said:

So all Pattaya's police stick-ups have come to nothing?  Fancy having such a futile job that merely incites hatred!

I wouldn't say nothing, I'm sure plenty of money changed hands!

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2 hours ago, brokenbone said:

unless you get the government funded hospital to treat for free,

its a personal decision to wear helmet imo,

it shouldnt be a law about it,

and foreigners should definitely be exempt altogether, the day wont come when we get free health care

Only if as a car driver your not liable if you kill a motorcyclist without a helmet. (if he/she could have survived with one). In one party accidents its all fine but if you as a driver kill a motorcyclist your in a lot of trouble compensation / dangerous driving and that kind of stuff. I think that then it should be taken in consideration if the motorcyclist wears a helmet or not.


I always wear one unless in the gated village where i live but everyone goes slow and the distances are real short. I indeed see loads of people wearing helmets in my (notaburi) area so the 59% could certainly be true as what they found at my location.

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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

Only if as a car driver your not liable if you kill a motorcyclist without a helmet. (if he/she could have survived with one). In one party accidents its all fine but if you as a driver kill a motorcyclist your in a lot of trouble compensation / dangerous driving and that kind of stuff. I think that then it should be taken in consideration if the motorcyclist wears a helmet or not.


I always wear one unless in the gated village where i live but everyone goes slow and the distances are real short. I indeed see loads of people wearing helmets in my (notaburi) area so the 59% could certainly be true as what they found at my location.

that is an insurance issue altogether, its the insurance company that pays up

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3 hours ago, brokenbone said:

unless you get the government funded hospital to treat for free,

its a personal decision to wear helmet imo,

it shouldnt be a law about it,

and foreigners should definitely be exempt altogether, the day wont come when we get free health care

What a strange comment.


"treat for free" !!! Doesn't really matter if you're dead.

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I believe it's either Vietnam or Cambodia where 100% of motorcyclists wear helmets....why...because if they are found not wearing one...their bike is confiscated... End of problem.

I think it's Vietnam. Or so I've heard or read.

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6 minutes ago, neeray said:

What a strange comment.


"treat for free" !!! Doesn't really matter if you're dead.

that is my choice, and none is forced to pay,

ergo theres no logic behind this law,

at least not for those that dont fall under compulsory help with tax money

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Thailand is hot. Helmet makes the head hotter.. In the country I never see Farmer Somchai his wife and 3 kids wearing helmets on their 125hp Honda. You also never ever see a cop unless there is a murder or something..


The people who are dressed for work and have a short commute have a social media network declaring where the police are doing a helmet or license check.  HAHA License as some (more than most would think) can not be bothered to spend the time to get a license.. The policing in Thailand is.....different to say the least.. Motorcycle cop passed riders not wearing a helmet... Avoid eye contact and carry on as not a word is said ...


As far as I am concerned it should be a natural selection process and not a law as many people chose not to wear one for whatever reason.. .. Of course that can not be the way as it would turn the side road helmet checks into a non money making proposition. 

Real shoes, gloves, and leathers are also a great advantage if you have an accident on a bike just as proper roads, traffic turn lanes and lights seem to help.. IMO

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