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Advice sought on serious drug matter


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He could just be a naive guy, getting scammed, who decided to pad his resume with the detective lie or something, trying to build credibility here.  I find it odd that he would have made that other post about the bribe with the brother, if something isn’t going on around him.

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On 18 August 2019 at 9:51 PM, amykat said:

No evidence other than her being in the house?  Well she LIVED in the house I suppose for over a year, since I’m guessing they lived together for at least the time she was pregnant and until the baby was three months?  Probably much longer?  That was probably not the first time they had drugs in the house and just unluckily got busted?  Let me think deeply now ...2 kilos of weed, I believe that has quite a strong smell does it not??  


What was was he doing, selling small quantities to people, or transporting larger quantities around for someone ...oh, you never thought to ask?  That is strange, seems you would know every detail.  Or she gave you stupid answers like  ...too hard to translate ...Thai culture can’t explain.  In Thai relationships and Thai households there is NO privacy so I think it is pretty impossible that she had no idea what was going on.  That does not mean necessarily that I think she deserves to do jail time but that your story does not make sense. So either you are getting massively scammed or you are trolling which I’m starting to believe more due to you adding this line about you being a detective, that seems doubtful.  Detective of what?


Next, when two criminals do a crime together, they don’t have a lot of credibility to just SAY well the other guy wasn’t involved.  Obviously a man will have some motivation to want to save his woman and child even if she was involved.  Also it is highly convenient to have one of you out of jail to take care of the kid and to take care of the person in jail.  Like her now, she has a high paying gig as your live in lover and she can support him in jail and the kid so he will want to support that lifestyle. 


I guess you never ever met any women who had partners in prison in your 25 year career?? Never chatted with parolees?  Guys in prison ..nothing??  Never saw the long line of women visiting?


As to your comment that she can’t recognize weed, well that is just ridiculous, you are claiming I guess that she has never seen a music video, movies, etc where people also smoke cigars, etc???


You have failed to tell us where you are located but want us to give you a lawyer to see?  How will that work?  


You never answered if you can verify anything ...have you visited boyfriend in jail, seen girlfriend’s paperwork, where is baby, what does her Father and Mother do for a living?  Sometimes the people who do these things are more like middle class Thais, and they have the connections they need, and the ways to borrow money to pay their way out, and then they actually sometimes learn a lesson from that large financial penalty.  They do these things because they want a BMW, not because they don’t have food.  They would much rather have you pay off the penalties, but the penalties will just be higher because they are according to your ability to pay, for one thing, but also you need connections and you don’t have them ...if your story and her story is real.


The best thing that happens usually is that she will get a suspended sentence with probation.  Maybe her boyfriend already worked that deal somehow and you don’t know?  But they will get you to pay some fake bribes and bank the money.  When ever you pay bribes, you are at risk of getting them stolen and never getting to the right people when you have no connections and trust.  People in the right places don’t want to take bribes from strangers, they only take them from people well known to them ...it is a complicated situation and with many people getting a part of the money when a case is already this far gone.


Maybe you think this sounds like a fun adventure ...old stories you read about 3rd world this and that, white knight, save your woman, fall in love, whatever happens you will just buy your way out ...no biggie ...I think you will find out this is not Cambodia 20 years ago.  There are some serious things going on here and a new sheriff in town now.

Yeah, wasn't offering up my resume for critique.  You could fill a book with what has been left out.  


The purpose of the post is to seek sound legal opinion on which to base decisions, so just the bare bones were included.   If you happen to know any legal people with specific knowledge and experience in the relevant field, that would be great.

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18 hours ago, ericthai said:

Good Luck with that, Most are crooks.  My friend was introduced to what was said to be a good lawyer by a Thai friend. He paid 150,000 deposit and nothing ever happened. My friend would go to the office and be told the lawyer wasn't in, Phone Calls to the office, he got nowhere. He tried to get the police to help but, they wont do anything.  Most cops in Thailand only work when it benefits them.


Thanks.  Good point 

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On 8/19/2019 at 12:56 PM, bbi1 said:

LOL.....CLOSING the OP's previous thread talking about bribery and this exact same thread is about bribery it's still open and going strong lol.....


Old closed thread which was brought up earlier by someone else on Page 5 of this thread: 


sounds like he may have paid that previous bribe and/or was at least told about it making it his business.


now another situation presents itself...


not sure what the brothers problems have to do with the op. i would just blackball the discussion altogether if his partner brings it up. what happens happens.


if the thais want to do the emeshed family problems thing thats their biz. i would stick to the foreigner way and figure you partnered with just your girl and not her family. take it or leave it.

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On 8/18/2019 at 8:31 AM, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Having actually met a public prosecutor - there is ZERO chance she would ever drop a case for money. She has been stabbed twice for refusing to take bribes, and abhors corruption.


You are literally a detective and you can't tell you're being played?



From experience - any Thai girl who would move in with you and accept an allowance immediately upon meeting you is a prostitute. She might call you and her past 30 sponsors "boyfriend" but in reality she's with you for the money, period. If the money is gone then so will she. That type of girl is far from naive. Quite often they have Thai boyfriends or husbands who they call "brother" or "uncle" to ease your suspicions. Almost always involved with drugs and other shady stuff.


But then again, no one can be this naive... surely you are just trolling.

Trolling or a newbie in Thailand?

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1 hour ago, metempsychotic said:

If anyone doubted that thaivisa is a culture of fear, this thread is proof. 

Pretty blatant and serious injustice here, despite the strong convictions of some armchair critics armed with limit information.  I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror if I didn't at least try to do something.  

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Why would any sane human take on a relationship and play daddy to a kid of a convicted drug dealer in LOS? upset that kid and it gets back to his real dad you could be in a world of pain.Mother charged as well because she was in on it, of course she knew and hero farang fresh on the scene inserts himself right in the middle.. insane!

Edited by madmen
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4 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Relax everyone it's just a bit of pot.She'll probably get off with a slap on the wrist and next year it will be legal.I dunno but does the term mountains out of mole hills ring a bell?

"just a bit" versus kilos - invalidates your hope.

The quantity involved in this case makes the consequences nontrivial.

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14 minutes ago, timendres said:

"just a bit" versus kilos - invalidates your hope.

The quantity involved in this case makes the consequences nontrivial.

It's now listed as a medicine so circumstances are changing and the attitudes will change with it,so she was caught with 2 kilos of medicine hopefully the changes come fast enough for Mick's partner.2 kilos of pot is trivial compared to the carnage and chaos on Thai roads. 



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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

It's now listed as a medicine so circumstances are changing and the attitudes will change with it,so she was caught with 2 kilos of medicine hopefully the changes come fast enough for Mick's partner.2 kilos of pot is trivial compared to the carnage and chaos on Thai roads. 



its not black and white as it sounds, To poses and grow, you require to register and gain special license.


Sure its not as severe as ice or yabba, but still caries heavy penalties.

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19 minutes ago, BestB said:

its not black and white as it sounds, To poses and grow, you require to register and gain special license.


Sure its not as severe as ice or yabba, but still caries heavy penalties.

Granted it is still in a transitional period which makes a case like this at this time interesting to me to try and get an idea what the courts position will be,to see if they are taking a softer approach.

Even if it was black and white there would still be shades of grey as this is Thailand.

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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Granted it is still in a transitional period which makes a case like this at this time interesting to me to try and get an idea what the courts position will be,to see if they are taking a softer approach.

Even if it was black and white there would still be shades of grey as this is Thailand.

Shades of grey only appear when donations are being made. Not too sure what transition you referring to, its very clear to posses you must be registered with medical support and to grow you must be licensed.



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On 8/17/2019 at 6:14 PM, Mick501 said:

Fairly extreme suggestion.  Could you please explain why you think that is the way to go?

never ever get involved with drugs here, even if they are sitting on a far away horizon, you may end up as a fall guy or as her banker, walk away.

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You have choice to make.

1.  Stay with her and this very bad situation. In which case this will cost you tons of money paid to the system which you will never get back.... and/or serious men knocking on your door perhaps in the middle of the night. (Police or criminals.) You do not want that to happen.

2.  Get a new SIM card, pack your stuff and get far away. The other side of the country.  That might not even be good enough. You might want another country. 

   Do not tell her or anyone else that you are leaving, or where you are going. 

   Now is the time to cover your ass and protect yourself. 

    Good luck. Whatever you decide ....like they say:  “Up to you.” 

Edited by Catoni
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29 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Granted it is still in a transitional period which makes a case like this at this time interesting to me to try and get an idea what the courts position will be,to see if they are taking a softer approach.

Even if it was black and white there would still be shades of grey as this is Thailand.

It is not legal and there will be no softer approach anywhere in the world as long as police,  politicians and criminals benefit from its illegal status.

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23 minutes ago, BestB said:

Shades of grey only appear when donations are being made. Not too sure what transition you referring to, its very clear to posses you must be registered with medical support and to grow you must be licensed.



I'm referring to the path that I hope Thailand takes in following places like Canada and the states in the US that have gone for full legalisation of cannabis including recreational use.I have reached around a little bit on the net and there a reports(unsubstantiated)that many in the government want this for the perceived financial benefits it may bring.So I think (more of a hope I know) that we are in transition to full legalisation of recreational use.I used to drink a lot in my younger days I also smoked a lot of pot as well and much prefer pot to the hangover.

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On 8/17/2019 at 8:08 PM, timendres said:

This can only happen before the case moves to the court. Once there, seriously not likely.

The prosecutor can withdraw and drop the charges under some particular reason during the case. Can say lack of evidence or some odd reason. 

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5 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

It is not legal and there will be no softer approach anywhere in the world as long as police,  politicians and criminals benefit from its illegal status.

Yes valid point but in roads are being made as evidenced by the places that have changed their tune.

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5 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Yes valid point but in roads are being made as evidenced by the places that have changed their tune.

A few estimates from qualified people put the range at 2-5 years with a guilty plea.  Double that with a failed defence.

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If the OP (Mick501) is STILL seriously contemplating adopting this girl, problem and maybe her Thai kid for what could be a lengthy prison sentence, then the previous 11 pages of advice have been a waste of everyone's time. Probably not a troll thread, unless the one on July 22nd was a pre-cursor to warm us up.

Really Mick, dump the lass and save yo ass! 

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