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PM orders analysis to tackle national poverty

Jonathan Fairfield

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

Prime Ministers don't "order" they lead and work on solutions 


Orders are issued in the military - stand to attention...……………..make the baht go down lol


Not here sport! Yingluck was always dishing orders out to solve things in short timescales; often to morons like Chalerm.


Political parties are always "demanding this that and the other" along with individual MP's doing the same.


Maybe it's the translations? Or maybe just part of the dog and pony show for the peons.

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27 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Not here sport! Yingluck was always dishing orders out to solve things in short timescales; often to morons like Chalerm.


Political parties are always "demanding this that and the other" along with individual MP's doing the same.


Maybe it's the translations? Or maybe just part of the dog and pony show for the peons.

And........... right on cue.................

But but but Yingluck..............

Jeez do you ever stop?

The topic is Mr P, poverty and 2019..........

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13 hours ago, Brigand said:

Stop the 1% from owning close to everything and driving further into the ground everyone who is not lucky by birth right.

You can educate ignorance, medicate insanity but there is no hope for stupidity.  80% of the worlds millionaires are first generation.  Not members of the "lucky sperm club"  If you look at the areas of the world where the poorest are the poorest look no further than those socialist countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia.  China once embraced socialism and drove over 1 billion people into poverty.  They now embrace capitalism and have the second largest economy in the world.  You want "everyone" to escape poverty?  Use the basic laws of economics.  You tax things like cigarettes and liquor you want to discourage and you subsidize things like electric cars you want to flourish.  Instead the liberals want to tax those who are productive and subsidize those who are not productive - just the opposite of what is needed.  Encourage people with incentives to start businesses, give the people a good education and skills training, and then let those who produce jobs flourish.  So what if they get wealthy.  Would you liberal types be happier if every business in the world collapsed and then "we could all be equal"  Winston Churchill said the inherent evil of capitalism is that it divides wealth unequally.  The inherent virtue of socialism is that it divides poverty equally. 

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5 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

You can educate ignorance, medicate insanity but there is no hope for stupidity.  80% of the worlds millionaires are first generation.  Not members of the "lucky sperm club"  If you look at the areas of the world where the poorest are the poorest look no further than those socialist countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia.  China once embraced socialism and drove over 1 billion people into poverty.  They now embrace capitalism and have the second largest economy in the world.  You want "everyone" to escape poverty?  Use the basic laws of economics.  You tax things like cigarettes and liquor you want to discourage and you subsidize things like electric cars you want to flourish.  Instead the liberals want to tax those who are productive and subsidize those who are not productive - just the opposite of what is needed.  Encourage people with incentives to start businesses, give the people a good education and skills training, and then let those who produce jobs flourish.  So what if they get wealthy.  Would you liberal types be happier if every business in the world collapsed and then "we could all be equal"  Winston Churchill said the inherent evil of capitalism is that it divides wealth unequally.  The inherent virtue of socialism is that it divides poverty equally. 

What about if the 1% includes a lot of the "stupid".

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2 hours ago, robjohns458 said:

The goverment has to start some where.  It is amazing how critical folks are regardless of what and how they try to make changes and perhaps improvements.  Thailand is still a developing country and as with all developing countries there will be corruption and mistakes made. It isn't as though countries like the USA are not without their own warts and corruption. 

The problem is that all the development is "development in the size of the bank accounts of the few". And just what is the means/source of this development?


Just like the March 24 election, nothing is/was acquired fair and square.


The impoverished do not have the same opportunity.

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15 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

You can educate ignorance, medicate insanity but there is no hope for stupidity.  80% of the worlds millionaires are first generation.  Not members of the "lucky sperm club"  If you look at the areas of the world where the poorest are the poorest look no further than those socialist countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia.  China once embraced socialism and drove over 1 billion people into poverty.  They now embrace capitalism and have the second largest economy in the world.  You want "everyone" to escape poverty?  Use the basic laws of economics.  You tax things like cigarettes and liquor you want to discourage and you subsidize things like electric cars you want to flourish.  Instead the liberals want to tax those who are productive and subsidize those who are not productive - just the opposite of what is needed.  Encourage people with incentives to start businesses, give the people a good education and skills training, and then let those who produce jobs flourish.  So what if they get wealthy.  Would you liberal types be happier if every business in the world collapsed and then "we could all be equal"  Winston Churchill said the inherent evil of capitalism is that it divides wealth unequally.  The inherent virtue of socialism is that it divides poverty equally. 

What about socialist Norway, Denmark, Sweden, etc? 

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5 minutes ago, cmsally said:

What about if the 1% includes a lot of the "stupid".

Cmsally, if you are in the 1% I would say you just validated your argument.  If it is "so easy" to be one of those 80% of the millionaires who is first generation wealthy that no problem.  Stop complaining and become a millionaire.  Jeff Bezos started Amazon in his garage.  Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college to create Microsoft and Apple.  Mark Zuckerberg was just a college hack who had the idea of a way to meet other people when he created Facebook.  It is a shallow person who somehow feels elevated by ripping down the achievements of others because of their own failures.  I do not envy those people, I admire them for they were able to achieve something spectacular.  Perhaps you fail to grasp this but yes Sam Walton was a billionaire, over 3 million people today have some job that provides for them because of his success.  Those towns where the stores are, get property taxes, sales taxes, and income taxes from the workers.  The vendors that supply those stores have jobs that put roofs over their heads, food on their table, and clothes on their backs too.  If someone can become part of the 1% and be stupid, then no problem, stop complaining.  Their obviously is not impediment to success.  

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14 hours ago, Brigand said:

Lol, he actually needs to have it analyzed to figure it out. It is stunningly obvious. How about making a fairer society that gives people a chance to work hard and get out of the poverty trap and break the cycle for their offspring? Stop the 1% from owning close to everything and driving further into the ground everyone who is not lucky by birth right. A re-balance of the social justice scales is long overdue PM and releasing feel-good news statements like this just doesn't cut it. If you really cared your puppet masters would have you sidelined and replaced.  

The lucky at birth starts at the very top

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2 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

What about socialist Norway, Denmark, Sweden, etc? 

Yes Norway, Sweden and Denmark have more social programs.  That does not mean they are socialist.  Their economies are still capitalistic and there is disparity between occupations and incomes.  With that said, have you ever been to one of those countries.  I have.  A Big Mac, medium fries, and a soft drink is over $500 Baht.  Why? Because they tax everything so much to pay for those social programs.  If it was not for Norway's oil wealth their standard of living would be noticeably less.  In the USA people in Alaska don't pay taxes because of its oil wealth. Also, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are cutting back on their social safety net.  Why? Because as Margaret Thatcher so accurately said,  Eventually you run out of other peoples money.  You want an experiment in socialism, try this with your children.  Ask half of them who wants a job around the house for $10 per hour.  After 10 hours pay each of them $100 but then confiscate $50 from each and give that to the children who did not work.  See how many of your children offer to work the next time. 

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Close all brothels fronting as bars and stop pimping your nation's daughters to old creepy sexpats for marriage to improve their economic situations. 


a) It improves Thailand's image for not being the land of sex and may attract more quality tourists. 

b) It attracts family tourism rather than single man tourism who frequent bars to ogle young girls.

c) It prevents old sexpats to come Thailand to find a mate that they could not find in their home country.

d) By depriving the only opportunity exists for girls to escape poverty, it forces them to get an education, work and improve nations' productivity.

e) It reduces crime, sexually transmitted diseases, and a safe heaven for criminals to hide. 

Edited by onera1961
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Analysis!!!! to tackle national poverty??? Take a look in any village and poverty is staring at you from almost every door. Make a start with a decent education where a child is encouraged to ask questions. Every Thai teacher in the land would have 40 fits if they had to teach, instead of forcing their will.

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Doin' it American style.  Spend a load of money studying poverty.  When asked "what are you doing to fight poverty?" they can proudly say "we are doing a study."  The study will not be completed until the present gov't is out of office (do they have term limits here?) and the outcome will be the burden of the next one.  (This is pretty much what the then US president did when the AIDS epidemic was emerging in the 1980s.)  Or the report comes in, statements like "these problems need to be addressed!" and then everyone forgets about it after a week or two. 

No one would say "those billions spent on the study could have been spent actually dealing with some obvious cases" because, well, that would be critical, wouldn't it?



Edited by bendejo
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54 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

After 10 hours pay each of them $100 but then confiscate $50 from each and give that to the children who did not work.  See how many of your children offer to work the next time. 


Yes, indeed!    Good example. 


But will "they" listen or change their thinking?  No, of course not.  Why not?  I wish I knew.  @Thomas J do you have any thoughts on why the vast majority of everyone, everywhere, can not see the obvious ? ? ?

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58 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Analysis is a massive weakness of Thai institutions. .... The system here is the top man decides what he wants and then the policy follows what the top man says.... Deference is the major weakness off the East in general


Neat summary.  Thank you, @Pedrogaz

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Not here sport! Yingluck was always dishing orders out to solve things in short timescales; often to morons like Chalerm.


Political parties are always "demanding this that and the other" along with individual MP's doing the same.


Maybe it's the translations? Or maybe just part of the dog and pony show for the peons.

You forget she was surrounded by Prats and Morons and had nobody else to issue orders to !

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Why did Prayut place the Eastern Economic Corridor into (allegedly1) a High to Very High area?

Seems according to Prayut's the EEC would better serve Thailand in an orange or red area.

Same goes for all the new rail, motorway and bridge infrastructure projects.

Prayut is not really using Human Achievement Index to improve ALL of Thailand on an EQUAL BASIS but seems more to further social inequality by focusing on Medium to Very High achievement areas. 


1Reading about farmer complaints that the EEC demand for water supply will significantly harm agriculture in the area, I got the impression that farming was a major industry in the EEC area: thus, unlikely to rank high on the Human Achievement Index with maybe the exception of the existing airport area.   

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