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Do you have an exit plan?

Do you have an exit plan based on possible extension denial?  

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All of this talk of the ... wait for it .... it's coming ... the TM30 and how it makes many of you feel unwanted, it made me question whether most have a quick exit plan.  How quickly can you get out of here with as much of your money and things?


Where would you go?  Vietnam? Malaysia? I mention those two as they are close, and much more friendly to foreigners.  Both countries will give you a work visa with minimal paperwork and grief.

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I have a  UK property and also two other places in Europe (land) I can go.

 With a Thai Wife it complicates things but we don't  have kids and she would  stay here maybe for another 8 years and then she would retire to the UK and gain permission to stay she could show the £60k in the bank route.

We have quite a bit of Thai property which would be sold off over the years and its not that hard to shift it as we got it very cheaply  and even selling under market value we would do just fine. Also would  have had 10+ years of rental income out of them all.

Doing it now would net us  huge profits  if we went to the UK as the pound is so weak but at the moment its not bad enough in Thailand, it's getting worse and we  keep an eye on it.

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I would move to Malaysia or to the Philippines and then try to get rid of my Thai condo and my bank accounts here. Also my mail would have to be reorganized. After more than two decades here in Thailand perhaps even a positive change in the end? Something new before the coffin? I spent a lot of time in these countries. Even had / still have there bank accounts and even had PO Boxes there. So I know what to expect. 

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In a few years when medicare, social security & pension kick in I'd wind up with more money living stateside by renting out a room or two, by no longer paying management fees to collect rents, by a reverse mortgage on main residence and by no longer paying international health insurance which in total would more than offset the cost of living increase. But then I'm right back where I started, only older.

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Where would you go? My answer is: I don't know now.


I would look for possible options at that time. I don't want to go the long way "home" to think there were else I would want to live.


If I would come i.e. from Cambodia and wouldn't be allowed to come back to Thailand then I would spend a week or two in that country and think about the possibilities. And then I might decide to stay somewhere around here or go home or whatever. I wouldn't rush with such a decision and I would make it at the appropriate time with up to date information - not maybe years in advance with information which will likely be outdated in the moment X.


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7 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I would agree its harder if you have ties, but given resources you do it.


We kept the house, it's our snowbird vacation home. Son was already in the US and wasn't coming back to Thailand. Wife wanted to follow him too, so the die was cast.


Sold both our truck and car, couldn't see the point of keeping them, and now we just rent a car for a few months every year.


I'd lived overseas for in various countries for 20 years, the last 10 being in Thailand, but I always kept a house in the US as my ultimate bolthole should I need it. 


I've never quite understood those who sell up everything at home, then sink it into a country, where they are at best long term tourists, with little to no rights.


Always always always have an exit plan from any country you live, of which you are not a citizen

In my case my country of births exchange rate have dropped with 50% against the Thai Baht. All my assets there (fortunately not much) halved in value. Your comment in general maybe true but there people that are better of having brought most of,their money into the country (ask the Brits). 

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