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Britain may need a second Brexit referendum, says former PM Cameron


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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

TBF , Considering Cameron was a Remainer , he thought someone should lead the Brexit negotiations


31 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Another remainer.

Can any of the members who always say that May was a remainer explain why it was she decided to try to invoke article 50 using the royal prerogative rather than via parliamentary debate?  Was it because she already new parliament was against it or was there another reason? If the former how does that sit with her being a remainer?  If the latter could you please enlighten us all?

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This is the same Dave Cameron who says the idea of the referendum was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life.


Now he's saying that we should have another one!


If his chums in Westminster had got on and responded to the result in the first place Brexit would be history by now and we would not be plagued with it every time we open a newspaper or turn the TV or radio on.


We're in our 4th year of it now!

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Interesting to look at the polls regarding voting again running from the referendum up until now. Remain seems to be ahead the majority of the time and most assuredly over the last 12 months. Interesting reading for those who say the voice of the people and genuine democracy are important.


What Brexit friends ? Don't believe a word of this.

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10 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

The buck stops firmly with Cameron, never a need for the first  referendum, only took place to placate the hard line nationalists in the Tory party.

Three totally wasted years arguing about Brexit when serious business could have been taking place.

What a total disaster this will be for many people and companies if MPs don't get this thing sorted very quickly. 

No doubt we can expect more lies and trickery from Johnson / Cummings during this parliament shutdown.

Not sure about Cummings. I think he may be running scared. He now claims that "rich remainers" are trying to run him out of London. Don't be surprised if he leaves the sinking ship and disappears soon.

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1 hour ago, Monomial said:


Remain was also ahead in the polls in 2016 when Leave won.  There is an interesting phenomenon that occurs in polling where people are biased towards the status quo.  It is the same thing that causes people to respond "I'm fine" in social conversations, when they are anything but. But that bias vanishes when the curtain is closed on the polling booth and they are forced to make a choice. It's not a big bias, but it is enough that you can't discount it entirely when numbers are this close.


What is driving Brexit at the core is that many are fed up with the status quo. They want something else, even if that something else is worse. And the more you hammer home how bad that something else is, the more they simply repress their true feelings...right up until the curtain closes on the polling booth. Because people vote with emotions, not with their head. I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe the situation is better for the majority in the UK, so I am distrustful of a poll that says otherwise.


My prediction is that if you had another vote today, you would see almost exactly the same result as 2016. Those that are benefitting from the status quo are still benefitting. Those that are marginalized are still marginalized. For all the bluster by the political establishment, there has been almost no change.


And more people have since come to realise that the so-called "status quo" is anything but. 

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41 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

What Brexit friends ? Don't believe a word of this.

Were you replying to the below post, I can see no mention of "Brexit friends", or did you lose the plot?

42 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:
6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Interesting to look at the polls regarding voting again running from the referendum up until now. Remain seems to be ahead the majority of the time and most assuredly over the last 12 months. Interesting reading for those who say the voice of the people and genuine democracy are important.

https://whatukthinks. etc

The moderator has simply posted a poll which is relevant to the topic, to allow the debate to be better informed IMHO.


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2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

She was a remainer and knew the strength of the people wanting to leave the EU. That is why she kept saying a no deal is better than a bad deal whilst always looking to tie the UK to the EU with her BRINO. Which was demolished 3 times in the HoC.

I don't get you at all.  She was a remainer, and so tried to bypass parliamentary debate to invoke article 50 why?  Her deal was defeated in January 2019 was it not?  I am not asking you to reiterate your opinion about whether May was a remainer or not.  I am asking why, if she was indeed a staunch remainer,  she tried to bypass a commons debate by use of the Royal Prerogative in 2016.

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