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Erectile issues


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Attention Mods I have put this in the Farang forum rather than " health" because i want to compare & see how many other guys are the same and issues they have rather than seek advice)


Getting now towards 50 I have noticed im not getting....how do i put it....as erect....meaning i still can...but its only semi hard so to speak...and not getting any better.


I have started at the gym...lifting weights ..taking ginseng ...but not interested in viagra


I also went to see my doc in Australia tested my blood and said  sorry he cant give me testereone as legally i have enough?


Going to pattaya again in a few weeks so may have to see a GP there 


Questions do many of you middle aged  and over have this problem?



What about you middleaged older guys who are very fit bodybuilders etc do you still have this problem?


If you do how have you coped with your sex life?

Have you worked around it ?


Taking the blue pill im sure eventually damages your heart though i have no evidence of course


Secondly is it possible to make it bigger?

I ask that seriously...is there surgery for that nowadays or just those pumps?


Unfortanetely i cant find the Poll section otherwise i would like to know the statistics ....is it only us middleaged guys having this problem mostly or young guys too?


Can i ask guys who are overweight...is that a issue for you too no matter what your age?













Edited by georgegeorgia
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49 and going to 50. No problem at all.

Not going to any gym and not overweight.

Drinking my beer and eating all from fast food to fine dining.


Also not actively doing anything to keep it that way. Just living an ordinary life.

Edited by Matzzon
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Wow so many questions.


I will respond like this, for me, when I was 47 and having been a smoker up till I was 40, I was semi, Kamagra did it's job, but I didn't like the flushes and it not wanting to go down for a while afterwards, sort of painful.


After I had my heart attack at 48, stent inserted, I am like a 21 year old on steroids, Cardiologists is very happy as that is a good sign of the blood flowing, I am now 59 and my wife of 12 plus years who is 37 cannot keep up with me, she always says to me, if you didn't have money, I don't care, just keep that one working how he has been working....lol


I also take the occasional filly on the side, early 20's or so and have had no complaints, they actually like the fact that an old guy can actually get it up and satisfy them as well.


My testosterone level which I checked this year for the 1st time is normal for my age.


It does help to do cardio, eat clean, and do some weight lifting within reason, I did notice one thing when I take a filly occasionally, Willy tends to disagree with the hat I put on him, so if you want to play Russian Roulette ditch the hat, but would NOT advise it, but I find the hat is only required for the last 5 minutes or so.


If you are comfortable with the girl your with, you should be fine, phycology plays a big part on Willy from my experience, so try different things when getting naked, but I did notice when I lost the extra weight and started eating clean and exercising it did help a lot as I felt more comfortable in my new skin, oh and as for smoking, it doesn't help if your a smoker.  


As for bigger, I have noticed that after losing the extra kilo's he has grown some, but avoid pills surgery etc etc because unless your born gifted, you will only improve marginally, i.e. unless you try tying a thin piece of rope around it and attack a brick to the rope, go to a bridge and drop the brick over the bridge and see how long of a stretch you end up with, but do try not to fall over the bridge in the process :1zgarz5:

Edited by 4MyEgo
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11 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

Yes ...i too have that trouble wearing the " hat" ( condom) it can go down unfortanetely


Shaving around it they say improves the look of the length.


Do any of you completely shave that area and how does it look?


Do u think girls like it?



I used to let the hair grow like an afro so it would sort of hide the Yezhose (didnt like to scare them) but now its too hot so it gets trimmed very short. The hair. Its attractive, look at a firehose coming through some trimmed hydrangea for a comparison.


PS all kidding aside though, since I had my chest clutcher in January my libido has gone way down. Maybe because I realize that there are so many more things to do than waste my time and money on women, when a good dinner and a wank makes me sleep like a baby. Thats not to say I dont consider it, but I am far more discriminating. However I will go back to Thermae tonight though and grab the little 4'8"er that was hanging all over me last night, just because she is so eager.

Edited by Nyezhov
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6 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Secondly is it possible to make it bigger?

I ask that seriously...is there surgery for that nowadays or just those pumps?

NO. Other than the pumps or getting silicone implants you have what you have. 

There is surgery to lengthen it but only a stupid moron would go that route. 

ALL SURGERY has potential side effects, and it is foolish to have surgery if none is needed.


Why against drugs? I used Cialis after my prostate surgery and it worked fine. Caused no side effects. Better than Viagra, IMO.

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Basically, there are several health tangibles to consider, and while this doesn't fully meet your questions, there is not 'one cap that fits all' solutions. We could have similar issues but the causes could be all different, see below. 


Erectile issues could be caused by e.g.: 


restricted blood flow to the penis which is the main symptom, caused by:

- issues with waterworks, e.g enlarged prostate/weak bladder control.

- lifestyle (key)

- diet nutrition (key)

- medications

- obesity

- pre-diabetic

- prostate/bladder cancer (PSA level above 4 is an amber light, and above 10 is a red light)


And don't dismiss mental stability, relationships, exercise, depression, stress, insufficient sleep patterns, etc etc. 


Even though you're not seeking further medical attention, the fact that your Oz doctor confirms adequate testosterone levels indicates you could be well advised to pay a visit to a (recommended) urologist, and request him/her to carry out blood and urine tests to determine whether there is an underlying issue that needs examining further. 


For the record  - I did just that, and as a result I am now taking a pill each day to relax the muscles that restricts good urine flow, and this works fine as it also gives me a boner. I'm 75 years old. Your urologist should suggest a few 3rd generation meds, probably a cialis derivative (but original med, not a thai copy).  Read the pros and cons, though.


Best wishes for a successful outcome. 






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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Enjoy the warts and other unpleasant things that arise from bonking untested casual partners.

It's also possible to eject sperm before ejaculating.

It's all part of it isn't it, so far so good, I don't just sleep with every girl I meet, and yes you don't know what you might end up with, but as I said, so far so good, as for sperm being ejected before ejeculating, yes that's true, but if your like me, you know exactly when to get out.

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

That's probably just because you can now see more of it, you cannot make your cock grow more than nature intended.

I didn't make him grow, even the wife asked me if I was taking something, several times, are you sure she would keep saying, so it's not just me that has noticed it, make of that what you will and yes your right, without the belly, I can see him as clear as daylight hanging all on his lonesome ???? 

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10 hours ago, stephenterry said:

For the record  - I did just that, and as a result I am now taking a pill each day to relax the muscles that restricts good urine flow, and this works fine as it also gives me a boner.

what was actually prescribed?  photo of package?  

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15 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

I will go back to Thermae

That used be the best place in town until the japs found it and started to throw stupid money at them


regarding getting a boner 2 words " bueta superba" made in Thailand 300 baht at most chemists for a months worth, a pungent herbal testosterone.. and I was never interested in herbal anything but this is different 

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Mostly Korean is my take on it these days...and hey why not? Their money is as good as anyone elses.

To get back to the OP's original question. I'm 63, smoke 30 cigarettes, or more, day and get on the grog regularly. No problem getting it up on demand whatsoever. If you are asking these questions when you are late 40's or early 50's go and see a doctor ASAP.

Please leave the pubic hair shaving thing out...do girls like it??.....that's the least of your problems at the moment.

Edited by emptypockets
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6 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"I didn't make him grow..."

I just researched it, apparently it's got to do with fatty tissue or the drum roll as they refer to it around the base stomach or at the top of your fella begins.


You are correct in saying you cannot grow your penis, but they say if you lose 30 pounds or roughly 13kg, you will get back an inch that you already had, but was hidden from the fat, suffice to say, I lost more than 13kg's and that makes sense to me, and there I was thinking it shrunk as I got older, and now I know why both the wife and I noticed the change, suffice to say I just explained it to the wife, who replied with; no lose anymore weight, ok, no more, no more...lol

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On 9/22/2019 at 12:51 AM, tifino said:

what was actually prescribed?  photo of package?  

Both Alfuzosin and Silodosin are effective, nevertheless side effects e.g. a dry ejaculation, while not harmful, is not to everyone's liking or acceptance.  A good urologist would spell out the pros and cons.



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This is not a common problem, but every man is different.  I assume the OP doesn't get much back home.  Lack of usage?  Do you think about sex much?  Do you masturbate?  (no need to answer, but just asking)  I had a friend who visited awhile back and he hadn't had sex in ages.  But he had a different problem....of the "premature" variety.  As soon as the woman touched him down there, he shot his load.  (he told me she broke up in laughter).  Also, regarding exercise, you need to do the cardio, i.e., jogging, aerobics, etc.  Maybe some Vit E occasionally.

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As a man ages not sure of age but for me it would have been mid 50's your erection most of the time isnt has hard as when you were a younger guy, i never had issues getting it up and id say i have a higher libido that is normal. 


Everyone is differant but yes weight and diet could be a factor, depression fatigue etc are all factors plus some medications that might make some struggle to get hard.

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On ‎9‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 4:49 PM, Berkshire said:

Do you think about sex much?  Do you masturbate?  (no need to answer, but just asking) 

They say men think about sex all the time, and I would have to agree about that.

After my prostate op the surgeon told me I had to masturbate as often as possible, as if I didn't I'd lose the ability to get an erection. I used Cialis, which I got on prescription.

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On 9/21/2019 at 1:27 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

NO. Other than the pumps or getting silicone implants you have what you have. 

There is surgery to lengthen it but only a stupid moron would go that route. 

ALL SURGERY has potential side effects, and it is foolish to have surgery if none is needed.


Why against drugs? I used Cialis after my prostate surgery and it worked fine. Caused no side effects. Better than Viagra, IMO.

Viagra is short-term, about 4 hours. Cialis is longer-term, 24 - 36 hours. Having said that, Cialis is considerably more expensive.

To the OP - don't worry about it too much. It's part of ageing. There are a few times with my GF when I lose the stiffy, she understands and there is always another time. If you try too hard, or have anxiety about it, it will make it worse. Relax, it will come back.

A bit unfair, actually. Women never have to worry about dysfunction, except in terms of lubricity.

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On 9/21/2019 at 7:25 AM, 4MyEgo said:



As for bigger, I have noticed that after losing the extra kilo's he has grown some, but avoid pills surgery etc etc because unless your born gifted, you will only improve marginally, i.e. unless you try tying a thin piece of rope around it and attack a brick to the rope, go to a bridge and drop the brick over the bridge and see how long of a stretch you end up with, but do try not to fall over the bridge in the process :1zgarz5:

Have you tried this in Sydney?

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On 9/22/2019 at 1:52 AM, emptypockets said:

Mostly Korean is my take on it these days...and hey why not? Their money is as good as anyone elses.

To get back to the OP's original question. I'm 63, smoke 30 cigarettes, or more, day and get on the grog regularly. No problem getting it up on demand whatsoever. If you are asking these questions when you are late 40's or early 50's go and see a doctor ASAP.

Please leave the pubic hair shaving thing out...do girls like it??.....that's the least of your problems at the moment.

Apologies for seemingly preaching, but I would suggest a more healthy lifestyle would increase your longevity, though. If I told you that the scientifically proven risk of smoking (on your health) is equivalent to a regular flyer being told there is a one in ten chance of the plane crashing. Would you stop flying?  Heart disease and lung cancer doesn't just happen. It's what you shovel into your body.



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