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Who is responsible for paying the bill?


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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

What you show me shows how crazy and .... up the US is anyway if they are in US they should tip as is custom there. Your also not in your country anymore so for you to tell others what to do.....


I am no cheap <deleted>, but won't tip for lousy service or when service is average and there is already a service charge. Otherwise I just tip but if the bill is 620 bt i could pay 700 or whatever not going to check like oh 10% or what.. i just check what is an easy amount to get to with the money on the table.



I know I’m not in my country.  Once again, had you read more carefully, you would have noticed that I stated that I tip more in the US.


If Thais can tip in Thailand, why do the people from non tipping countries fall back on the “we don’t tip back in ******” excuse?

Edited by Airalee
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1 minute ago, Airalee said:

I know I’m not in my country.  Once again, had you read more carefully, you would have noticed that I stated that I tip more in the US.


If Thais can tip in Thailand, why do the people from non tipping countries fall back on the “we don’t tip back in ******” excuse?

Yes Yes.. you are still trying to justify your abuse of your friends (oh sorry i mean gently prodding) remarks. Obviously its something that is real important to you. Not as much to me. I just follow the leads of Thais. If they think tipping is good ill tip if they think its not needed I wont. 


But how much they tip really varies I have had GF's that tip a lot and those that tip almost nothing. There are no hard fast rules. Not like you have int he US with your 10%.


Anyway just leave your american ways ill leave my european ways and adapt to the Thais.

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I don't think a restaurant would give two hoots what arrangements their customers make between themselves as to who pays what...they just want their money...and the last man standing is their last chance to get it...it's not rocket science really?

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I don't think a restaurant would give two hoots what arrangements their customers make between themselves as to who pays what...they just want their money...and the last man standing is their last chance to get it...it's not rocket science really?

It's not about rocker science, it's about the law.

We just had a thread where a guy invited a girl for dinner and then the guy walked away. (that the short version)


Let's imagine for a minute that they had a dinner for i.e. 4000B. Maybe she does not have the money or maybe she is not willing to pay for an expensive dinner she was supposed to be invited to.


What can and will the restaurant manager do in such a situation?

Can the restaurant call the police to arrest the girl if she does not pay what he ordered? Or maybe she pays what she had to eat but not what he had. That's still the question and I am pretty sure until now nobody answered it for Thailand.

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The fact is “smarties” want to get away with their expensive order with minimum pay since they already know how it work when they place their orders as a group. Sharing is a BS, in fact it is just taking advantage of situation.

Now I know that this is something common here. The last time a soda cost me 500b. No more sharing bills I just pay for my own. 

Edited by The Theory
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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In reality, IMO, it would be the last person at the table, but normally one person doesn't walk out to avoid it.


I once went to a dinner party with colleagues and we all paid the same as the meal was divided between all. I was happy with that, but some added a dessert, and some didn't. I thought it was wrong to expect the rest to pay for something only a few had, and they should have paid that themselves.

I didn't make a fuss at the time, but I never had another meal with them.

Lucky for them.

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12 minutes ago, The Theory said:

The fact is “smarties” want to get away with their expensive order with minimum pay since they already know how it work when they place their orders as a group. Sharing is a BS, in fact it is just taking advantage of situation.

Now I know that this is something common here. The last time a soda cost me 500b. No more sharing bills I just pay for my own. 

Do you have any friends?

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As far as the OP is concerned I really don't know, but I would have thought that they could call the police, trace the runaway farang - not difficult go to Centara, they have a copy of his passport and supplied a TM30 to immigration, put an alert out, he will soon be caught and made to pay in blood and bucket loads of cash.


With regard to tipping, when I first came here I adopted UK norms for tipping IE: 10% - A Thai girl soon put me wise to that and told me that 20 or 30 Baht was more than enough, and that was for a restaurant.


Now a bit older and a bit wiser I now tip on the quality of service, if I am in my usual bar the girls get maximum 20 Baht, they are doing nothing special other than taking a beer out of an icebox.


Me & the Mrs usually eat out 3 times a week at the same place, where we go the service, no matter how busy they are is always spot on, the staff are friendly and no request is to much of a problem, I will tip 40 or 60 baht depending on the evening.


We usually go out for a Christmas meal at the same place (last 3 years) It is a special occasion, I know Christmas is mainly irrelevant to Buddhists but they make the effort and the service is special and personal so I will tip 200 Baht


As for the USA I made a mistake in Florida one year, I was on my own and sitting in the hotel restaurant I had a steak and stuff, I forgot to leave a tip - Big mistake, the following day the lady picked me up on it and asked what was wrong with her service !! I left a slightly larger tip that day ???? 

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

I thought that was called a Dutch thing.. guess they are cheap in the USA too ????.


Anyway what works in the USA can give a lot of confusion in Thailand and a lot of mess. Unless you are at a really good restaurant. Otherwise it could get hard to split the bill.

Not to worry, you guys (Dutch) are still kings in that department.

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Just make it very clear when inviting people or before you go in if others turn up as hangers on exactly who is going to be paid for and who must pay for themselves. Or say what the max amount of your contribution will be. .. This applies especially to trips to nightclubs. It stops the ordering ( other than by you) of bottle after bottle and snacks by others. Make sure your wife or gf is with you and knows this so she can explain to non English speakers. Polite Thais if they are expecting you to pay for them  will not do this but ask you, the wife, the gf, if it is ok before ordering anyway. 

Unfortunately it is indeed the last man standing who gets presented with the bill... anywhere in the world.

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Personally, as one, as two, as three whatever?  The restaurant has nothing to do with the bill aside from collecting it unless it was specified after seating and ordering that the bill should be separate!

Therefore, whoever ended up last on the table needs to pay the full bill to the restaurant and then go after his friends and open a can of whipass!????????

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11 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

The following comments are for educational purposes only:


1st time to Cambodia...sat along riverfront cafe eating lunch...enjoying my day...a nicely dressed Indian man walked by...spotted me, came over, sat down and started a conversation, ordered his lunch...finished before I did...walked over to the cashier and then disappeared down the street.


Finished, went to pay my bill...seems my new Indian friend told them I would be more than happy to pickup his lunch tab...


Weighing my options...decided to chalk it up as one of life's bad experiences rather than make a scene...paid the entire bill...still pizzed!   ????

Didn't you know in India if you go to the temples during lunch time they give you free lunch? Honestly, not joking. Watch youtube, you will see they having vegetarian lunch though. But it looks very good. But everyone sitting on the floor with plastic mats.

    May be the Indian man thought he could get free lunch too in Cambodia, as he was so used to free lunch in India.

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17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In reality, IMO, it would be the last person at the table, but normally one person doesn't walk out to avoid it.


I once went to a dinner party with colleagues and we all paid the same as the meal was divided between all. I was happy with that, but some added a dessert, and some didn't. I thought it was wrong to expect the rest to pay for something only a few had, and they should have paid that themselves.

I didn't make a fuss at the time, but I never had another meal with them.

Many years ago I was invited to a dinner by a foreign acquaintance ( l had only spoken to him a couple of times with a mutual friend) for his Thai gf's birthday. 

At the end of the meal he told me he didn't have any money and asked if I would I pick up to the tab. 

I calculated what I owed for my dinner, left that together with a tip on the table and walked out of the restaurant.

I never saw or heard about him again.

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5 hours ago, Lancelot01 said:

Many years ago I was invited to a dinner by a foreign acquaintance ( l had only spoken to him a couple of times with a mutual friend) for his Thai gf's birthday. 

At the end of the meal he told me he didn't have any money and asked if I would I pick up to the tab. 

I calculated what I owed for my dinner, left that together with a tip on the table and walked out of the restaurant.

I never saw or heard about him again.

And, did you ever go back to that restaurant and heard the rest of the story?

Maybe he picked up your money and he walked out as well.

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14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It's not about rocker science, it's about the law.

We just had a thread where a guy invited a girl for dinner and then the guy walked away. (that the short version)


Let's imagine for a minute that they had a dinner for i.e. 4000B. Maybe she does not have the money or maybe she is not willing to pay for an expensive dinner she was supposed to be invited to.


What can and will the restaurant manager do in such a situation?

Can the restaurant call the police to arrest the girl if she does not pay what he ordered? Or maybe she pays what she had to eat but not what he had. That's still the question and I am pretty sure until now nobody answered it for Thailand.

For Thailand i think always the same when a farang involved..

Farang pays because they always think he have no problem about money and the poor Thai was only the invited and wouldnt spend big money on food of their choice anyways.

(If evidenced: look how the foriegner is expected to fined for TM.30 when it is all actually 100% responsibilty of the landlord.)


About the guy in Pattaya...my guess..

Once the restaurant guys hear from the girl what did happened they might say to her:

"ok how much have you got?/what can you afford?" 

It makes then a bit of a standoff.

The girl (already have the guys 15k) can say..shes got nothing..

or.. ok i got 500baht..

or.. here i pay the lot..


My bet is she give them a small part of the bill and the restaurant agree that the farang is at fault anyway so they will try the police or finding some way of getting the rest out of the farang.


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Date with Thai girl from Thaifriendly.

meet at ok aircon restaurant in Bkk.

Nice meal, but probably consider it expensive if Thai thinking. 

Bin is 890baht for both with no alcohol.


I put 1,000 in the book and went go to toilet

but they staff tell its up the stairs so i decide i will wait for later.

So I turn back and there i see her with the book out fumbling around in the purse for change to make right amount so can pocket the tip!

So not want to confront, I just walk away a bit til she is done.


 She say she want to see the view from my appartment is in Ekkamai, so get taxi back.

Taxi is then 220baht.

Im on the left seat so i hand her 300 to give taxi and get out.

I look back in and once again she breaking change for exact amount and profit 80 baht!!


I not usually suprised by much, but to see this kind of thing on the first date!!??



So back my appartment nothing happen as im giving her a cold fish treatment so she will go quick.


When go to leave i start to hand her 200baht for trip home but then pull it back..

and saying

 "oh thats right..you already got the tip from restaurant and taxi"


her is "hmmmph"

and a look like when like Thai is smelling Indian curry.






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On 9/23/2019 at 7:50 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

In reality, IMO, it would be the last person at the table, but normally one person doesn't walk out to avoid it.


I once went to a dinner party with colleagues and we all paid the same as the meal was divided between all. I was happy with that, but some added a dessert, and some didn't. I thought it was wrong to expect the rest to pay for something only a few had, and they should have paid that themselves.

I didn't make a fuss at the time, but I never had another meal with them.

Really?  when I go with friends we split the bill whatever each has had.

Keenow alert!

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On 9/23/2019 at 4:17 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Assuming much? You know what they say about assumptions making an ass out of...………………...


I never said it was in LOS- the word "colleagues" should have told you it wasn't in LOS. It was a 5 star hotel in Riyadh and very expensive. Long time ago, but probably more like 1 thousand baht for each dessert if converting riyals to baht

If a possible extra 200 riyals bothers you can't afford to go to 5 star places. 

On 9/23/2019 at 4:08 AM, BritManToo said:

What if I ordered a $300 bottle of wine?

That's different

On 9/23/2019 at 5:17 AM, Nyezhov said:

I personally wouldnt be hanging with anyone that orders a $300 bottle of wine, since something like that screams poseur in my social and cultural mileau.


Like when I took my exgf out to a fancy joint one night and there she is, all of 19, asking for the wine list and trying to order a Fussy Cachet 1934 at $500 a bottle. I says, oh, are we an oneophile, now...her response, "well its expensive and must be good".


Love ya baby, here, have a Margarita.

Hence the ex gf I guess. 

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I know the story your talking about and good on him, i would have paid and left her sitting there just to make sure i had my back covered, i back him 110% what he did to the disrespectful bitch, you wanna look at the context of the situation and as he put it, good on him....

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2 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

I know the story your talking about and good on him, i would have paid and left her sitting there just to make sure i had my back covered, i back him 110% what he did to the disrespectful bitch, you wanna look at the context of the situation and as he put it, good on him....

The restaurant was not responsible for her behavior. He invited her, he should have paid. And I am pretty sure if they wanted to make a problem for him and if the girl could have provided his name then he would be in trouble. 

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3 hours ago, bermondburi said:

If a possible extra 200 riyals bothers you can't afford to go to 5 star places. 

That's different

Hence the ex gf I guess. 

Naw dude, shes always gonna be the exgf until we get married. Then she can be my xwife

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On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 7:30 PM, Airalee said:

I don’t determine how the staff are paid here and I also understand that servers in Europe are paid a “living wage” when compared to America.   We are all playing the economic arbitrage game here just by living here.  We already know that ฿300 per day is <deleted>, but it appears that when a European person comes here, said person “double dips” with regards to taking advantage of the low labor rates by bringing their non tipping culture here.  If you feel ok with that, that is your prerogative.  Shouldn’t you then be rallying for the staff to be paid living wages here?


It always seems to be the people from non tipping countries railing on the Americans for tipping or the Japanese for “overpaying” hookers.  


“You’re making it more expensive for us here”


I may or may not add a bit to the 10% service charge.  It all depends on the service.  I certainly wouldn’t expect others to do the same.  But if adding an extra €£$ to your tab (at a restaurant where there is no service charge) is so hard to do, then perhaps you need to look inwards.


FWIW, every Thai I associate with tips in the neighborhood of 10% at restaurants (i’m not talking about street food vendors) with no service charge.

I don't know how this "tipping is required" opinion started, but it certainly wasn't the case 30 years ago. I always gave a bit of cash for services rendered ( masseuses ) or if I wanted good service in the future ( hotel porters ), but I didn't add extra to restaurant bills just because I had eaten there. What's 10 % of 25 baht? Should we tip bus drivers, shopping mall staff or hawker stall owners?

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