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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

is that one really bad.

yes that is on really bad dude - a friend for life

11 minutes ago, steven100 said:

is that one really bad.

My first girlfriend had vaginal herpes. There is no cure. A large portion of the population has oral or genital herpes but are asymptomatic. It is believed to potentially give ovary cancer to women and could be transmitted to baby on delivery.


My girlfriend would get some painful lesions in her vagina a couple time a year. She never passed it to me as far as I know and we had unsafe sex plenty of time over a 1 year period. 

2 hours ago, Kinnock said:

My understanding is that AIDS is very unlikely as the virus is quite delicate.  AIDS viruses have been isolated from saliva, but they were not viable.


But the 'traditional' STD's can be passed on as they are more robust and so can survive in the hostile environments of mouth, stomach, (nose and eyes for Japanese enthusiasts) - so a greater risk.  But mouth and stomach acids can reduce the risks slightly.


So may be a lower risk than other types of activity.

Fair bit of nonsense in that.

1. AIDS is not a virus, HIV is a virus. AIDS is an acquired condition that untreated HIV eventually leads to.

2. IT IS NOT LOWER RISK - EVER !!! If you have bleeding gums, loose teeth, an ulcer, or ANY open wound in your mouth, you may be MORE likely.




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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Didn't know anything was wrong, never tested as he didn't consider he was in a 'risk' group.

Two years back, I pointed out some strange marks on his cheeks (ringworm), they never went away.

One year back (in Kos) lost weight and collapsed, diagnosed with pneumonia and medically repatriated to the UK.

Straight to a London hospital, where he was diagnosed with HIV, where he spent most of his last year.

They let him out for a couple of weeks over Christmas, where he was discovered in his flat after 3 days unconscious on the floor with sepsis. 


He had the best possible medical care in a specialist UK hospital at all times after the two week Greek hospital.

I travelled all around SEA with him for ten years, stayed with him in London and knew him as well as it is possible to know another human being, never any signs of abnormal sexual behaviour (apart from the licking fetish), no ladyboys, no interest in men. I was in contact with him the entire time via messenger, when he was conscious enough to type.


Over that ten years we both had multiple female partners, and never used condoms,

I'm convinced he caught it from oral sex.

He didn't die of HIV, his immune system must have already been weakened below a CD4 of 200 and then this is AIDs and whilst it is still manageable usually a foregone conclusion at that stage. At the early stages of HIV provided meds are taken it can usually lead to a semi normal life (apart from the social stigma) although there is some question whether the long term use of the very strong drugs will do you harm. The general consensus is that unprotected oral sex risk is extremely low, nearly negatable, even less so if the partner is on medication. Apparently there are no known cases of female to female contraction.....oral or otherwise. A male receiving oral etc is risky but still very low.


There are many many girls and LB working now in Pattaya that are infected. Some know and don't care, some don't know. The myth that bars insist on testing etc is ludicrous and in any case sometimes the virus doesn't show up for 3 months after infection and sadly it at it's most contagious the first 2 weeks of contraction when the person would definitely be unaware.

Ladyboys are by far the biggest risk group in Thailand. You only have to do a quick google search to get any stats from the many studies that have been done. Would be far more accurate than "statistics" gleaned off Thai visa. I lived unaware with a Thai woman, who the doctor estimated had the virus untreated between 3 - 5 years. I lived with her for 4 years and never contracted it much to my amazement. Never any protection and no holes barred. The fact is it is relatively difficult for a guy to catch. A lot harder than it would be for a woman or male to male. The whole country would be in a pandemic otherwise.


As a footnote, the lady in question is working in a bar in Pattaya as we speak and would have no qualms about going bareback for an extra fee if not all the time. She would care not a jot for anyone else's health in fact may take delight in passing it on. There are plenty of them out there be careful.

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49 minutes ago, tifino said:

ahh! - but what if there's a golden shower included?

Pee is sterile and can not transmit the Virus. Not sure about other things. One of the worst and easily contracted things around is Hepatitis. Probably worse than HIV as it is not treatable and very easily caught 

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

AIDS would normally be hard to transmit orally, but if the guy had bleeding gums he might transmit it to her, and if she was still bleeding a bit from period or some other reason, she might give it to him.

You got this backwards. The guy with bleeding gums may catch the virus as there is a direct path into his bloodstream for the virus to infect him. All body fluids contain the virus in an infected person. There needs to be a path into the bloodstream to pass it to a new person.

10 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

There's absolutely no chance of ever catching anything if you restrict you sexual activities exclusively to internet porn and taking yourself in hand.


Everything else is dodgy.



Said with the conviction of a man who has practiced safe sex for years....

1 minute ago, Jip99 said:



Said with the conviction of a man who has practiced safe sex for years....

Au contraire mon vieux.... but you would need a subpoena to see my medical history.


...and latex gloves just to turn the pages.

  • Haha 2
My first girlfriend had vaginal herpes. There is no cure. A large portion of the population has oral or genital herpes but are asymptomatic. It is believed to potentially give ovary cancer to women and could be transmitted to baby on delivery.
My girlfriend would get some painful lesions in her vagina a couple time a year. She never passed it to me as far as I know and we had unsafe sex plenty of time over a 1 year period. 
Aren't you referring to HPV rather than herpes in terms of cancer risk?
Why from oral sex? Most likely he caught some STD, left untreated and increased dramatically his risk to catch HIV. Never go bareback with any skin lesion on your penis.
Barebackers must test for HIV. I do.
Good idea to take PrEP also, it's not expensive
6 minutes ago, andy72 said:

not a mention of HPV
even with Michael Douglas throat cancer story . 'I got throat cancer from Oral sex'



It's well known in Hollywood circles that the "throat cancer from eating pussy" was simply a deflection from the real cause which was smoking cigars during endless late nights playing poker with his buddies in the garage. Miss Zeta-Jones has a long-standing hatred for both smoking and gambling and even had this prohibition in their prenupt.

8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Miss Zeta-Jones has a long-standing hatred for both smoking and gambling and even had this prohibition in their prenupt.

I guess there was nothing in the prenup about not being allowed eating pussy

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, swissie said:

practising Oral-Sex? Giving or taking?

Practice makes perfect they say!  We all have to consider the risk with the reward ????

Oral sex has potential risks, like everything else that many people do in life.  Motorcycles, Restaurant food, Drinking and driving, texting while crossing a road.  Some deemed necessary, some by choice.  


too many.jpeg

14 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:
1 hour ago, Tayaout said:
My first girlfriend had vaginal herpes. There is no cure. A large portion of the population has oral or genital herpes but are asymptomatic. It is believed to potentially give ovary cancer to women and could be transmitted to baby on delivery.
My girlfriend would get some painful lesions in her vagina a couple time a year. She never passed it to me as far as I know and we had unsafe sex plenty of time over a 1 year period. 

Aren't you referring to HPV rather than herpes in terms of cancer risk?

Yes my bad. 

It's well known in Hollywood circles that the "throat cancer from eating pussy" was simply a deflection from the real cause which was smoking cigars during endless late nights playing poker with his buddies in the garage. Miss Zeta-Jones has a long-standing hatred for both smoking and gambling and even had this prohibition in their prenupt.
Maybe you're right but HPV can cause cancer of penis, anus, throat
2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

My pal died from AIDs this summer, caught from a Chiang Mai girl in the Loi Krow area.

Don't know which one, he did many.

Diagnosed 2 years ago, spent his last year bedridden and dying in a London hospital.

He liked to lick.

He was a frequent poster on this forum until his illness forced him back to the UK.

are you sure he did not have sex with lady boys? just once would be enough.

1 minute ago, NCC1701A said:

are you sure he did not have sex with lady boys? just once would be enough.

Doctor told me....you can be lucky. Have sex 100 times and not get it, or only one time. But you only need to catch it once. So true


It's unbelievable that someone starts a thread that requires every poster who answers it to have to look up the "answer" on the internet!  Something that the OP couldn't do?

3 hours ago, Tayaout said:

From my highschool sex education, I learned that orally you can get mostly siphilis, gonorrhea and herpes. For HIV the risk is very low unless there is some bleeding or biting involved. Chlamydia risk is low too. Obviously my class was aimed at teenager with a relatively normal sex life.

they had a special advanced class for me. like calculus of sex education.


How is HPV spread?

You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. HPV can be passed even when an infected person has no signs or symptoms.

Anyone who is sexually active can get HPV, even if you have had sex with only one person. You also can develop symptoms years after you have sex with someone who is infected. This makes it hard to know when you first became infected.


Does HPV cause cancer?

HPV can cause cervical and other cancers including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils (called oropharyngeal cancer).

Cancer often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types of HPV that can cause cancers.

There is no way to know which people who have HPV will develop cancer or other health problems. People with weak immune systems (including those with HIV/AIDS) may be less able to fight off HPV. They may also be more likely to develop health problems from HPV.


3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

My pal died from AIDs this summer, caught from a Chiang Mai girl in the Loi Krow area.

Don't know which one, he did many.

Diagnosed 2 years ago, spent his last year bedridden and dying in a London hospital.

He liked to lick.

He was a frequent poster on this forum until his illness forced him back to the UK.

Oh God, this is frightening. You mean licking can give you AIDS? May be he was not using condom too.

He should identify the girl to the health department so that they could inform the girl not to pass it on to any more people.


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