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New steps to boost tourism approved


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I remember TAT predicted figures of 20 plus million per year about 10 years ago now they are up to over 40 plus million. At this rate soon immigration will be snowed under with more tourists in the country than actual local people !!!

I also see on these news threads on Thai Visa more and more comments about not coming here, not coming back again and leaving for good. There are less and less comments from the rose tinted spec wearers who defend the country and the locals as the tint is now wearing off and reality is setting in. 


Leopards can't change their spots and the locals cannot or will not listen to advise or change their mind set. Ever.

There is no bigger personal insult for any Thai male or female to lose face and admit failure. Their preference is to bluster, lie, cheat and scam their way into a bigger mire of nonsense. Any figures given out by their goverment officals backs this up.


Western people grow up knowing that taking good advise and learning from mistakes makes you a better person, gives you valuable experience and knowledge and also maybe admired and appreciated by your peers.


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For the tourists who want to have party and fun during their holidays:


Abolition of the 2 am curfew.

Abolition of limited alcohol sales hours. Legalization of weed.

Legalization of prostitution.

Price reductions for drinks and barfines.

Clean the beaches.


No honey,  no money naa.


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When a Merchant (country/government/people/etc.) are Rude, Overcharge, and Forget Who is the Customer (Thinking the Customer Has to Have Them), the Customer will usually go where They, and their Business, are Appreciated.

Thailand used to at least pretend to have Customer Service 40 years ago. Progress!

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21 hours ago, mok199 said:

Like watching a man drown...sad to see this once great Nation , so beat down from abuse ,resorting to gimmicks and trickery to attract customers...

I don't know about  a great nation. It used to be a fun nation before all the restrictive junta B$.

Six of my friends who have been spending their winters here religiously for the last twenty plus years have given up on the place because of the visa changes, the unfriendly people oh and the baht. 

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18 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

I don't know about  a great nation. It used to be a fun nation before all the restrictive junta B$.

Six of my friends who have been spending their winters here religiously for the last twenty plus years have given up on the place because of the visa changes, the unfriendly people oh and the baht. 

This is a common point and a real contributing factor to the lower "true" tourist numbers.

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3 hours ago, Caine said:

Been wintering away for many years, I’m fit spend big money during my 5-6 months stay at top hotels.


In pattaya right? You come with a big group, your family? Alone?



3 hours ago, Caine said:


But last time for me I couldn’t give a toss what happens to Thailand or its people

Thai people not care about you same. You know about that right?


3 hours ago, Caine said:


they have killed the Goose that lays the Golden Egg. And like Thousands of Geese I’m taking flight to more welcoming destinations and we ain’t flying back anytime soon. You welcome to the dog hole.

Many years, same dog hole? Why you return “many years”?


Good luck with with the new welcoming destinations. You will love it. 


Ps. The TAT try to get quality tourism. Stay in nice place, shopping a lot, polite people. Family, big group, social people.


TAT not want sex tourist. The Golden Egg is not sex tourist.

TAT win? Or not?


Pss. Why you still post on thai website? What about the “welcoming destination”. Have it?



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Well thought out strategies are so welcomed, and certainly quite necessary for the beautiful Kingdom of Thailand.  As with any major problem a nation faces, attempts to find positive 'official' solutions may also inadvertently create serious problems and penalize those most innocent.  It is hoped that all of the official entities empowered to promulgate policies, rules and regulations, do so carefully to only help the nation and its population.  Reasonable people can agree that any government action should only have adverse effects and impacts upon nefarious and criminal persons.  Once it is determined that any policy harms the innocent, even unintentionally, it begs to be corrected forthwith!

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12 hours ago, Cadbury said:

So it takes a full meeting and lengthy discussions of the Council of the Economic Ministers of Thailand to decide three piddling things to improve tourism. These are the economic brains trust of Thailand's and the best they can come up with is:


1. Expand the number of locations where tourists can claim VAT.

2. Provide loans to owners of rundown hotels to lift their status rating from "dump" to "4 star".

3. to introduce safety measures that have been promised repeatedly for umpteen years.


And these people are the stars of the show to lead Thailand forward to economic prosperity. What hope is there?


I agree the 3 piddling points  mentioned are totally useless for most visitors  however  the article did also mention: some rules governing the travel of foreigners in Thailand will also be reviewed.


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13 hours ago, Cadbury said:

So it takes a full meeting and lengthy discussions of the Council of the Economic Ministers of Thailand to decide three piddling things to improve tourism. These are the economic brains trust of Thailand's and the best they can come up with is:



They weren't even the ministers' proposals. They were simply endorsing a package of B.S. that came down the pike from TAT. That's what they do...when they do anything.


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2 hours ago, Redoubt said:

Well thought out strategies are so welcomed, and certainly quite necessary for the beautiful Kingdom of Thailand.  As with any major problem a nation faces, attempts to find positive 'official' solutions may also inadvertently create serious problems and penalize those most innocent.  It is hoped that all of the official entities empowered to promulgate policies, rules and regulations, do so carefully to only help the nation and its population.  Reasonable people can agree that any government action should only have adverse effects and impacts upon nefarious and criminal persons.  Once it is determined that any policy harms the innocent, even unintentionally, it begs to be corrected forthwith!


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6 hours ago, Caine said:

Been wintering away for many years, I’m fit spend big money during my 5-6 months stay at top hotels. But last time for me I couldn’t give a toss what happens to Thailand or its people they have killed the Goose that lays the Golden Egg. And like Thousands of Geese I’m taking flight to more welcoming destinations and we ain’t flying back anytime soon. You welcome to the dog hole.

I meant to include the esteemed commentator's 'contribution" - apologies....

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On 10/11/2019 at 6:31 PM, Thailand said:

Free flights and hotels and visas for quality Chinese and Indian tourists will do the trick. May not be good for revenue though.


     Buy one , get three free in the bar .  Indian Quality tourists, value their money .

     Not same same stupid white faralang , give money away, buy house..


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19 hours ago, animalmagic said:

I agree with you and am genuinely seeking knowledge, why is the baht so strong at the moment?

The baht is a great place for investors to park the money they want to keep safe. Returns on other safe currencies are lower, in Germany negative.


The track record is good. Staedy strengthening since the Tom Yum Gung crisis 1997.


What makes it safe is the backing: balance of payments surplus (exports more than imports, in value); foreign exchange reserves significant (200 to 250 billion dollars).


The Thai economy is slipping, but arent they all while China (the real offender) is being sorted.


In summary. Why is the baht so strong? Because it is a safe place for international investors to park their money.


It is worth noting that the Thai Central Bank has its hands tied as to manipulating the currency by fear of reprisals from the United States. ( doesn't want to be accused of being a currency manipulator and getting hit by sanctions.)


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On 10/11/2019 at 1:10 PM, snoop1130 said:

an increase in the numbers of agents and locations offering VAT refund service to foreign tourists


Will this boost tourism ?


I actually hoped that they would clean the sea so that I don't have to swim between the plastic next time.



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2 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


Will this boost tourism ?


I actually hoped that they would clean the sea so that I don't have to swim between the plastic next time.



Operating in an alternative universe?

Plastic in Asia and dumping of general waste in public areas is problematic.

There seems to be a "missing link" between waste disposal, rodent control, and public health across the region

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52 minutes ago, MartinKal said:

It is worth noting that the Thai Central Bank has its hands tied as to manipulating the currency by fear of reprisals from the United States. ( doesn't want to be accused of being a currency manipulator and getting hit by sanctions.)


There are many things they can do. But for some reason they don't do anything.


It's easy to lower the interest. A negative interest will do the trick.


I am not in favor of a negative interest rate. But if other countries have a negative interest you will get a flow of money to Thailand raising the exchange rate.



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On 10/11/2019 at 6:10 PM, snoop1130 said:

The council of the economic ministers today (October 11) approved in principle new measures, proposed by the Tourism and Sports Ministry, to enhance tourism in the short, medium, and long terms

More desperation.

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Interesting that tourism numbers over the last 3 years have been very close to equal (50% each) in 1st half Vs 2nd half.


But this year, 2019, 2nd half numbers are forecasted to be 50% of 1st half numbers...if you believe 1st half 2019 numbers.


That is a massive shortfall, and momentum will probably lead into 2020, indicating that tourism numbers could be significant lower than 41.8million forecast for next year.


TAT have never really had to do anything in the past and now that they do, they are lost, focused on the wrong areas, and just tinkering around instead of thinking big. A new slogan must be due at any time now.


Source: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/thailand/visitor-arrivals

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So i guess the ones on the right side are yin and the left are yang. And so it all comes down to the don in the middle.

Yes lets all make it as hard as possible for anyone who actually wants to be here and spend money.

All in favore iiiiiiiiiiio ok then its settled tm 30 and visa rejections forever. 

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