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UK police find 39 bodies in a truck container

Jonathan Fairfield

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22 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

The identity of the victims hasn't been revealed, nor the starting point of their travels. All that's known is they're dead, arrived in a Welsh port by ship from Bulgaria and were then driven to Essex in an air tight transport causing their death.


The truck came through Holyhead but the container arrived from Belgium at a port in Essex. The police put out wrong information. Great job, plod. And why would they arrest the driver of the truck on a murder charge? The people would have been dead long before they arrived in the UK.


Edited by JamesBlond
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1 hour ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

If we are so bad why do they flee muslim dictatorships to live in our country?

Hmmm - maybe because our governments are complicit in destabilising their countries for the benefit of our arms and energy companies? 

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14 hours ago, SteveB2 said:

The white container in the videos of the crime scene, is an air-tight 'Reefer' refrigerated container.


Death by suffocation a certainty within a few hours of them closing the doors with 39 people inside.


This type of death during the smuggling of illegal immigrants is relatively common.


RIP to the victims. 

<<<<Off topic link edited out>>>>


YES.... UK not alone (USA, UK, Canada, Sweden, Switzlerland, Belgium, Germany, and many others is in that same pool) in this sort of thing.... 

So many Poor people in poor countries want to come to first world countries to work for decent wages..... An amazing fortune for them 'Illegals'.... And I must say that they (Illegals) will work harder than the local 'Legals' will work...... although there may be 'some negatives' attached.....

The USA (and I love my country) has many 'Illegals' wanting to enter, as this case in UK....

A few times a year we have similar discoveries of dead (And Living) illegal immigrant in semi-trucks that are found crossing in from Mexico to Texas or California in the USA..... 

Being a US citizen I am ok with people who seek a better life.... BUT...... again BUT...... I am dead against 'muslim' people want to come and change MY COUNTRY into a 'muslim' ruled country...

I am ok with foreigners wanting to better themselves BUT I 'dislike' Foreigners wanting to come to the USA and make it just like their 'muslim' home country.... 'muslim' has intentionally NOT been capitalized......

But.... YES...... I have read in the news over the years of Semi-Truck Trailers discovered in the USA with some dead and alive Mexican/Central American inside......... poor souls seeking a better life,,,,, SAD...... and RIP...........

Advanced (First world) countries will always have poor people trying to get in to work for decent wages.....

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28 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

While i am sorry that they are dead ,they were safe in Bulgaria ,so why were they trying to get to Britain ,could it be for handouts? once the govt stop looking after illegal immigrants and spend more on the people who paid into the system,things like this will not happen .

You pose a question then draw a conclusion based on tour own unanswered question.


I don’t expect you to understand the problem with that.

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

It's always sad for someone when a person dies, no matter where or how.

But, as you say the virtue signallers are more to blame than anyone else.

Even in this case when the individuals are identified repatriate the bodies and let their home country sort everything out.

Don't tell me their families back home didn't know what was going on. They were waiting for the 'immigrants' to have have their court case fought and paid for them so joining them later in the UK would be on the cards.

Repatriating their loved ones for burial at home expense might just spread some kind of word.


“They were waiting for the 'immigrants' to have have their court case fought and paid for them so joining them later in the UK would be on the cards.”


The dead have not even been identified but you seem to know all about them.


Or did you just make that crock of nonsense up?!


Tge question is rhetorical.

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54 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


What a load of tosh!


The identity of the victims hasn't been revealed, nor the starting point of their travels. All that's known is they're dead, arrived in a Welsh port by ship from Bulgaria and were then driven to Essex in an air tight transport causing their death.


"Illegal transportation of illegal economic migrants is a growing business. Partly because of the silly left liberal politicians who want to welcome them, give them all sorts of handouts, and let them stay and partly because the response to this has increased the number of people willing to pay a lot of money to take advantage."


There are plenty of laws. which are difficult to enforce due to resources and political interference.


Brussels haven't stolen sovereignty at all. It's another urban myth perpetuated because people can't be bothered or are too thick to research the reality which is easy to do. Did you miss the EU elections btw?


This tragedy is caused by the inequalities around the world and people being encouraged by left wing liberals to come and live in Western countries. They can't do it legally so do it illegally.


The UK will face an even bigger challenge should the Stalanist Corbyn get into power as he as stated Labour policy will be open door immigration with no requirements whatsoever - all welcome!

"The identity of the victims hasn't been revealed, nor the starting point of their travels. All that's known is they're dead, arrived in a Welsh port by ship from Bulgaria and were then driven to Essex in an air tight transport causing their death."


True, but the police have said that they do not believe that they are Bulgarians.


"Illegal transportation of illegal economic migrants is a growing business. Partly because of the silly left liberal politicians who want to welcome them, give them all sorts of handouts, and let them stay and partly because the response to this has increased the number of people willing to pay a lot of money to take advantage."


Agree entirely.


"This tragedy is caused by the inequalities around the world and people being encouraged by left wing liberals to come and live in Western countries. They can't do it legally so do it illegally."


Agree entirely.


"The UK will face an even bigger challenge should the Stalanist Corbyn get into power as he as stated Labour policy will be open door immigration with no requirements whatsoever - all welcome!"


Ignoring the silly "Stalanist" comment - the rest is true, and I'm still shocked that not only did Labour support the 'allow everyone from any country into the UK' policy - but that it was barely mentioned by MSM!

Edited by el torro
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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

“They were waiting for the 'immigrants' to have have their court case fought and paid for them so joining them later in the UK would be on the cards.”


The dead have not even been identified but you seem to know all about them.


Or did you just make that crock of nonsense up?!


Tge question is rhetorical.

I'll answer anyway.

Once in the UK they can claim assylum.

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14 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

More than a tragedy this is an atrocity that should destroy any concepts that the western world is any different to any other part of the world when the outcome is due to the manipulation of the poor and desperate  for the sake of  callous greed!

RIP to the victims indeed.

I'll think you will find that the people smuggling gangs are run by Africans, Vietmanese and Arabs....thats who is greedy. Problem is, those waiting their turn after having paid thousands will not be deterred by this news and the smuggling will continue.

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1 minute ago, baansgr said:

I'll think you will find that the people smuggling gangs are run by Africans, Vietmanese and Arabs....thats who is greedy. Problem is, those waiting their turn after having paid thousands will not be deterred by this news and the smuggling will continue.

Even if this is true, they are abetted by various gangs/people in Western countries - hence this latest loss of life.

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2 hours ago, kingdong said:

A tragedy no doubt,unfortunately one that will be repeated until the uk tightens up its immigration laws which we,ll be able to for when we leave the eu,Britain is a skint little over crowded country,we simply cannot afford any more migrants we no longer have an empire or colonies and should stop punching above our weight in international affairs.

Surely if the Immigration laws become tighter there will be more and not less people being smuggled into the UK in containers ?

The fact that they were in a container means the current law prevents easy entry into the country.

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3 hours ago, JamesBlond said:

You find reason in this event to blame the 'western world'?

These 'poor and desperate' migrants pay thousands to make their trip. They apparently have more disposable income than I have.


No blame. Just identifying the fact that atrocities are enacted everywhere in the world.

And desperate people who may or not be  poor in attempt to escape are  still worthy of condolence for their death in that attempt.

These victims  are/were East Europeans. Not Middle Eastern , Nigerian, Libyan, Syrian etc.

And  the truck driver was European.


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9 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

Perfectly true. The bleeding hearts are the cause of all the present disarray in Europe, of which the undignified deaths of a group of immigrants in a container is just one example.


I call it Meekism. They have come to the ascendancy through the ceaseless propagandising of the mainstream media (in the UK, principally the BBC) which has brainwashed people (particularly the young) into politically correct sensitivist-conformity. Make no mistake, political correctness is a devastating and pernicious Orwellian tool for engineering society. With PC in place, debate is stifled and positive discrimination enables Meekists to get prominent positions in media and academia, further consolidating the effect.

The solution is to understand that it is happening, and for the tough to take back control and impose some discipline - for the good of everyone. If we carry on like this - expect more unseemly deaths as immigrants hurl themselves at Britain's coastline.

What total Trumpian, UKIP nonsense. Take back control and impose discipline? Good god, their countries are in turmoil because of decades of exploitation from greedy, corrupt western countries. You relative comfort is, to a large extent, because of the repressive policies of theft and exploitation that our countries inflicted upon their forefathers; policies which continue to blight their countries to this day. The answer is not easy nor is it necessarily palatable, but to suggest that the situation is a merely result of some sort of internal weakness with their own country is laughably naive. 

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2 hours ago, JamesBlond said:

The truck came through Holyhead but the container arrived from Belgium at a port in Essex. The police put out wrong information. Great job, plod. And why would they arrest the driver of the truck on a murder charge? The people would have been dead long before they arrived in the UK.


Has it been reported anywhere why they stopped the truck & found the bodies?


I can see how they could find them on arrival if they were still alive, but it seems the container was offloaded & on it's way to its destination when it was stopped & the bodies discovered - doesn't say anywhere why the driver was stopped. 


[I appreciate this isn't the key thing here, I'm just curious as to how they knew to stop the truck & whether this will help them to not only identify the poor souls involved, but help them to get closer to catching the criminals that are running these rings] 



Edited by Mike Teavee
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4 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

I wonder how many of those that express such outright negativity and condemnation of refugees as  members of TVF who actually reside in Thailand as non compliant economic refugees? And  yet bemoan the Thai  authorities in their attempts to eliminate such illegitimate residents?

Consider the incongruousness of that.


I don't know, how many illegal immigrants are there on TV? Visa type ill-O? 


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5 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

Perfectly true. The bleeding hearts are the cause of all the present disarray in Europe, of which the undignified deaths of a group of immigrants in a container is just one example.


I call it Meekism. They have come to the ascendancy through the ceaseless propagandising of the mainstream media (in the UK, principally the BBC) which has brainwashed people (particularly the young) into politically correct sensitivist-conformity. Make no mistake, political correctness is a devastating and pernicious Orwellian tool for engineering society. With PC in place, debate is stifled and positive discrimination enables Meekists to get prominent positions in media and academia, further consolidating the effect.

The solution is to understand that it is happening, and for the tough to take back control and impose some discipline - for the good of everyone. If we carry on like this - expect more unseemly deaths as immigrants hurl themselves at Britain's coastline.

Some of us have empathy - as opposed to the so frequent 'bleeding heart' 'liberalism', displayed so often by those with little genuine empathy.


Nearly everyone feels sorry for those men that died a horrible death in that container - even though they paid a lot of money as illegal immigrants to circumvent the law.


But why do so many legal and illegal immigrants choose the UK as a destination?  A question that needs to be answered (and solved....) by our politicians.

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25 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

No blame. Just identifying the fact that atrocities are enacted everywhere in the world.

And desperate people who may or not be  poor in attempt to escape are  still worthy of condolence for their death in that attempt.

These victims  are/were East Europeans. Not Middle Eastern , Nigerian, Libyan, Syrian etc.

And  the truck driver was European.


The truck driver was Irish. The container was picked up in Essex by the driver who brought his cab unit from Ireland. Also reports that the container registered in Bulgaria was from a company owned by an Irish woman.

Police were searching the truck drivers home last night.

Edited by overherebc
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2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

The truck driver was Irish. The container was picked up in Essex by the driver who brought his cab unit from Ireland. Also reports that the container registered in Bulgaria was from a company owned by an Irish woman.

Police were searching the truck drivers home last night.

If it was, indeed, a refrigerated unit, nobody in their right mind would seal in it a group of men with the expectation that they would survive a prolonged journey. If there was a security seal on the door then it is possible that the driver never looked in the back and was unaware of the contents, otherwise he is one callous individual.

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6 minutes ago, el torro said:

Some of us have empathy - as opposed to the so frequent 'bleeding heart' 'liberalism', displayed so often by those with little genuine empathy.


Nearly everyone feels sorry for those men that died a horrible death in that container - even though they paid a lot of money as illegal immigrants to circumvent the law.


But why do so many legal and illegal immigrants choose the UK as a destination?  A question that needs to be answered (and solved....) by our politicians.

Your ability to determine whether or not somebody possesses genuine empathy is remarkable.


Alternatively you are making baseless assertions.



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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

If it was, indeed, a refrigerated unit, nobody in their right mind would seal in it a group of men with the expectation that they would survive a prolonged journey. If there was a security seal on the door then it is possible that the driver never looked in the back and was unaware of the contents, otherwise he is one callous individual.

That point is being looked into by the UK authorities.

The driver may have been told pick up a container of  xxxxxx, here's the manifest, and deliver to this warehouse in xxxxx. As you say, no reason for him to open a container that may? have had a customs lock on it.

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16 minutes ago, el torro said:

Some of us have empathy - as opposed to the so frequent 'bleeding heart' 'liberalism', displayed so often by those with little genuine empathy.


Nearly everyone feels sorry for those men that died a horrible death in that container - even though they paid a lot of money as illegal immigrants to circumvent the law.


But why do so many legal and illegal immigrants choose the UK as a destination?  A question that needs to be answered (and solved....) by our politicians.


4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Your ability to determine whether or not somebody possesses genuine empathy is remarkable.


Alternatively you are making baseless assertions.



I only pointed out that empathy is frequently mis-used by the wealthy 'bleeding hearts'.


More importantly, shouldn't we start asking why so many legal and illegal immigrants choose the UK as a destination?

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13 minutes ago, overherebc said:

The truck driver was Irish. The container was picked up in Essex by the driver who brought his cab unit from Ireland. Also reports that the container registered in Bulgaria was from a company owned by an Irish woman.

Police were searching the truck drivers home last night.

Correct. The unit hadn't been in Bulgaria since 2017. Bought by an Irish individual/company who kept Bulgarian registration to avoid taxes.


Zero evidence (as yet) to the nationality or sex of the deceased or where they were loaded into the trailer.


That won't stop TV Brexiteers making up the facts to further their political ideology. 39 souls have died horribly. Shame on those trying to make political capital from this tragedy. Have they no shame?

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