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Prayut praises China for keeping region stable, prosperous


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4 hours ago, chainarong said:

No mention of human rights abuse, no mention of restricting freedom, no mention of that disappearing of people trick, no mention of copy right theft, no mention of stealing classified information from the west to build their military machine and lastly no mention of when China will dispense with being an emerging economy.  


You forgot the Chinese sea and banning Winnie the Pooh.



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Nothing that this man says can be taken seriously. He is a man with very little in the way of knowledge, capability, competence, vision, and judgment. It is typical that he would kiss up to the Chicoms. Doing what is best for his people is just not part of his M.O., nor the army's.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha praised China’s contribution to regional stability and prosperity

Funny as that's NOT what he recently told United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

Prayut said that Thailand will focus on establishing a partnership with Asean nations to promote sustainable development among Asean and other regions globally. 

He didn't praise China in his talks with Guterres.

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A world wide referendum should be organize which would ask 2 questions:

Would you like to live under a Chinese Communist Regime or

live under a fully Democratic System.

As for Hong Kong, anyone who think he/she supports China's Politic, should

be kicked out of Hong Kong and transferred to mainland China.

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25 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

. It is typical that he would kiss up to the Chicoms

You should get some objectivity.
American elites have been doing the same for decades.
Instead of talking, you should be very busy right now
hanging high lobbyists and senators in the US 555

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Very Impressive and well done. Thailand thanks China … and vice versa.

Prime Minister Khun Prayut Chan O Cha hosted many high level dignitaries over the past few days in which bilateral trade, investment and infrastructure were discussed.

Good for the Prime Minister and Great for Thailand.


He is great at talking, but he has let Thai Airlines go down the poisonous gas tubs Bangkok is famous for.  Can't wind us up anymore Mr.100.  Your days of fun are over.

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6 hours ago, chainarong said:

No mention of human rights abuse, no mention of restricting freedom, no mention of that disappearing of people trick, no mention of copy right theft, no mention of stealing classified information from the west to build their military machine and lastly no mention of when China will dispense with being an emerging economy.  

On the Human Rights issue I read earlier that in fact (apparently) they all refuse to discuss it. The excuse is that the meeting is about trade and the like...wouldn't want to upset 'mummy China' now would they, Ha!

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4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Add Vietnam and Malaysia to the list, but face is the order of the day while they have to deal directly with each other!

No, Malaysia has backed off and joined the China landgrab. Dr. M. and Duterte are going to join other ASEAN whipped dogs in a crawl-a-thon to see who can most lick China's boots.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha praised China’s contribution to regional stability and prosperity

Where is America in this region the last 3 years? Trump has disengaged America from this region on his first day. He befriend Kim, divert the battleships to Australia during those tense moment in Korea, stop the SK/US war games, threatened SK and Japan with troop withdrawal unless they pay, mute when NK fire off the missiles. He single handedly withdraw from TPP and only send a low level minister to this ASEAN meeting. He has created a void for China to grab the advantage.  

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